tahoemoj's profile

Location: downstream
Member since: September 27, 2006
Last visit: July 19, 2024

tahoemoj has posted 17 links and 3,084 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 179 comments to the Locker Room.

Sports Bio

Fan of pro teams from Cincinnati, vividly remember the cold bowl against Fouts' Chargers, and hope I live to see some glory soon. Still haven't gotten over the Whale leaving Hartford. Jumped squarely onto the NJ Devils bandwagon at that point, but just love all things hockey.

Recent Links

Warrant issued for Patriots owner Robert Kraft for soliciting prostitution in Florida: Patriots owner Robert Kraft allegedly visited a massage parlor/human trafficking/prostitution establishment in Jupiter, Florida. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.

posted by tahoemoj to football at 12:26 PM on February 22, 2019 - 18 comments

NHL Third Jerseys for 2018-19: Several teams unveiled new third jerseys for the upcoming NHL season. The Avs tip a cap to the old time Rockies, Flyers go two-tone (no word on the return of the Cooperall pants), the Devils bring back the Green and Red, and at the risk of offering an opinion on a FPP, the 'Canes win.

posted by tahoemoj to hockey at 03:13 PM on October 02, 2018 - 6 comments

So...About that Serena Cartoon: It sure feels like this is something that would have been discussed at length a few years back on SpoFi. What does the hive mind here think? Is it racist as hell, a cultural phenomenon, or a bit of both?

posted by tahoemoj to tennis at 05:10 PM on September 12, 2018 - 9 comments

Up to 175 Years: "Once a world-renowned sports physician treating America's foremost Olympic women gymnasts, Larry Nassar now will spend the rest of his life behind bars."

posted by tahoemoj to olympics at 02:52 PM on January 24, 2018 - 2 comments

Martin Brodeur to Announce Retirement.: One of the all-time greats, Brodeur finishes his 22-year NHL career with a 691-397-176 record, a 2.24 goals-against average and .912 save percentage in 1,266 appearances, all but seven coming with the New Jersey Devils. He holds regular-season NHL goaltending records for wins (621), shutouts (125), games played and minutes played (74,438), and in the history of the Stanley Cup Playoffs he ranks first in starts (204) and shutouts (24) and second in wins (113).

posted by tahoemoj to hockey at 05:37 PM on January 27, 2015 - 12 comments

Recent Comments

NHL Playoff Pickem: Stanley Cup Finals

My picks:

Panthers in 5
Top goals: Verhaghe
Top goalie (save %): Bobrovski
Game 1 winner: Panthers
Top assists: Barkhov
Conn Smythe: Bobrovski
Top penalty minutes: Kane
Tiebreaker: 23

I'd like to pick "none" for 6 goals in a game.

posted by tahoemoj at 07:20 PM on June 03, 2024

NHL Playoff Pickem: Stanley Cup Finals

If this is a bad idea blame Tahoemoj

Now you sound like Mrs Moj

posted by tahoemoj at 07:17 PM on June 03, 2024

MLB incorporates Negro Leagues statistics

(learning things cannot be bad, can it?)

Tommy, it's 2024. You and I both know that it all depends on who you ask.

posted by tahoemoj at 05:33 PM on May 31, 2024

NHL Playoff Pickem: Conference Finals

If we're voting, I see no problem with either of you getting your picks in at 0-0 of the 1st period. But I'm a bit of a jackass, and rcade may have realized that at some point in the last 18 years, so my vote is of limited utility.

posted by tahoemoj at 04:49 PM on May 23, 2024

NHL Playoff Pickem: Conference Finals

My picks:

Panthers in 6
Stars in 6
Top goals: Reinhart (FLA)
Top goalie (save %): Bobrovski
Team scoring 6 goals: Oilers
Team shutout: Panthers

posted by tahoemoj at 01:57 PM on May 22, 2024

NHL Playoff Pickem: Second Round

Revised picks:

Avalanche in 6
Canucks in 7

posted by tahoemoj at 06:10 PM on May 07, 2024

NHL Playoff Pickem: Second Round

Revised picks:

Panthers in 5
Top goals: Rantanen CO
Top goalie (save %): Bobrovski
Team scoring 6 goals: Oilers
Team shutout: Panthers

posted by tahoemoj at 01:10 PM on May 06, 2024

NHL Playoff Pickem: Second Round

I like Tahoe's picks to win the remaining game 7's.

Welp, sorry about the Leafs. Thought they had the horsepower to get past the B's, but I didn't expect Mitch Marner to forget to leave the bus for game 7. Kid was all but invisible.

posted by tahoemoj at 11:40 AM on May 05, 2024

NHL Playoff Pickem: Second Round

My picks:

Hurricanes in 7

posted by tahoemoj at 11:37 AM on May 05, 2024

Enter the NHL Playoff Pickem

My picks:

Hurricanes in 5
Maple Leafs in 6
Panthers in 6
Rangers in 5
Avalanche in 6
Canucks in 7
Stars in 6
Oilers in 6
Top goals: Mackinnon
Top goalie (save %): Helleybuck
Team scoring 6 goals: Oilers
Team shutout: Hurricanes

posted by tahoemoj at 03:45 PM on April 20, 2024

SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle

I need help with that one, Beav. Uranus' moons are named after Shakespearean characters, I know. But my google machine tells me that the new moon has not been named yet.

posted by tahoemoj at 07:29 PM on March 09, 2024

SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle

What a stupid rule.

posted by tahoemoj at 06:13 PM on March 01, 2024

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

Not how you want to be reminded of a blast from the past. Cheers, internet friend, and all the best on the next leg of your journey.

posted by tahoemoj at 05:46 PM on January 31, 2024

NFL Playoff Pickem: Conference Championship Round

I missed the deadline. For the record I would have picked the Lions and Ravens, and locked them both. Please keep that in mind as the coveted Costanza is awarded.

posted by tahoemoj at 03:33 PM on January 29, 2024

Hockey Canada scandal, explained: Five members of 2018 World Juniors team facing charges of sexual assault

I can't believe how little attention this story has gotten in the States. Although the names of the five players have not been released and they have not been formally charged, the following 5 players who were on the 2018 Canadian World Juniors Team have been given indefinite leaves of absence from their respective NHL teams: (1) Carter Hart (PHI); (2) Michael McLeod (NJ); (3) Cal Foote (NJ); (4) Dillon Dube (CAL); (5) Alex Formenton (Swiss league). So even though the London PD has not identified the players, it's clear who is involved, even if the specific capacity of each is not.

This story is disgusting. I'm relying on an article from the Athletic in 2022 for my knowledge. In a nutshell, one player took an extremely intoxicated woman back to the team hotel and had sex with her. When they had finished, seven additional men entered the room and performed various sexual acts on the woman that need not be described in detail. Suffice it to say they were degrading, and the woman felt threatened enough to believe she could not leave. After the alleged sexual assault, she was told to bathe and recorded two separate messages on cell phones - one at 3:30 am and one at 4:40 am - saying that she was then sober and had consented to the sex.

Why do I care? Because I'm a Devils fan and I'm disgusted. I'm disgusted by McCleod, who I get the sense was one of the ring leaders, if not John Doe #1 who brought the inebriated woman back to the hotel and then invited his buddies to join him. I'm disgusted by the Devils organization bringing Cal Foote in this offseason with knowledge of the allegations of his involvement. Most of all I'm disgusted with myself. When the story first broke and I heard that McLeod was likely involved, I wanted him gone NOW. The story then cooled off and I sort of forgot about it. Meanwhile, McLeod has become an extremely important player on the Devils and a guy whose game I really admire. In short, I became a big Mikey McLeod fan. Now it's pretty clear that he's at the center of a horrifying, degrading, sexual assault of a drunk young woman, and I feel like a dumbfuck for forgetting about the allegations. If this all turns out to be true, and I sincerely expect that it is regardless of prosecution, I want McLeod and Foote gone forever.

posted by tahoemoj at 02:12 PM on January 25, 2024