Feature requests

May 29, 2018

SportsFilter Needs a Password Change Form: Ricardo requested the ability the change your password here. Now that I am cleaning up the code after the upgrade to PHP 7, I thought I would dust off the Locker Room and use it to track progress on new features and bug reports.

posted by rcade to feature requests at 11:10 AM - 1 comment

July 23, 2013

It Begins: just received an email about the EPL Fantasy League. Can whomever controls the Sportsfilter leagues post the password/ join information for this year?

posted by yerfatma to feature requests at 11:05 AM - 3 comments

March 28, 2013

Recent Activity?: On MetaFilter, the Recent Activity page (I've linked to the best one, obvs) is a great way to keep up with threads you are participating in, and I was wondering if there is any interest in creating a similar feature here at SpoFi? Even something as simple as linkifying (highly technical term) the Recent Comments on our profile pages would really help me (and others) participate more here.

posted by Rock Steady to feature requests at 10:13 AM - 4 comments

October 17, 2012

Favorites or Likes for comments?: Hey there old friends. I'm back lurking here. I'm even logged in, so I can see the (# new) thingy after the comments number. I don't have much to contribute, but 5 years of Facebooking have endeared to the simple "Like" action below each comment and I'm instinctly looking to click it when I read a comment that makes me chuckle. MetaFilter has a similar feature with their Favorites. Is this at all a possibility for SpoFi?

posted by qbert72 to feature requests at 12:06 AM - 20 comments

September 26, 2012

Password Change: Where can I change my password? I cant find anywhere on the site to do so.

posted by Ricardo to feature requests at 11:02 AM - 2 comments

January 26, 2012

Back button don't work with Chrome: Post a comment, hit the back button. You go back to the page where you were editing your post. Hit back again, you go to the thread with the comment posted. Back again, you\'re back to the edit page. Back again, thread with the comment posted. The bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain, the bear went over the mountain, and what do you think he saw?

posted by lil_brown_bat to feature requests at 11:01 PM - 2 comments

January 14, 2012

Other IM Options?: I just noticed that ICQ and AIM are the only options for instant message on our profile pages. Can that be expanded or should I just add them in the open "Blurb About You" section? The listed IM options are like having a Friendster or MySpace page ;)

posted by scully to feature requests at 06:28 PM - 13 comments

January 06, 2011

MoSpoFi?: SportsFilter is one of the few sites that I visit frequently that are A) Primarily text and B) Nearly unusable on my mobile browser (to the point that I can post a new link with my blackberry, but I can't comment). Any chance there's a more mobile-friendly version of SpoFi in the works? If not, can there be?

posted by Ufez Jones to feature requests at 06:16 PM - 8 comments

October 29, 2009

Hooking Delicious and Twitter to the Huddle: I'm thinking about connecting Delicious and Twitter to the huddle, so that SportsFilter users can contribute sports links and comments on those sites and have them automatically end up here. I know there are Twitter users who might use a #spofi hashtag. Anyone here actively posting sports-related bookmarks on Delicious?

posted by rcade to feature requests at 02:36 PM - 13 comments

June 30, 2009

New Comment Count When?: When will the new comments since last visit return?

posted by scully to feature requests at 09:48 PM - 20 comments

June 15, 2009

Looking for Japanese baseball home jersey - Chiba Lotte: I am trying to locate a Chiba Lotte Marines home jersey (Japanese baseball) I saw a previous discussion about swapping home jerseys, but the thread is currently closed. Does anyone know anyone that would be able to find one of these for me? Thank you

posted by lemonghello to feature requests at 04:18 PM - 7 comments

April 30, 2009

FPP format question: After the server switch, but before the more recent GUI changes, there was an extra description box for use while posting a FPP. It was optional, but gave the poster a chance to add a little more description without having to post a link and then be the first commenter (as is with my most recent FPP).

posted by BoKnows to feature requests at 01:40 PM - 5 comments

January 19, 2009

CD Swap ...Last Chance to Join Up!: There are just two days left until the original deadline arrives! I will extend it until Friday to allow any late sign-ups...(cough, TBH, cough)... I will email the groups this weekend with all necessary info.

posted by BoKnows to feature requests at 08:56 PM - 14 comments

January 09, 2009

Google Ads in Gmail: I am starting to notice that most of the text "ads" items being shown to me in my gmail (above the archive, report spam, etc buttons) are for threads on SportsFilter.

posted by scully to feature requests at 08:56 AM - 2 comments

October 04, 2008

Ask SportsFilter: Know Any Software That Delays Internet Radio?: A friend of mine likes to hear the Internet radio broadcasts of sporting events, even when they're being televised. When the radio is delivered faster than the video, you hear things before they happen on TV, making this impossible. Is anyone aware of audio software that can introduce a user-selected delay, making it possible to sync Internet radio with a TV broadcast?

posted by rcade to feature requests at 02:32 PM - 1 comment

September 27, 2008

Sigh: I miss my personalised user page on which I spent so much time. First my locker room interview goes poof and now this.

posted by scully to feature requests at 01:46 PM - 23 comments

July 26, 2008

New front page categories: are there any plans to add any? Cycling would be nice, and there is at least one request for Rugby.

posted by apoch to feature requests at 11:59 AM - 11 comments

June 09, 2008

Sportsfilter Technology Refresh?:
Sportsfilter was founded back in 2002 using a mimic of the Metafilter site code as I understand it- back then, sports posts seemed too "newsfilter-y" back when that was actually frowned upon at Metafilter, and this site was spun up as a dedicated place for that kind of content.

In the intervening years, Metafilter has added a number of features- big and small- that make that site very functional and usable. I'm curious if there is any possibility of having a "technology refresh", in which Sportsfilter gets an update of some of the site code to enable things like live preview, tagging, favoriting, etc.

posted by hincandenza to feature requests at 12:04 PM - 48 comments

March 08, 2008

SportsFilter Team Ownership Project: I recently became an owner of AFC Wimbledon, a British football club begun by fans that's managed by a fans' trust with publicly sold shares. I'd like to see SportsFilter become an owner of several publicly traded sports franchises (or even individual athletes such as golfers and baseball prospects), buying at least one share a month and using site votes to exercise our voting rights when issues come up to a vote. What do you think of the idea?

posted by rcade to feature requests at 09:11 AM - 49 comments

February 22, 2008

Pony Request: Developing Story Link?: Barry Bonds. Michael Vick. Bill Belichick. Rocket. All characters that have been central to long running sports scandals. Rather than beating the same old dead horse every time a new development happens in these sorts of stories, what if there is a long on the front page of Sportsfilter that leads to a special "developing story" page. All these long running stories can live there and accumulate new links and new comments until the story comes to a close. I see this as a way of organizing links related to a single continuing story in a fairly logical, straightforward way. For those of us who like to go back and check previous stories on the same subject, this would reduce the amount of searching we need to do in the long run. Anyhow, as I said, just a pony request!

posted by Joey Michaels to feature requests at 04:56 PM - 6 comments

January 21, 2008

Wiki Report: Rather than continue to hijack the thread below, I wanted to update folks on the State of the Wiki. [more inside]

posted by scully to feature requests at 07:16 PM - 10 comments

November 22, 2007

Consistency in FPP formating: On the front page a post does NOT have a colon. Once one clicks on "post a comment" to follow the thread the colon appears. Me no likey. You?

posted by scully to feature requests at 11:27 AM - 15 comments

September 14, 2007

*Feature Request* - Blog recommendations.: Would it be too much trouble to ask my fellow SpoFites to recommend blogs (or columnists) that give good insight (or discussion) on their favorite teams or sports?

posted by lilnemo to feature requests at 12:42 PM - 31 comments

May 30, 2007

Live Sport: I know we have previously discussed this but can't remember if a decision was ever made - should we have a place (another locker room in a way) for people to write a review of a live sporting event they attended?

posted by JJ to feature requests at 11:25 AM - 18 comments

February 20, 2007

I was column surfing and noticed...: If you go to the columns section through the link at the top of the front page, or the "has written X columns" link of a member profile, there are only links to the columns and no links to the comments. The only way I know to get to the comments is to note the date of the column and then go through the archives. Can a comments link be added to make navigation easier?

posted by MrFrisby to feature requests at 03:59 PM - 8 comments

February 11, 2007

Dated Sample Post: In light of the Colt's recent Super Bowl victory perhaps it is time to retire justgary's sample post that accompanies the "post a link" page and use another example? If so, what posts are good candidates to make the jump to The Show?

posted by scully to feature requests at 09:08 PM - 38 comments

November 23, 2006

I wants me a pony: when are the full archives (SpoFi and Locker Room) coming back?

posted by qbert72 to feature requests at 10:51 AM - 16 comments

October 08, 2006

Padding: Can one of the site design guru's please add some padding to the <font> tag if it is going to be allowed in comments? Thanks.

posted by scully to feature requests at 10:58 AM - 1 comment

August 27, 2006

Take a Look at Our RSS: The RSS feeds for SportsFilter and the Locker Room have been improved to make them work better in Bloglines and other readers.

posted by rcade to feature requests at 10:58 AM - 7 comments

July 03, 2006

CFL Pick 'Em, Week 4: Nobody knows what's going on this year, except the diehard fans from Australia and Kentucky. Make your coin flips inside.

posted by DrJohnEvans to feature requests at 03:00 PM - 19 comments

May 18, 2006

I'm stupid: I tried to post a topic but I am such a boneheaded computer novice that I can't figure out how to link to a column and post it. If anyone cares to give me any pointers I would greatly appreciate it. Or, if you just want to tell me what a complete stoneage 8-track playing idiot I am, then I guess I deserve that. Sorry, I'm from those days and this stuff is frustrating to me. Anyway if anyone feels sorry enough for my decrepit old ass, you can e-mail me at jcreibs13@yahoo.com. Thanks for any help. Jeff

posted by jcreibs13 to feature requests at 10:14 PM - 22 comments

April 25, 2006

Category request: Is there a possibility that we can get the Auto Racing category renamed as Motor Sports? Or just make a new category named Motor Sports? Please.

posted by NoMich to feature requests at 02:51 PM - 10 comments

April 24, 2006

The S-Team.: It started off as a joke, but I'm beginning to think we might need it.

posted by lilnemo to feature requests at 07:07 PM - 118 comments

March 03, 2006

Pony: : Can we have the same three minute rule to edit FPPs, too?

posted by jerseygirl to feature requests at 06:18 PM - 33 comments

January 30, 2006

The Dubai Desert Classic : begins this Thursday at the Emirates Golf Club in Dubai. I'll be in the UAE on business, but hope to find the time to spend at least one day at the tournament writing a column for Sportsfilter. On the off chance that I can't access the website while I'm out there, to whom should I e-mail my incomprehensible dribbling about how nice the weather is?

posted by JJ to feature requests at 10:37 AM - 0 comments

December 28, 2005

Never mind the goddamned ponies. : Just either get rid of the damn colon in the FPP preview, or put it in the damn post. One or the other. Please.

posted by lil_brown_bat to feature requests at 06:23 PM - 0 comments

December 23, 2005

Torino 2006 update: see more inside.

posted by lil_brown_bat to feature requests at 10:21 AM - 0 comments

December 15, 2005

Let the games begin! : Similar to redsnare's recent suggestion, I'm wondering if there are a few good SpoFites who would join me in writing a collective Torino Olympics column. The thought I had was that each of us could pick a couple of sports to write about -- nothing too heinous, necessarily; it could just be, "What are those wacky short-track speedskaters up to now?" You don't have to be an expert on the sport, just a decent writer and willing to spend some time up to and during the 'lympics to do a little research and writing. Anyone join me in this one?

posted by lil_brown_bat to feature requests at 04:12 PM - 0 comments

"My mind was aglow with transient nodes of thought, careening thru a cosmic vapor of invention.": Weekly/monthly/quarterly/arbitrarily sports-by-city roundup? [more inside]

posted by redsnare to feature requests at 03:29 PM - 0 comments

October 30, 2005

Sportsfilter Favicon: Completely pointless and easy to implement pony... a favicon. Sportsfilter is the only bookmark on my toolbar that doesn't have one and it's sort of silly looking. So to satisfy my (and likely others) aesthetic, could someone make one?

posted by panoptican to feature requests at 09:08 PM - 0 comments