'Scuse me while I whip this out...: Florida Marlins pitcher Dontrelle Willis arrested on suspicion of DUI after cops observe him get out of his car and urinate in the street in Miami. Personally, I'd have held off on drunken shenanigans until after I'd finished with my contract negotiations. Then again, that's just me.
posted by The_Black_Hand to baseball at 07:52 AM - 59 comments
"Ohh, it's twue. It's twue, it's twue."
posted by mr_crash_davis at 08:50 AM on December 22, 2006
So what? He pissed on the street....and? I mean, driving while intoxicated doesn't mean that all of his charitable efforts suddenly means nothing. Yeah, getting a DWI isn't anything to laugh at but at the same time, it doesn't mean that Dontrelle Willis is a "bad guy", it just means that he made a stupid mistake and is going to deal with it.
posted by BornIcon at 09:42 AM on December 22, 2006
Personally, I'd have held off on drunken shenanigans until after I'd finished with my contract negotiations. Then again, that's just me. Well now you're just being logical. Can't believe he took his mug shot without his cap pulled over his ears. Buzzkill.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 11:18 AM on December 22, 2006
I probably coulda had the habitual statute thrown at me for both deals, if dirt roads counted... no big deal, I bet we've all done it.
posted by mjkredliner at 12:24 PM on December 22, 2006
You guys are just making excuses. What idiot does this, then comes BACK to the scene of the crime? In his Bentley?
posted by igottheblues at 12:29 PM on December 22, 2006
"The fool's going to...I mean, the sheriff's going to do it!" So what? He pissed on the street....and? I'll tell you so what. He pissed on the street, in front of a cop, after double-parking. He attracted attention by doing something that people don't do if they're sober and sensible. The cop went to investigate, and the result was a DUI. Now, your attitute toward DUI may be "so what", but a lot of people don't share your opinion, and if you're as blatant about it as Willis was, you can expect the same free ride to the station that he got. As for his "charitable efforts", if a drunk driver causes an accident and someone is paralyzed for life, do the drunk driver's (prior) charitable efforts do anything to help? Probably not. So what, indeed.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 12:40 PM on December 22, 2006
Big Deal, like hes the first person to piss in public, but who double parks a bentley...hello scratches!!!
posted by nymetsfan at 12:45 PM on December 22, 2006
Oh damn, I hate it when the good guys fuck up. Whatever justice the courts mete out won't compare to what his mama does to him. I bet this is the last time you read about him in the police blotter, forever.
posted by vito90 at 01:08 PM on December 22, 2006
We're not gonna get in a pissing match over this are we?
posted by SummersEve at 02:02 PM on December 22, 2006
In a further development, the Cincinnati Bengals offered Willis a three year contract to back up Carson Palmer.
posted by tahoemoj at 02:04 PM on December 22, 2006
And really, how severe was his crime? With all do respect to people who have lost loved ones in drunk driving accidents, they weren't lost to Dontrelle. Did his pissing on the street paralyze anyone for life? It's time to look at DUI on a case by case basis. Get out the torches and rope when someone is actually hurt.
posted by tahoemoj at 02:17 PM on December 22, 2006
I see that logic and reading comprehension have left early for the holidays.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 02:25 PM on December 22, 2006
Lets put this in perspective, what were you all doing when you were 22-23 years old? Now throw in Prof athlete status and a few million dollars do you really think him stopping to take a leak isn't what any of us at that age would have done? Now it would have been more news worthy if the quote for the police was like.. " All we can say is that there was a sudden and unexpected cold front in Florida." Now that I would have found funny and news worthy.
posted by warstda at 02:31 PM on December 22, 2006
Let he that has not pissed on the street cast the first stone. ... Not many hurlers Huh
posted by Mustang 71 at 02:51 PM on December 22, 2006
The fact he pissed in the street isn't the big deal. It's the fact he was drunk and didn't take a piss somewhere more discretely. He called attention to himself and investigation revealed he was DUI. Have many of us driven when perhaps we've had a few too many? I know I have in the past. Notice I said in the past. Most people in their early 20's don't always think too clearly, even when they're not buzzed. Hopefully he will be humbled by this experience and not let himself get in this kind of situation again. I think a little maturity contributes to better decision making. I know it did for me.
posted by Desert Dog at 03:02 PM on December 22, 2006
With all do respect to people who have lost loved ones in drunk driving accidents, they weren't lost to Dontrelle. Someone get me a tattoo artist, stat! This is pure gold.
posted by yerfatma at 03:04 PM on December 22, 2006
It all depends on how much Vitamin E I can get my hands on....
posted by wdminott at 03:04 PM on December 22, 2006
Well, the way I see it he either had to piss in the street or piss in his pants, 'cause when a man's gotta piss, a man's gotta piss.
posted by jm_mosier at 03:08 PM on December 22, 2006
When I was 22 / 23 I would go to clubs and if I had to much I would call a cab. I was only a carpenters helper with no money, but I had responsibility even in a drunken state. So it appears to me that if you can afford a Bentley than you should be able to afford a cab if not a fleet of them. Celeb status makes you no better or above the law. Treat him just like any other Tom, Dick, & Harry would be.
posted by TAZ29 at 03:31 PM on December 22, 2006
He shouild be glad that they aren't charging him as a sexual predator for exposing himself.
posted by TAZ29 at 03:34 PM on December 22, 2006
He made a mistake and I hope it costs him millions. He surely has enough money for a taxi or limo.
posted by bry66 at 03:37 PM on December 22, 2006
As a recovering alcoholic, sober 7 years, I have no sympathy for this man. I know I did really stupid and reckless stuff and it was inexcusable. His actions, I don't care how fat his wallet is or what he drives or where he was parked are not an excuse for DUI. He has no excuse and the bitch of it all is that sence he has money he won't get shit for this compared to what you or I would get.
posted by Psycho at 03:51 PM on December 22, 2006
I see that logic and reading comprehension have left early for the holidays. I don't recall it ever being here.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 04:23 PM on December 22, 2006
At least he didn't tell police that his name was "Ron Mexico". It happens. I have had to pull over on the side of the highway and "check my tire while taking a knee". I guess he wasn't taught that method. Raise your hand if you have never had a few drinks and driven, or never urinated anywhere but in a toilet or urinal. Or done anything worse. I don't see any hands. He effed up, plain and simple. But lets not get out the guillotine. Psycho, when you make mistakes are they printed all over the internet and your photo shown to millions? Did they post a story on the national or even your local news? I didn't think so. I bet the cops wouldn't even tell your boss or family. Did they create a post to criticize you and discuss how "worthless" you are? Then don't say he wont get shit for this, because obviously he is getting his share and then some. It is not like you or I would get thrown into jail for any substantial time for such an offense, unless our lawyer was Marcia Clark.
posted by urall cloolis at 04:36 PM on December 22, 2006
I'll tell you so what. He pissed on the street, in front of a cop, after double-parking. He attracted attention by doing something that people don't do if they're sober and sensible. The cop went to investigate, and the result was a DUI. Now, your attitute toward DUI may be "so what", but a lot of people don't share your opinion, and if you're as blatant about it as Willis was, you can expect the same free ride to the station that he got. As for his "charitable efforts", if a drunk driver causes an accident and someone is paralyzed for life, do the drunk driver's (prior) charitable efforts do anything to help? Probably not. So what, indeed. Amen.... Stop making excuses for these assbags. If he goes down the road and kills someone you would be stating how "sad" it was and what a "waste of a career" it was... Truth is all that college and they still couldnt teach the "stupid" out of him...
posted by firecop at 04:40 PM on December 22, 2006
When in doubt,whip it out!
posted by sickleguy at 04:44 PM on December 22, 2006
I don't think anyone is making excuses or finds it (DUI) funny. What is amusing is that most of the people on here that are casting stones have made the same mistake, or made bigger ones, whether they were caught or not. The fact that he has made charitable efforts and is not a "menace to society" will help him, just like it would be for anyone, even you or me. Hopefully he will learn from this BIG mistake and grow from it.
posted by urall cloolis at 04:53 PM on December 22, 2006
I don't see any hands. Of course you don't; this is the internet and you're staring at your computer screen. We've now had, what, six or seven people assert that everybody's driven while drunk? Where are you getting your information? Just because you did it, don't assume that everybody did it.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 04:59 PM on December 22, 2006
Sorry LBB, I forgot this was Christmas. The time to be holier than thou. I forgot you have never made a mistake. Can you say with 100% conviction you have never had a Steel Rail Pale Ale (or any other potent potable) and driven? I am sure Santa will be bringing you those bike shorts, since you are on his nice list.
posted by urall cloolis at 05:06 PM on December 22, 2006
Can you say with 100% conviction you have never had a Steel Rail Pale Ale (or any other potent potable) and driven? Yes.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 05:11 PM on December 22, 2006
YYM, while I definitely respect that you have never done so, that particular question was not for you, unless your initials are LBB.
posted by urall cloolis at 05:26 PM on December 22, 2006
urallcloolis I don't make millions either so my picture also isn't on the cover of S.I. It goes along with the stature. If he doesn't like being on the lime light get a real 9-5 job. Then his life won't be talked about. So what he can throw a ball. I can build houses can he? NO would I be treated different?
posted by TAZ29 at 05:34 PM on December 22, 2006
There is no fault in my logic that some crimes are more serious than others. Anyone who has had a bottle of wine over dinner with a date has driven under the influence of alcohol. For the self righteous among you who never have done anything similar, good job, I'm sure there's a fantastic reward waiting for you somewhere. For the rest, which is a vast majority, I'm sure you understand that There are varying degrees of driving under the influence. Nobody was hurt, and maybe a valuable lesson will be learned from his mistake. Just don't dismiss this young man as trash (or an assbag-eloquent!) because of one mistake.
posted by tahoemoj at 05:38 PM on December 22, 2006
What is amusing is that most of the people on here that are casting stones have made the same mistake, or made bigger ones, whether they were caught or not. Making the mistake should give a person a bit of insight when stories come out regarding others making the same error. Just because you've done it and got away with it doesn't make it acceptable behavior. Have your father killed in a head-on collision with a drunk driver on Memorial Day Weekend, live with it 26 years, and then come back and tell us how amsuing you find it that someone has an experience and opinion different from your own.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 05:42 PM on December 22, 2006
TAZ...my response was that he won't recieve any shit for it (to Psychos post and noted as such). You have answered the question on whether or not Dontrelle can build houses but you didn't answer your own last question. "would I be treated different". Tahoemoj- I think we both see the situation the same. Amen. Texan, I was not saying it is acceptable behavior, nor anywhere in any of my posts did I insinuate as much. I also never said it was amusing that DUI happens or that lives are taken as you assume I believe. What I find amusing is exactly what you italicized. Thanks for helping me make my point. I do have sympathy, not amusement. that your father (or anyone) was taken in such a manner. Lets not compare the two incidents.
posted by urall cloolis at 06:07 PM on December 22, 2006
Can you say with 100% conviction you have never had a Steel Rail Pale Ale (or any other potent potable) and driven? Yes. And if you want to believe that makes me "holier than thou", you go right ahead -- I'm not, but you can believe it if you want. What I am is someone who can sometimes recognize a big mistake before I'm looking at it in the rearview mirror. DUI is that kind of mistake, and believe it or not, there really are plenty of people who can figure that out ahead of time and who decide to just not go there.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:18 PM on December 22, 2006
For those of us more interested in Blazing Saddles than Dontrelle's dong, here's a little tidbit: Brooks says that in the scene where the sheriff and Lily Von Shtupp are alone in the dark, Warner Brothers made him cut Cleavon Little's line, "I hate to disappoint you, ma'am, but you're sucking on my arm." Attribution here.
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:32 PM on December 22, 2006
fraze, IIRC that film also produced the line, "What in the wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?" obSpoFi.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:49 PM on December 22, 2006
LBB- I enjoy your posts and I did not mean to make a personal attack. I apologize, that was beyond what I was trying to do. I was just trying to make a point that Willis has made one error (that we know about publicly), while doing a lot of classy things. Most of us have done things as stupid, if not worse, without getting caught, not necessarily all of us popped with a DUI, so we shouldn't rush to judgment. Or maybe I am the only one that has done something stupid and learned from it. Either way, I did not mean to offend anyone on a touchy subject. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all.
posted by urall cloolis at 08:09 PM on December 22, 2006
Wow, seems to me that these posts are attacking each other as much as they are attacking Dontrelle. I have driven while under the influence. I don't anymore but I have. I still drink but very seldom drink beyond my means. That doesn't make me any better than anyone else but my point being for all the clean and sobers out there, give Dontrelle a chance to accept his responsibility. If he is the man that he has thus far portrayed himself to be then he will accept responsibility. People do make mistakes and fess up to them. Let's at least give him that chance. If he is guilty let him take his punishment and be done with it. To those that have stated that stones have been thrown in glass houses, I agree. When I quit smoking over ten years ago I was told that the worst smoker to be around was an ex-smoker. I've always been tolerant of people that continued to smoke. Ex-drinkers I've had a harder time with. I feel sometimes that I'm in church listening to the gospel when I'm around sober alcoholics. I'm sorry for those of you that could not manage your drinking but it doesn't make everyone who consumes alcohol irresponsible. And by the way, I still piss outside when it's necessary, sober or not.
posted by hoyty at 08:32 PM on December 22, 2006
Sorry, I mixed up the analogy of throwing rocks in glass houses and throwing the first stone. Two completey different meanings but none the less I think you get the drift. What can I say, I haven't read the bible lately.
posted by hoyty at 08:41 PM on December 22, 2006
When in doubt, (I) whip it out!.... Got me a rock n roll band; it's a free-for-all!!! Uncle Ted, ca. 1976 If the dude whipped his schwance out in the middle of the sidewalk and took a squirt, instead of ducking around a corner, and double park on top of it?? What the hell is that? Anyone with a half of brain, even under the influence, is going to get out of the way. You know, duck around the side, or back of a building. Most of us have been there. Unless he was totally wasted, then he's just a dumb-ass.
posted by t money at 08:58 PM on December 22, 2006
Question for Texan...are you still around or still at the Beverly Pub getting hammered again? How did you get home tonight or the last time you were there? Looked at your website and what a hypocrite. You beleaguered all that have had a drink and driven or stopped to take a piss. You put down all those that have had a drink like we are all murderers. Yet I look at the website YOU promote and I find pictures of drunk people drinking at a pub. You can call it coke, but we all know it is Guiness (the Celtic jerseys gives it away as does the foam on top and sides of the glasses). You can call your friends handicapped and asian american(although we know they aren't). Do you give all your friends crap about drinking as well? Or do you drive them all to and from the bar Mr. Taxi..err Texan. Change the moniker to Mr. Hypocrite. Oh, and how many damn cats do you have? It is awful cute when you wet one o dem ewen wite yo bwogs wen yo awm huwts. How cuuuute. (I meant sad).
posted by urall cloolis at 09:23 PM on December 22, 2006
Cloolis, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, as usual. First, I'm not exactly "promoting" a website. I don't believe anything has been written for close to a year and I may or may not get back to it some day. Exactly where in my post did I criticize people drinking? Where did I say anything about anyone drinking? Where did I say people shouldn't enjoy themselves? There's not a single person in any of those pictures that's about to get into a car. If there were, I can assure you they wouldn't drive home. And who the hell did I "beleaguer?" I don't know what planet you're on but it's obvious you have serious reading comprehension issues. And by the way...my arm? I have a progressive form of Muscular Dystrophy that causes moderate to severe neuropathic pain and muscle atrophy to the lower limbs. There have been two surgeries in the last 11 months and possibly more to come to achieve 60% capacity from the elbow down. Essentially the same thing is happening in both feet and the other arm. Feel good about yourself now, smart guy?
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 12:28 AM on December 23, 2006
Now, your attitute toward DUI may be "so what", but a lot of people don't share your opinion Apparently, you didn't read the rest of what I wrote now did you? "...getting a DWI isn't anything to laugh at.." Get your facts right before you try to say that I pretty much dismissed a DWI as nothing. The fact is, D-Train made a huge mistake but that still doesn't make him this horrible person, it just makes him a human being that made a mistake.
posted by BornIcon at 05:14 AM on December 23, 2006
Texan- looks like we were BOTH doing a lot of reading between the lines. I did not mean to make it a personal issue, as I obviously have done. I am very opinionated, although open minded. I have a tendency to sometimes overreact when I am called out in case you couldn't tell. Truce. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.
posted by urall cloolis at 06:45 AM on December 23, 2006
And really, how severe was his crime? With all do respect to people who have lost loved ones in drunk driving accidents, they weren't lost to Dontrelle. Did his pissing on the street paralyze anyone for life? It's time to look at DUI on a case by case basis. Get out the torches and rope when someone is actually hurt. Wow! I am guessing the folks at MADD won't be beating down your door to become their next spokesperson. The fact that DW didn't hurt anyone doesn't lessen the severity of the crime. That would be like saying I took my gun out and made several attempts to shoot you and missed. And because I missed, whats the real harm? To me, cars in the parking lots at bars whos owners are intoxicated are nothing more that bullets looking for a target. Sooner or later, the bullet will connect and you hope your not the target. DW made a very dumb mistake and showed poor judgement; perhaps because he thought his stature in Miami would make him above the law. He is very lucky he didn't actually hurt someone. But, imho, his penalty should be as severe as if he did hit someone. Ok, in keeping with the tone of all of the posts on this thread, let me have it now!
posted by panteeze at 08:14 AM on December 23, 2006
Ok, in keeping with the tone of all of the posts on this thread, let me have it now! Okay, I'll let you have it. You've hit on the central point about why we treat DUI as a serious thing: because, regardless of what actual harm is done, the potential is so great that there has to be a very strong deterrent. That's why the, "I've done it, you've done it," attitude is a dangerous one, dangerous to those who espouse it as well as to those who might someday be their victims. It is true that Willis, like many others booked for DUI, didn't hurt anybody. You still have to smack 'em down hard, though. If someone's demonstrated the lack of judgment that allowed them to drink and get behind the wheel, you need to show them the hard way why they don't want to do it, and paint a very clear picture of how much worse it could get. I was a bystander and first responder once when a pedestrian was hit by a...I won't call him a "drunk driver", because I have no idea how the balloon test came out, but he'd been drinking. It was dark, it had been raining, he was traveling through a complicated intersection, who's to say that it was the beer that did it? All I know is that he had been drinking, and that he didn't drive with enough care to avoid hitting a woman who was crossing in a crosswalk. I didn't know much first aid at the time. She didn't move, I couldn't tell if she was breathing, there was blood coming out of her head. Then she said, "What happened?" and started to cry, very quietly. Just then this guy came up, saying, "Oh my god, I didn't see her, I couldn't stop, is she all right?" And in that moment, honestly, I didn't know which of them I felt worse for. This is why DUI is a big deal: because this is where you could end up, standing on a dark street over a bleeding body and wondering if your victim will live or die. If you drink and drive, the only thing that keeps you from an outcome like this is dumb luck. Other people shouldn't have to rely on your dumb luck for their own safety. That's why DUI is a big deal, whether anyone actually gets hurt or not.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 12:14 PM on December 23, 2006
Is his license going to get suspended for 6 months, get 200 hours community service, undergo alcohol assessment like you or I? No, BECAUSE he was all over the media and it made him someone to talk about and make jokes about DUI. Look at this stream, how many of you ignorant dorks have made jokes about this Bently driving potential death machine pissing in the street. There is nothing to laugh about and because he has money and celebrity status he will not go through what we poor peasents would, that is just the facts. Do your reaserch and see how many pro athletes and other famous people have DUI but are still drinking and driving. Maybe they will hit you next, and if you live, you can laugh then.
posted by Psycho at 02:15 PM on December 23, 2006
Cloolis, The only thing we are BOTH doing is contributing to this thread. The point I'm trying to make is that people with different life experiences are going to have different perspectives on many issues, as lbb clearly expressed above. Peoples opinions and perceptions are generally based on their life lessons, one no more "right" than another. I don't care is Dontrelle was drunk. I don't care if he took a piss in the middle of the street. What I do care about is someone putting any mind-altering substance in their body and then getting behind the wheel. That single act of self-indulgence and lack of regard for human life is about as narcissistic as one can be. And if you think the description of my father's death was a comparison to a drunk idiot pulling his car over to take a leak, you've completely missed the boat. On the other hand, if you can read the words of others open to the possibility that you might see a view different than your own, you might call that a good day. To your apologies and affection for personal attacks, Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." I can assure you if you stop assailing the opinions of others you won't have to come back with apologies or guilt-ridden well wishes for the season.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 02:36 PM on December 23, 2006
He made a mistake, at least no one is dead, but he should still be made an example of...but he wont...im tired of f#$%ing athletes getting off
posted by tampabay at 03:30 PM on December 23, 2006
JUST IN********Dontrelle "JUST LEAKED"to the media that Cris Henry was actually drivig the Bentley.......
posted by goodknight at 07:47 AM on December 24, 2006
JUST IN********Dontrelle "JUST LEAKED"to the media that Cris Henry was actually drivig the Bentley....... It was also discovered that Tank Johnson violated his house arrest when Chris Henry said he was in the back seat of that Bentley selling guns to Morice Clarette...
posted by firecop at 12:28 PM on December 24, 2006
While we are on the subject on DUI, I just want to share a personal experience on the matter.I'm a personal two time DUI offender.The first time in 1980.I didn't even lose my licence.That didn't stop me.My second offense in 1990 coming home from a Patriots game,I blew a .18 on the breathalizer. After all was said and done in court,I lost my license for 90 days.It should of been only 45,but I decided to fight it.After all that,I still didn't learn my lesson. In May of 1993,I got into a serious motorcycle accident where I almost lost my life.I had a female passenger on the back.Luckily she only broke her big toe on one of her feet.Myself?I was transported to the local hospital where my injuries were so severe that I had to be MedFlighted to U Mass Medical Center where I remained in critical condition in a coma for 10 days with a fractured skull,broken back,ruptured spleen and liver,facial fractures,a broken collar bone,broken ribs and a broken arm,and a left foot and ankle so busted up,they had to take bone from both hips to repair it,and skin off of both thighs for skin grafts.There are a few more injuries,but I could write all day about it.After 2 months in the hospital,and another 21/2 in a rehab,I finally got to come home in early Oct. And to top it all off,it just happened to be mothers day that year,May 9th 1993,at 1:15 in the morning.A nice Mothers day present when she answered the door that morning and a cop was there telling her that a priest was going to meet her at the hospital because her son was involved in an accident,and they weren't sure that I was going to make it.So if anybody who doesn't think that DUI isn't a serious thing,think again.Even though Dontrell didn't get hurt or hurt anyone else,things could of been worse.I know it smartened my ass up,but look what it took.That would of been my third offense,but one of the cops at the scene knew who I was and figured I wasn't going to make it,and even if I did,knew I had a long road ahead of me decided not to charge me.I know this has nothing to do with this thread,but I just wanted to share this with you all here.If you read it thanks for reading it.Maybe it will give some people that just pulling over to take a piss is no big deal,and it's something that we have all done if you have ever drunk and drove.But who knows what may have happened if he didn't stop to take that piss and end up getting busted.
posted by Ghastly1 at 01:53 PM on December 24, 2006
Texan- If you look at all my posts on this thread never once did I say that DUI or its repercussions were AMUSING. So yes, you were reading between the lines when you said that I did find it amusing. What I found amusing (again) was that what he did was no worse than what most of the people on this thread have done at one time or another- whether they were caught or not! And that he made a mistake and deserves a chance to show that he will learn from it, so that something worse doesn't happen next time, and that there will not be a next time for him. If you honestly feel you have never made a big mistake (not necessarily drunk driving), whether you were caught or not, you are living in a fantasy world. By calling me INSANE (or insinuating as much) you also were making personal attacks, the kind you reprimanded me for. My apology was not "guilt ridden" either, so once again you are reading between the lines. I do reserve the right to take away my apology- you are not worth it.
posted by urall cloolis at 08:58 AM on December 25, 2006
What I found amusing (again) was that what he did was no worse than what most of the people on this thread have done at one time or another- whether they were caught or not! Once more, you have no way of knowing this. Now stop it. Just stop. You went and mined a couple of people's profiles -- mine and Texan's -- in search of insult-fodder. You crafted some spectacularly lame insults. You did so in direct violation of SportsFilter guidelines. You did this once, you were pointed to the guidelines, you came up with this "gee sorry bout that" apology -- and then you went and did it again, hence Texan's comment. You went to his profile, then went to his website, and did your level best to take everything you found there and turn it into a spiteful, petty little attack. I read it and was disgusted. Your apology to me is not accepted; how can I believe that there's any sincerity in it when you turn right around and do the same thing to someone else?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:02 AM on December 26, 2006
I do reserve the right to take away my apology- you are not worth it. You got to look at it like this: It's like the kid that goes to the blacktop with a basketball but the moment he doesn't get picked to play, he grabs his ball and goes home. Com'on people, enough is enough!! The personal attacks are getting way out of hand and are not warranted. No one deserves to be treated poorly, especially on here. We're supposed to be talking about sports here so what seems to be the problem? I love just about all aspects of sports: watching sports, talking about sports, writing about sports and debating about sports but getting personal when someone doesn't agree with your point of view is never necessary.
posted by BornIcon at 08:36 AM on December 27, 2006
And another thing....! heh. Happy New Year.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 01:47 PM on December 29, 2006
"Baby please! I'm not from Havana."