LaVarmageddon: The LaVar Arrington situation is becoming a distraction for the a team hoping to become something more than mediocre. What role did the Devil play in the burgundy and gold benching their highest paid player?
posted by danostuporstar to football at 08:51 AM - 14 comments
I have no idea what could make coaches keep one of their star players and best talent off the field. They were talking about him not fitting schemes two weeks ago & I wasn't buying it. Whatever it is, they need to get over it and find a way to have him play. He is too talented to be sitting on the bench.
posted by bperk at 10:03 AM on October 17, 2005
If Washington really doesn't want him, I'm sure my Patriots might be interested in taking him off their hands. Lord knows we need all the help we can gwt with that M.A.S.H. defense. Imagine a 4-3 consisting of Seymor, Wilfork, Jarvis Green, and Willie McGinnest up front, then Colvin, the soon-to-be-returning Bruschi, and LaVar in back?!?! I'm sure that would cure A LOT of our running ills. Now, if we could only do better than Duane Starks.......
posted by crqri at 10:49 AM on October 17, 2005
Arrington on whether or not the contract problem has hampered his ability to refer to himself in the third person: "LaVar Arrington can't let things like contract problems affect the way LaVar Arrington sees himself, on and off the field. LaVar Arrington will always be the best LaVar Arrington that LaVar Arrington can be."
posted by The_Black_Hand at 11:38 AM on October 17, 2005
It's times like these when I just smile and say...see you next year, hopefully on a better team.
posted by supersly26 at 11:44 AM on October 17, 2005
There's got to be more to it with him and Gibbs. I've seen players in the coaches dog house but spare me he is all teh way in the dog pound. Maybe they are planning on trading him by the deadline and just don't to take a chance in him being injured again. Never know, they need to work it out though.
posted by fixedrate at 11:56 AM on October 17, 2005
As a longtime Penn State fan, I had such high hopes for Arrington when he left for the pros. What a letdown. All this ridiculous stuff going on, and luckily, where I live I don't have to listen to him talk like he's the second coming of Lawrence Taylor. It's time for the Redskins to find someone to take him off their hands. Then he can go and get hurt for someone else.
posted by dyams at 12:35 PM on October 17, 2005
This is too funny.
“[M]e and my agent, we are Christian people and we were alluding to the fact that there were three sixes in the total of the contract,” Arrington said. “Three sixes, I think if you are a Christian you know what three sixes means. It is the mark of the devil.” He had asked the team to tweak the numbers in the pact to “get those three sixes off,” Arrington told Brown. They did some tinkering and sent him, and not agent Poston, the reworked version. He signed it without talking to Poston, then later found out the three sixes were removed by removing the $6.5 million bonus.Can't fault the Redskins there...
posted by cl at 12:38 PM on October 17, 2005
Hmm, I'm not reading this the way you guys seem to be. I remember Paterno at Penn State back when Arrington and Courtney Brown were playing, and how Arrington had a penchant for making bonehead plays as well as amazing ones. Given this article's coverage regarding the mindset of the new defensive coaches, I for one can see someone like Arrington not being good enough to play for them. Ten bucks says he ends up on the Raiders.
posted by chmurray at 01:31 PM on October 17, 2005
if he is such a big deal then get rid of him and dont just say you are if your not going to he need to go to another team. hopefully a good one that will apperciate him
posted by italianchic666 at 02:01 PM on October 17, 2005
There is no way to trade him by tuesday with a salary cap that is up to their eyes. I don't see Arrington giving any of his signing bonus back to free up some cap room just to be traded. They're going to have to wait untill the offseason to trade him, and will probably get low-balled. I bet the Skins are kicking themselves in the ass for not giving Antonio Pierce the money that he deserves.
posted by kingosiris at 02:41 PM on October 17, 2005
Yeah- Ant. Pierce is w/ my G Men now- and has been great thus far. He had like 8 tackles one game, and will be a defensive stud very soon. If Arrington has such a big contract, why didnt they Skins just sign pierce, and trade Arrington......for a QB during the offseason??? They would still save some money- right? not to mention have a shot at the superbowl- maybe....
posted by redsoxrgay at 03:37 PM on October 17, 2005
Pierce is a stud now, and was a stud in Washington. You trust a guy enough to start him at an important position every game, he gets over 100 tackles (individual and assisted) a couple of pics, a fumble and TD. For Christ sake, give him the money because he earns it! In Arrington's best season, he had less tackles that Pierce did, granted he had more forced fumbles, but 2 knee opperations, and 1 inflated ego later, he is the most expensive (un-injured) bench warmer ever! As long as Snyder is owner of the Skins, they have NO shot at the Super Bowl.
posted by kingosiris at 04:28 PM on October 17, 2005
Did you see Arrington's safety of Bledsoe last Monday? That's vintage LaVar!
posted by danostuporstar at 07:57 AM on October 26, 2006
The SportingNew interview is here.