Eh, I suck, though I have followed directions as told!? This is as good as I can do.
posted by RedStrike at 10:39 AM on August 05, 2006
From all that I have been hearing/reading, , (fingers crossed, my first attempt at a link), it is not only un-naturally high levels of testosterone, but artificial bits to boot. And if so, he should get the boot. My personal feeling is that he saw his attempt to grab the "golden ring" slipping away, and gave it a go. When caught, he had a Rafeal Palmero, (sp?) moment. Can't say that I haven't done the same, though on a much smaller stage!
posted by RedStrike at 10:36 AM on August 05, 2006
God Bless America! Where results are not appropriately awarded. Actually, this could be a good thing. I've always heard of incompetence being rewarded, maybe this is the Lion's way of booting Millen "upstairs". Sigh, my fantasy is just that as long as Ford, (could be replaced with another 4 letter word starting with F), is the owner. Marc hin g D o w n eh, forget it. (kind of appropriate that the Lion's fight song talks about going down).
posted by RedStrike at 10:25 AM on August 05, 2006
Ahhhh, the Dominator. Please oh please have one year left in the tank! For $500K + incentives, why not take the chance. It's not like there was anyone else available that the Wings would be able to get, (at least there better not have).
posted by RedStrike at 12:44 PM on July 31, 2006
But isn't Canadian & World League Football the NFL's version of a minor league? Waste of time & money, ehh, sure, but I'm 100 % with Mr/Mrs/Ms Grum.
posted by RedStrike at 05:01 PM on July 27, 2006
They have been saying for years around here to "Restore the Roar". They meant the Lions, but we'll easily take the Tigers! Rooaaarrrr! Nice job boys, and keep it running!
posted by RedStrike at 08:42 AM on July 25, 2006
All this rain on my dream of the Wings triumphant return to the East has me singing those Ugly Ole Penguin Baby Blues!
posted by RedStrike at 03:37 PM on June 27, 2006
Ideally, Cuban buys the Penguins, moves them to Kansas, renames them the Chiefs, & the Wings move to the East to fill in the spot just vacated!
posted by RedStrike at 02:06 PM on June 27, 2006
This series is what hockey is all about. Fun, fast, #8 seed fighting all the way to the end, goaltenders on both sides coming in when not expected to! Congrats to both teams & all hockey fans. Not to take away from this game 7 series, (or any game 7 series), but the Rangers 94 Eastern Conference run is my all time fav. And why was Bettmann in no hurry last night to pass out the Cup, when during Dallas/Buffalo he couldn't wait to pitch that baby out? It's all about Bettmann, always is.
posted by RedStrike at 07:11 AM on June 20, 2006
Wow! What hyperbole! While agreeing that it is a tragedy that a loss of a young, talented lifes brings. I must disagree with most regarding the impact his death has had on all levels, besides that of a personal. The War on Drugs was going to happen with or without his death. The NBA has continued, and thrived, without his presence. Would he have become one of the greatest? Sure, why not. Could he have become a bust like soooo many other self appointed next "Great One"s. Sure, why not. But to wail & bemoan lost potential? I'd rather not, especially when there are soooo many other better causes to wail & bemoan, seconding the motion of Mr. Clemente's loss.
posted by RedStrike at 03:54 PM on June 19, 2006
That's the spirit Furnaceman! Restore the Roar! (granted, stolen from the Liedowns, but if they are not going to do anything . . . ). Granted it's early, but considering what the Tiger's faithful have had previously, I say way to go boys!
posted by RedStrike at 01:33 PM on May 17, 2006
Crazy? Crazy like a fox! Especially in leagues that have $$ payouts, (are there any others?). The more teams the more chances. As for collusion, that's just another word for "competetive edge". Yeah, that's the ticket. And if MLB does come down on this, (they shouldn't win, but in the ju$tice $y$tem of ours . . . ), we'll, (the leaguers), will take our $ elsewhere. Anyone up for some Strat-O?
posted by RedStrike at 03:41 PM on May 16, 2006
Beware Grum, that's how it starts. A small league here, an attractive payout there. Hmmmm, well this season's done, sure, I have time for this sport. Next thing you know, it's a year round obsession. Sooo many teams, so much invested. Not just the American Corporate Way, but the American Way, My Way. And sure, regrets, I've had a few, (mostly involving a professional athelete named Lindross!). So screw MLB, I will take my $ a find plenty of other hands held out for them.
posted by RedStrike at 03:28 PM on May 16, 2006
While I am leary of jinoistic nationalism, (personally, I feel that the Internationale unites the world in song), I try to respect people's sentimentality towards such, and have no problem giving due respect during the singing of anyone's national anthem. Disrespectful of the Sharks fans, yes, but perhaps they realize what I have been saying even after they were up 2-0, that the Oilers are going to advance! Instead of "Oh Canada", maybe it should be "Go Canada"! Just waiting for the invasion. A Canadian Quisling, (Quisling for Canada?).
posted by RedStrike at 12:11 PM on May 15, 2006
Nice job Oilers. You played hard, and eventually won it. I had a feeling that they would give any opponent a hard time in the first round. As far as my Wings go . . . Officiating blah blah blah. The refs did a good job, sure mistakes were made, on both sides of the puck, nothing that lost a game or series though. The defensive lapses by Cross-to Bear, Lilac, and Froozen throughout the series were telling, (boy, why doesn't the Wings clone Lidstrom?). Not enough goals scored by the Wings offensive? My take is that 3 goals in a playoff game should win it, (esp when one is up 2-0 after 2). As far as not blaming Manny . . . sure, Franzen left him high & dry, but all series long there was a 5 Hole big enough to drive a truck through, and that goal should have been stopped. It's simple, look at what qbert has to say just a couple posts up, and I'll repeat it, if any team wants to go far in the playoffs, your goaltender has to make a few game savers, Manny didn't, and in professional sports, if you are relied on to be a significant part of the teams sucess and you don't come through . . . Late in the 2nd, the Wings shot, the puck hit Rolosson, it dropped and began to dribble, Rolosson was not sure where the puck was, but he dropped, and as he did, he sent his blocker back and down to make a solid wall on the goal line, stopping the puck, beautiful. I told the missus that if the Oilers won, (it was 2-0 Wings at that point), it was because of that save. The Captain, he can do anything, (hockeywise), he wants. He's deserved it. And, most importantly, he can still contribute, (though not at a 1980s-90s level). My Wings are, (disappointingly for me), out of the playoffs waaay to early. But there still is a lot of great hockey yet! Come on Philly, let's have a game 7! (though I want Buffalo to prevail) You to Canadians, (same with the Canes) Flames/Ducks, yeah!
posted by RedStrike at 08:38 AM on May 02, 2006
Ahhh, the old adage speed kills is once again rearing it's ugly head. Could you imaging how much more fluid the game could be with olympic size rinks? I agree with Summers, Hatcher, Rathje? Pylons! While I like Hitchcock, I am Dee-lighted the Flailers are getting their upcomence! Let's Go Buffalo! Now just if those Wings can apply some breaks to those speedy lil Oilers! Go Wings! Go Overtime, (Canadians & Carolina, 2-1 beaut eh?), (Go Carolina, yes, the forever grudge holding Strike still hasn't forgiven those Canadian fans for the Weekes episode!).
posted by RedStrike at 10:08 AM on April 27, 2006
No doubt Stevie Y is a great one. Ranks right up there with Messier. But I have to give the push to Messier. Just a maniac when it came down to it. And the Messier was with Gretzky while Stevie was doing it all alone arguement . . . one can argue that since the "Dead Wings" as they were known as, (ahh the days when one could walk on down to the J.L.A. and purchase nose bleed tics and have the arena at ones choice), were soooo bad, that 1, teams let down when they played them, and 2, Stevie received all the ice time that he could get. Sure Stevie Y. is one of the great ones, ranks equally with Mike Modano & Joe Sakic in my book, but all three are still just behind the Moose. (And that classic, "We will win" in game 6, backed up with a hat trick . . . just totally Messier). Go Wings. Go Stevie Y. Thanks Mark
posted by RedStrike at 04:44 PM on April 17, 2006
Oh, and Messier being better than Stevie Y.? Sigh, maybe. (that's the best your going to get out of me!)
posted by RedStrike at 09:53 AM on April 17, 2006
Ahhh Captain, it's been glorious. Thank you. For the next, I have always been a fan of promoting Lidstrom, (well above Shanny & Chris though no disrespect intended). Year after year after year of stellar defensive play, always been a Wing, always should be. Though I see the arguement for Datsyuk or Zetterburg. As far as the playoffs, sure this team or that one should advance, and I am hoping that Stevie Y does a Bettis. But if not, may we have good hockey anyways. Go Wings! Go 7 game series decided in O.T.!!!!!!!
posted by RedStrike at 09:49 AM on April 17, 2006
Great photo njsk8r20, though the caption says "attempted" to land a punch, and the shot looks as if he did land it, and land it well. While I like the fact that the fighters have to play well also, I am still a fan of the enforcer role to bring just retribution on cheap shots. And sure, Brendan Shanahan won't make the list, but that Irish lad is one to easily make a fan smile.
posted by RedStrike at 10:16 AM on April 05, 2006
I like Favre as a quaterback. Huge upside, but the major gambles he takes to produce that huge upside comes with a disastrous downside. Won't touch him in a fantasy league. As far as the article, Favre selfish? No doubt, when last season was over before it was, he should have let the kid have the opportunity to play, dare I suggest . . . start? Heaven forbid Favre to try to help the teams future. But I whole heartedly agree with the majority of the posters, (hi fellow posters!), Chumara questioning anothers character, (sp?), and I should lecture about abstinence from acohol, (for those who don't know me, I shouldn't, wouldn't, and can't).
posted by RedStrike at 08:26 AM on April 04, 2006
I would nominate the Detroit Lions of the NFL to be the closest thing in sports to the Leafs. But at least the Detroit fans do have the Wings, Pistons, and to some extant the Tigers. Leafs fans, well, at least you have good hockey. Granted, it's being played in places such as Calgary, Ottawa, Montreal, and heaven forbid, (gasp), the states. But it's playoff time. A great time for hockey. Here's rooting for game 7 overtimes across the board, every series! (and go Panthers, what kind of Wile E. Super-Genius would have predicted that they would be storming for a playoff spot a month ago?)
posted by RedStrike at 12:54 PM on April 03, 2006
I teach that to the missus everytime we see it happen njsk8r20, (which, with the hockey package on DirecTV is a lot). And it still pisses me off when the defender let's the pass get through!!!! Arghh!
posted by RedStrike at 04:07 PM on March 28, 2006
Granted njsk8r20, it is harsh, and unfair to players like Sundin to condemn, (sp?), them all for Domi. I stand corrected. And boy, how I would love a Leafs/Wings match up, (what a Cup final that would be!!!!). But going back to the thread, not this year. And from the looks of it . . . sorry Leaf fans, . . . it may be a loonnngggg time before even respectability. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, thanks Mike Ilitch!!!!
posted by RedStrike at 02:43 PM on March 28, 2006
Yes, I hold grudges against piss poor sportsmanship. No anger, (surprisingly so). Sure elbows happen, (I've played enough, and been in plenty of pits). Domi's case went well above most B.S. It wasn't inadvertant, or one of those "heat of the moment" deals. Just an asshole who is getting beaten by a better team/player, trying to compensate somehow. Would never want him on my team. And have always thought less of the Leafs for keeping him. And in a way, they get what they deserve, thus the subject of this thread. May the Leafs rot with Chicago for as long as they have Domi.
posted by RedStrike at 01:35 PM on March 28, 2006
2001 playoffs, Leafs, Devils, Domi intentionally elbows Niedermayer in the face. Unforgettable, Pure Punk, I stand by it.
posted by RedStrike at 12:55 PM on March 28, 2006
Plusses to being a Leafs fan. 1. You like hockey. 2. You are acquanted with Canada, and subsequently should know about, (aboot), their absolutely beautiful women, fantastic beer, (Export my ass! Export it if it Export, quit hogging it all for yourselves!), scenic lands, and reasonable politics. Minuses. Speed, speed, and speed as the story mentions. Domi, (him, Hunter, C. Lemieux, punks, oh don't forget Ulf). Relying on past glory, (story again, but oh so true). Domi, punk, (that's not heart, he's just a punk). Sorry Leaf Fans, my sympathies, but it may be awhile before things turn around. At least you have Buffalo nearby! Just a Quisling here in the states awaiting the Canadian Liberation. Go Wings!
posted by RedStrike at 09:59 AM on March 28, 2006
YYM, excellant point(s), but it's not fair to compare most of the NHL's scouting originizations with the Wings. For a variety of reasons the Wing's scouts are head & shoulders above, and way ahead of the curve, of the rest, (thank goodness for us Wings fans). Also to note that just because one is rated highly does not mean they will preform such, remember Alexander "the Great" Daigle????
posted by RedStrike at 04:16 PM on March 24, 2006
Blues scared Red Wings blah blah blah. Whatever. Sorry guys & gals, while it was exciting, those years are way past . This team has been on the downward spiral and hasn't spooked my Wings in this century. Dallas, "the dumbest player in the league", (Scotty HockeyGod Bowman), Drake, Keith, "Too Many Doughnut's", (me), Tkachuck? These are not players too inspire confidence in a team. Let's hope that the change of ownership brings back a competetive team. Or not, their is enough good competition out there. Edmonton easily replaces St. Louis. Dallas is a tough competitor. And Nashville is quietly approaching Colorado as thee #1 nemesis for the Wings, and if not overtaking them this year, will by 06-07!
posted by RedStrike at 03:09 PM on March 24, 2006
Yes. I watch 16 games of the Lions a season. Sure the O-Line at times is ineffective. But Joey couldn't read, scramble, or throw at a professional level. Simple. And then he was not man enough to shoulder his share of the blame. As I said before, good bye Princess.
posted by RedStrike at 11:26 AM on March 21, 2006
Don't forget Scott Mitchell made $30 MILLION off of the Lions in his career! Criminal.
posted by RedStrike at 10:27 AM on March 21, 2006
Good bye & good riddance Princess. You just didn't fit into Millen's Wile E Super Genius plan of a quarterback for every receiver, (Kitna-Williams, your pick, McCown-Rodgers, King-that other Williams, Orlovsky-Bradford). The other teams will not have a clue as to wich quarterback will get the ball!!!!!!!! Hardy har har hilarious. While your at it Matt, why don't you rehire Wayne "It's my sisters coke" Fontes, Darryl Rodgers, and Morhningweg so we can have a coach with every QB & WR! It's not just Princess, it's not just Millen, it's not just the owner, Bill Bored. This team is pathetic from top to bottom. Where's a Chris Spielman when your team needs one??? And finally, we have Saints fans saying our team sucks, and we can't even defend ourselves! ARRGGGHHHH!
posted by RedStrike at 08:15 AM on March 21, 2006
Sure, Wings in 5, anyone else and I go Oilers. I thought Boston moving Thornton was a good move for all. He reminds me of Roenick, alot of talent, alot of promise, alot of completely disappointing performances interspersed with outstanding ones, (great ones step up on a consistant basis). Speaking of alot of talent, promise, yet disappointing performance, Samsonov as a Wing? Not thrilled. Watched him as a Viper, followed that into the NHL. Eh, another version of the current model Fedorov. Leech, doesn't he have a hard time standing on ice?
posted by RedStrike at 12:28 PM on March 08, 2006
I agree the Panthers best move would be to sell. They have a TON of catching up to do, and as Mr. McSmokey notes, teams between Fla & that last playoff spot that are in much better position, (Atlanta, and the Leafs being in the stronger challengers). But I always appreciate it when an unexpected makes that near miraculous, (sp?) finish to make it to the playoffs, (Pittsburgh would be miraculous). The Rangers going the distance? Not this year. Henrik is still to untested, (the Olympics are a class act, but not the Cup chase), Jagr will attract more attention Lindsey Lohan's nipple, and the competition is just too fierce. I call Carolina's golden season to carry them to the finals in the east. (The Carolina apple did not drop that far from the Detroit tree). (Yes, I am aware that it was Hartford before, but Karmanos & Rutherford grew up and worked in & around the Detroit hockey scene, and since they have taken over, Carolina has worked hard to take over). I will root for my Wings in the West, but worry about, in no particular order, Dallas, Nashville & Calgary. Also, Edmonton will upset whomever they face in the first round. Go Wings. Go Game 7 Overtime, (double? triple, oh yeah. Hockey at it's best!)
posted by RedStrike at 09:25 AM on March 08, 2006
I'm very curious as to see amongst those teams on the bubble which ones are going to make a push, and wich ones will fold? My guess is that Keenan's a competitor and will make a run for it, (go Panthers!), & say that Toronto's history, + fan base make it all but impossible to fold up the tent. Almost the same could be said of Boston, they may be even in a harder spot. With the Joe Thornton trade they either claim this to be a rebuilding year, or, make a run for it. But if they don't make it . . . what was this year about. Playoff hockey! (plenty of fingers crossed for Game 7 OVERTIMEs!!!!!). Go Wings
posted by RedStrike at 08:44 AM on March 08, 2006
And it is easier to put an Afro-American in prison for smoking some pot, (nee Stymie of the Our Gang/Little Rascals fame)(and all of the other potheads jammed in our bloated prison system, in the same league as robbers, murderers, rapists & child molestors), than some crazed cokehead of a fascist president, isn't it?
posted by RedStrike at 10:31 AM on February 20, 2006
posted by RedStrike at 08:05 AM on February 20, 2006
And B.T.W., brain cells die naturally, and do to all sorts of things that we intentionally and un-intentionally ingest.
posted by RedStrike at 08:05 AM on February 20, 2006
Excellant rebuttal Chicobangs. It should be amazing to see the extremely paranoid reaction regarding a pro-athelete's use of pot, but sadly to say, in this country, it's not. And finally, it's also not like someone's life is depending on Ricky's performance, (which, from what his stats are showing, is nothing but satisfactory!)
posted by RedStrike at 08:04 AM on February 20, 2006
I agree with njsk8r20, paying to skip class? Completely unAmerican. Either tell them to F.O. and blow it off proper, or, in the true spirit of America, go to class and crush the teachers spirit, (if it hasn't already), by continously doing such a completely half-ass job that you win! U.S.A.! U.S.A.! You can't make me do what I do not want to you bloody facists!
posted by RedStrike at 12:16 PM on February 17, 2006
As long as Martin Broduer is backstopping, the Devils will never be washed up. Boy, I remember Wings/Devils back in 94/95, getting swept by Broduer et al, (one whose name shan't be mentioned), and in game 4, one of the Devils fans had a sign that said "Welcome to Hell". From a Detroit fan, Broduer and that series was. From a hockey fan, congrats Martin, you deserve all the professional accolades that you get!
posted by RedStrike at 12:52 PM on January 30, 2006
I've heard the only reason Millen hired Marinelli was because he has a lot of Lion's stationary left over with the header, "From the desk of M&M"! New coach, new attitude, blah blah blah, same ole owner, same ole GM. Also, it wasn't the defense that failed the Lions this year.
posted by RedStrike at 01:53 PM on January 19, 2006
Et tu worldcup? The fall Strike!
posted by RedStrike at 12:25 PM on January 19, 2006
Interjecting "Wild" Bill in a SpoFi discussion Hater? How low, (high), have we gone! Also, wouldn't that be a murder/suicide/execution?
posted by RedStrike at 10:47 AM on January 19, 2006
Not that I am big on nationalism.
posted by RedStrike at 09:42 AM on January 19, 2006
Generally, being a standard bearer blows. But 1. this is not your usual situation, it's to lead your contingent, a place of honor. & 2. It's not like you have to carry the flag as you compete. As Garfield noted . . .
posted by RedStrike at 09:42 AM on January 19, 2006
Ditto Desert Dog, Ditto!
posted by RedStrike at 10:21 AM on January 13, 2006
OLN rcade, Mondays & Tuesdays. And dare I say NBC this Saturday afternoon? (granted, it's not as much free exposure as one could wish for, but it's a start, second time around). Thank God I live in Detroit, (who'd have figured anyone would ever say that!). The Wings, & CBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As far as the attendance figures looking inflated when compared to empty seats at the stadiums. The NHL is going by tickets sold, not by seats filled. And as the true fans will notice, at some arenas, (cough Joe Louis cough), the game is just a social event for the people lucky enough to get a ticket. So they waltz in late during the 1st period, attempting to go to ones seat during play, leave for the club during the second, and "beat the traffic" early in the third. All during a tight game! But I digress, (majorly!). Good for the NHL & the fans. This is the most graceful & intense sport available for fans out there! Game On. Go Wings!
posted by RedStrike at 10:20 AM on January 13, 2006
There's a whole lot of Lions fans here ready to tackle Millen, but that's another post, (probably after we draft another post route runner!).
posted by RedStrike at 03:14 PM on January 05, 2006
From what I know about the Lion's orginization, they will pick Steve Smith, WR, USC, because Millen has heard that Steve Smith is a pretty good NFL receiver!
posted by RedStrike at 01:38 PM on January 05, 2006
Could this be the last stand of the AlaMo? Maybe Fedorov could/should join him as Davey Crockett!
posted by RedStrike at 11:33 AM on January 05, 2006
This is to help spur interest for the uninitiated? How about clearing up 424-nil scores, terms like Gabba, Tests, Twenty20 & Waca for a start! For me, this is all just a "stickey wicket"!
posted by RedStrike at 10:17 AM on January 05, 2006
Us poor, pathetic Lion's fans. Decades of Ford ownership has led us to this! Go Chargers! Go any professional football team. Go Millen & take the Tigers with you!
posted by RedStrike at 01:33 PM on December 23, 2005
Congratulations on her for her honesty, and integrety, (ableit, belatedly). It would be nice if other atheletes that are guilty, (cough, cough, McGwire, cough, Bonds), would be man enough to admit such. But in our "culture of me", I doubt it.
posted by RedStrike at 09:17 AM on December 23, 2005
Mitch Albom has been coasting waaayyyy too long on past accomplishments than what he is doing now, and this post is a perfect example. Pulitzer? For this? Also, any dedicated reader of Mitch, (I am one), should realize that he should stick with what he does best, sports. His attempts to go sentimental, (Tuesdays w/Morrie, 5 People, and columns like this one), show his weakness. And when he tries to discourse on geo-politcal, (which he occasionally does), he comes across as ignorant, (though not as mean), as a Coulture or O'Riley.
posted by RedStrike at 09:10 AM on December 23, 2005
The law should always be about truth and justice. It is because of narrow minded mcnuggets for brains that we have lost that basic principle. And nowadays, as a great man once said, the law sir, is an ass.
posted by RedStrike at 11:16 AM on December 15, 2005
See Dr. John? This is the kind of true fan loyalty I am talking about! Hanging in there year after miserable year! Until that big payoff. Ever hear of the "Dead Wings"? Not in a loooong while! Pistons are cranking after years of bad uniforms and even worse seasons, (I'm talking 70's here). And the Tigers . . . . . . how about that Willie Horton! (my fav of many worthy Tigers). Waiting to Restore The Roar. Hey Mr. South.
posted by RedStrike at 01:50 PM on December 07, 2005
If it's for sale, then it's not loyalty. They're just a whore. Attention and fiscal. I am a Lions fan, don't ask me why. The ownership & management for my upper middle age life has always sucked. They do not even play in a open air stadium, (if it can be done in Green Bay & Chicago, Denver for that matter!). Still . . . Hail the colors blue & silver let them wave. Sing their song & cheer the gridiron heroes brave. Fighting for fame, winning the game. Dashing to victory as they go. Forward down the field. A charging team that will not yield And when the blue & silver wave. Stand & cheer the brave. Rah rah rah! Go hard win the game. With honor you will keep your fame. Down the field & gain. A Lion victory! Go Lions! (they can't SUCK forever? I mean, ole Billy Ford has to croak sometime, right?)
posted by RedStrike at 12:31 PM on December 07, 2005
From Bad to Worse for Maurice Clarett
Columbine? Not even close. DiNiro/Taxi driver? Eh, maybe a tinge. Delusions of Gangsta Grandeur? Ding ding ding We Have A Winner. Good bye Maurice.