Take a Look at Our RSS: The RSS feeds for SportsFilter and the Locker Room have been improved to make them work better in Bloglines and other readers.
posted by rcade to feature requests at 10:58 AM - 7 comments
I was about to take them to feedvalidator, but then I remembered who was posting this... terrapin: you're a terp, but I like how you think ;)
posted by tieguy at 11:50 AM on August 27, 2006
Heh. I would choose Atom over RSS 2.0 on any new site, but since this one already had a mostly adequate RSS feed, it's easier to stick with it. (SportsFilter also has a bajillion people reading via My Yahoo.) These feeds are occasionally invalid because of character bugs I'm hoping to squash.
posted by rcade at 02:37 PM on August 27, 2006
I hope this dosent sound stupid- but what the heck is that?
posted by Kendall at 03:09 PM on August 27, 2006
RSS feeds make it easier to follow your favorite blogs and news. You can go to one site, like My Yahoo or Bloglines, and see the new items from a bunch of different sites in one place. There also are RSS readers that run on your desktop, such as NewsGator and Radio UserLand. If I sound like I'm pimping this a little too enthusiastically, it's because I'm on the RSS Advisory Board.
posted by rcade at 03:43 PM on August 27, 2006
I like the Sharp Reader Desktop RSS Aggregator alot. It handles RSS and Atom smoothly, has some great features and has never borked my computer. Just saying......
posted by skydivedad at 04:36 PM on August 27, 2006
Hey- thanks rcade. Honestly, I had never even looked at a RSS in my life, but now at least I know what your talking about. Thanks : )
posted by Kendall at 09:41 PM on August 27, 2006
What? No atom feed? ;)