Name: | Jeff Peterson |
Member since: | April 11, 2002 |
Last visit: | August 02, 2007 |
jmpeterson has posted 4 links and 33 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 3 comments to the Locker Room.
Golf Beat Report: All Augusta, all the time. Here's the latest: Martha Burk has launched a new website where she intends to "out" corporations that "sanction sex discrimination at Augusta National Golf Club." Specifically, she intends to list those corporations who have a high-ranking executive who is an Augusta member. On the flip side, another website has launched that collects links to sites that are protesting Martha Burk and her protest. Finally, in follow-up to the New York Times item two weeks ago (indicating that the Times had spiked two sports columns that had supported Tiger Woods because they were in conflict with the Times' op-ed stance), the Times apparently had a change of heart (albeit under great pressure), and did post the two columns. This story is too bizarre.
What else is going on? Well, once again the U.S. lost a team competition, as Phil Mickelson and David Toms double bogeyed the last whole to lose the "World Cup" to Japan. Craig Stadler and son Kevin won the father/son challenge. And Tiger had knee surgery that will likely keep him from playing the first few events of 2003.
posted by jmpeterson to golf at 09:10 AM on December 17, 2002 - 4 comments
The world of golf remains fixated on the Augusta National men-only story. The New York Times has yet another story in today’s paper about the controversy. Today’s news has to do with the first resignation of an Augusta member in protest of the club’s policy. But some are questioning the Times' almost bizarre fixation on this story. Indeed, a recent Newsweek article says that the paper’s Augusta coverage is causing significant internal turmoil: "The Masters coverage is so overheated, one staffer says, that executive editor Howell Raines is ‘in danger of losing the building.’"
On the lighter side of the Augusta controversy, SI’s Rick Reilly takes a look into the future, and reports on the aftermath of next year’s Masters: "Now that the fire is out, the riot has been quelled, the paramedics are gone, the jails are locked down and the National Guard is in control, I have to say that the 2003 Masters was an absolute Hootie. Wouldn't you?"
Other stories making golf news:
posted by jmpeterson to golf at 01:20 PM on December 03, 2002 - 3 comments
Main Story: The big story in golf continues to be the Augusta National vs. Martha Burke debacle. It seems every week something new comes out that brings the issue back to the forefront, and this week was no exception, as no less than the New York Times weighed in with an op-ed piece telling Tiger Woods (the defending champion) that he should skip next year’s Masters unless ANGC admits a woman member. But so far, Tiger’s sticking with his position that he doesn’t agree with the policy, but doesn’t think it’s right to force his opinion on others (unlike, say, the New York Times).
Other Stories:
posted by jmpeterson to golf at 01:22 PM on November 19, 2002 - 3 comments
"It bothers me greatly to say this, but there is very little journalism breaking out in the press tent at a golf tournament.": McPaper’s Christine Brennan mounts her high horse and lambastes the media for not hounding Tiger Woods on the issue of female membership at elite private golf clubs (specifically Augusta National). The Minneapolis Star Tribune’s Dan Barriero takes the opposite view: "There is also the disingenuousness of the lecturers, who do not simply demand that Tiger take a stand on numerous issues of the day. They want him to take a certain position -- their position -- on those issues." Should Tiger (or any famous athelete) be forced to take a public stand on whatever issue currently has the media's attention?
posted by jmpeterson to golf at 04:23 PM on August 15, 2002 - 4 comments
...even if the Wings stooped so low as to acquire him... Ha ha hee. Woo-hoo. Ahhh. *wipes tears* That was a good one! The likelihood of that happening is about the same as Osama bin Laden being elected President of the United States.
posted by jmpeterson at 01:42 PM on January 17, 2003
grum, I had exactly that same experience -- up to and including "hoping" that Miami would win so there would be no controversy. But gyc makes a good point, too. Great game! And then Sunday's playoff games were great, too. What a weekend.
posted by jmpeterson at 09:31 AM on January 06, 2003
ugh, all my links are screwed up. sorry about that.
posted by jmpeterson at 11:57 AM on December 18, 2002
I really wish Martha Burk would just STFU about this She can't/won't because she's getting so much wonderful free publicity. It doesn't matter if she eventually wins or loses this battle -- she's raised the profile of the NCWO exponentially. And to play devil's advocate, the argument goes that you really can't separate "The Masters" (which is ostensibly open to the public) from "Augusta National" -- since they hold themselves to the public and reap benefits from The Masters, they shouldn't be able to defend themselves by arguing how "private" they are. But I don't buy that argument either. The best analysis of this whole issue I've heard is that they're both "right." There is no legal issue -- the question comes down to other factors society wants to promote or protect. In Burk's case, it's the fact that society believes discrimination on the basis of sex is a bad thing. In Augusta's case, it's the fact that society favors the freedom to associate with whomever we want. I tend to come down on the side of Augusta because of my libertarian streak. I just hate the notion that one group gets to decide what's "right" and compel another group -- through threats of bad publicity and boycots -- to do what the former wants. Like grum indicated, if a bunch of rich men get their jollies sitting around together, good for them. No one's stopping anyone -- Martha Burk, a group of women, a group of gay Hispanic stockbrokers -- from starting their own club and making it "better" than ANGC.
posted by jmpeterson at 11:03 AM on December 17, 2002
Ah, you're missing out, Ufez. But thanks for the props.
posted by jmpeterson at 12:00 PM on December 09, 2002
Come on, nobody wants to talk golf? Even though the New York Times angle on this thing just keeps getting better and better?
posted by jmpeterson at 01:20 PM on December 06, 2002
Hmmm, I liked woldcup2002's itemized list. What about a "beat template"? Something like this (just as an off-the-top-of-my-head example to start discussion): BEAT REPORT: NFL WEEK X Main Story: The Tennessee Titans managed their fifth win in a row, unfortunately at the expense of Tommy Maddox's noggin. It looks like Maddox is OK, though. Which is good news. Other Items:
posted by jmpeterson at 03:15 PM on November 18, 2002
Sorry for the delay. I can do golf on any day -- but since most tournaments end on Sunday, I think Tuesday would be ideal (to capture any Monday post-mortems). It's kind of golf's silly season right now, so there may not be much to talk about until the 1st of the year.
posted by jmpeterson at 12:37 PM on November 18, 2002
I'll volunteer for golf. Is that a sport? Anyway, this year there's no shortage of material, even in the "silly season." If there's interest, I'm up for it.
posted by jmpeterson at 04:36 PM on November 14, 2002
He's absolutely right that there will always be a Masters. Despite what Martha Burk seems to think, you can't separate The Masters from Augusta National Golf Club. It wouldn't matter if CBS went away and 99% of the pros rejected their invitations. Augusta would still defiantly hold The Masters every April. The winner might be a club pro from Boise, but he'd be don the green jacket. The problem with this entire fiasco is that you have two incredibly stubborn individuals opposing each other, and both take positions that are legally defensible. Since there are no legal issues involved, Burk argues for "the greater social good," while Hootie argues for the right to associate with whomever the hell you want. Both of those (imho) are objectives worth pursuing/defending. So which prevails? Augusta would rather lose it all than risk appearing to be pressured from the outside. For this to be resolved I think there have to be some deep behind-the-scenes negotiations in which a woman member will be admitted in a way that saves face for Augusta. I envision something along the lines of Augusta indicating that they have been exploring the idea for some time, and will take their time making a decision. A year or two down the road, with little or no fanfare, they'll admit a woman member. However, I don't think Burk will go for that (even though it would get her what she ostensibly wants). Finally, I always have to note that this is such a silly place for Burk to focus. ANGC's main discrimination is against those who are not rich and connected. That's the discrimination that excludes me, you, and Bill Gates, and 99.9999% of the population, let alone one token woman.
posted by jmpeterson at 10:38 AM on November 12, 2002
According to this site, males with Fragile X generally have an IQ in the 40-to-60 range (moderately retarded). I would suspect that this individual knew exactly what was happening -- that he was being allowed to score as a gesture of thanks for having the courage to try out for the team. I agree that this would be borderline cruel if he was under the mistaken assumption that he had actually scored by himself. But I don't think that's the case -- obviously both sides were waving him towards the end zone. Anyway, count me among those with a lump in their throat.
posted by jmpeterson at 02:25 PM on October 31, 2002
No. He is aloof. He is more interested in self than team. He is also a supremely talented baseball player. Most articles I read about Bonds refer to all of those things. To suggest that Bonds isn't painted more sympathetically because sportswriting is a haven for "unreconstructed Boorish White Males" is, at best, simplistic and, at worst, stereotypical and racist.
posted by jmpeterson at 01:50 PM on October 25, 2002
One can only hope. But it'll go to arbitration and his fine will be cut by some outrageous percentage. PJ was an asshole that deserved what he got from Sprewell Do you really mean he deserved to be choked? I don't care what flavor of asshole he was, no one deserves that.
posted by jmpeterson at 08:54 AM on October 22, 2002
I don't actually believe there's much preventing women from competing in any sport, assuming they have the talent to compete. To use golf as one example, the PGA Tour has no rules prohibiting women from participating. Presumably a woman with sufficient talent could try out at Q school and earn her tour card. And with respect to individual sports (racing, swimming, etc.), I think that if times reached parity, there would no longer be separate competitions for "men" and "women." But if you eliminated all gender distinctions now, wouldn't that have a catastrophic impact on women's sports? At least now the fastest female swimmer gets recognition in the Olympics. If the race was gender-inspecific, and that same female finished 43rd (or, more likely, couldn't make the team), what kind of recognition would she get?
posted by jmpeterson at 04:29 PM on October 07, 2002
Detroit Tigers Reach World You-Can't-Be-Serious
Hey, commander, 68 was a great series,a classic. Can Detroit reactivate Mickey Lolich for this series? Actually, he already pitched in the ALCS, judgedread!