Recent Comments by beaverboard

‘Our staff made a mistake’: Toronto Blue Jays fan tossed from Rogers Centre for sporting ‘Canada is not for sale’ hat

My deepest apology that we're even in a situation like this.

But that doesn't excuse staff being goons first and management then having to initiate damage control after the moment goes viral.

There's an air of unsustainability and foreboding to the current corrosive moment. 45/47 has made ten times as many enemies as 35 ever did. Where there's been one Luigi, others may follow. Not a desirable scenario, regardless of how it was brought on and by whom.

posted by beaverboard at 09:59 PM on March 27, 2025

SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle

Three Triangle teams in the Women's Sweet 16, UNC-Duke will be large.

But not bigger than NCSU if they can beat LSU.

posted by beaverboard at 10:04 PM on March 24, 2025

SportsFilter: The Sunday Huddle

Some of the blowout scores in the women's tournament have been downright vulgar.

When a team is up by 60, don't they have any Carol Burnett mop ladies they can sub in to keep the score reasonable?

posted by beaverboard at 11:56 AM on March 23, 2025

George Foreman, heavyweight boxer who became lovable champion, dies at 76

I've never seen a person have an odyssey and transformation as remarkable as his.

The introverted fighter that shows up in Zaire with his German Shepherd and the loquacious grillmeister can't be the same guy.

What a path.

posted by beaverboard at 11:32 PM on March 22, 2025

SportsFilter: The Saturday Huddle

The only positive thing Gretzky has going for him these days is his resemblance to Southern Calif. guitar legend Hank Easton.

posted by beaverboard at 06:01 PM on March 22, 2025

SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle

Walking off the court, those Clemson Tigers looked about the same way they did when they got beat by Tate George's buzzer beater back in 1990.

posted by beaverboard at 01:31 PM on March 21, 2025

SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle

Bojangles is working on a Strong Ass Biscuit Combo in honor of incoming NCSU coach Will Wade.

posted by beaverboard at 11:37 AM on March 21, 2025

Celtics Sold For $6.1 Billion

Amen brother.

The only question I have is: what kind of town would the NBA would be returning to?

posted by beaverboard at 05:07 PM on March 20, 2025

Celtics Sold For $6.1 Billion

Steve Ballmer is probably saying that his purchase of the Clippers from Donald Sterling now looks like a massive bargain, but I still don't like that Ballmer overpaid to a schmuck in what was basically a forced fire sale situation. And since the sale has not been able to make the Clippers top level competitive.

Chisholm overpaid for the Celtics as well given their current franchise valuation (which is almost exactly the same as the Clippers), but he's getting a lot of intangibles that other franchises don't have. Some of which are priceless.

The Clippers' net earnings are firmly negative and by far the worst in the league, and the annual revenue is on par with small markets like OKC and Milwaukee despite the team being in the giant LA media market.

The Mavericks are valued at just a shade less than the C's and Clips and Mark Cuban did well for himself, selling only his majority stake for more than Ballmer paid for an entire franchise, but Cuban probably didn't anticipate that the pudgy gap toothed dolt that now operates the franchise would run it into the ground in such a brisk and spectacular fashion.

posted by beaverboard at 12:01 PM on March 20, 2025

SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle

UNC's Golden Rule to NCAA selection haters:

Eliminate on us as you would have us eliminate on others.

posted by beaverboard at 10:13 AM on March 19, 2025

SportsFilter: The Sunday Huddle

North Carolina fans, don't read the comments in the Athletic's piece on how UNC snuck into the men's tournament until after you've had a few pints.People are edgy about it.

Probable paywall warning.

posted by beaverboard at 09:47 PM on March 16, 2025

John Feinstein dies at age 69

Damn. And right before Selection Sunday.

But after reading about his tenacity, work habits and health issues, he might have as easily died during the grueling upcoming stretch, with multiple college basketball tournaments followed by the Masters.

posted by beaverboard at 03:02 AM on March 14, 2025

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

If all goes according to plan, soon, most of the teams in the NFL will have (or have had) an ex-Jets QB on their roster.

It would be wild if Tua got dinged again and new Miami QB Zach Wilson went in and played lights out. If the Dolphins got into November and Zach was the man, a whole lot of 50 + year old women would line up to buy tickets and get their furs out of storage for the stretch run.

posted by beaverboard at 12:08 PM on March 11, 2025

SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle

Chris Webber wants to know if his mural can be vacated from The Timeout in Chapel Hill.

The way that everything else from multiple 1990's seasons at UM has been vacated.

posted by beaverboard at 05:16 PM on March 10, 2025

SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle

The Joker is not pleased that a soft shouldered Slovenian in purple and gold has captured the fancy of the entire league.

Nikola is telling it: the Pillsbury Dough train comes through his town before it goes anywhere else.

I haven't wanted to say anything out of concern that Mavs fans' pain would be intensified, but the Lakers have been fun to watch.

The team that reaches the Finals out of the Western Conference will have belly crawled under barbed wire across a minefield with live rounds whistling overhead.

posted by beaverboard at 11:17 AM on March 10, 2025

Coach Brian Barone celebrated SIUE’s first-ever NCAA Tournament

Who wouldn't want their kid to play for that guy.

posted by beaverboard at 04:37 PM on March 09, 2025

SportsFilter: The Saturday Huddle

Hold onto your seats. Did you see the news about yesterday's NFL blockbuster?

Geno Smith to the Raiders for a third rounder.

(They did it on a Friday so it wouldn't send shock waves through the markets).

posted by beaverboard at 01:08 PM on March 08, 2025

SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle

I am making my way through this long chat with the inimitable Vernon Maxwell in segments.

Mainly because my supply of disposable protective undergarments is limited and I don't want to run out.

It's not all hilarity; there are moments regarding deep racism, his daughter's death and his mental health initiative.

It never ceases to astound me how much range there is to being a human.

posted by beaverboard at 12:18 PM on March 07, 2025

SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle

When you're the star QB for the Cincinnati Bengals and it's time to cruise into town for some Skyline Chili, you have every right to feel the need to go big or go home.

posted by beaverboard at 10:07 PM on March 05, 2025

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

Jaguars fans will note that Jimmy Johnson is retiring from broadcasting under different circumstances than when he retired from NFL coaching.

posted by beaverboard at 05:05 PM on March 04, 2025

Kyrie Irving Suffers Torn ACL in Knee

Even Coach Pop would say: if there is a God, Dallas will get Cooper Flagg.

posted by beaverboard at 04:31 PM on March 04, 2025

Canadian soccer coach Marsch tells Trump to 'lay off ridiculous rhetoric' of Canada as 51st state

Leave it to Marsch to tell it like it is while US Federation rep Oguchi Onyewu mumbles some diplomatic bullshit and ducks the issue. As if he's worried that a dimbo like Ingraham will tell him to shut up and dribble.

Onyewu was born in the US. Not sure what his job security is like, but there are a lot of people who would have more reason to fear the US Gestapo than he does.

Maybe he's worried about pissing off US Soccer's corporate sponsors like Bud and Coke.

Happy US No Buy Day.

posted by beaverboard at 08:13 PM on February 28, 2025

SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle

Oh, you mean the Indiana men's pro team.

It's not that big a leap from Pacers yellow to Lakers gold...

I vowed that when it's time for shorts, I would never go around wearing tall dark socks and dorky shoes like Rik Smits did, but a lot of other men my age are quite comfortable doing so.

I tried to think of every former Pacer I could. It didn't go well. I only got as far as Reggie Miller, Rik Smits and maybe Rick Carlisle.

"I'm Chuck Person, and I do not approve of this message".

posted by beaverboard at 10:58 AM on February 28, 2025

SportsFilter: The Thursday Huddle

"Governor" Dumont annoys me as much as or maybe even more than Nico.

posted by beaverboard at 12:22 AM on February 28, 2025

NBA Pickem Week 17: This is Painful for Me

Every time I see a clip of Dumont or Nico, I have a visceral reaction, and I'm not even a Mavs fan.

posted by beaverboard at 06:42 PM on February 25, 2025

SportsFilter: The Sunday Huddle

Wondering if there was a post game biscuit line in town after the NC State women took care of #1 Notre Dame at the Jimmy V. arena.

posted by beaverboard at 07:13 PM on February 23, 2025

SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle

Great link and story, thanks.

Lange had a lot of fun with player's names during the game call. Especially Jagr and Recchi.

posted by beaverboard at 01:32 AM on February 21, 2025

SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle

RIP Mike Lange, creative, hilarious broadcast voice of the Penguins.

I used to live for Pens clips in the pre-internet days. There was a nugget from Lange in every one.

"Ooh, he beat Puppa like a rented mule!" That was the first time I ever heard that phrase.

I think that one time, a clip of his was cued up un-previewed on the Sports Machine and when it ran, it left George Michael momentarily speechless, which was almost impossible to do.

In later years, Lange may have started to think that listeners were waiting for the next big memorable bomb drop and his call began sounding a bit more forced, less spontaneous. Working it a bit too hard, perhaps.

But there were times when that guy left me so astounded at what I just heard that there was a 2 or 3 second time delay before the laughter kicked in.

Now that you've left the building, Mike, say hi to Elvis when you see him.

posted by beaverboard at 11:12 PM on February 19, 2025

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

The Athletic ran a story on Nico that most commenters scoffed at and some called a puff piece.

I read it like an Evelyn Wood graduate and moved on.

It would be fair if the Mavs tanked and somehow ended up getting Cooper Flagg, but the possibility that Flagg ends up on the Spurs can't be dismissed. Coach Pop seems to have some sort of control over the magnetic field of the draft.

posted by beaverboard at 09:50 PM on February 18, 2025

Daytona 500 Crash Sends Ryan Preece's Car Airborne

Since I didn't know that Preece had a daughter, when I saw how the car behaved in the air and the degree to which it maintained its inner structural integrity through the crash sequence, all I thought about was carbon fiber.

If today's composite technology had been in use 24 years ago, Dale Sr. might be alive today, enjoying a deified NASCAR elder's existence.

posted by beaverboard at 12:42 PM on February 18, 2025

SportsFilter: The Saturday Huddle

Wish I had a dollar (Canadian or US) for every US family I can think of that has some Canadian connection and is getting passport paperwork in order ASAP. Due to things like a permanently disabled child whose Medicaid funding might be taken away, etc.

Not to run away from the fight for the soul of the US, but just to create a safety valve if needed so they can safeguard what basic human necessities and amenities they can.

It's illuminating to walk past small groups of people and overhearing casual conversation about how the southern latitudes of Ontario are much more tolerable in winter than many people think...

If I was a US farmer, I'd already be riding my heavy equipment to help blockade DC, hoping others were doing the same.

posted by beaverboard at 05:16 PM on February 16, 2025

SportsFilter: The Saturday Huddle

The number of folks in the US who were saddened by the anthem thing but totally understood it far outstrips the number of Canadians who were embarrassed that the US anthem was booed.

posted by beaverboard at 03:54 PM on February 16, 2025

SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle

Not sure what feels more exhausting, the post-Super Bowl hangover or the post-Westminster Dog Show hangover.

Super Bowl, you get glimpses of Taylor Swift; Dog Show, you get glimpses of Heidi Gardner and Jenny Taft. Dog Show FTW.

I'm trying to work on an impersonation of Dog Show ring announcer Michael LaFave so I can redo my outgoing voice mail greeting messages, etc.

"The Great Pyrenees is a superb guardian, known for its ability to protect free ranging livestock from predators..."

To me, the dog show is a bit of an odd assignment for Fox Sports announcer Chris Myers, but I remain fond of his delivery. His voice reminds me of people I knew through local radio stations in the south back in the 70's. The comfort of familiarity.

I seek out his game highlight clips during the NFL season even if I don't care that much about the teams involved. You can hear the radio background in his TV game calls.

"And that's another Buccaneers touchdown!"

posted by beaverboard at 01:36 PM on February 12, 2025

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

Kellen Moore was perhaps fortunate not to get the job coaching the roster that Jerry Jones has assembled in Dallas, but he's far worse off agreeing to coach the mess that Mickey Loomis has concocted in New Orleans.

posted by beaverboard at 02:37 PM on February 11, 2025

Eagles Crush Chiefs in Super Bowl 0x3B

Buffalo Bills mindset #1: We totally could have and should have beaten this Chiefs team.

Buffalo Bills mindset #2: Thank God we didn't beat the Chiefs to face this Eagles team in the Super Bowl and join the five losses club.

It took most of the game for the folks who like to crow about Spags' exotic blitzes to mention that the Eagles were wrecking the Chiefs offense without ever rushing more than 4.

I found Tom Brady to be a bit more tolerable on this broadcast, but his voice still doesn't have every down / four quarters stamina. He was losing it a bit at the end. I admire his restraint, though. He didn't take great pleasure in his nemesis Spagnuolo being humiliated and only later in the game did he refer to the whupping that his Bucs put on the Chiefs and their OL in Super Bowl LV.

As far as I can tell, the lampposts were greased in both Philly and NOLA. It will be a heady challenge for the SB host city, enduring a widespread shortage of lubricant with Fat Tuesday less than a month away.

posted by beaverboard at 12:17 PM on February 10, 2025

Eagles Crush Chiefs in Super Bowl 0x3B

The dagger bomb that Hurts threw to DeVonta is the brother of the all timer that Tua threw to DeVonta to win the 2018 National Championship after Tua replaced Jalen at halftime.

Kellen Moore: face of a choirboy, heart of an assassin.

posted by beaverboard at 11:35 AM on February 10, 2025

Hubie Brown prepares to broadcast final NBA game

Beautiful scene, beautiful moments.

I have lots of fond memories of unwinding after work watching Hubie's Atlanta Hawks with Skip Caray on the game call.

posted by beaverboard at 08:43 PM on February 09, 2025

SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle

Can A.I. temporarily mute the telecast of the Super Bowl every time it hears the voice of Tom Brady?

posted by beaverboard at 08:44 PM on February 07, 2025

SportsFilter: The Thursday Huddle

This week, you're in luck. You can momentarily divert your attention from your sorrows. The new emperor of Oceanfront Gaza says he's attending the Super Bowl and Travis Kelce says he thinks it's cool.

If the emperor is in the same luxury box with Chiefs' WAGs and fam, I'd pay Taylor to show up in a burqa.

posted by beaverboard at 07:16 PM on February 06, 2025

SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle

Welcome back to the NFL, Chip Kelly.

The Raiders' ultimate goal may be to make Kelly walk the plank, since the other pro teams he coached both made the Super Bowl twice after they got rid of him.

posted by beaverboard at 07:28 PM on February 05, 2025

Lakers to acquire Luka Dončić from Mavericks for Anthony Davis, more

If Luka spent his money the way I spend mine, he could afford to say: Eff this, I'm off to the Upper Adriatic for a while to think things over. I'll let you know what my plans are in June.

posted by beaverboard at 09:02 PM on February 04, 2025

Lakers to acquire Luka Dončić from Mavericks for Anthony Davis, more

Charles is trying to balance out stuff he said about San Antonio.

He's got a ways to go.

posted by beaverboard at 11:18 AM on February 04, 2025

Lakers to acquire Luka Dončić from Mavericks for Anthony Davis, more

I'll be too old to watch fast moving sports on TV by the time the Mavs cash in that draft pick.

Even when Dallas trades someone that everyone wants gone (Aguirre), they have to watch him win 2 titles with Detroit.

Doncic Mavs gear is still readily available from the team merch sites and fans should all wear his jersey to games for the foreseeable future.

posted by beaverboard at 10:48 AM on February 03, 2025

Lakers to acquire Luka Dončić from Mavericks for Anthony Davis, more

Mavericks fans in Mexico will now be paying more...and getting less.

posted by beaverboard at 01:57 PM on February 02, 2025

Lakers to acquire Luka Dončić from Mavericks for Anthony Davis, more

My first thought when I heard the news was: hold on folks, you're getting ahead of yourselves, it's February 1st, not April 1st.

And the Lakers didn't tell LeBron about it. Wow.

posted by beaverboard at 11:22 AM on February 02, 2025

SportsFilter: The Saturday Huddle

The Jack Morris look dominated

And why not? He looked like an all business badass who had put in the work.

They could have closed the Vegas books on the 1984 MLB season after Jack's no hitter in April.

That was as definitive a table setter for what was to come as anything I've seen.

posted by beaverboard at 07:51 PM on February 01, 2025

SportsFilter: The Saturday Huddle

Jack saved his best for when it counted.

I guess Rick Ankiel did too. Some of his throws from the deep outfield are insane.

I've coached kids in soccer who decided they were goalkeepers around age 9. Off they went to position training, keeper camps, etc. In the end, some were good, some were OK, and some were floppy fish. Families are gonna do what they do. It wasn't my money.

posted by beaverboard at 03:53 PM on February 01, 2025

SportsFilter: The Friday Huddle

What a time of strange confluences.

The morning of the 29th, Tonya Harding resurfaces on social media after years away from the spotlight.

That night, the American Airlines flight with elite ice skaters, family members and coaches aboard crashes into the Potomac.

The following day, Dick Button dies.

posted by beaverboard at 10:05 PM on January 31, 2025

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

Go Eagles. Break some national pop culture hearts.

The officiating should be interesting. The league doesn't necessarily want the Chiefs to win.

If they do, Kelce might retire and then they would lose the mega Taylor windfall connection.

If Kelce promises the league office he'll keep playing no matter what, Philly has no chance.

posted by beaverboard at 03:40 PM on January 28, 2025

SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle

It's Earthquake Day here in New England. It was centered just off the New Hampshire seacoast, so Howard likely felt it way more strongly than I did.

You don't realize how much glassware you have until it all starts rattling.

posted by beaverboard at 10:50 AM on January 27, 2025

SportsFilter: The Sunday Huddle

With the subzero overnights we've been having comes an almost bygone winter pleasure at my latitude: the sound of neighborhood kids of all ages playing backyard hockey in the late afternoon on rinks made of Visqueen and 2 x 12's.

posted by beaverboard at 06:32 PM on January 26, 2025

SportsFilter: The Thursday Huddle

You get rid of Trent Baalke and think you've got a fresh start with a clean, tidy house, then the details of how you hired Liam Coen emerge, and the kitchen floor looks like your dog had a litter of puppies.

Ineptitude is contagious.

posted by beaverboard at 11:53 PM on January 23, 2025

SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle

I'm not on Bluesky yet, but all Jags fans should be on Cloud 9.

After having HC candidates decline interest in the Jacksonville job due to the front office situation, Shad Khan finally woke up late and "parted ways" with Trent Baalke.

Too bad it happened after other teams made their moves and took good coaches off the board.

I'm hoping that Putin puts Baalke in charge of the invasion of Ukraine.

posted by beaverboard at 04:33 PM on January 22, 2025

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

We look at their problems and shake our heads and they look at our problems and shake their heads.

posted by beaverboard at 12:54 PM on January 21, 2025

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

I was toying with the idea of applying for a job at The Onion so I knew I might have to come up with some catchy headlines.

See what you think of this one:

"Dictator Loving Mascot Handler Fired By Team For Posting Photos Of Prosthetic Penis"

posted by beaverboard at 11:09 AM on January 21, 2025

SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle

In yesterday's NFL games -

- Fumbles and dropped balls by sleeveless players: multiple

- Fumbles and dropped balls by players wearing sleeves: zero

posted by beaverboard at 03:32 PM on January 20, 2025

SportsFilter: The Sunday Huddle

If you had told me a few weeks ago that two teams from the East would be playing in the NFC Championship game...

posted by beaverboard at 06:33 PM on January 19, 2025

SportsFilter: The Saturday Huddle

I was hoping that the Buffalo Bills would make the most of a snow game and come out in white helmets, jerseys and pants. Make the Ravens wear the dark colors.

But the Bills will be in their standard blue jerseys with white helmets and pants. No color camo trick plays a la Boise State.

It turns out that the Bills are 8-0 this year in the blue jerseys, but only 1-2 in their all white sets. Going with what brung 'em.

posted by beaverboard at 09:00 PM on January 18, 2025

SportsFilter: The Wednesday Huddle

No Park City Michael Jordan pizza for me. I'm sticking with Detroit style pizza in honor of the playoffs and the return of the RB who can carry 5 men on his back, David Montgomery.

I got a proper Detroit pizza pan, have an old kitchen mixer with a bread hook to make the dough, but I need a 550 degree oven and mine only goes to 500.

I'll give it a try at 500. If it sucks, my Greek pals down the street said I can walk in with a pizza ready to cook in the pan and they'll bake it in their commercial pizza oven.

If that works, we'll stand there and sample it all the way down on the spot and if I want do it again, I'll have to make 2 pies, one for them, one for me.

Best scenario is: They love it, I show them how to do it, tell them where to get the pans and then just order Detroit style off their menu. It won't have the right kind of cheese on it, but it will be close.

posted by beaverboard at 08:22 PM on January 15, 2025

SportsFilter: The Tuesday Huddle

The Darnold thing has been coming for a little while. He was barely getting the ball out before being sacked in prior weeks. Bug eyes and happy feet. His OL must be gassed.

Last night there was a swell of chatter about the Cowboys poaching Belichick from UNC but folks close to Dallas said Jerry would never pay the $10 mil. buyout.

Belichick made $20 mil. a year as HC of the Pats. He could probably cover the buyout if he wanted to go to Dallas.

One more day in the life when content desperados like Eisen and McAfee don't have to worry about what they're going to fill up the time with.

posted by beaverboard at 01:59 PM on January 14, 2025