October 14, 2006

Detroit Tigers Reach World You-Can't-Be-Serious: A bottom-of-the-ninth three run homer by Magglio Ordonez sent the Tigers past the Oakland A's and into the World Series for the first time since 1984. To put this into perspective, the Tigers had one winning season the past 13 years and lost 119 games in 2003.

posted by rcade to baseball at 07:19 PM - 43 comments

BLESS YOU BOYS!!!!!!!!!!

posted by dreamghost at 07:26 PM on October 14, 2006

I know managing isn't everything,that you need the players to play the game. But what an incredible turn around for Leyland and this years version of the Detroit Tigers has been. Maybe someone out there can help me, but I can't remember a team losing a 114 games,or even 20 or so less 2 seasons ealier,then making it to the World Series. A team of destiny for sure. The way their playing,I can't see them losing the W.S. But as we all know,anything can happen

posted by Ghastly1 at 07:43 PM on October 14, 2006

Leyland is very, very good.

posted by tieguy at 08:19 PM on October 14, 2006

Aaarrrghh! It hurts to see the A's bounced again, but the Tigers were just better. Kick ass in the World Series, Detroit.

posted by dusted at 08:20 PM on October 14, 2006

I am very happy thay are going to the world series from worst to first I kind of like that

posted by luther70 at 08:29 PM on October 14, 2006

For only the 3rd time in my life they'll be in the World Series. Just wish my dad was still alive to go to the games with like in '68.

posted by commander cody at 08:56 PM on October 14, 2006

dreamghost -- awesome link. Certainly brings back some memories. I would also like to take this opportunity to say that it's just wrong that neither Alan Trammell nor Sweet Lou Whitaker is in the HoF.

posted by holden at 08:59 PM on October 14, 2006

...but I can't remember a team losing a 114 games,or even 20 or so less 2 seasons ealier,then making it to the World Series. Actually, Ghastly, it was an AL record 119 loss season in 2003. That last game in '03 was like a playoff game, because the Tigers were trying not to tie the 1962 NY Mets (120 Losses) for the worst baseball record ever. You should have heard the fans when the game was over and the Tigers had beaten the Twins 9 to 4. You would have thought that they were going to the playoffs back then.

posted by wingnut4life at 09:03 PM on October 14, 2006

Well...when I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and I couldn't be happier about it!! Keep making a liar out of me Boys!! WOOOHOOO!!

posted by ctal1999 at 10:32 PM on October 14, 2006

wow i can't believe it... i am a twins fan but, i guess i could cheer for them the rest of this season... but don't tell anyone ok?

posted by singlen8tivedude at 10:58 PM on October 14, 2006

Oh hell yes! I've not really followed this season that closely due to being sick to death of asinine commentary and endless commercials... But THIS is a World Series I'll be watching! GO TIGERS! I know their history. I love seeing the impossible happen:)

posted by Drood at 11:04 PM on October 14, 2006

Many congratulations to the Tigers and to their fans. Best of luck to you in the World Series!

posted by Joey Michaels at 11:18 PM on October 14, 2006

...but I can't remember a team losing a 114 games,or even 20 or so less 2 seasons ealier,then making it to the World Series. The Marlins were 67-76 and 22 games behind the Braves in 1995 (so figure they would have lost 85 or so had the season been a full one), and 76-86 in 2001. So it is a huge swing, but not hugely out of line with some of the experiences of the past 10 years. Not to minimize what they've done- it is huge (and I'll note that the '97 Marlins were also led by Dombrowski and Leyland), just to give some context.

posted by tieguy at 12:49 AM on October 15, 2006


posted by sirtt22 at 01:39 AM on October 15, 2006

That describes my feelings better than words can.

posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 06:49 AM on October 15, 2006

Jeeez, let him touch the plate fella's. Congrat's to the Tigers and their fans. they've come a long way in three years. Always liked Leyland.

posted by Fillyfan711 at 07:43 AM on October 15, 2006

Thank you Tigers! Bless you Boys! let's do this like 1984

posted by MICHIGANDER at 08:58 AM on October 15, 2006

Ohhhh man...fun, fun, fun to watch series! Thank you, Tigers, and best of luck! Man, now I can't decide if I want the Tigers or the Mets.

posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:26 AM on October 15, 2006

L_b_b, I couldn't decide between the Mets and the Cards. It sounds like you'll be pulling for the cats if they play the Cards (and we can use all the support we can get), so GO CARDS!

posted by ctal1999 at 10:31 AM on October 15, 2006

Great turn around season for Ordo�ez. After facing career threatening ending ailments, the Venezuelan turned it around. Made it to the ALL Stars, and was key in Detroit reaching the World Series. ---Sounds like Come Back Player of the year to me.... More than Thome!

posted by zippinglou at 10:53 AM on October 15, 2006

Congratulations Tigers fans. You really have a fun team to watch and it's great to see Leyland at it again. And not one story of cars being burned. Is that "Bless You Boys" video old or are they still wearing mullets, perms and bowing down to Magnum P.I. in Michigan?

posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 12:00 PM on October 15, 2006

It doesn't matter who wins the NLCS. Detroit is like Boston 2 years ago; nothing will be able to stop their march to glory.They have great pitching,great D,clutch hitting and a great manager.Their late season hiccup was mainly because Polanco was out.Go Tigers!

posted by sickleguy at 12:07 PM on October 15, 2006

Hey, commander, 68 was a great series,a classic. Can Detroit reactivate Mickey Lolich for this series? Heck, who needs Mickey when you've got a stud like Nate Robertson? Good luck, Tigers!

posted by judgedread at 03:03 PM on October 15, 2006


posted by 8cylinder at 03:55 PM on October 15, 2006

8cylinder, please read our guidelines and release the CAPS LOCK hostage, please.

posted by jerseygirl at 05:01 PM on October 15, 2006

Let's go over the last few World Series champions: 2001 - Arizona Diamondbacks - first WS for franchise, quickest win for an expansion team 2002 - Anaheim Angels - first WS for franchise, long time suffering team in terms of playoff success 2003 - Florida Marlins - 2nd WS for franchise, but made a pretty quick recovery from being dismantled 6 years previously 2004 - Boston Red Sox - the most tortured franchise in baseball, they pull off an ALCS miracle and glide into their first WS in a zillion years 2005 - Chicago White Sox - suffering even longer than the Red Sox, they defy everyone and just win In reality, how could I possibly pick AGAINST the Detroit Tigers, a team that set an AL record for losses only 3 years ago? If they pull this off, I'm going to be in Las Vegas in November and I'm going to put some money down on the following franchises for 2007 World Series: Chicago Cubs Washington Nationals Tampa Bay Devil Rays

posted by grum@work at 06:56 PM on October 15, 2006

As a Yankee fan, I have to admit I'm really happy to see the Tigers in the Series. I only hope the week-long layoff doesn't screw up their momentum. It seems like it should allow their incredible arms to rest up enough to dominate whoever comes out of the NL.

posted by dyams at 07:20 PM on October 15, 2006

Grum, my first response was to chuckle. My second response was, "Damn...he may be right!"

posted by ctal1999 at 07:35 PM on October 15, 2006

Yeah..hopefully they don't lose that momentum they have. I would never have guessed that losing 31 of 50 to end the season and choking away the AL central championship would be a blessing but as of now I could not be happier as a Tiger fan. '84 was cool, but I was just a kid, so I didn't have as much perspective as I do now. That team was also a team of Destiny with no superstar (no hall of famer yet, which is bull, but that's another topic for another day), but I believe this team is even more special because no one ever expected it. Glad to see the motor's tip top here in "Tigertown".

posted by sydney2006 at 08:54 PM on October 15, 2006

In reality, how could I possibly pick AGAINST the Detroit Tigers, a team that set an AL record for losses only 3 years ago? If they pull this off, I'm going to be in Las Vegas in November and I'm going to put some money down on the following franchises for 2007 World Series: Chicago Cubs Washington Nationals Tampa Bay Devil Rays I know this was written partly in jest, but considering the suckitude of the teams involved this past year and, in the case of the Rays, their division, I would say the following long-suffering franchises have a better chance based on this year's performance and what they have in terms of talent, what their divisions are like, etc. Milwaukee Brewers -- have never won a WS (they came in with the '69 expansion, when they came in as the Seattle Pilots) and haven't been to the playoffs since 1982 (when they lost to STL in the World Series). San Diego Padres -- haven't won the WS (they also came into MLB with the '69 expansion) and haven't won a postseason series (in two trips) since making it to the 1998 World Series and getting swept by NYY. Honorable mentions -- Cleveland, Texas, Philadelphia

posted by holden at 09:01 PM on October 15, 2006

Speaking of placing bets, my money is on the Texas Rangers winnig it all next year. Think about it: New york Yankees- fire Buck Showalter- win WS next season Arizona Diamondbacks-fire Buck Showalter- win WS next season Texas Rangers- fire Buck Showalter- anyone see a pattern?

posted by SoonerLes at 10:59 PM on October 15, 2006

Daniels and Hicks will screw something up this off-season to preclude that, Les, bet your bottom dollar.

posted by mjkredliner at 12:16 AM on October 16, 2006

Hey, commander, 68 was a great series,a classic. Can Detroit reactivate Mickey Lolich for this series? Heck, who needs Mickey when you've got a stud like Nate Robertson? Good luck, Tigers! In '68 I was 12 years old which I think is the perfect age to be as a baseball fan when your team is going to the World series. Hell the following year man landed on the moon, which was in my mind only almost as big of a deal as watching Al Kaline play in the Series the year before. It was a magical time that can't be repeated. This year however gives the chance for a 50 year old man like my self (who is feeling his age with a lot of medical problems) to relive those days. And isn't that what sports is all about? It's the memories that probably weren't really as good as we remember them that makes it all worthwhile. We don't have Micky or Denny or Al or Willie this time, so in their place we have other names. But they're still Tigers. They're still the team that distracts you from the day to day concerns of life. The team that you cheer for when all others say you're a fool. And the team that brings you smiles that can't be erased when they finally find that magic combination. Just like fans of every team in any sport they're the reason you watch, cheer and cry. I love the Detroit Tigers not because they're a dynasty or a team that has a chance to win every year, but because every once in a while that loyalty makes magic happen. This is one of those years and one of those teams. This is one of those years that being a team fan is all about. This is one of those years that being a sports fan is all about.

posted by commander cody at 01:38 AM on October 16, 2006

Well put Cody. Here's hoping the Tigers can "get er dun". And "release the caps lock hostage". Great line, JerseyGirl. I busted a gut on that one

posted by texasred at 05:03 AM on October 16, 2006

I'm still pulling for my Mets (will that series ever end -- rain forecast for tonight), but I'm loving the run Detroit has made, and if the Mets have to lose (and they might have to lose, considering every starter not named Glavine), I'd love to see the Tigers take it.

posted by ajaffe at 07:26 AM on October 16, 2006

Now if only the Lions can get in the win column more often!

posted by bkdet at 09:23 AM on October 16, 2006

Hey, commander, 68 was a great series,a classic. Can Detroit reactivate Mickey Lolich for this series? Actually, he already pitched in the ALCS, judgedread!

posted by jmpeterson at 10:07 AM on October 16, 2006

DEETROIT BASEBALL.THE TIGERS WILL SHOW ALL OTHER SPORTS TEAMS IN THE D HOW TO WIN IT ALL,AND NOT CHOKE.PISTON,WINGS,OH AND THAT OTHER TEAM THE LIONS. You've got two posts on SportsFilter; here's your first one. Not to be too harsh, but your style doesn't seem to be improving, nor does your content. Also, considering that the Red Wings have three Stanley Cups in the past decade, and the Pistons have been to the conference finals four times in the past six years, including two trips to the NBA Finals, with one NBA Championship in 2003-04, I think your point is a little underwhelming. But yeah, the Lions are horrible.

posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:57 AM on October 16, 2006

When I was a kid about half past eleven in '34, the first series I ever watched was on radio; our Jr High PE teacher let us listen on the speakers during his academic classes. Great memories; Tigers-Cards...a wild series, fan intervention, gas house gang, memorable nicknames (Dizzy, Daffy, Pepper, Ducky, Gabby, Leo the Lip). All series since have been descendants of that one. I sat behind home plate in San Diego in '84 and watched Trammel & Co snuff my Padres, but it was Detroit and actually not too painful considering the above recollection. (a shame that the citizens of Detroit went ballistic after the series, but as a local sportscaster said: "Detroit is equal to 2 Newarks"). So, I'm happy the Tigers made it and I hope it's against the Cards, just for old times sake......a kid's game played by men, bases still 90 feet apart, and the never ending thrill of the sound of the crack of a bat on a little white ball and nobody, players or spectators, remains motionless.

posted by jazzdog at 02:19 PM on October 16, 2006

But yeah, the Lions are horrible. No they aren't. They are just slightly challenged.

posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 02:29 PM on October 16, 2006

I'm glad the Tigers made it; it lives up to the tradition of underdog's at the world series. ex: boston and chicago the past 2 years.

posted by sportsg at 08:23 PM on October 16, 2006

As a long time Angel's fan, I can see a resemblance between the Tigers and our last Championship ball club. The only diference being that Detroit has a bit better pitching and the Angel's had a bit more "pop". They just have the right balance at the right time of year.

posted by SunnySide at 02:34 PM on October 17, 2006

Ah, but do the Tigers have one of these?

posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:13 AM on October 18, 2006

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