From Bad to Worse for Maurice Clarett: The ex-Ohio State running back was arrested early this morning after a traffic stop. After struggling with officers, Clarett, who is already awaiting trial on robbery charges, was hit with the stun gun, which was ineffective, because he was wearing a bulletpfoof vest. After he was Maced, it still took "several officers" to subdue and cuff Clarett, who was carrying four loaded weapons in his SUV.
posted by The_Black_Hand to other at 06:31 AM - 63 comments
I got more of a Robert De Niro/Taxi Driver vibe with some delusions of gangsta grandeur mixed in. Still creepy though.
posted by forrestv at 06:57 AM on August 09, 2006
He's damned lucky he didn't reach for any of those weapons, or we'd be reading about Mr. Clarett in the obituary pages.
posted by alumshubby at 07:06 AM on August 09, 2006
Come on, judge; sometimes one just isn't enough! Seriously, though, unless he's just completely out of his tree, someone must be after him, some outstanding beef with him or his buddies. He's probably safer in jail. Though he can well afford most any bail, right?
posted by Hugh Janus at 07:30 AM on August 09, 2006
Clarett really doesn't deserve posts on this site anymore. He's not an athlete, he's a felon. At one time he had a good college football season, but that was long ago. Now he's just an embarrassment and an individual who needs either incarceration or serious, serious help.
posted by dyams at 07:34 AM on August 09, 2006
He probably can't afford most bail- he's never had a substantive NFL contract. [His ongoing problems are just karmic balance for UM fans; a constant reminder that we should have won in 2001 to balance against all the times when we probably cheated our way to the top.]
posted by tieguy at 07:36 AM on August 09, 2006
TIRED: Mike Tyson WIRED: Maurice Clarett
posted by rocketman at 07:56 AM on August 09, 2006
Columbine? Not even close. DiNiro/Taxi driver? Eh, maybe a tinge. Delusions of Gangsta Grandeur? Ding ding ding We Have A Winner. Good bye Maurice.
posted by RedStrike at 08:01 AM on August 09, 2006
None of us are in his head, and none of us know what brought him to that place, so speculation is a bad idea. And it's true that Clarett never got the money that was within his reach not all that long ago, so he can't buy his way out of anything. It really is remarkable how fast he's fallen. Like, I don't know how much faster he could have destroyed his public persona, and oh yeah his life, without actually killing someone. And I've had days bad enough that four guns, a kevlar vest and healthy dose of The Fear weren't enough. Sometimes, you have to ignore the rules of the road and hope the fuzz doesn't get all smart on you with road spikes & backup mace cans. On top of everything else, he's sure unlucky. I feel bad for him. He's not getting away with any of these shenanigans, his internal judgment is completely out of whack, and whatever advice on how to conduct oneself in society he may have gotten is obviously not doing him anything but a world of harm. I agree that jail might not be the worst place for him right now.
posted by chicobangs at 08:06 AM on August 09, 2006
I don't think he's fallen fast - I fail to recall when he rose in the first place. This guy is a cartoon - nothing but a running series of bad choices. And bulletproof vests are SOOOOO two years ago. Gah.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:28 AM on August 09, 2006
Chico, I agree with a lot of what you just wrote, but how do we know that "He's not getting away with any of these shenanigans,"? This may have been his daily routine for the last 6 months, and someone finally noticed. Honestly, this sounds to me like he was ready to haul something very valuable to a very dangerous place or recipient, and he got snagged before he picked up said valuables (can anyone say drug courier?). Really, it's not much of a reach from robbery to distribution of drugs, the money's better and you're less likely to get caught (at least in the short run). It's just speculation, but would anyone be surprised to find out that that's what happened? He expected to get rich, he's said that the system screwed him, and he hasn't been shy about going outside the normal boundaries. Drug trade? He wouldn't be the first fallen athlete to go there.
posted by ctal1999 at 08:36 AM on August 09, 2006
And I've had days bad enough that four guns, a kevlar vest and healthy dose of The Fear weren't enough. Sometimes, you have to ignore the rules of the road and hope the fuzz doesn't get all smart on you with road spikes & backup mace cans. Yup, happened to me in Miami in the 70s and 80s, then again out in Cali/ Vegas during the 90s. And as soon as Rockstar gets around to it, it'll happen somewhere else too.
posted by yerfatma at 08:41 AM on August 09, 2006
"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats" but, for most of us, restraint prevails. I'm glad there were no victims to read about. As for Clarett, I think these will be federal charges, and I hope he is dealt with accordingly.
posted by mjkredliner at 08:54 AM on August 09, 2006
Yup, happened to me in Miami in the 70s and 80s, then again out in Cali/ Vegas during the 90s. I got mine in Liberty City earlier this decade. At least Clarrett didn't get the tank. They don't mess around when you get the tank.
posted by SummersEve at 09:12 AM on August 09, 2006
Well he can now be proud. He has taken the "WTF were you thinking!!" award away from the champ Mike Tyson.
posted by T.C. at 09:21 AM on August 09, 2006
just have one word for clarett,LOSER!
posted by mars1 at 09:23 AM on August 09, 2006
Sounds like another promising aspect gone bad... Lawrence Philips
posted by Stealth_72 at 09:31 AM on August 09, 2006
just have one word for clarett,LOSER! I understand what you're saying, but I wouldn't go so far as to call him a loser. Aside from the fact it's dismissive, Clarett is so far removed from his chance at fame and fortune that he really has nothing to lose (if I remember right, last year he was already more than $1 million in legal fees alone.) I suspect that even if Clarett had made it in the pros, something like this still would have happened. The kid had delusions of grandeur from the get-go.
posted by forrestv at 10:03 AM on August 09, 2006
After getting maced and tasered, it still took several cops to bring him down? If he could have reigned in the "crazy", I get the feeling he might have had a good career ripping through defensive lines...
posted by grum@work at 10:16 AM on August 09, 2006
I was thinking the same thing, grum.
posted by dusted at 11:10 AM on August 09, 2006
Still another success story from the NCAA run, NFL school of football. Some of thease kids can really show the pros up when it comes to felonious behavior. He sounds like another Brent Moss, all the talent in the world and not one living brain cell.
posted by CB900 at 11:41 AM on August 09, 2006
Or this may be an excellent Chapter 22 for an yet-coming book from Clarett discussing the social and nurtural factors that led to the demise of a once-promising athlete. Consider all these ignorant moves an investment.
posted by PublicUrinal at 12:27 PM on August 09, 2006
Please disassociate him with Ohio State, what a disappointment!! Anyway GO BUCKS!!
posted by at 12:52 PM on August 09, 2006
Maurice was at a fund rasing event for Smith and Wesson raising money for local gangs and showing the importance of bullet proof vests. He liked the feel of the vest and forgot to take it off as it was very comfortable. He had just finished dropping off the last of his church group and was pulled over for a minor infraction. I have it on good authority, the cops that pulled him over are originally from Michigan. The guns were planted as part of a conspiricy against poor Maurice.
posted by lightman at 01:10 PM on August 09, 2006
Umm, Clarett is waste of space. Thank god he got caught before he killed someone. The guy is definately a loser. Once upon a time he was good at something and now he's a danger to sociey with numerous felonies pending. He has no respect. I wonder if he wishes he was a fry cook at Wendy's and just a regular citizen. Hey, wait a minute, maybe he can still be a winner. He could be the number one draft on the prison football team. Maybe he can be the number one draft pick for the "get poked by really bad dudes." He could go in the second round in the shower. He could recover the soap fumble and get buried in the pile up. Maybe he could even go for two, two helpings of prison chow. Lock down Clarett, make sure to sleep on your back!
posted by T$PORT4lawschool at 01:11 PM on August 09, 2006
I think he heard the team from "The Longest Yard" is looking for a good Running Back
posted by timdawg at 01:18 PM on August 09, 2006
Clarett really doesn't deserve posts on this site anymore. He's not an athlete Amen. It just opens the door for posts on anyone whoever played or attempted to play. That said, apparently enough people are interested to post more than 25 comments. So, it gets more attention from the sports crowd than rugby, the Olympics, or the new NFL commissioner.
posted by graymatters at 01:26 PM on August 09, 2006
Only one word for this latest Clarett "fumble", UNBELIEVEABLE! I don't know how one person can screw up his life so fast as he has. He had the world ahead of him and now will rot in prison. He is a very good example to young kids of "what NOT to do with your life.
posted by Siestasan at 01:28 PM on August 09, 2006
Clarett reminds me that cream rises to the top. So does scum. in addition I don't believe everything has been answered as far as OSU and Clarett are concerned.
posted by sickleguy at 01:44 PM on August 09, 2006
Nah - Clarett's a tough man. Anyone who takes a few tasers and mace hits probably isn't going to be dropping the soap anytime soon. Drederick Tatum during prison riot: "Hey knock it off." *immediate silence, prisoners sheepishly return to cells* Other prisoner (apologetic) "... It was Larry."
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 01:45 PM on August 09, 2006
An article on reported Clarett was to play for the Youngstown Hitmen in the wildly popular Eastern Indoor Football League. The moron who coaches the 'Hitmen' said they'll wait and see what happens with Clarett and said, "I've seen far worse situations than this." The Hitmen. Seriously. What are some of the other teams in the league called? The Rapists? The Arsonists? The Molesters? Jeez!
posted by Desert Dog at 01:52 PM on August 09, 2006
Hey Clarett, CYA buddy. No vests or guns in the joint pal.
posted by T$PORT4lawschool at 02:02 PM on August 09, 2006
I've been in the south too long because I read this story and didn't see what the big deal was. I think this would be a misdemeanor in Virginia. Get a permit for $40 and it is perfectly legal.
posted by bperk at 02:30 PM on August 09, 2006
Definitely not just a southern trend.
posted by mjkredliner at 03:08 PM on August 09, 2006
Hey Clarett, CYA buddy. No vests or guns in the joint pal. Dude, seriously, you're acting like he was on his way to your house to pimp-slap your wife. Stop acting like he's going to get life for this, or should I say, stop acting like you hope he gets life for this.
posted by Bishop at 03:22 PM on August 09, 2006
As it was at the combine, so it is in life for Maurice-a powerful and damaging runner, but lacking the second gear and breakaway speed to get away from pursuers.
posted by Bonkers at 03:37 PM on August 09, 2006
He's Ryan Leaf off the field.
posted by Joe88 at 04:10 PM on August 09, 2006
Is that supposed to mean something?
posted by yerfatma at 04:56 PM on August 09, 2006
While Ryan Leaf was no doubt a complete failure as an NFL Quaterback I do not recall him having any problems with the law. Did I miss something?
posted by Termite at 05:24 PM on August 09, 2006
Maybe the guy's just dating again.
posted by luckyoldson at 05:39 PM on August 09, 2006
Maybe the guy's just dating again. Is that supposed to mean something? posted by yerfatma at 4:56 PM CDT on August 9
posted by Termite at 05:48 PM on August 09, 2006
Bulletproof vest, loaded weapons in vehicle -- I was thinking, hey, maybe he was undercover, driving into his SWAT unit in response to a call. Or not.
posted by worldcup2002 at 05:53 PM on August 09, 2006
The sad part about all this is that if the guy would have finished college and kept clean, he'd be sitting in a jacuzzi with four professional cheerleaders right now as opposed to prison...with a fairly respectable bank account to boot. When will the NFL set a minimum draft age as the NBA is making steps toward?
posted by brownindian at 06:32 PM on August 09, 2006
When will the NFL set a minimum draft age You're kidding, right?
posted by SummersEve at 07:02 PM on August 09, 2006
When will the NFL set a minimum draft age See Clarett, Maurice; Williams, Mike. The NFL has a de facto age policy in effect and has for some time. No player can be drafted until they're three years removed from their high school graduation date.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 07:28 PM on August 09, 2006
The sad part about all this is if the guy would have finished collegeand kept clean, he'd be sitting in a jacuzzi with four professional cheerleaders right now as oppsed to prison... The only difference I see is that if he had made it to the NFL he would have been driving a better car, had more guns and would not get any jail time.
posted by CB900 at 08:20 PM on August 09, 2006
Simply put, Columbus police prevented SOME kind of murder... But then, wait 10 years...Oakland will need a running back with killer instinct...
posted by wolfdad at 09:46 PM on August 09, 2006
The Hitmen. Seriously. What are some of the other teams in the league called? Youngstown is notorious for its mafia population, and its gang violence. In its hayday it had the same crime rate as Chicago. I ran as a paramedic there for a year and a half, after it had "calmed down" and it was still pretty much like a war zone at times. That is what happens when the steel mills all close, and there are no jobs left though I guess. The crime rate sky rockets.
posted by jojomfd1 at 11:57 PM on August 09, 2006
Here is some fun Y-town info, look under refurbishing the city.
posted by jojomfd1 at 12:04 AM on August 10, 2006
I don't believe everything has been answered as far as OSU and Clarett are concerned. posted by sickleguy at 1:44 PM CDT on August 9 What do you mean? What do think will happen next that involves OSU?
posted by jojomfd1 at 12:16 AM on August 10, 2006
t-money, cc, please take the prison rape humor somewhere else or to email. Thanks.
posted by justgary at 12:31 AM on August 10, 2006
he had on a bullet-proof vest,had four guns,and a hatchet.who does he think he is?Man On Fire?they should just lock him up.I see multiple prison sentences in his future.
posted by mars1 at 10:16 AM on August 10, 2006
Lets hope they lock him up and throw away the key. Otherwise, he'll kill someone! His talent is not that great anyway!
posted by nflhou02 at 10:37 AM on August 10, 2006
Still, $5 million bail is ridiculous, and one wonders whether his prominence and background influenced this. Just yesterday, two major (alleged) crooks who stole millions through their public company and are a lot richer than Clarett were released on $1 million bond, even after their boss had fled the country to avoid prosecution for the same crime.
posted by BYRDX at 10:45 AM on August 10, 2006
Sad state of affairs. Here's a guy with so much potential and all his troubles start with one lie and everything just goes downhill from there. If he would have opened up at Denver and at least tried to make an effort, Shanahan would have at least put him on the practice squad or made him a reserve player. But since that didn't happen, he was let go. What a waste of good talent. What a waste of a life. Clarett is in need of some serious help. And that's just to live day by day not to mention football.
posted by usroute17 at 03:57 PM on August 10, 2006
Still, $5 million bail is ridiculous, You're kidding, right? The fucker had four weapons and a bullett proof vest on. Last I checked Clarett wasn't stationed in Iraq; he was driving his SUV. Also, if you happened to read the article, the cops tased him and he still resisted. Yeah, you're probably right, he should have been ROR.
posted by willthrill72 at 10:35 PM on August 10, 2006
I saw a pic of what he had on his front seat on Yahoo. Looked like two .45's and an AK47 with a modified stock and clip of about 30-40 rounds. Nasty little arsenal. I wonder who he was pissed at?
posted by commander cody at 11:05 PM on August 10, 2006
The taser was ineffective, not because Clarrett is some kind of superman, but because the vest kept the leads from contacting his skin, he never got the shock... I would think that the reason for the 5 mil bail is because he was already pending trial for an armed robbery charge and this latest incident occured just outside of the residence of one of the witnesses set to testify in that trial.... Hell, if i were the judge, there would have been no bail allowed....
posted by elovrich at 01:02 AM on August 11, 2006
this latest incident occured just outside of the residence of one of the witnesses set to testify in that trial I heard it was "within a few miles" of one of the witnesses residences. Also, it states he lead police on a 4 mile chase. If the police were following me, I don't think I'd drive to a witnesses residence with that kind of hardware. One would think if they were on to him, he would go the other way. I mean, what was he facing? A year or 2 in jail? Hmm, let me think, instead of a year in jail, I'll lead the police to the witnesses house and open up with this AK. That should help me get found not guilty.
posted by Bishop at 10:09 AM on August 11, 2006
Now they are postponing the hearing to wait for results of a mental stability test.......WOW that is a hard one to judge. Just imagine the types of things he would do (and probably get away with) if he had made it in the NFL, and had millions stacked up.
posted by megyed at 03:38 PM on August 11, 2006
if this was a white running back would we be making suck a big deal of this?
posted by dmontez1392 at 12:22 PM on August 12, 2006
posted by mjkredliner at 12:25 PM on August 12, 2006
if this was a white running back would we be making suck a big deal of this? posted by dmontez1392 at 12:22 PM CDT on August 12 Give me a break, any one driving erratically, with four loaded weapons, and a bullet proof vest on is bound to have a big deal made out of it. When it is a former athlete, that lands it here. It has nothing to do with black/white anything. If he were green maybe that would have been mentioned though.
posted by jojomfd1 at 02:20 PM on August 12, 2006
WILD SPECULATION ALERT Driving around in the pre-dawn hours, wearing a bulletproof vest, with four loaded guns in the car? Anybody else get a real creepy, Columbine-type vibe off this?