NHL Third Jerseys for 2018-19: Several teams unveiled new third jerseys for the upcoming NHL season. The Avs tip a cap to the old time Rockies, Flyers go two-tone (no word on the return of the Cooperall pants), the Devils bring back the Green and Red, and at the risk of offering an opinion on a FPP, the 'Canes win.
The Devils jersey pops, not crazy about many of the others.
posted by cixelsyd at 03:19 PM on October 02, 2018
The 'Canes will be donning the Whaler jersey twice season, once at home and once up in Boston.
This West Hartford boy will be ignoring those offenses, thank you very much. But something about the movement of the flags on that new third color scheme appeals to me.
I'm with you on most of them, cixelsyd. They are pretty uninspired, and play into the hipster/minimalist trend ("hey, let's open a restaurant with brick walls and unfinished tables, and call it "Chow"!"). I do like it when a team like the Devils or the Avs acknowledges their history (not you, Hurricanes, you Karmanos-humping vampires).*
Anyhow, I realize that this isn't quite FPP-worthy material, but thought it might be a good way to good-naturedly stir the pot. But then NoMich had to bring up the Whalers and really got me fired up.
*I refuse to acknowledge the irony in cheering for the former Colorado team playing in Jersey while loathing the former Hartford team for moving to Carolina.
posted by tahoemoj at 03:43 PM on October 02, 2018
The 'Canes will be donning the Whaler jersey twice season, once at home and once up in Boston.
Just maybe the TD Garden sound crew could play a little "Brass Bonanza" as the Whalers take the ice. I would also like to hear "Paree" played on the organ, a-la John Kiley.
Depending on how Carolina does this season, perhaps the hurricane warning flags will be replaced by the single red triangular pennant that signifies small craft warnings.
posted by Howard_T at 05:02 PM on October 02, 2018
I'm going to go to Kevin Dineen's house and boo him just for old time's sake.
posted by yerfatma at 12:36 PM on October 03, 2018
I guess the Stars are still a little gunshy after the Mooterus was widely mocked.
posted by Ufez Jones at 03:47 PM on October 03, 2018
I can never get into the two flags on the hockey stick design. It just never looks right to me. The 'Canes will be donning the Whaler jersey twice season, once at home and once up in Boston.