The sad thing is, this "old news" keeps coming back up because peopleneed to change their thought processes when it comes to race. As a Black man, I feel that the coaches comments were just plain ignorant, and shouldn't be blown too far out of proportion.
posted by supersly26 at 12:53 PM on October 26, 2005
Weedy makes a great point...if there's fan support (and the numbers definitely indicate it), the front office needs to step up and spend that money on something other than their Learjets or their third wives' collagen injections.
posted by supersly26 at 11:48 AM on October 17, 2005
It's times like these when I just smile and say...see you next year, hopefully on a better team.
posted by supersly26 at 11:44 AM on October 17, 2005
If the Pledge of Allegiance is allowed, which for all intents and purposes is a vow to God, hence, a prayer, then why can't a coach pray for his players? Perhaps he was praying that his players emphasize sportsmanship, not victory. And if you believe for a moment that there is a separation of church and state...check out the last couple of elections, and look at the Christian lobbyist groups. I'm not arguing for or against prayer, but to say that you're immediately against ANYTHING without looking at all sides of the issue first is simply ignorant.
posted by supersly26 at 09:00 PM on October 12, 2005
Berman's ego is much larger than his rotund frame. In fact, if it gets any larger, there will be a rupture in the space time continuum which will result in 25 WS championships for Boston, a Philadelphia Eagles Super Bowl dynasty...and maybe then Berman will actually shut up.
posted by supersly26 at 11:34 AM on October 08, 2005
Good defense, strong pitching, decent offense....and momentum. These are all big factors in deciding who wins and who loses.
posted by supersly26 at 10:55 AM on October 04, 2005
Done and done. Tarver has once again shut Roy Jones up.
posted by supersly26 at 02:59 AM on October 02, 2005
Thank God for Jim Harper. For once, a sports story that doesn't involve gamblimg, drinking, or spousal abuse! Good show!
posted by supersly26 at 11:40 AM on September 30, 2005
I think the New York Police department might have a few of those left over... Indeed!
posted by supersly26 at 01:57 PM on September 29, 2005
A touching, poignant piece...
posted by supersly26 at 03:57 PM on September 25, 2005
A good story that poses some very interesting questions.
posted by supersly26 at 09:37 AM on September 25, 2005
This type of things has happened before, and unfortunately, it will happen again. Boxing IS violent, that's a fact. Using lighter gloves may help a little, ut I don't think it will stop these tragic incidents from occuring. This seems to be a situation where you can't really pass the buck here. The fighter that passed on had the choice of pulling out, but he didn't, and he went into the ring with a clear mind and heart. Perhaps as a society we need to take a closer look at what entertains us. Remember, Rome was brilliant and advanced as well...but they had the gladiator pits.
posted by supersly26 at 09:25 AM on September 23, 2005
Oh, snap! So THAT'S where all the jheri curl juice went!
posted by supersly26 at 10:45 AM on September 22, 2005
As a former Catholic, I find this whole thing kind of silly. There is no TRUE Catholic doctrine due to the fact that catholic doctrine is decided upon by cardinals and popes...NOT GOD. And as for the Jews being doomed line...that's even sillier.
posted by supersly26 at 10:29 PM on September 20, 2005
Perhaps we could tell Barry how we really feel about him by simply ignoring him?
posted by supersly26 at 10:26 PM on September 20, 2005
Something needs to be done about how these dotors assess the fighters. Yes, there is great personal risk when you box...but if you have doctors at ringside, their first priority should be to make sure that the fighter is TRULY capable of continuing before sending him or her out there to potentially get killed.
posted by supersly26 at 01:38 PM on September 18, 2005
After reading the article online today, I realize why I'm in college. I'm not at a Div I school, but I am a student athlete. And as such, I'm proud to be able to even go to I get to do what I love, which is wrestle, to boot? Oh, Hell yeah. I'm very grateful for the opportunities I've recieved to get here. (By the way, I got into my school on an academic sholarship, although I couldn't have went due to wrestling) This Peterson thing is just shameful to me. I get to use the facilities that my college has to offer, AND I get to wrestle...BONUS!!
posted by supersly26 at 08:25 PM on September 16, 2005
I actually agree with most of your picks, though I expect that Atlanta will surprise more people.
posted by supersly26 at 12:36 PM on September 15, 2005
Man, what CAN'T this guy do? (besides hustle) I've always been a Shaq fan, and this just makes me admire the guy that much more.
posted by supersly26 at 12:32 PM on September 15, 2005
I am only a casual hockey fan, but I am looking forward to see what the "new" NHL is all about. It should be an interesting season! I'm the same...but the future may be more promising than we first think...
posted by supersly26 at 02:16 AM on September 15, 2005
Right on! The good old U.S. of A. could learn a lesson in this.
posted by supersly26 at 11:48 AM on September 14, 2005
Domestic violence is wrong on any level. Sexual assault is wrong on any level. It shouldn't matter if you're an athlete, or a truck driver. But the fact is, it does. It's time that all people, regardless of background accept responsibility for their actions. And as for it not being a black and white world...try being Black in America for a few days, and see if that's the case.
posted by supersly26 at 11:47 AM on September 14, 2005
It seems to me that we as a society are expecting way too much from these athletes. Let's be real...most of these guys come from nothing, then they have everything they can possibly imagine due to some natural abvility. While I'm not excusing their actions, some of you are going overboard talking about the "proliferation" of crooks in sports. These people are a section of our society, and as such, they reflect what goes on in it. And I could think of at least three people in my own life who have been great role models. My parents, for one, and the third person? The teacher(s) who took a chance on a street kid with no obvious prospects.
posted by supersly26 at 11:16 PM on September 13, 2005
If you want to be technical...there are more CONVICTED felons in Congress than in the NFL. But that's not the issue, I suppose.
posted by supersly26 at 04:00 PM on September 13, 2005
May and June of 1994 were two of the best months of my life. No kidding. I couldn't agree with you more!
posted by supersly26 at 02:16 AM on September 13, 2005
Well, at least they get to play some games in their home state. It will definitely bring some life to the long suffering hurricane victims.
posted by supersly26 at 02:13 AM on September 13, 2005
Favre is the best QB in the history of the game We could argue that until the cows come home....heck, we could start a whole new blog on that one!
posted by supersly26 at 02:13 AM on September 13, 2005
That's what I'm screaming!
posted by supersly26 at 02:10 AM on September 13, 2005
You may not like the guy's antics most of the time, but we don't truly know what he's like off the field. He may very well be genuine...who are we to judge?
posted by supersly26 at 10:41 PM on September 09, 2005
Wow...I wonder if Karl Malone is grandfathered under the law? That guy threw elbows like Kerry Collins threw picks.
posted by supersly26 at 09:32 AM on September 09, 2005
Heck, I've always like A-Rod, corporate whore or not. Love him or hate him, at least he's had the deceny to PLAY...unlike a certain other "superstar" we could name...
posted by supersly26 at 09:29 AM on September 09, 2005
For all those out there doing what they can to help....much love!
posted by supersly26 at 09:27 AM on September 09, 2005 looks like another bites the dust before he even gets out of the gate....sad
posted by supersly26 at 07:13 PM on September 07, 2005
Let us hope that his last thoughts were good ones.
posted by supersly26 at 08:06 PM on September 06, 2005
Ricky's reality show.....What Reality?!
posted by supersly26 at 08:06 PM on September 06, 2005
Talk about insult to injury...haven't the people of N.O. been through enouygh as it is? It's going to take at least a year to START the rebulding of the city, and now they are considering a move? Ridiculous. I've spent a lot of time in N.O, because I have family's a decent sports town. Rooting for the Saints might be one of the few things that keeps the people sane. And to say that N.O is a horrible spot for a team is like saying that Jason Elam got the field goal record because he was at home. (which he kinda did.)
posted by supersly26 at 07:11 PM on September 04, 2005
Just looking at the stats, I totally agree with you that Carpenter should pick up the nod for the Cy Young.
posted by supersly26 at 12:15 AM on September 04, 2005
Great PR, I think....we need more weird personalities like Mad Mike!
posted by supersly26 at 12:14 AM on September 04, 2005
Now THIS is why I like the college game! A HUGE upset that5 shakes up the standings and another surprising win...I love this sport!
posted by supersly26 at 12:13 AM on September 04, 2005
Venus, straight sets....'nuff said!
posted by supersly26 at 02:47 AM on September 03, 2005
I think that Tedy has made the best decision for his team, and more impportantly, himself. No "opinion shopping" for him. I feel that if he wants to play, and there's no obvious reason he shouldn't...give 'em hell, Tedy!
posted by supersly26 at 02:44 AM on September 03, 2005
Perhaps the sport gods have abandoned us to the sheer idiocy of humanity...
posted by supersly26 at 02:42 AM on September 03, 2005
I say that we focus more on the current residents, or in this case, newly homeless, rather than some NFL players with fairly decent money. Yes, this will hurt team revenue...but these guys have the financial means to bounce back. Think about the guys and gals in Magnolia projects, and the other poor sections of town.
posted by supersly26 at 02:25 AM on September 01, 2005
Heck, look at all the problems with gambling and other things with the NCAA. It's about time these guys and gals get some sort of restitution for what they do. College fottball players spend a LOT of time playing, and they can't even have a part-time job...ridiculous!
posted by supersly26 at 12:12 PM on August 28, 2005
This TO thing is really getting on my nerves. Either shut up and play well, or go home to your million dollar house and sulk. The Eagles are a great team, with or without him. Though I'll say this...with TO actually playing instead of bitching (can I say that?) we could win a Super Bowl
posted by supersly26 at 11:39 PM on August 27, 2005
Quite frankly, I think the whole idea is ridiculous. I mean, 90 percent of the the profottball towns wouldn't be targeted by the Census board, if they could help it...much less terrorists. I'm a New Yorker, and I was visiting family when 9/11 went down. We lost people, but that doesn't excuse this type of behavior. The bottom line is, worry more about the annoying fan spilling beer and being rude. I doubt he's gonna be packing....unless he's a Texans fan. :-)
posted by supersly26 at 11:36 PM on August 27, 2005
Steelers Take Down Colts
I personally believe that the game was well played by the Steelers, and the Colts offense began showing up late game. There was some poor officiating, yes, but when it's all said and done, the best team won. Good job, Steelers!