To bad these two idiots don't play in NYC then it would be jail.
posted by thatch at 05:45 PM on January 27, 2010
If OchoCinco wants to pay tribute to his friend and teamate whats the problem? When Payton wanted to wear High Top Cleats to honor Johnny Unitas the League pulled the same BS. Football is still a game Lighten Up this League takes themselves way to Seriously. This issue as a foolish as Congress "investigating the BCS" How about jobs for all the recent college grads Thats an issue, paying your respects is not nor should it be an issue. Chad wear the number or better yet let Carson Palmer wear it.
posted by thatch at 08:37 PM on December 19, 2009
I saw Kareem play as a Buck and a Laker and met him informally some months back. I wish him and all those who suffer from f------ Cancer godspeed.
posted by thatch at 09:19 PM on November 10, 2009
Doesn't Congress have anything better to do?
posted by thatch at 09:42 PM on November 07, 2009
What ever happend to coaches Bowing out Gracefully?
posted by thatch at 08:50 PM on October 06, 2009
El Tiant ,along with the man they call Yaz, still bring a chill to those of us who have seats on the Standing Room Only Red Sox Nation Bandwagon.
posted by thatch at 12:56 PM on April 16, 2009
Loyal Friends are hard to find, Sather is a stand up guy.
posted by thatch at 10:43 PM on March 15, 2009
Alright Shooter!
posted by thatch at 10:02 PM on March 15, 2009
This whole situation is very sad. Alzhimer's patients need to be under constant supervision, I suppose the staff was on break when this incident occurred.
posted by thatch at 06:59 PM on February 26, 2009
Employee's Please Wash Hands Before Returning to Work think of that the next time you get a burger at a fast food place.
posted by thatch at 03:52 PM on February 16, 2009
Ride on Lance!
posted by thatch at 10:28 PM on February 15, 2009
Will the Gentlemen from Utah please disclose the average age of your
offensive line?
posted by thatch at 08:20 PM on January 24, 2009
Will it light a spark under the players? That remains to be seen, but the facial expressions of the Brewers I saw makes it pretty clear they got the message -- pick it up or your ass will be gone over the winter.
Is that a Bad Thing?
posted by thatch at 01:38 PM on September 16, 2008
Eventing evolved directly from calvary exercises and is not for the faint of heart in fact the number of horses put down during and after events exceeds the number of riders( having witnessed a Soviet horse take one for the Sickle & Hammer on course in Montreal in 1976) it is NOT a sport for 16 year olds girls from Scripps Ranch or Greenwich Ct. although Princess Anne of the British Royal Family was a world class rider in the 70's (to bad Charlie's the oldest) Horse show mothers are the worst type of stage mother period.
posted by thatch at 12:12 AM on August 13, 2008
Say it ain't so Joe?, Munich, Innocence Died long before Len Bias a rather narrow perspective on the world of sports Michael. There was a world before YOU entered it.
posted by thatch at 12:53 PM on June 29, 2008
Ump should have moved
posted by thatch at 04:46 PM on June 18, 2008
Canseco last seen hitting in a wantabe Sunday League at Arcadia, Ca, HS Josh Beckett last seen visiting Cancer Kids at Childrens Hospital in Boston. A Study in Contrasts. I've gotten so i just read the box scores anyway because it's not like I'm looking for investment advice from most of these guys.
posted by thatch at 08:13 AM on May 23, 2008
I was there (for real) that afternoon and I agree that this was the 4th most memorable event of my life and that the day after was the most memorable hang- -over ever because what the press didn't report was that the main street* of Lake Placid and Lake Saranac itself (frozen solid of course) was an insane baccanal till about 3am. What a day for the USA. *the only street
posted by thatch at 09:45 AM on May 19, 2008
Idiots, but have you been to a childs sporting event in the last 25 years?
posted by thatch at 08:23 PM on May 06, 2008
Ever think of making a donation to Doctors without Borders? The thousands you spent would have done a lot of good in professional hands.
posted by thatch at 08:17 PM on May 05, 2008
Good Riddance, I wouldn't even wish him on the Raider Nation.
posted by thatch at 02:54 AM on April 19, 2008
The last Hawk to hit on a young girl at Fenway was Ken Harrelson
posted by thatch at 01:00 PM on April 04, 2008
George's Bank once the greatest fishing grounds in the world is a fished out waste land (also the setting of "The Perfect Storm") hence the reference. Of course we are talking about guys who consider canned hunts with a guide sport..
posted by thatch at 10:58 PM on April 02, 2008
Mr James that was 30 years ago how many fish have you and your "BIG BOAT little ****" buddies caught off George's Bank lately oh sorry those sea's are to rough you I am sure sir would be chumming whilst your hired help motored you tout-suite to Boothbay for cocktails and sea chanty's at the club. You nuevo hedgies make me want to puke in your koi ponds.
posted by thatch at 09:46 AM on April 02, 2008
I was focused on Gisele not LeBron. The so-called controversary surrounding a spread in a fashion magazine is just another lame diversion from the real issues of today.
posted by thatch at 12:58 PM on March 27, 2008
At least he didn't leave a sticky wicket
posted by thatch at 02:48 PM on March 05, 2008
Many Athletes attend cat fights on a regular basis. And while the moral majority may find it cruel and offensive in many cultures nude female mud wrestling is believed to be a sport.
posted by thatch at 10:03 AM on February 08, 2008
This kid is a very easy target but the whole story is just too sad, a step to slow, to eager to please, and now the subject of national ridicule this big dog is in need of some major help or he may be a news story of a differant sort.
posted by thatch at 12:49 PM on February 07, 2008
I'm crying crocidile tears that these guys still believe the world owe's them a friggin living.
posted by thatch at 11:43 AM on February 01, 2008
Where do these people come from, and now he drives a Range Rover and coaches kids, the guys a sociopath
posted by thatch at 02:54 PM on January 31, 2008
Tiger's late father did not raise his son to be a Poster Person he raised him to be the Best that he could be. So don't look for Mr Woods to do anything less.
posted by thatch at 05:07 PM on January 25, 2008
Come to think of it I believe that Tiger Williams may have been half Chinese. For you youngsters Tiger couldn't skate but he sure could fight.
posted by thatch at 06:52 PM on January 24, 2008
How about Brad Park?
posted by thatch at 06:48 PM on January 24, 2008
Very nice story Chico, typical of the NHL, most of whoms fans think that that goal tenders always wore masks and skaters helmets, Native Americans have been a rarity in the majors as well. Perhaps because hockey is not an inexpensive sport hence.
posted by thatch at 09:38 AM on January 24, 2008
Off the subject but speaking of half time shows fyi #1 Single highest water consumption period of the entire year,Super Bowl Halftime. So who is watching what?
posted by thatch at 07:01 PM on January 16, 2008
The Boo's = Bad Karma The Football God's were watching their Sony's not their RCA's now Peyton gets to watch his brother skate live on the frozen tundra.
posted by thatch at 06:53 PM on January 16, 2008
Sport in Perspective, it is after all a kids game in a ugly world, 100 years from when the Cubs blow another chance at the World Series Harry Carey VIII will have a story to tell future fans.
posted by thatch at 09:12 AM on December 21, 2007
Of course Schilling has to weigh in on this matter though it is none of his business he wants to exploit his position among the so called "Red Sox Nation" ie those fans that didn't know the team existed until they started to win, when he runs for Congress. He is just grandstanding because he has NO meaningfull positions on any real issues,typical politician. "Je Accuse" Look it up Curt then Shut up
posted by thatch at 02:06 PM on December 20, 2007
the answer is NO as the theory has been put to the test on ponds all across the Frozen zones of the great north since at least my mispent youth mainly because of two human weakness's 1)When a hard rubber disc is coming at anyone's head at speed a human of even the most base intellect will move to avoid it. 2) Think about it.
posted by thatch at 12:03 PM on December 13, 2007
Whining coach ,seeking position, will travel, audio visual experience. Contact: E. Mangini C/O N.Y Now Where Yets
posted by thatch at 03:07 PM on December 12, 2007
Kobe can't do it all himself, he just thinks he can.
posted by thatch at 11:49 PM on October 31, 2007
This sounds like the "NEW RED SOX NATION"
posted by thatch at 09:49 PM on October 30, 2007
I met Jeff and didn't have to get a shot after yes he is the greatest wheelman of this era. Richard Petty will tell you who the greatest of his era was as well it was Richard Pearson.
posted by thatch at 09:35 AM on October 17, 2007
I suppose if you were going to be 87 you would want to know Who's Your Big Gipper is to.
posted by thatch at 03:56 PM on October 12, 2007
I quess if you had to grow up with a handle like SHELLEY you would pick on ten year olds to.
posted by thatch at 08:39 PM on September 17, 2007
On any given Saturday on college gridirons across the nation young men don their helmets and pads and prep for battle while other men both young and not so down their drink's and dial their phone's to place their wagers on the aforementioneds sweat and blood that is the hype of the top 25 who was the the biggest winner last Saturday Applachian State will be remembered the bookmakers season is MADE.
posted by thatch at 09:44 AM on September 07, 2007
For the Love of the Game R.I.P.R.R.
posted by thatch at 09:38 AM on September 05, 2007
Brooks Robinson the greatest glove I ever saw period.
posted by thatch at 03:25 PM on August 22, 2007
Soccer poetry in motion, perhaps they should mike the players then we American's, who prefer our violence on a 100 yard field,and not a pitch (is that not a baseball term? whats up with that) might care what happens.
posted by thatch at 08:39 PM on August 18, 2007
Boy oh Boy those crazy Canucks drinking beer and making noise in the Northwoods. No strippers, no guns, no pitbulls those hosers must of been into the Ale. I'm lookin for my role models in curling from now on.
posted by thatch at 11:00 PM on July 25, 2007
Trade him to Houston for six picks. New England will win without is disinfranchished ass
posted by thatch at 12:05 PM on June 06, 2007
We reserve the right to refuse service to any dirtbag.
posted by thatch at 06:34 PM on May 09, 2007
Rest in Peace Darryl. Raider Nation your "GLORY DAYS" are long gone,famed for their cheap shots, their loyal fanatic's and their screw everyone especially their fan's Al "THE GREASY ASS" DAVIS, owner the who would want to live their if they have been there Oakland Traders.
posted by thatch at 07:19 PM on April 05, 2007
He said what? Golf is also considered a "COUNTRY-CLUB SPORT" and as a Mayflower Yankee & a Jamestown Virginian if they don't wan't AMERICANS like the Williams sisters or Tiger Woods well I just say SCREW THEM.
posted by thatch at 10:03 AM on March 29, 2007
What better way to let the MADDNESS begin you have to love the college game
posted by thatch at 09:28 AM on February 28, 2007
a four letter injury: UGLY
posted by thatch at 09:17 AM on February 28, 2007
LaDainian thats what happens when you play against a PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM. You got your prop's in the pregame the Pats got theirs when it counts post game. Next weekend I'm sure it will be all Peyton this and that from the media pre-game. 1 Pat to the Pro Bowl who cares 1 team to the SUPER BOWL 1 game to go.
posted by thatch at 05:36 PM on January 15, 2007
SportsFilter: The Monday Huddle
colts tee shirts to be shipped to ravaged Haiti