The Good, the bad and the ugly: Can Steve Y. come back for another year? Should he? He in my eyes he's playing as good as he did 5 years ago in the glory years, but I would hate to see him punch-drunk like an old fighter going down for the last count. No matter what happens he will go into The Hall with all the votes, but if he can tack on another year or two...why not?
posted by commander cody to hockey at 01:34 AM - 69 comments
Wingnut, I agree. Although I don't want Stevie Y. to hang 'em up, I think it's about time. He has too much class to keep playing when he clearly can't help the team, even though he is playing storng right now. Although I hate the thought of The Captain hanging up the Red Wings sweater, I defer to his class and his competitive spirit as to whether he'll be back for another year. He knows whether he has the body and mind to come back for another long season. He has more than earned the right to make up his own mind.
posted by roberts at 10:14 AM on April 16, 2006
You mean there are actually people to watch hockey? It's just soccer on ice and equally boring.
posted by gstueve at 11:23 AM on April 16, 2006
gstueve, let me be the first person to say welcome to SportsFilter. Now let me tell you not to use your very first post ever on SportsFilter saying something as stupid as that. If you don't know or understand the sport, go find another thread that has a sport that you do know and understand to bestow your vast knowledge and sage advice on.
posted by wingnut4life at 11:40 AM on April 16, 2006
You joined ten days ago, have only made one post, and that's it? Rule Number One is pretty all-encompassing, and revolves around respect. If you don't care about the sport, the post, the poster, go on your merry way. Don't look, don't read, and definitely, don't comment. Welcome to SportsFilter. Great to have you. Don't shit on somebody else's thread. If you don't care, keep it to yourself. Because nobody here cares that you don't care. Happy Easter.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 12:28 PM on April 16, 2006
As much as I would miss him I suppose it is better that he go out while he still has his good stuff rather then fade away for a few years like an old boxer who doesn't know when to quit. Still...I will miss watching him.
posted by commander cody at 02:58 PM on April 16, 2006
On a side note, commander cody, did you happen to notice the "A" on Zetterberg's sweater last night? Didn't get to see the game, but I'm a little shocked that they gave assistant to Zetterberg. What I'm hoping is that after Stevie retires they make Pavel Datsyuk captain. I think it would give him incentive to stay and it would be nice to have a young man get it so he can be a long time captain like Stevie's been.
posted by commander cody at 03:51 PM on April 16, 2006
To be honest, cc, I really haven't given any thought to who would take over as captain whenever Stevie retires. I would have to sit down and think about that for quite a while before I could even consider my opinion. There are a lot of well-deserving players on that team (Shanny, Lidstrom or Chelios to name a few). Those are some big shoes to fill, and whomever does get picked, hopefully they're up to the task. As far as Zetterberg's "A" -- Wow. I was totally caught off guard by that one. Although he does have the attitude of a good leader. Very quiet, speaks with his skills on the ice, and very team-oriented.
posted by wingnut4life at 04:28 PM on April 16, 2006
After hearing Bill Clinton try to pronounce Yzerman's name when he acknowledged their '97 win, I would like to hear Dubya take a crack at it ... that would surely be humorous ;) Problem is, the Wings have to go thru Edmonton before they get to the Cup ... and there's no guarantee they'll make it outta the first round. So, Stevie Y will HAVE TO come back for another season. Okay, if they do pull of a first-round win and beyond, it would be nice to see him able to go out on top.
posted by Spitztengle at 04:31 PM on April 16, 2006
As far as Zetterberg's "A" -- Wow. I was totally caught off guard by that one. Although he does have the attitude of a good leader. Very quiet, speaks with his skills on the ice, and very team-oriented. You know now that you mention it he does act a lot like Stevie does doesn't he? Quiet, steady, etc.
posted by commander cody at 04:34 PM on April 16, 2006
...the Wings have to go thru Edmonton... I like your style, Spitztengle.
posted by wingnut4life at 04:34 PM on April 16, 2006
Problem is, the Wings have to go thru Edmonton before they get to the Cup ... and there's no guarantee they'll make it outta the first round. So, Stevie Y will HAVE TO come back for another season. Edmonton is a team that seems to give a lot of top tier teams fits for some reason. Still I'm thinking it's going to the Wings and Ottawa going for it all in the end, though I'd rather see Montreal in there because they were my grand papa's favorite team.
posted by commander cody at 04:38 PM on April 16, 2006
I've benn a hockey fan since 1960 & I hate what has become of my favorite sport thanks to "Brenda" Shanahan & the off season rules committee. And I also agree with coach Carlylse (did I spell that right ?) comment early in the season. Why don't the Red Wings have to play by the same rules? The favoritism is amazing to me.I haven't watched a complete game since December. Kept hoping it would get better but finally gave up. Chelios even joked that his daughters may end up playing in the new NHL. Allright I've vented enough.
posted by Ratman at 05:45 PM on April 16, 2006
I haven't watched a complete game since December. I'm sorry you feel about that, Ratman. I have to agree with you on some of the rules. I don't like the "diving" rule, because they still penalize the other guy! Don't you think that they should just penalize the diver? Also, there are way too many 5 on 3's nowadays. I remember when you wouldn't see that for months at a time, now it's almost a given for every game. And don't get me started on what's happened to the fighting in the game! But I can not agree with you on the "Why don't the Red Wings have to play by the same rules?" spiel. I know that it is because I'm a Wings fan, so please forgive me. I've have heard that line so many times over the years, and I can honestly say that for some seasons that was true, but not this season. We've had our share of penalty kills, and I'm sorry that we're third in the league at 85.8% (no I'm not). But at least we're number one on the power play at 22.0%!
posted by wingnut4life at 06:20 PM on April 16, 2006
I used to pay a lot of my winter attention to hockey I love the blackhawks that said I really don't care about hockey anymore even though I miss it not just the blackhawks the press they got used to be more maybe it was just gretzky
posted by luther70 at 08:36 PM on April 16, 2006
you know shannahan will be the next captain of the team
posted by jon382005 at 10:45 PM on April 16, 2006
you know shannahan will be the next captain of the team You may be right and Lord knows I do like Shanny, but I still hope Datsyuk gets it because (IMHO) he is the next Steve Yzerman. I mean have you seen his skating and puck handling? I don't think I've ever seen anyone with the exception of Stevie, Grets and Lemieux who looks so natural with a puck at the end of his stick. It's like the puck is an extension of his body like you see with great basketball players. If Pavel stays healthy he WILL end up in the Hall of Fame. The last 20 years are already known as the Yzerman era to RedWings fans, but the next era will be all Datsyuk's IF the wings keep him.
posted by commander cody at 12:04 AM on April 17, 2006
Here's a Sportsnet piece that outlines "Y" we should cherish this year's playoffs
posted by Spitztengle at 01:19 AM on April 17, 2006
Here's a Sportsnet piece that outlines "Y" we should cherish this year's playoffs Great piece Spitz! I mean it, it describes Stevie to a T. The man is not human when it comes to the game. Injuries that would strike a mortal man down are just something else he overcomes. Just like Basketball used the outline of Pistol Pete for it's symbol, hockey should use a shot of Steve Yzerman as it's symbol because he IS what hockey the game is all about. Steve Yzerman IS hockey. He is the soul and spirit of the game and the life of hockey. He is the Michael Jordon, the Joe Montana, the Babe Ruth, of the game.
posted by commander cody at 02:36 AM on April 17, 2006
Being that I am no where near a red wings fan I must admit they have been a dominating force. And if Stevie does hang it up at the end of the year. The game will be missing one of the greatest ever to grace the ice. One of the classier players out there Good Luck Detroit. Hope to see ya play New York for the cup.
posted by smalz24 at 02:41 AM on April 17, 2006
Commander, I must agree
posted by smalz24 at 02:43 AM on April 17, 2006
Commander, I must agree After 2 more goals he'll pass Mark Messier for number 7 on the all time goal scoring list and he says he feels humbled by the idea. I feel humble having been a fan of hockey during the time when players like him have been on the ice. I promise that when he is inducted into the HOF he will have an embaressed smile on his face. That is what makes him great.
posted by commander cody at 02:51 AM on April 17, 2006
Absolutely and speaking of Messier, when, yes when he does pass him for no. 7 Mark will be one of the first in a long line to congratulate him.
posted by smalz24 at 02:57 AM on April 17, 2006
Again, another crazy thread. 1) Yzerman is a great player - let's not get into the relative merits of whether or not he is the greatest living example of hockey perfection though - He is not the Joe Montana, Babe Ruth or Michael Jordan of hockey - please. If you are a true hockey fan than show a shred of perspective and respect for the greats - You have been lucky enough to watch the careers of Lemieux and Gretzky during Yzerman's career. But being a first ballot HoFer should be enough. 2) Pistol Pete is not the symbol of the NBA. If you're referring to the logo - that's Jerry West. 3) If Dwayne Roloson scares you going into the first round - your team isn't as good as you say it is. 4) Datsyuk is currently a great player and also one of the most overrated player in the league. He simply does not produce at a rate that is consistent with the best in the game. Check the numbers and get off his jock - he is not (yet) headed for a Hall of Fame career. (You'd think on a team that boasts as many HoFers as Detroit has, you guys would be able to recognize one. Datsyuk? 3 goals and 9 assists in 32 playoff games??!?!? My god, people. He is no where near that status yet.) 4) The next captain of the Wings is Nick Lidstrom. Trust me. (Again, Datsyuk?!?! Are you fucking high?) 5) Yzerman is passing Messier on the goal scoring list - which is awesome. Mess will still have way more points. And Mess is the better player. We can all agree to that, right? 6) It should be Wings/Flames West final if there is any justice in the world. Which should be good.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:20 AM on April 17, 2006
(...Are you fucking high?) Sorry, Weedy, you left your stash out and you know what happens... Honestly, I would take Zetterberg over Datsyuk. Pavel has great stick handling skills, but Hank can score goals like a sumbitch. As far as who will be the next Wings captain, anyone but Lang. Wings/Flames conference final would be suh-weeeeeeeet.
posted by wingnut4life at 08:30 AM on April 17, 2006
With Weedy all the way here, except I don't think the Wings will even make the West final. That, and WingsFilter! And Barry Melrose (author of the inane linked column, for those who don't click) is an idiot: A few months ago, we thought Thrashers GM Don Waddell was nuts, pulling a Knute Rockne and predicting Atlanta would make the playoffs. The Thrashers went on to play themselves into a postseason spot but then hit a wall. Now, they have dropped out of the playoff picture. How is being in contention until the penultimate day "dropping out of the playoff picture"? I'm in Montreal, and I can assure you that the Trashers are still very much in the picture. We hear about them everyday, and we're scared. Look, we all knew before the season started that there were huge question marks for the Maple Leafs. They signed a bunch of older free agents, they did it to themselves and they were destined to fail. So, what happened? Injuries have been a factor (Jason Allison, Eric Lindros, Ed Belfour); So we knew there were huge question marks, but we didn't know that Allison and Lindros would get hurt. Riiiiiight. The drastic change in Nashville's fortunes is shocking. For a team to go from being one of the best eight teams in the league with a great chance to make a Cup run to losing its MVP goaltender for the rest of the season ... it's just a backbreaker for the Predators. Chris Mason has five consecutive wins, and looks poised to be this year's surprise "hot goalie". Can't Melrose read a fucking boxscore?
posted by qbert72 at 09:11 AM on April 17, 2006
Chris Mason has five consecutive wins In all honesty, those five wins all came against teams already out of the playoffs.
posted by qbert72 at 09:23 AM on April 17, 2006
And it has to be so deflating for Nashville - I mean, a week to go, 100 points and then an illness that half of them can't pronouce hits their All-Star goalie. I think that's what breaks the back of this team. Not that Chris Mason plays awful, but that the team in front of him feels they have to play differently in order to win. And Vokun was SO good to boot. He was their MVP (Kariya being a close second). Plus they probably have to face San Jose. I think they're cooked.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 09:45 AM on April 17, 2006
Ahhh Captain, it's been glorious. Thank you. For the next, I have always been a fan of promoting Lidstrom, (well above Shanny & Chris though no disrespect intended). Year after year after year of stellar defensive play, always been a Wing, always should be. Though I see the arguement for Datsyuk or Zetterburg. As far as the playoffs, sure this team or that one should advance, and I am hoping that Stevie Y does a Bettis. But if not, may we have good hockey anyways. Go Wings! Go 7 game series decided in O.T.!!!!!!!
posted by RedStrike at 09:49 AM on April 17, 2006
Oh, and Messier being better than Stevie Y.? Sigh, maybe. (that's the best your going to get out of me!)
posted by RedStrike at 09:53 AM on April 17, 2006
Not that Chris Mason plays awful, but that the team in front of him feels they have to play differently in order to win. And that might actually be good. Think of how the Canadiens started playing once they removed superstar Th�odore and put no-name Huet between the pipes. If that had happened a week ago instead of a month and a half, we could have seen a parade on Ste-Catherine. Of course, there is a big difference: Vokoun was actually stopping pucks, unlike Jos�.
posted by qbert72 at 09:56 AM on April 17, 2006
And that might actually be good. Think of how the Canadiens started playing once they removed superstar Th�odore and put no-name Huet between the pipes. If that had happened a week ago instead of a month and a half, we could have seen a parade on Ste-Catherine. Okay, yes, they could pull a Canadiens - but I still think that losing your starting goalie a week before the playoffs is hardly a good thing. These guys weren't on the bubble, they couldn't have been playing better. It's nothing less than devestating.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:12 AM on April 17, 2006
I agree, pulling a Canadiens is but an outside chance for the Preds. But this kind of test can also cement a team spirit. Either way, they're meeting the red hot Sharks in the first round. Even with an healthy Vokoun, that wouldn't have been easy.
posted by qbert72 at 10:44 AM on April 17, 2006
2) Pistol Pete is not the symbol of the NBA. If you're referring to the logo - that's Jerry West. You see now I thought it was West, but I got into an arguement with my wife over it and she insisted it was Maravich. That'll teach me to listen to a her about basketball. I love her, but she's even a Knicks fan, which is damn near grounds for divorce any way.
posted by commander cody at 12:53 PM on April 17, 2006
4) The next captain of the Wings is Nick Lidstrom. Trust me. (Again, Datsyuk?!?! Are you fucking high?) May well be, but I'm still sticking by Datsyuk as the future of the RedWings and I'm even sober this morning (was a bit tiddly last night)
posted by commander cody at 12:55 PM on April 17, 2006
5) Yzerman is passing Messier on the goal scoring list - which is awesome. Mess will still have way more points. And Mess is the better player. We can all agree to that, right? No.
posted by mkn at 02:28 PM on April 17, 2006
OK, this will get dirty. mkn, you're wrong.
posted by qbert72 at 02:39 PM on April 17, 2006
Messier was a great player and a great leader, yes. No doubt about that. Hall of famer. But I think Yzerman was a better player. In the late 80s and early 90s, Messier was on better teams the Yzerman. The Gretzky-less Oilers of the late 80s were still a far superior team than the Red Wings of the time. So when talking production on the ice (I'm not talking intangible things like leadership and what not), Yzerman was the superior player and I maintain that. If you are talking intangibles and what not, Messier was probably better overall -- but not by that much. It's not like Yzerman wasn't much of a leader himself. So yeah. But I'm biased -- I have a freaking Yzerman rookie card.
posted by mkn at 02:53 PM on April 17, 2006
I have a freaking Yzerman rookie card. No way! How much do you want for it? Check this Gordie Howe out, dude. By the way, in my biased opinion, the only thing that Messier has on Yzerman is that he got to play on an NHL team with Gretzky. Oh, and he's got way more penalty minutes than Stevie, too. Like 986 more. And I'm sure if Yzerman had a teammate like Gretzky during his time in the NHL, he'd have just as many helpers (Messier 1193 to Yzerman's 1063) if not more.
posted by wingnut4life at 03:27 PM on April 17, 2006
mkn - It's kind of a silly debate - they're both first ballot HoFers with ease, but the Moose is just flat out one of the best hockey players ever. Yzerman is one of the best scorers ever, no doubt, but I don't think he ranks in the same stratosphere as the Mighty One. In terms of playoff production, Stanley Cup wins, points and intangibles I think Mess has Yzerman hands down. He has more awards, more Cups and more first team All-Star selections I also think those morons at the Hockey News would disagree with you. They have Mess as one of the greatest NHLers of all-time (I think they had him at number 11 - fitting). They didn't have Yzerman near the top 50. I like to think they know what they're talking about - though I would have Yzerman in the top 50 for sure. I'm sorry, but even a cursory examination of their careers - in their prime and later - points to Messier winning that one-on-one at every stage. I don't think there's a GM alive who would pick Yzerman over Messier in their primes.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 03:30 PM on April 17, 2006
And Yzerman has more hair, too.
posted by wingnut4life at 03:32 PM on April 17, 2006
Nice stats you got there wingnut. Now the question I have is, what were thier points per game average for career, season, and playoffs?
posted by njsk8r20 at 03:32 PM on April 17, 2006
But I'm biased -- I have a freaking Yzerman rookie card. I'd sell my wife for one! Good thing she doesn't read this blog though.
posted by commander cody at 03:48 PM on April 17, 2006
Messier 1.07 points/game lifetime Yzerman 1.15 points/game lifetime Messier: 1.25 points/game playoffs lifetime Yzerman: 0.94 points/game playoffs lifetime But like I said, most of Messier's playoff successes have been with a really good Oilers team, even post Gretzky. And it's not like the early 90s Rangers sucked either. Yzerman, however, didn't really have a solid, complete team until the 90s. And he still has just as many Conn Smythes as Messier.
posted by mkn at 03:52 PM on April 17, 2006
Did Yzerman ever publicly guarantee a win during the playoffs and score a hat trick in a single period to make sure it happened? Thought so.
posted by qbert72 at 04:04 PM on April 17, 2006
Mark Messier Lifetime Regular Season: 694 goals 1193 assists in 1756 games averaging 1.07 points per game. Playoffs: 109 goals and 186 assists in 236 games averaging 1.25 points per game. Six Stanley Cups. Steve Yzerman Lifetime Regular Season: 692 goals and 1063 assists in 1513 games averaging 1.16 points per game.
Still playing... Playoffs: 70 goals and 111 assists in 192 games averaging 0.94 points per game. Three Stanley Cups. Still playing... SOURCE: INTERNET HOCKEY DATABASE Average number of hairs on Yzerman's head: Approximately 125,000. Average number of hairs on Messier's head: Approximately zero. SOURCE: YAHOO! SEARCH
posted by wingnut4life at 04:07 PM on April 17, 2006
Oh yeah, qbert? Well has Messier ever been in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber? Yzerman has!
So there!
posted by wingnut4life at 04:15 PM on April 17, 2006
I did see Yzerman take a puck to the the knee blocking a shot which dropped him like a sack of potatoes, but he still tried to drag himself in front of the net to block more. Now that takes a big set of brass ones.
posted by njsk8r20 at 04:21 PM on April 17, 2006
His glory years were 10-12 yars ago
posted by im050483 at 04:42 PM on April 17, 2006
No doubt Stevie Y is a great one. Ranks right up there with Messier. But I have to give the push to Messier. Just a maniac when it came down to it. And the Messier was with Gretzky while Stevie was doing it all alone arguement . . . one can argue that since the "Dead Wings" as they were known as, (ahh the days when one could walk on down to the J.L.A. and purchase nose bleed tics and have the arena at ones choice), were soooo bad, that 1, teams let down when they played them, and 2, Stevie received all the ice time that he could get. Sure Stevie Y. is one of the great ones, ranks equally with Mike Modano & Joe Sakic in my book, but all three are still just behind the Moose. (And that classic, "We will win" in game 6, backed up with a hat trick . . . just totally Messier). Go Wings. Go Stevie Y. Thanks Mark
posted by RedStrike at 04:44 PM on April 17, 2006
After long and careful consideration I still have to give it to Yzerman. There is no question about it really, he does have more and better hair.
posted by commander cody at 05:33 PM on April 17, 2006
one can argue that since the "Dead Wings" were soooo bad, that 1, teams let down when they played them, and 2, Stevie received all the ice time that he could get. Oh come on, that's a poor example! By that logic, Lemieux, Sakic, and Ovechkin aren't all that good because they too got a lot of points for some really, really shitty teams (80s Pens and late 80s-early 90s Nordiques, current Caps.) Did Messier ever win the Masterson trophy for perserverence in coming back from a really bad knee injury? Thought so! But this is an argument that I can't seem to win, so... I'll just go fondle my rookie card.
posted by mkn at 05:49 PM on April 17, 2006
Speaking of which, Wings vs Stars tonight. Should be a good one and should really determine who the favourite coming out of the west will be (other than Calgary).
posted by mkn at 05:52 PM on April 17, 2006
Come on guys, take off your red-coloured glasses for a minute, and tell us straight-faced that you'd take '97 Yzerman over '90 or '94 Messier. Sure, Yzerman is the greatest player to play in Detroit in the last 30 years, but let's be realistic here. If Scotty doesn't come and fix the Wings with a loaded team at the end of the nineties, Stevie Y's career ends up fitting right between Marcel Dionne's and Bernie Federko's, and no one even dares compare him to Messier.
posted by qbert72 at 05:59 PM on April 17, 2006
If Scotty doesn't come and fix the Wings... Exactly my point. What if's. Let's be realistic again and wonder how Messier would have ended up without having Gretzky as a teammate? Do you think he would have had the same career? Nobody knows that because it didn't happen that way. Bottom line is Yzerman did it with the Dead Wings and the Red Wings.
posted by wingnut4life at 06:18 PM on April 17, 2006
gstueve - let me be the third person to welcome you to SportsFilter, and to let you know not to pay too much attention to some of the olde timers here who may not have recognized a post that may have been meant as humorous. It may be blasphemy, but there is more to life than sports, and it should include a sense of humor and understanding. Stick around so that some day you too can come down hard on a rookie poster.
posted by irunfromclones at 06:19 PM on April 17, 2006
You do realize that Messier did not play on the same line as Gretzky, do you? That was Kurri and Anderson. Now those two guys are bona fide Gretzky by-products. Anyway, it's a religious war, I'm not going to win it more than mkn. I will say this, though: outside of Red Wings fans, not a lot of hockey people would pick Stevie Y over the Moose. Now either we're all terribly wrong, or...
posted by qbert72 at 06:35 PM on April 17, 2006
Stop it, Stop it, Stop it. This is the only place I've ever even heard of such an arguement. Yzerman is a great player - just not in the class of Messier. Period. There is no arguement to the contrary. Ask some NHLers, ask some hockey historians - go to the hockey Hall of Fame. They'll show and tell you why. It has a little to do with the stats and a lot to do with actually being a student of the game. Marcel Dionne has fantastic stats. Better than Yzerman. Not as good. See?
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 06:36 PM on April 17, 2006
It may be blasphemy, but there is more to life than sports Oooooooooooo what you said!!!!! Blasphemy is too nice of a word for it!
posted by commander cody at 06:56 PM on April 17, 2006
I really hate when I can't impose my will on people! I am just too biased to continue on logically. Next thing you know I'll be comparing skate sizes and shit.
posted by wingnut4life at 06:58 PM on April 17, 2006
Woah, is that Messier wearing nothing but a towel, holding a beer? And where is his other hand?
posted by njsk8r20 at 07:25 PM on April 17, 2006
The way ''hockey''is played today Kristi Yamaguchi could captain any team in the NHL
posted by joromu at 09:03 PM on April 17, 2006
Yzerman is like Barry Bonds, Bret Favre and the others who stayed around past their productive years. Goodbye Stevie, get a job.
posted by joromu at 09:05 PM on April 17, 2006
Yzerman is like Barry Bonds, Bret Favre and the others who stayed around past their productive years. Goodbye Stevie, get a job. Comment icon posted by joromu at 9:05 PM CST on April 17 Nice try, joromu. You've already told us you don't like/follow hockey. So your comment doesn't mean squat. Too bad.
posted by grum@work at 10:06 PM on April 17, 2006
You do realize that Messier did not play on the same line as Gretzky, do you? Quick note: Messier played on Gretzky's line as a left winger for part of a season (1979-80) before Anderson and Kurri were on the team.
posted by grum@work at 10:10 PM on April 17, 2006
Thanks for the correction, grum. I was going mostly out of memory on that one. Still, the point stands: Messier was not a Gretzky by-product. Speaking of which, who would be Yzerman's by-products? Did he turn IHL all-stars � la Rob Brown into 50-goal scorers the way Lemieux could? (Honest question, here.) Oh, and thanks for the pic, njsk8r!
posted by qbert72 at 10:36 PM on April 17, 2006
Messier was not a Gretzky by-product. That is the truth. Speaking of which, who would be Yzerman's by-products? Gerard Gallant? Ray Sheppard? Yzerman often played with quality players (Ciccarelli, Shanahan) who were previously established, or was often the only player on his team that would get 40 goals. Examples 1, 2, 3, 4. Quick note: Rob Brown didn't get 50 goals in a season. He only got 49 one year.
posted by grum@work at 11:13 PM on April 17, 2006
Woah, is that Messier wearing nothing but a towel, holding a beer? And where is his other hand? Well if that's really Gary Coleman then it looks to me like he just discovered Michael Jackson got there first.
posted by commander cody at 11:39 PM on April 17, 2006
Ah - I'm not giving Yzerman enough credit. He has had a phenomenal, all-time great career. He's just not as good as Messier. That's all. I will enjoy watching his final march to the Mug - and part of me will be cheering for him all the way (but I want the Flames to win).
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:25 AM on April 18, 2006
I think that The Captain knows that it is time to hang up the skates. He's too smart of a man to think that this is going to go on forever. For his sake (who am I kidding, mine too!), hopefully his name will be engraved on The Cup one last time this season. I would rather he went out on top of his game. On a side note, commander cody, did you happen to notice the "A" on Zetterberg's sweater last night?