Member since: | April 12, 2006 |
Last visit: | August 08, 2007 |
smalz24 has posted 0 links and 11 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 0 comments to the Locker Room.
excuse me for not glueing myself to the internet and quizzing myself all day long. so he had no control. big deal, Ryan did not use drugs to enhance his performance bonds did. I don't recall anyone point a finger at Nolan saying this guy is juced OR anyone from a clinic saying, yup I 'roided him up. do we? No 'cuz it never happened. Did Hank Aaron Launch 500 footers at the end of his career?
posted by smalz24 at 07:00 PM on August 08, 2007
true he did catch more than gimmies. the point that I wanted to make it i don't care how strong you are either you can catch the ball or you can't 'roids won't help that. but yes, precisely, pitching is like real estate location location location. Ryan had great control, muscle mass doen't help this in the leaps and bounds that it does for hitting the ball.
posted by smalz24 at 05:27 PM on August 08, 2007
it doesn't take muscle to catch a one yard "gimmie" pass and did Nolan Ryan have a 109 mph fastball at the end of his career. and it has been done before, mark mcguire, rafael palmiero... we could go on. as for 45 year olds, ever hear of a guy named cy young?
posted by smalz24 at 04:40 PM on August 08, 2007
You know I watched that game, and I think that Dale Murphy's comments hit the nail right on the head there is no doubt that Bonds' will forever be known as "the sultan of steroids" he cheated and added his own asterisk. How many other 37 year olds have blasted, even 50+ homers. And I say blasted because even though he's only 12 short years from recieving a senior citizens discount, he still can reach McCovey(? sp) Cove on the fly. Anyone else's grampa have that natural ability? I thought not.
posted by smalz24 at 02:44 PM on August 08, 2007
I know what you mean I used to live in LA. But I was raised with a "Seattle" based household I learned to hate the Lakers, Raiders and USC
posted by smalz24 at 03:07 AM on April 17, 2006
Guarantee that to be a hell of a series, honestly I would like to see Detriot take it. I'm a Sonics fan but we know how that turned out this year. ANYONE but the Lakers.
posted by smalz24 at 02:59 AM on April 17, 2006
Absolutely and speaking of Messier, when, yes when he does pass him for no. 7 Mark will be one of the first in a long line to congratulate him.
posted by smalz24 at 02:57 AM on April 17, 2006
That may be true the pistons play extremely well as a cohesive unit but you Can not count out the spurs you take them lightly and they can make you pay dearly
posted by smalz24 at 02:48 AM on April 17, 2006
Commander, I must agree
posted by smalz24 at 02:43 AM on April 17, 2006
Being that I am no where near a red wings fan I must admit they have been a dominating force. And if Stevie does hang it up at the end of the year. The game will be missing one of the greatest ever to grace the ice. One of the classier players out there Good Luck Detroit. Hope to see ya play New York for the cup.
posted by smalz24 at 02:41 AM on April 17, 2006
so I guess that it's less than 500 to McCovey Cove from home plate?(real question. I don't know, but I'm sure grum does) if he's so innocent then why all the "dark clouds"? also did he come forward the minute the BALCO scandal broke, or are people still sitting in jail to protect the fact that he knowingly used performance enhancing substance? please if I'm so half cocked show me the evidence that Bonds is a pure player and I'll stand corrected.