The official that gave Michigan a first down on that measurement must be either a Michigan alumni or incompetent or maybe both. On the other hand. Clowney is probably the best college football player in the country.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:44 AM on January 02, 2013
Sounds like a snap hook to me.
posted by jm_mosier at 07:13 AM on December 15, 2012
"Both quarterbacks played really well but if Welker makes a great catch instead of Manningham we'd be having a completely different discussion right now."
And if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle, now wouldn't she?
posted by jm_mosier at 06:45 AM on February 06, 2012
And one more thing - if you're going to quote well-put scripture to discredit Tebow for praying in public, I'm all for building a knee-cushion-fitted outhouse on the sidelines to let him do his thing.
Also, are you saying Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?
Of course not. Everyone knows Jesus Christ can't hit a 1 iron.
posted by jm_mosier at 08:36 PM on November 29, 2011
Mental and physical problems aside, another reason Tiger may be all but finished is that no one on the Tour is afraid of him anymore. In his prime, all he had to do was show up and the rest of the field would wilt. Now the other players realize he's all too human and the intimidation factor doesn't work anymore.
posted by jm_mosier at 10:56 AM on June 08, 2011
I wonder if he'll pull a Bobby Valentine and show up on the sidelines in a pair of noseglasses?
posted by jm_mosier at 12:15 PM on March 18, 2011
Who would expect any less from Mr. Goodie Two Shoes Sweater Vest?
posted by jm_mosier at 11:48 AM on March 18, 2011
I'm just happy I wasn't in the threesome behind him.
posted by jm_mosier at 07:31 AM on February 15, 2011
I wonder if he will have the same "schematic advantage" he had at Notre Dame.
posted by jm_mosier at 01:04 PM on January 02, 2011
This strikes me as a pretty hollow apology from a man who was essentially living a lie. The fact that the statement was issued under conditions totally controlled and dictated by Woods and his "handlers" make it appear to me to be more damage control than a heartfelt apology.
I was one of his biggest fans, but I'lll no longer be counted in that number.
posted by jm_mosier at 12:16 PM on February 19, 2010
What an idiot. His opening game headliner would be something like the Nashville Nazis vs. the Biloxi Bigots.
posted by jm_mosier at 11:41 AM on January 21, 2010
I hear Mike Leach is available. Snyder and Leach might be a marriage made in hell.
posted by jm_mosier at 12:43 PM on January 04, 2010
I'd love to see Mangino and Charlie Weis in a sumo wrestling match.
posted by jm_mosier at 12:12 PM on December 04, 2009
Florida, simply because their entire defense returns. They've proven they can stop those frothy Big Twelve offenses.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:16 PM on August 07, 2009
Why hasn't anyone signed Bonds? His chemical problems aside (just assume they don't exist), he has the reputation of not being a team player. Team chemistries (pardon the pun) are sometimes delicate, and maybe some of these teams don't want a prima donna prick in their clubhouse.
posted by jm_mosier at 08:31 PM on July 30, 2009
In any sporting event giving less than your best effort is reprehensible, whether you have a legitimate chance of winning or not.
posted by jm_mosier at 07:33 AM on July 06, 2008
Maybe most major league teams would rather not have a prick in the clubhouse.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:30 AM on June 28, 2008
Golly gee! With a schedule that includes powerhouses like Air Force, Navy, Army and Stanford, how can Notre Dame's schedule not be considered among the toughest in the country? Kudos to NBC for being eagle-eyed enough to consider Notre Dame's killer schedule--should make for some thrilling fall afternoons for the next five years!
posted by jm_mosier at 08:43 AM on June 20, 2008
There are 10 players with at least 1.000 OPS. There are 202 players with at least .300 AVG. There are 58 players with at least .400 OBP. There are 7 players with at least .600 SLG. There are 17 players with at least 5000 total bases. There are 27 players with at least 3000 hits. There are 7 players with at least 2000 runs. There are 10 players with at least 1900 RBI. There are 36 players with at least 500 SB. Griffey is not one of those players in any of those lists. Anyone can play the arbitrary end-point/cut-off game. Please note: There is only one player who is on all of those lists (except one). Hammerin' Henry Aaron?
posted by jm_mosier at 06:19 PM on June 11, 2008
Griffey suffered the same problems that plagued Mickey Mantle--injuries decimated parts of and almost whole seasons. What would his numbers have been had he been relatively injury free? It's fun (and probably futile) to speculate, but I think Griffey would have been sitting on top of the career home run list. Congrats to him on this accomplishment.
posted by jm_mosier at 05:24 AM on June 11, 2008
I'm just happy that it's his last first pitch. It was a good one though.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:35 AM on April 01, 2008
Steroid allegations aside, what's the union going to do--make a team sign Barry?
posted by jm_mosier at 08:49 AM on March 19, 2008
Sometimes being as well-loved as John Daly has become is not a good thing. It's all too easy for him to interact with his fans and fall into the inevitable party atmosphere. I wish John much luck--he's enormously talented and has a huge following. Like many of us, he has demons that must be exorcised, and maybe this is his chance to get clean.
posted by jm_mosier at 01:46 PM on March 13, 2008
Les Miles will be in Michigan, and Nutt will be in the Bayou, Callahan will be at UCLA, and Dorell will be in Arkansas I think Callahan will get back into the pro game as an assistant somewhere. Nutt to LSU? What about Bo Pellini? Nutt goes to Baylor, Pellini takes over at LSU. Miles will wind up in Michigan, but Dorrell and Arkansas really don't seem like a fit. I think UCLA keeps him for another year, especially if they play well against USC next week. It should be really interesting to see how the coaching carousel plays out.
posted by jm_mosier at 01:19 PM on November 25, 2007
We do not have a chance of national recognition until we JOIN A CONFERENCE. But then the Irish would have to share bowl revenues. Think about how much their payout would have been diluted for their totally undeserved BCS appearance last year. They would also have to play a real schedule, on a home and home basis. Wins against cupcakes like the service academies and Stanford would likely be replaced by losses by visiting places like Camp Randall, Columbus, and Champaign on a regular basis. Nope, Notre Dame will never join a conference. The Irish will try to rebuild and live on the program's tradition to keep television and bowl revenues all to themselves.
posted by jm_mosier at 07:04 AM on November 17, 2007
I wish the best for Ron and I hope his family is blessed with peace and patience through these difficult time.
posted by jm_mosier at 05:49 AM on October 18, 2007
I really wish Donovan the best. Even though his Gators will remain my arch-rival in the SEC, I've always thought he was a gentleman who ran a clean program. Good luck, Billy, and congratulations on the cash.
posted by jm_mosier at 05:36 AM on June 01, 2007
Michael Vick is a role model, and therein lies the problem. Kids look up to professional athletes, and like it or not, they're held to just a little higher standard than ordinary Joes who are not in the media spotlight. These guys need to be above reproach, and for the money that they're being paid, that's not too much to ask. Would I want my child to be as talented as Michael Vick? Sure. Would I want him to act like Michael Vick? For the most part, nope. Put the dogs up, Mike.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:39 PM on May 20, 2007
I am a lawyer in Tennessee, and yes, it is technically a violation of the laws against DUI to allow an obviously intoxicated person to operate your motor vehicle. It's based in part upon the legal theory that you are aiding and abetting the driver in committing the offense of DUI. That being said, these type cases are pretty easy to shoot down. Most juries (and many judges) won't convict anyone of DUI unless they are physically behind the wheel in an impaired state. McNair should be ok.
posted by jm_mosier at 02:23 PM on May 10, 2007
This comes at a good time for the Yankees--I just saw a story saying that Carl Pavano will have elbow surgery and is out for 12-18 months, effectively ending his career with the Yanks Looks like 5 wins is worth $40 million for Pavano.
posted by jm_mosier at 04:13 PM on May 06, 2007
Mickleson's choking aside, you gotta give a lot of credit to Howell. When he jerked his tee shot left on the 314 yard par 4 (I think it was the second hole of the playoff) and had to hit his second shot off the cart path, he hit the trees and his ball got knocked straight down. He got up and down from there in a clutch situation, and extended the match one more hole, with the results that you saw.
posted by jm_mosier at 08:10 AM on February 19, 2007
com'on if they can rehabilitate Nixon's image they can gloss over some of Ali's life. One big difference--Ali wasn't a common burglar.
posted by jm_mosier at 08:21 AM on January 31, 2007
I think he made the correct decision by choosing baseball over football. He has great hands but I don't think he was durable enough to man up with those NFL corners and safeties.
posted by jm_mosier at 04:08 PM on January 19, 2007
I find some comfort in the fact that all these guys who have used the steroids will most likely have nuts the size of BBs and tits as big as Morganna, the "Kissing Bandit".
posted by jm_mosier at 06:32 AM on January 12, 2007
Well, the way I see it he either had to piss in the street or piss in his pants, 'cause when a man's gotta piss, a man's gotta piss.
posted by jm_mosier at 03:08 PM on December 22, 2006
Is there still an outstanding criminal warrant out for Knight in Puerto Rico? I guess Texas Tech can't go to any basketball tournaments down there, huh?
posted by jm_mosier at 08:44 AM on December 11, 2006
Yankees blow away the fading Tigers, then dispose of the Twins in six. World Series will be quick work with the Yankees handling whatever team from the obviously inferior other league shows up as fodder in five games
posted by jm_mosier at 09:55 PM on October 01, 2006
Lilly has been pitching pretty well after his horrid start this spring, I think they need him to stay in the race. In case you didn't notice, the race ended yesterday in Boston.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:28 AM on August 22, 2006
I too hate to see the Boss retreat. Love him or hate him, his personnel moves brought the Yanks back. And who can ever forget his controversies with the likes of Billy Martin and Reggie Jackson?
posted by jm_mosier at 05:44 AM on August 18, 2006
Actually sudafed and other antihistimine type over the counter medications can give a false positive for methamphetamine. There is a more sophisticated test that can detect whether the positive is in fact meth or some legal substance.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:46 AM on June 29, 2006
I never heard a single bad thing about Ironhead, either on or off the field. He was a credit the the NFL and humanity in general. RIP, Craig.
posted by jm_mosier at 07:17 AM on May 28, 2006
The Titans made out like a bandit when they picked up White in the second round. Of USC's "Big Three", I think he's most likely to make the best pro player. Reggie Bush will soon find out that there are linebackers in the NFL who can cut off his angles and run him down. Leinart is probably just a big twat who'll probably fold like a cheap tent when he gets hit a couple of times. I question the durability of Bush and Leinert. White just seems tougher and may be the sort of guy who can lug the ball 20-25 times a game without much wear and tear.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:56 AM on May 01, 2006
Hell, it's Easter--I love 'em all, even the Red Sox!
posted by jm_mosier at 06:14 PM on April 16, 2006
CC, I was just pointing out that over the years the Yankees have a really good record at Yankee Stadium. Of course, when they win championships, they're good on the road too, as any championship team must be. And the Yankee mystique is undeniable, like 'em or not, although I think it's something that's dying out, or maybe even non-existent today. Teams just aren't afraid of the pinstripers anymore, but there was a time when opponents would flop when they saw the pinstripes (see the two World Series routs of the Braves). They are the most famous franchise in sports history, period. Lots of people hate them, but I've been on board since 1960, when Maz beat them. They lost with class, and that impressed me (even as a nine year old kid), making their many victories even more important.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:09 AM on April 16, 2006
The Yanks opened with a brutal six game road swing with the As and the Angels--always tough, even deep into the season. They swept KC at home (admittedly not a great achievement) and now continue on a road trip that includes visits to Minnesota and I think Toronto. When they get back to Yankee Stadium, watch out!
posted by jm_mosier at 05:26 PM on April 15, 2006
So I guess the only thugs in the ACC aren't just at Florida State and Miami, huh?
posted by jm_mosier at 09:50 PM on April 06, 2006
Records aside, the point that everyone seems to be overlooking is that the juice brothers, Bonds, Canseco, McGwire, Palmiero, et al (the list goes on ad nauseum) are supposed to be role models for todays kids. They might not have asked for it, but it goes with the territory of being a major league star and getting millions a year to play a game that most people would play for free. What kind of message do the young fans get when they see these guys testifying (or performing verbal acrobatics) before Congress? What about when they see the headlines about the books and the fingerpointing between the juice brothers? It just seems to me that there's a lot more at stake than egos and records. The reputation of the great American pastime has received a great big shiner, and all anyone does is sit around thumb-in-anus. The fact that the Babe fueled his performance with beer, hotdogs, cigars and cigarettes was the subject of a lot of talk in those times, but it ain't nothing like the juice.
posted by jm_mosier at 09:54 PM on March 16, 2006
Chaney sort of went out like Woody Hayes--both were great coaches but each had anger control problems.
posted by jm_mosier at 09:04 PM on March 13, 2006
Which man? ;)
posted by jm_mosier at 04:24 PM on March 04, 2006
Parents sometimes become obssessed when their children are simply playing the game. I don't know the answer, but it all needs to be put in perspective.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:01 PM on March 02, 2006
The Hall of Fame is such a joke now that I really don't care whether McGwire, Sosa, Bonds, Palmiero, et al. get in or not. I take comfort in the fact that juicers like these guys will have to live the rest of their lives with testicles that are probably no bigger than BBs. Steroids do that to you, you know.
posted by jm_mosier at 10:12 AM on February 16, 2006
Very interesting day in college basketball when Nos. 1 and 2 take it on the chin. It's even sweeter that my Tennessee Vols took down Florida! Here's to a very interesting March!
posted by jm_mosier at 07:43 AM on January 22, 2006
The interference call was a bad one, but you still have to hand it to the Broncs--they handled the Pats and controlled every aspect of the game. Now, if the Packers can just come back next year..........!
posted by jm_mosier at 08:09 AM on January 15, 2006
No one can fault Vince's decision--I wish him the best of luck and hope he's a raging success in the NFL.
posted by jm_mosier at 07:51 PM on January 08, 2006
Marcus Vick is the same caliber idiot as Mike Tyson and Dennis Rodman. Hell, in 5 years or so it wouldn't surprise me a bit to hear that they were all living in the same refrigerator packing crate under an overpass in Detroit or some other shithole.
posted by jm_mosier at 07:11 AM on January 07, 2006
Now if the powers that be would take the same stance against Notre Dame and give more deserving teams (Oregon) a fair shot!
posted by jm_mosier at 07:44 AM on December 25, 2005
Oregon was due to get the shaft anyway because of a 9-2 Notre Dame team, so the FSU situation only magnifies the farce that is the BCS.
posted by jm_mosier at 06:32 AM on December 04, 2005
Manti Te'o's dead girlfriend was... fake?
"Sounds like a bunch of shit to me, with Notre Dame scampering to help Te'o salvage his reputation. If I recall, they made a big thing about his relationship with this girl during the Heisman show. Just when did the whole "investigation" thing begin?"
I agree with dyams, this sounds like a big load of shit to me. It sounds suspiciously like an idea floated to give an overrated football program the same sort of inspiration that "win one for the Gipper" and Rudy evidently provided. I guess they felt like they needed a little inspiration playing the overwhelming schedule they faced.
This bunch will never affilliate with a football conference because they will be exposed as the mediocre program they are. Their deal with the ACC involves basketball and an agreement to play five ACC games a year. Of course that includes stout competition like Maryland, Boston College, Wake Forest, North Carolina State, North Carolina, Duke and a couple of Big East refugees that I can't really think of at the moment. On the flip side, they'll get Clemson, Miami and Florida State on occasion, but the creampuff factor will insure they get their obligatory 10 wins and be the Irish of old.