One-time Giants QB Jesse Palmer: got the ball rolling with a featured appearance as the Bachelor. Now we will soon see ex-Dallas Cowboys QB Gary Hogeboom as a competitor on Survivor while Chris Valletta (previously connected to the Saints, Titans and Bucs) will be fodder for the Donald on the Apprentice. Obviously, NFLers bring tremendous reality TV intangibles and upside! (cause three examples makes a trend).
Somebody should have made a reality show about Ricky Williams. Can anyone suggest a title? Where's Rickey?
posted by evil empire at 03:47 PM on September 06, 2005
"The High Life"
posted by The_Black_Hand at 03:48 PM on September 06, 2005
"The Holistification of Ricky" With all due respect to Walter Payton, the only NFL associated reality show I'd be interested in would be "Behind the Music: The Superbowl Shuffle". Then again, a televised exorcism performed on the Lions to remove the demons of eternal destituteness, would be pretty cool too.
posted by gradys_kitchen at 03:57 PM on September 06, 2005
This bothers me, because a former NFL player has already taken one hit from the crack pipe of fame. They're taking up a space that could be filled by the next Jeri Manthey or Darva Conger.
posted by rcade at 04:22 PM on September 06, 2005
Ricky's reality run? Easy -- "The Bong Show." I'd comment further, but I fucking hate reality TV.
posted by wfrazerjr at 06:31 PM on September 06, 2005
I think the next NFL collective bargaining agreement should have a stipulation stating that any player who enters into an embarrassing reality show (they're all embarrassing, actually) has to leave the game immediately and permanently. Not that any of these clowns mentioned above would be putting too much on the line with respect to their stellar football careers.
posted by dyams at 06:40 PM on September 06, 2005
I'd comment further, but I fucking hate reality TV Why? Just wait until the commercials come on, then you are certain of geting professional actors and a script.
posted by owlhouse at 07:56 PM on September 06, 2005
Ricky's reality show.....What Reality?!
posted by supersly26 at 08:06 PM on September 06, 2005
Ricky & "reality" that's an oxy-moron! I think he's more of a good 'ol western kind of guy...Gun Smoke?!
posted by runcoach at 09:34 PM on September 06, 2005
I'm holding out for the Lawrence Phillips variety hour. We could watch him tossing pregnant women down flights of stairs.
posted by ArtVandalay420 at 09:49 PM on September 06, 2005
I think that a show featuring Bill Romanowski, Lawrence Phillips and Ricky Williams living together in a Big Brotheresque house would be dynamite. Planet Earth would not survive.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:04 PM on September 06, 2005
Do we want to see him tossing pregnant women down the stairs? How about the women wupping his ass? That sounds even better, I would watch that.
posted by tina at 10:44 PM on September 06, 2005
Bill Romanowski, Lawrence Phillips are the next two seasons of Being Bobby Brown.
posted by billsaysthis at 03:48 PM on September 07, 2005
Somebody should have made a reality show about Ricky Williams. Can anyone suggest a title? One Toke Over the Line