FPP format question: After the server switch, but before the more recent GUI changes, there was an extra description box for use while posting a FPP. It was optional, but gave the poster a chance to add a little more description without having to post a link and then be the first commenter (as is with my most recent FPP).
posted by BoKnows to feature requests at 01:40 PM - 5 comments
The Shani Davis post is a column, which allows the extra space for writers to create commentary here.
I could add the Extended box back for front-page posts if people want it. The only reason I took it away was to fully emulate the SportsFilter interface as it existed for years before the server went boom.
posted by rcade at 04:41 PM on April 30, 2009
I, for one, would use it. I don't recall any negative reaction/comments about it. I view it as a good way to provide a little extra back story without creating a super long FPP. Thanks for the consideration. Anyone disagree?
posted by BoKnows at 07:36 PM on April 30, 2009
I just want the recent comments feature back so participation in the site as a community is easier. Without them I can't find the time to check every thread in which I have an interest to see if there have been additions.
posted by scully at 07:06 AM on May 01, 2009
Curiously, if you were to add the "new comments" feature say, today, would that then cause everyone's next visit to show 225,000 "new comments"?
posted by BoKnows at 03:11 PM on May 12, 2009
rcade, your post of the Shani Davis incident is an example of the ability I am asking about. Is there no character limit on a FPP? If there isn't, how does the format decide what amount of text remains hidden until opening the thread?