Longtime Temple coach Chaney retires: Great career but he had a temper too.
posted by dbt302 to basketball at 02:37 PM - 21 comments
The guy really produced some really good teams over the years, and Temple was always was of those teams nobody really wanted to play. Chaney was, however, overdue to call it quits. Some of his actions and outbursts were absolutely ridiculous, and I agree, he should have been fired. Looking at his coaching career as a whole, though, I'm glad he could leave on his own without getting the boot.
posted by dyams at 03:29 PM on March 13, 2006
I always liked that when he scheduled nonconfrence games it was with good teams instead of loading the schedule with easy teams. I doubt the next coach will do that.
posted by blakrain at 03:35 PM on March 13, 2006
I thought for sure that Temple was going to fire him after last year's "goon" tactics. Props to them for letting him go out on his own terms. Great coach with what seemed to be a split personality temperament-wise.
posted by THX-1138 at 03:49 PM on March 13, 2006
Good coach, bad manners.
posted by solrac at 05:56 PM on March 13, 2006
I always doubted his mental state...granted, I'm no doctor, but when you come into a press conference after a game screaming that you're going to kill the opposing team's coach (and sounding like you mean it), that's more than simple competitiveness. I never liked him, and I'm sure not going to miss him.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 06:34 PM on March 13, 2006
I didn't start following the college game till the past few years, but Chaney has made an impact on the game...he just bears the brunt of this all because he went out about 5-6 years later than he should have.
posted by chemwizBsquared at 06:56 PM on March 13, 2006
Chaney sort of went out like Woody Hayes--both were great coaches but each had anger control problems.
posted by jm_mosier at 09:04 PM on March 13, 2006
A part of Coach Chaney's greatness was that he didn't know how to quit. He will be missed.
posted by Bud Lang at 11:05 PM on March 13, 2006
Believe me, the less REAL people there are in the public eye, the worse off we all are. Cheney was a real person, who was not afraid to speak his mind, even about politics. The people who didn't like him probably didn't agree with his view of how life should be lived, with a conscience, working brain, etc.
posted by pauleye at 11:16 PM on March 13, 2006
What a dick.
posted by chrisly13 at 01:03 AM on March 14, 2006
Hey pauleye...maybe the people that do not like him simply don't threaten to kill people and have kids intentionally try to hurt other kids. He is a poor role model and an angry old bastard. His stats are over rated. My grandma could win a bunch of games if she coached 40 or so years. The program will blossom now that he is gone.
posted by scottyooooo at 06:46 AM on March 14, 2006
...the less REAL people there are in the public eye, the worse off we all are...Cheney was a real person, who was not afraid to speak his mind, even about politics. I'm a real person too, albeit one who doesn't threaten to kill my professional rivals, or intentionally hurt other people to achieve my professional goals. Not only that, but I don't see a scarcity of people in my daily life who are afraid to talk about politics, so I'm not sure I see the value of that comment.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 08:09 AM on March 14, 2006
Good riddence, he was an ass. Shame on Temple U for keeping him around for as long as they did. Had Temple fired him, he would have been screaming about it being because of his race, his politics, etc. Certainly couldn't be because of his actions. That was John Chaney. I also think they were willing to overlook a lot of crap because he kept Temple's name on TV, and ESPN loves that kind of stuff, even as they're condemning it.
posted by eccsport78 at 08:55 AM on March 14, 2006
Chaney definatly had his "bad temper moments"...but over his Temple career... I believe there was more positive for the program than negative...but his day has definatly passed...(Joe Pa...take note)...
posted by phillyolhead at 09:40 AM on March 14, 2006
but his day has definatly passed...(Joe Pa...take note)... Did you miss last season? Ranked third, one pass play from playing for the national championship. May we all do as well when our day has passed.
posted by justgary at 10:18 AM on March 14, 2006
Right, but does one season excuse multiple seasons Lost in the Wilderness? I guess next year will tell (I believe Penn State has a high number of returning players and good recent recruiting classes).
posted by yerfatma at 10:27 AM on March 14, 2006
I like the goon tactics thas how you make sure your team gets a fair shake. When the refs won't give it to you. None of those tactics are any worse then what you will find at the court on the corner. Fugggg it..
posted by Robb Dubbs at 12:34 PM on March 14, 2006
None of those tactics are any worse then what you will find at the court on the corner. Division IA college basketball and "the court on the corner" have very little in common, but thanks anyway, Dr. Naismith.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 12:55 PM on March 14, 2006
Right, but does one season excuse multiple seasons Lost in the Wilderness? I guess next year will tell I was one of those guys who wanted joe to retire. He proved me wrong. Sure, his time is running out, but you really can't argue with last year. If he falls on his face this year then maybe it was one last hurrah. Maybe he should retire, but I don't think one has to do with the other.
posted by justgary at 09:15 PM on March 14, 2006
screw you crhisly
posted by pauleye at 11:16 PM on April 03, 2006
He should have been fired last year.