Pedro Martinez, Juan Marichal filmed at cock fight: A video of Martinez and Marichal at a cockfight was posted this week on YouTube and it showed the two laughing before releasing the roosters. They took part as honourary "soltadores," the word used to describe the person who puts the animal to fight. The fight takes place in their home country, the Dominican Republic, where cockfighting is legal and popular. It is banned throughout the United States
I don't agree with it, but it's legal there. Many other cultures take part in activities people in the U.S. would go ape-shit over. As long as he doesn't buy a suburban-Atlanta mansion and turn it into a cockfighting training and development center, not much we can do about it up here.
posted by dyams at 08:40 AM on February 08, 2008
This happened 2 years ago which was before the Vick incident occurred. I would think at this point whether it is legal or not, most pro athletes would be wise enough to steer clear of this type of publicity. If this had happened recently I would see the baseball community being upset, but not when it occurred 2 years ago. I don't think anyone should be doing this kind of thing.
posted by Familyman at 09:02 AM on February 08, 2008
I don't think anyone should be doing this kind of thing. I agree, but I also have a hard time finding this a worse example of animal cruelty than factory farming -- and yet, a lot of people eat factory-farmed chicken but would never go to a cockfight.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:07 AM on February 08, 2008
Ah, I don't think this is such a big deal. Chickens are jerks.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 09:28 AM on February 08, 2008
So, what's the big stink, anyway? It's just two guys, standing in a ring, smiling at each other, with their cocks in their hands.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 09:33 AM on February 08, 2008
It's just two guys, standing in a ring, smiling at each other, with their cocks in their hands. Now I'm happy the video did not include the actual fight. I thought it was something totally different.
posted by BoKnows at 09:38 AM on February 08, 2008
Chickens are jerks MMMMMMM. Jerk Chicken. It's just two guys, standing in a ring, smiling at each other, with their cocks in their hands. I seem to remember this happening in some movie back in the eighties. Night Shift keeps coming to mind but I can't be sure.
posted by Ricardo at 09:57 AM on February 08, 2008
Many Athletes attend cat fights on a regular basis. And while the moral majority may find it cruel and offensive in many cultures nude female mud wrestling is believed to be a sport.
posted by thatch at 10:03 AM on February 08, 2008
NSFW (link includes video) - alleged crazy chicken fight. I don't know how it's scored.
posted by BoKnows at 10:05 AM on February 08, 2008
I worked at a chicken farm a while back, and it made me cruel. First you're disgusted by the filth and the sea of chickens you have to wade through, then you feel panic and pity in equal measures as you rescue the injured and dying chickens from the instinctive cannibalistic pecking of their sisters only to feel horror and anger at being forced to put the dying ones out of their misery; at last you feel morally compromised because you've learned first-hand that "humane treatment" has virtually nothing to do with how farm animals live and almost everything to do with how farm workers live with themselves. Consumers and the general public think "cruelty-free" is all about the birds, but I've seen free-range farms, and the chickens there are just as stupid and loathsome as anywhere. The difference is the workers, who tend to love their free-range charges; by the end of my first month in a traditional "factory" farm, I had learned to hate chickens so much that I no longer pulled the dying birds out of the shed for a coup de grace, but stepped on them right there in front of their cousins and kicked their heads off. Sometimes the heads would fly so far I wouldn't find them. I honestly bet the other chickens weren't really fazed by the daily beheadings, because I honestly hate live chickens. I had a job that required me not to care about the cruelty I was visiting on these animals, and, to my shame, I internalized it, and now I am saddled with an uncontrollable loathing for chickens. These guys are doing it for fun, which is degenerate, but I understand how easy it is to take pleasure at the pain of poultry, filthy creatures that they are. It's not about the birds, it's about us, and how we redirect our own cruel urges, and about how we justify that redirection. Since working at the chicken farm, I've spent many years in various animal welfare-related jobs, caring for puppies and kittens and rodents and snakes and even birds, and I really do love them, but I still get a tick of hate at the base of my brain whenever I see a chicken, like I want to kick it across the yard for making me want to kick it across the yard. They sure are cute as chicks, though, all yellow and fluffy and "peep, peep, peep."
posted by Hugh Janus at 10:05 AM on February 08, 2008
In summary: Hugh Janus says - "Chickens: They'd be easier to care about if they weren't a bunch of total assholes."
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 10:25 AM on February 08, 2008
Fuckin' A, Weedy. This bud's for you.
posted by Hugh Janus at 10:30 AM on February 08, 2008
This thread is surreal...I love it!
posted by hawkguy at 11:10 AM on February 08, 2008
So Hugh Janus, I take it Kentucky Fried Chicken doens't get much of your business?
posted by steelergirl at 11:28 AM on February 08, 2008
Its so much easier to love dogs than chickens, cockroaches and other animals. That was Vicks mistake, he did it to lovable dogs, and along with the fact that he did his crime in the USA where it is a crime. Bull fighting, cock fighting and other similar activities are legal in some countries. So to me, if you are a professional athlete or ex pro athlete, doing something legal in another country whether it be chasing prostitues, or smoking weed in Amsterdam or attending cock fights in the Dominican Republic so be it. As long as when you are in the USA you abide by the laws here. Who cares. The do-gooder - PETA types should take up their cause with officials in the Dominican Republic instead of bagging on two guys who like to watch cock fighting. The attention of animal lovers would be better directed at McDonalds or KFC who kill em by the millions. Oh I forgot they are. I think I'll go eat a chicken for lunch as all this talk is making me hungry. With all the problems in this world, millions of humans dying of starvation and genocide it sure is easy to not give a shit about chickens.
posted by Atheist at 11:31 AM on February 08, 2008
I have a theory about animals. The cuter the animal better it tastes. Take a look at a chicken and think about what it tastes like. Now take a look at a puggle puppy and imagine what it tastes like.
posted by HATER 187 at 11:41 AM on February 08, 2008
Actually, steelergirl, when I succumb to my biennial fried chicken craving, I usually go to a Kennedy or Queen or Palace Fried Chicken joint -- they do dark meat right, unlike the Colonel's. I generally don't think about cows while I eat burgers, or pigs when I eat their ribs, or all the night soil that goes into the carrots I eat. Most food was covered in shit or blood at some point. I worked at a dairy farm, too, and I love cows. They're pretty nice.
posted by Hugh Janus at 11:51 AM on February 08, 2008
puggle tastes like chicken
posted by Bill Lumbergh at 11:53 AM on February 08, 2008
I think puggle tastes like a cross between Bald Eagle and Owl.
posted by scuubie at 12:15 PM on February 08, 2008
Mr. Hugh, you are a literary giant. That there is Pulitzer stuff, my friend. To follow up the very descriptive and revealing mental ordeal and anguish you suffered at the hands (wings?) of those cruel poultry with: They sure are cute as chicks, though, all yellow and fluffy and "peep, peep, peep." speaks to your ability to forgive. You have taught us all something. Fuck the tuna, though. Lousy bastards.
posted by THX-1138 at 12:24 PM on February 08, 2008
But baby tuna are sooo cute ... I wonder what seal meat tastes like ...
posted by Ricardo at 01:25 PM on February 08, 2008
But baby tuna sure are cute, though, all silver and shiny, and " ." That's why I've been working so diligently on my tuna-free dolphin nets. On edit, fine, Ricardo, you beat me to it, but I stand by my post.
posted by tahoemoj at 01:30 PM on February 08, 2008
Actually, steelergirl, when I succumb to my biennial fried chicken craving, I usually go to a Kennedy or Queen or Palace Fried Chicken joint -- they do dark meat right, unlike the Colonel's. Now that's the way to go if you're gonna go there: Kennedy Fried Chicken, not for the faint of heart! It makes you know you're alive, and sometimes wish you weren't.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 01:39 PM on February 08, 2008
I had a Dominican roommate a couple years back who was into cockfighting in the DR. He said Marichal's roosters (cocks, whatever) were renowned for being the best in the business. Leave these guys alone on this, if you lived over there you would find this entertaining. There's nothing else to do but drink Presidente's, hang out on the corner, and listen to merengue music. I agree, this is one surreal and highly entertaining post.
posted by erkno11 at 01:40 PM on February 08, 2008
There's nothing else to do but drink Presidente's I fail to see the problem. That fairly well describes my house.
posted by yerfatma at 01:45 PM on February 08, 2008
The bottom line is this; It's great to be the dominant species. I have no problem with Dominican's watching a cock fight, as long as they don't do it on my front lawn while they're cutting my grass!
posted by MGDADDYO at 01:54 PM on February 08, 2008
Why do you have roosters cutting your grass?
posted by BoKnows at 01:56 PM on February 08, 2008
Cuz' chickens leave the edges all sloppy. And they keep crossing the road to my neighbors'.
posted by tahoemoj at 02:04 PM on February 08, 2008
"Why do you have roosters cutting your grass?" Because the the little peckers will work for less than the Dominicans will.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 02:10 PM on February 08, 2008
And you can kill 'em and eat 'em if they don't do a good job. Or even if they do.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 02:28 PM on February 08, 2008
why not throw a bunch of tuna on the lawn and see if those will do the job.
posted by Ricardo at 02:33 PM on February 08, 2008
And you can kill 'em and eat 'em if they don't do a good job. Or even if they do. The roosters?, or the Dominicans?
posted by tommybiden at 02:40 PM on February 08, 2008
Hmmmm, if I didn't know better, I'd think SOME of you(or most of you) are getting tanked up at the airport bar.
posted by MGDADDYO at 02:53 PM on February 08, 2008
This thread reminds me of a George Carlin quote: "If lobsters looked like puppies, nobody could ever drop them in boiling water while they were still alive. But instead they look like science fiction monsters, so it's OK."
posted by TheQatarian at 02:54 PM on February 08, 2008
I'm getting tanked up at work, on the company nickel even. Beat that!
posted by lil_brown_bat at 03:02 PM on February 08, 2008
Saw a sticker on a pickup truck window recently that said: P.E.T.A, People Eating Tasty Animals. I am a cat lover, but dogs I can take or leave. I am particularly not fond of very small, yappy dogs. I call them "drop kick dogs" because they should be used in contests to see who can kick them the farthest or for the most accuracy. I told my wife I was going to get a chick to mow the lawn, but when the chick showed up in shorts and a bikini top, that idea got stopped in a hurry. The University of South Carolina calls its athletic teams the "Gamecocks". This has always brought a very disturbing image to my mind. On edit, Ricardo, I tried throwing the tuna on the lawn, but they only went after the worms. Not very good for the grass.
posted by Howard_T at 03:16 PM on February 08, 2008
Best. Thread. Ever. And I'm vegetarian.
posted by owlhouse at 04:01 PM on February 08, 2008
But Tuna is Chicken of the Sea, and Jessica likes chicken about as much as HJ.
posted by irunfromclones at 04:19 PM on February 08, 2008
Didn't she also cause the Cowbys to lose a playoff game?
posted by hawkguy at 04:25 PM on February 08, 2008
I'm going to go home after work and get drunk just so I can laugh even harder than I did this afternoon.
posted by hawkguy at 04:27 PM on February 08, 2008
Night Shift keeps coming to mind but I can't be sure Don't remember that happening in Night Shift (the Winkler/Keaton one), but I was just getting into drugs then, so their wonderful memory enhancing properties hadn't yet kicked in. What it reminds me of is the glow-in-the-dark condom scene in the John Ritter classic Skin Deep.
posted by tahoemoj at 04:59 PM on February 08, 2008
Colonel Sanders was a cock lover.
posted by Nakeman at 05:23 PM on February 08, 2008
Y'mean like the South Park "Chicken Lover?"
posted by tahoemoj at 05:32 PM on February 08, 2008
There's a great cock fight scene in the John Ritter movie "Skin Deep". Baby seal tastes like a cross between Whopping Crane and strawberries.
posted by budman13 at 05:38 PM on February 08, 2008
Night Shift keeps coming to mind but I can't be sure "Midnight Cowboy" maybe? I've never seen it but I think it was one of "those" movies. My cock is overly aggressive ...I'm considering therapy, for him.
posted by Sprdave32 at 06:32 PM on February 08, 2008
Cock fighting is legal in Louisiana, having lived in both Slidel and West Bank I was invited to several fights. Never went because I find the sport a bit cruel. But thats just me, those who fight with their cocks really seem to enjoy it and there is a lot of betting and money can be made if you have a big strong pecker with a steal spur. Still I love "good" fried chicken with collards and corn bread. And why is it chicken tastes so much like baby seal? I guess our Canadian friends could answer that. Weedy? Grum? Tommy?
posted by Folkways at 06:33 PM on February 08, 2008
I think its great that Pedro has taken up a new recreation! Maybe this will relieve the urge that he has to beat up senior citizens.
posted by americanleague at 06:38 PM on February 08, 2008
SportsFilter: Those who fight with their cocks really seem to enjoy it.
posted by jerseygirl at 06:50 PM on February 08, 2008
Sportsfilter: money can be made if you have a big strong pecker with a steal spur
posted by justgary at 07:16 PM on February 08, 2008
I wonder what seal meat tastes like ... This reminds me of a great joke I heard once, want to hear it, here it goes! So this baby seal walks into a club......
posted by jojomfd1 at 09:57 PM on February 08, 2008
There's nothing else to do but drink Presidente's I fail to see the problem. That fairly well describes my house I am so coming over. I can whip up so mean BBQ provided my BAC is kept over .10.
posted by HATER 187 at 10:10 PM on February 08, 2008
Hell yeah man, whichever chicken has lost is then barbecued. That's how the Dominicans do it baby. I don't get why people are making such a big deal about this. I saw this story on ESPN and they kept talking about it. They are chickens man which we eat, end of story. I also don't get why people don't like dogfighting. I mean asians enjoy eating dog meat, why don't Americans?
posted by Scars at 12:29 AM on February 09, 2008
What is this Kennedy Fried Chicken? Does Ted have a side job? Yes, the glow in the dark condom fight was hilarious. When I was little (about 4-5y.o.) my mom would hatchet off the heads of the Sunday dinner chickens. I had to hold them upside down by the feet until they bled out. I can still feel the strikes of their flapping wings.
posted by steelergirl at 07:47 AM on February 09, 2008
The fact that they were in a country where it was legal totally makes this a non story. Yes, there are a lot of people in the U.S. that find this repulsive but like it or not it is popular in other countries. Most people who eat chicken have no problem consuming it but to watch two chickens fight....well that's just wrong! LOL
posted by B10 at 08:59 AM on February 09, 2008
Night Shift keeps coming to mind but I can't be sure I think you mean Night Patrol.
posted by greasepig at 09:36 AM on February 09, 2008
My cock is not a fighter it's a lover.
posted by budman13 at 11:11 AM on February 09, 2008
Pedro is going to enter Don Zimmer in a cock fight. Zimmers ring name will be The Droopy Rooster.
posted by MGDADDYO at 03:09 PM on February 09, 2008
Did you hear the cops in Amsterdam can't smoke pot even tho it is legal there. Something about their reputation, and they don't want the force to look bad. Even tho it's legal. Americans don't want our athletes doin shit that is going to make their sport look bad. Legal or otherwise. See Bullfighting. Nasty,cruel sport.
posted by scuubie at 06:13 PM on February 09, 2008
Even tho they eat the bull. And yes, bull tastes like chicken.
posted by scuubie at 06:14 PM on February 09, 2008
No, bull tastes like steak. And if your steak tastes like chicken, then there's something drastically wrong with your steak. Or your tongue. Or some damn thing.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:25 PM on February 09, 2008's what's fer dinner.....
posted by budman13 at 11:11 PM on February 09, 2008
Scars, have you had dog?? Its kind of chewey.
posted by Bxboy at 08:03 AM on February 10, 2008
I mean asians enjoy eating dog meat, why don't Americans? Because I need the dog to eat the damned cats. F-ing lousy pussies.
posted by THX-1138 at 07:01 PM on February 10, 2008
I think you mean Night Patrol. Hehe. I think you're right. Although I can't remember one single other thing from the movie. How do you remember one scene from a movie and it's the naked guys bumping dicks. How humiliating. The link to imdb shows Pat Morita as "Rape Victim". Now that's funny.
posted by Ricardo at 09:59 AM on February 11, 2008
F-ing lousy pussies. Speaking of pussies, why is cat fighting legal in all 50 states? You would think that given the effect it has on cocks it would be banned.
posted by irunfromclones at 06:47 PM on February 11, 2008
Speaking of pussies, why is cat fighting legal in all 50 states? You would think that given the effect it has on cocks it would be banned. You have answered your own question. The effect it has is exactly why it is not banned.
posted by THX-1138 at 09:46 PM on February 11, 2008
Here is the video but without the actual cock fight.