Member since: | August 09, 2005 |
Last visit: | August 05, 2006 |
RedStrike has posted 0 links and 103 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
Eh, I suck, though I have followed directions as told!? This is as good as I can do.
posted by RedStrike at 10:39 AM on August 05, 2006
From all that I have been hearing/reading, , (fingers crossed, my first attempt at a link), it is not only un-naturally high levels of testosterone, but artificial bits to boot. And if so, he should get the boot. My personal feeling is that he saw his attempt to grab the "golden ring" slipping away, and gave it a go. When caught, he had a Rafeal Palmero, (sp?) moment. Can't say that I haven't done the same, though on a much smaller stage!
posted by RedStrike at 10:36 AM on August 05, 2006
God Bless America! Where results are not appropriately awarded. Actually, this could be a good thing. I've always heard of incompetence being rewarded, maybe this is the Lion's way of booting Millen "upstairs". Sigh, my fantasy is just that as long as Ford, (could be replaced with another 4 letter word starting with F), is the owner. Marc hin g D o w n eh, forget it. (kind of appropriate that the Lion's fight song talks about going down).
posted by RedStrike at 10:25 AM on August 05, 2006
Ahhhh, the Dominator. Please oh please have one year left in the tank! For $500K + incentives, why not take the chance. It's not like there was anyone else available that the Wings would be able to get, (at least there better not have).
posted by RedStrike at 12:44 PM on July 31, 2006
But isn't Canadian & World League Football the NFL's version of a minor league? Waste of time & money, ehh, sure, but I'm 100 % with Mr/Mrs/Ms Grum.
posted by RedStrike at 05:01 PM on July 27, 2006
They have been saying for years around here to "Restore the Roar". They meant the Lions, but we'll easily take the Tigers! Rooaaarrrr! Nice job boys, and keep it running!
posted by RedStrike at 08:42 AM on July 25, 2006
All this rain on my dream of the Wings triumphant return to the East has me singing those Ugly Ole Penguin Baby Blues!
posted by RedStrike at 03:37 PM on June 27, 2006
Ideally, Cuban buys the Penguins, moves them to Kansas, renames them the Chiefs, & the Wings move to the East to fill in the spot just vacated!
posted by RedStrike at 02:06 PM on June 27, 2006
This series is what hockey is all about. Fun, fast, #8 seed fighting all the way to the end, goaltenders on both sides coming in when not expected to! Congrats to both teams & all hockey fans. Not to take away from this game 7 series, (or any game 7 series), but the Rangers 94 Eastern Conference run is my all time fav. And why was Bettmann in no hurry last night to pass out the Cup, when during Dallas/Buffalo he couldn't wait to pitch that baby out? It's all about Bettmann, always is.
posted by RedStrike at 07:11 AM on June 20, 2006
Wow! What hyperbole! While agreeing that it is a tragedy that a loss of a young, talented lifes brings. I must disagree with most regarding the impact his death has had on all levels, besides that of a personal. The War on Drugs was going to happen with or without his death. The NBA has continued, and thrived, without his presence. Would he have become one of the greatest? Sure, why not. Could he have become a bust like soooo many other self appointed next "Great One"s. Sure, why not. But to wail & bemoan lost potential? I'd rather not, especially when there are soooo many other better causes to wail & bemoan, seconding the motion of Mr. Clemente's loss.
posted by RedStrike at 03:54 PM on June 19, 2006
That's the spirit Furnaceman! Restore the Roar! (granted, stolen from the Liedowns, but if they are not going to do anything . . . ). Granted it's early, but considering what the Tiger's faithful have had previously, I say way to go boys!
posted by RedStrike at 01:33 PM on May 17, 2006
Crazy? Crazy like a fox! Especially in leagues that have $$ payouts, (are there any others?). The more teams the more chances. As for collusion, that's just another word for "competetive edge". Yeah, that's the ticket. And if MLB does come down on this, (they shouldn't win, but in the ju$tice $y$tem of ours . . . ), we'll, (the leaguers), will take our $ elsewhere. Anyone up for some Strat-O?
posted by RedStrike at 03:41 PM on May 16, 2006
Beware Grum, that's how it starts. A small league here, an attractive payout there. Hmmmm, well this season's done, sure, I have time for this sport. Next thing you know, it's a year round obsession. Sooo many teams, so much invested. Not just the American Corporate Way, but the American Way, My Way. And sure, regrets, I've had a few, (mostly involving a professional athelete named Lindross!). So screw MLB, I will take my $ a find plenty of other hands held out for them.
posted by RedStrike at 03:28 PM on May 16, 2006
While I am leary of jinoistic nationalism, (personally, I feel that the Internationale unites the world in song), I try to respect people's sentimentality towards such, and have no problem giving due respect during the singing of anyone's national anthem. Disrespectful of the Sharks fans, yes, but perhaps they realize what I have been saying even after they were up 2-0, that the Oilers are going to advance! Instead of "Oh Canada", maybe it should be "Go Canada"! Just waiting for the invasion. A Canadian Quisling, (Quisling for Canada?).
posted by RedStrike at 12:11 PM on May 15, 2006
From Bad to Worse for Maurice Clarett
Columbine? Not even close. DiNiro/Taxi driver? Eh, maybe a tinge. Delusions of Gangsta Grandeur? Ding ding ding We Have A Winner. Good bye Maurice.