New LA teams: In a bold move the NFL has decided to move a team or two to LA by the 2010 AD.
Don't be surprised if one of the teams is the New Orleans Saints. Ya dont be surprised if one of the the teams is the new orleans saints cus saints suck go eagles
posted by Dav at 11:00 AM on November 25, 2005
don't be surprised if one of the teams is the Chargers. The Spanos people want a new stadium, and the City of San Diego is broke.
posted by Two Buck Chuck at 12:08 PM on November 25, 2005
I think the article was supposed to be funny but i guess it wasn't.
posted by HATER 187 at 12:57 PM on November 25, 2005
There are a few teams that might be able to come to LA. Those two teams are The Arizona Cardinals and the New Orleans Saints. The rest of the league can stay put. The reason why I say these two teams? Well, its simple. Arizona needs more fans, more revenue, more exposure...where as the Saints, they need a new stadium, they will not be able to recover for a long time down in Louisiana and well, they would be better off in Sunny Southern CALI than dealing with Hurricanes such as Katrina, Alpha, Beta and so forth.
posted by usalinas63 at 01:03 PM on November 25, 2005
It is a funny article, HATER. It's just that nobody who has posted in this thread thus far has actually read it.
posted by NoMich at 01:05 PM on November 25, 2005
hahaha.....owe, clever and mildly humorus.
posted by Rover57 at 01:20 PM on November 25, 2005
Pretty humerous i might add!
posted by D-train at 01:54 PM on November 25, 2005
Pretty funny story. It is comical, though, how the NFL just can't get past this Los Angeles thing. Ever since the Rams left it's been my dream that EVERY pro sports team would leave L.A. so we would never have to be annoyed again with their fair-weather, leave at halftime (or don't show up at all) or the sixth inning (etc.) fans. Actually, come to think of it, I'm kind of sick of the entire STATE of California.
posted by dyams at 02:07 PM on November 25, 2005
How could you not want to root for a team called the Compton Cowboys. When the NJ Nets move to Brooklyn I hope they change their names to the East New York Pimps. Their logo could be a large purple wide brimmed hat with a yellow feather in it and their cheerleaders could be ladies of loose morality.
posted by HATER 187 at 02:18 PM on November 25, 2005
Hey, that'd kinda be like the old Tampa Bay uniforms wouldn't it?
posted by red_kal_el at 02:32 PM on November 25, 2005
I saw the article, and I don't think it's funny. I live in LA and we are waiting for a team. I presume the Saints will come, the rest is just talk. LA football is something you love to root against if you don't live here. Whether it be the Saints or whoever. The Saints will now come, they'll be hated like the ther, we'll love our Saints, and this stupid article is a sign of things to come. The article is really dissapointing morality wise.
posted by Joe88 at 02:38 PM on November 25, 2005
Morality wise?
posted by rcade at 03:12 PM on November 25, 2005
LA football is something you love to root against if you don't live here. Actually, no. LA football is something that never crosses most people's minds. If you deserve it or not is another matter.
posted by justgary at 04:05 PM on November 25, 2005
I think the article was supposed to be funny but i guess it wasn't As NoMich already said, HATER 187, the article wasn't read by many people. Par for the course. As for LA football, perhaps the Clippers can form a football team, cuz they sure as hell can't play basketball. In my best Inigo Montoya voice: "Joe88, you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
posted by scully at 05:24 PM on November 25, 2005
"Plus, the intricate L.A. highway system will cut team travel time by almost 25 percent," Washington added. Fucking fantastic!
posted by panoptican at 06:17 PM on November 25, 2005
As for LA football, perhaps the Clippers can form a football team, cuz they sure as hell can't play basketball. Also, I know it's early, but have you seen the Clippers lately?
posted by panoptican at 06:18 PM on November 25, 2005
As a southern Californian I say we do not a bunch of millionare criminal athletes here. The tax payers always get stuck with the bills. WEDO NOT NEED A TEAM IN So.Cal.
posted by Joe Veltri at 06:31 PM on November 25, 2005
"Plus, the intricate L.A. highway system will cut team travel time by almost 25 percent," Washington added. Yeah, the freeways (thats what they're actually called) have a lot of traffic. Good one. 1986 called, it wants its stand-up routine back. we do not a bunch of millionare criminal athletes here The Rush Limbaugh show called. It wants its incoherent, borderline racist discourse back.
posted by fakeymcalias at 06:48 PM on November 25, 2005
Oh and its really amazing that its 2005 and there are still people out there who dont realize the Onion is a comedy site. Granted, it jumped the shark about a few years ago, and the sports section is just plain not funny, but it IS the most successful comedy site in the history of the internet.
posted by fakeymcalias at 06:50 PM on November 25, 2005
I couldn't even talk in 1986. Granted The Onion has indeed jumped the shark, the highway/freeway bit (I thought the word you used was pretty subjective and dependent on your geographic location) did make me laugh. Less so about the highways/freeways, more so about the presentation.
posted by panoptican at 06:59 PM on November 25, 2005
The Rush Limbaugh show called. It wants its incoherent, borderline racist discourse back. The liberals called. They want their easy target back. I tease!
posted by grum@work at 07:54 PM on November 25, 2005
I live in L.A. and I speak for at least a majority of the peope when I say we want a team. I agree about the freeway system, it's a living hell. I was commuting on Thanksgiving in the L.A. suburbs and I almost got to have dinner, when I left expecting to have lunch. Also, to clear my words "morality wise." I used these words with regards to the Saints. They deserve to play anywhere. It is better than being homeless, and they are homeless. L.A. as a home is better than nothing. I used the term and asked you not to have too many laughs reading that article because of the Saints. Hope that clears uo everything.
posted by Joe88 at 08:03 PM on November 25, 2005
Cmon, Joe. A majority of fans in LA have voted en masse by not showing up to professional football games. You Angelinos love your Trojans, and for good reason, but as for the NFL, you have demonstrated no will to support a team.
posted by BrooklynEmperor at 09:53 PM on November 25, 2005
"Oh and its really amazing that its 2005 and there are still people out there who dont realize the Onion is a comedy site. Granted, it jumped the shark about a few years ago, and the sports section is just plain not funny, but it IS the most successful comedy site in the history of the internet." what year did the term "jump the shark" jump the shark? "Cmon, Joe. A majority of fans in LA have voted en masse by not showing up to professional football games. You Angelinos love your Trojans, and for good reason, but as for the NFL, you have demonstrated no will to support a team." we voted not to use taxpayer dollars to finance a new stadium for a pair of bad teams: thus they left. as for the l.a. hating about getting to the game late, you've obviously never driven on an l.a. freeway. everyone who says l.a. doesn't support their teams when they're bad should go to an overpriced laker game or a dodger game. they drew 2nd only to the yankees @ 3.6 millions or about 44k per game. i know the cold fingers make you type angry things you don't mean, but don't take it out on those of us enjoying our sports and sunshine simultaneously in late november.
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:31 AM on November 26, 2005
There are a few teams that might be able to come to LA. Those two teams are The Arizona Cardinals and the New Orleans Saints. LA Sports writers would have plenty to write about if Bidwell and company come to this town. He has to be the worst NFL owner ever, bar none. Cmon, Joe. A majority of fans in LA have voted en masse by not showing up to professional football games. You Angelinos love your Trojans, and for good reason, but as for the NFL, you have demonstrated no will to support a team. LA is like most any other big city. Fans will pay to see a quality product and in some cases pay to see an inferior product, ie; Dodgers and 04-05 Lakers. If a quality team comes or develops in LA, tickets will be hard to get.
posted by STLCardinalfan at 09:19 AM on November 26, 2005
I have lived in LA and driven the freeways, and honestly those freeways were part the reasons I rarely attended any pro games in LA. I hated leaving a Dodgers game at 11pm on a Sunday night and still having to sit in traffic for an hour before heading to the south bay. And I was one of the few people who actually seemed to bother to stay until the end of the game. Another thing for which LA "fans" are notorious. The reasons I never went to a football game while I was there was because I didn't want to get killed at Raiders' game, and I didn't want to drive to Anaheim for a Lambs' game. Cut the victimhood shit. LA doesn't support football teams. If they did, the NFL would have made getting them a new team a priority as it is such a huge freakin' TV market. It's been, what, ten years?
posted by scully at 09:51 AM on November 26, 2005
I live in L.A. and I speak for at least a majority of the peope when I say we want a team. Really, Joe88, did they have another election and you were elected mayor without it making the newspapers in northern California? Because otherwise I will dispute your ability to speak for 'at least' a majority of your fellow Angelenos. There are no doubt many thousands of LA County residents, and perhaps a few from Orange and Ventura counties that would throw in with them, but I doubt you could get anywhere near the millions that would equal 50% + 1 of the population. OTOH, LA seems to be off to a good start supporting a second MLS club despite a miserable, three manager first season for Chivas USA. Maybe you and NinjaVsHippo ought to pick up the sport the rest of the globe calls football and become Chivas or Galaxy supporters.
posted by billsaysthis at 06:57 PM on November 26, 2005
If they did, the NFL would have made getting them a new team a priority as it is such a huge freakin' TV market. It's been, what, ten years? That right there pinpoints why the NFL should be hesitant to give a team to a metroplex that large that refuses to show up to games. If the games aren't sell-outs, they'll be blacked out. NFL TV contracts stipulate that while the home team is playing, a different game can't be broadcast. Boom, a recipe for 3 hours of infomercials each week.
posted by Ufez Jones at 07:09 PM on November 26, 2005
There are no doubt many thousands of LA County residents, and perhaps a few from Orange and Ventura counties that would throw in with them, but I doubt you could get anywhere near the millions that would equal 50% + 1 of the population. It wouldn't take 50% in the greater LA area (10 million?) to support a team. A fraction of that would do. If it's a contending team, tickets will be impossible.
posted by STLCardinalfan at 07:21 PM on November 26, 2005
It would take a majority of the (voting) population to accept a stadium. When they played in the L.A. Coliseum (which seats 90,000+), seats always seemed to be available.
posted by yerfatma at 10:14 AM on November 27, 2005
NFL owners benefit from not having a team in Los Angeles, because it gives them a credible threat to hold over their communities when they need things like stadium concessions. Much to my disappointment, Jacksonville's ownership just used it to strongarm some ad revenue for the city-owned Alltel Stadium. They demanded ad revenue for college football games played there, and the city caved.
posted by rcade at 12:40 PM on November 27, 2005
It wouldn't take 50% in the greater LA area (10 million?) to support a team. No, but that's not what I wrote. It would take 50% + 1 of the population of the greater LA area to meet Joe88's claimed majority. By the way, the Rams were a contending team many years in their LA residence (and the Raiders had decent teams at least some seasons) and yet the tickets were far from impossible to buy.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:27 PM on November 27, 2005
Don't be surprised if one of the teams is the New Orleans Saints.