I wants me a pony: when are the full archives (SpoFi and Locker Room) coming back?
posted by qbert72 to feature requests at 10:51 AM - 16 comments
That would make for a great pony.
posted by dusted at 01:56 PM on November 23, 2006
posted by mkn at 09:49 PM on November 23, 2006
That was awesome, mkn.
posted by jerseygirl at 07:57 AM on November 24, 2006
You can have a pony. But by the time you get him, he may be a horse. I'll work on the archives next.
posted by rcade at 08:27 AM on November 24, 2006
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:29 AM on November 24, 2006
I bet that little girl will be mortified by all the attention her crying received for years and years to come.
posted by bperk at 10:31 AM on November 24, 2006
Thank you, rcade. A horse will do fine. Are we there yet?
posted by qbert72 at 11:31 AM on November 24, 2006
We're laughing about the Santorum children now, but it won't be so funny when they manifest pyrokinetic powers.
posted by rcade at 04:08 PM on November 24, 2006
I bet that little girl will be mortified by all the attention her crying received for years and years to come. I think she'll be more mortified by her colonial looking matchy matchy plaid dress, headband and doll outfit. At least I know I was.
posted by jerseygirl at 05:10 PM on November 24, 2006
her colonial looking matchy matchy plaid dress, headband and doll outfit. Sweet! Garanamals, extreme!
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:04 PM on November 24, 2006
I bet that little girl will be mortified by all the attention her crying received for years and years to come. I love this picture for so many reasons (mostly because Ricky is possibly that much closer to getting the spiky rodgering he deserves from the horned one) but I think the focus is totally on the wrong area in this pic. I mean, yeah, the little one looks like an extra from Little House on the Prairie and the boy who looks like he's peaking on shrooms, but I think the real winning pose here is Ms. "I wish I knew what emo was, but thanks to MySpace, this seems to be the expression I'm supposed to invoke for pain and sadness". However, this pales in comparison to the hell Chelsea Clinton went through.
posted by Ufez Jones at 10:53 PM on November 24, 2006
Chelsea Clinton never had to wear that outfit.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 09:23 AM on November 25, 2006
Only in my imagination. Wait. I've said too much.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 12:03 PM on November 25, 2006
I can't believe that in the US people wear clothes like that without irony. You people are in real trouble.
posted by owlhouse at 02:46 PM on November 25, 2006
The Santorum family are just slightly atypical. Most of us look like this:
posted by dusted at 01:30 AM on November 26, 2006
Hear, hear! This is a pony for which I would be very thankful. and the locker room interviews!