Name: | Jorge Velasco |
Location: | Los Angeles, CA |
ZIP: | 90034 |
Gender: | part man, part machine, all cop. |
Social Media Account: | ninjavshippo (AIM) |
Member since: | November 01, 2005 |
Last visit: | October 09, 2007 |
ninjavshippo has posted 2 links and 301 comments to SportsFilter and 0 links and 19 comments to the Locker Room.
Kobe drops 81 for 2nd most in a game in history of NBA.: Brought them back from 18 down to become the highest scoring laker, passing baylor's 71, now only 2nd to wilt's 100 in nba history. amazing.
posted by ninjavshippo to basketball at 11:12 PM on January 22, 2006 - 123 comments
McNabb fires back at NAACP prez's criticism that he's "mediocre": Personally, i'm not an eagles fan, but i'd say mcnabb is much more than mediocre. From reading the prez's opinion piece on mcnabb, it seems as though he tries to connect mcnabb's decreased scrambling during games and an old soundbyte of mcnabb saying that "everybody expects black quarterbacks to scramble." I think it probably had more to do with the qb playing with injuries, as opposed to him selling out.
Of course, the prez also loses me with quotes like these "Just think how the whole media circus could have been avoided had you had the courage to offer only a tiny fraction of your bonus this year to Owens and running back, Brian Westbrook."
posted by ninjavshippo to football at 07:20 PM on December 14, 2005 - 110 comments
So much for being part of team... Big Ben's loss!! True hoop has it down pat (except for the part where they say ben wallace is worth 20-30 wins; that's ridiculous). If he does leave, Ben's going to the a younger, tough on D, up and coming winner and leaving the old guys in the dust. Not a bad career move, imo. The bummer is that that DET will be just about capped out if they extend Tayshaun, leaving only the MLE to sign Ben's replacement. Not good.
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:40 PM on July 03, 2006
Jeter over Tejada? Only in America. On it's face, I agree it looks bad, but when you consider Jeter's OPSing better than Tejada, it's closer than you might think. I can't believe I just defended Jeter. Maybe there's hope in the Middle East after all.
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:45 PM on July 03, 2006
Why the anti-Loretta sentiments? Brian Roberts' numbers are identical, except he has 19 SBs and a better OPS. Jose Lopez has 57 (!) RBIs and a better OPS. Iguchi has 6 more HRs and 18 more runs scored. I think 3 errors would be offsent by any of those numbers. Doesn't really matter. the MLB all-star game is fucked.
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:13 AM on July 03, 2006
v3rity, no need to be a dick. if people kindly request something, what bother is it to you to honor it? also, i don't think you'd hope AIDS on anyone if you ever saw what it does to a person firsthand. especially not over something as trivial as a football game. grow up.
posted by ninjavshippo at 06:13 PM on July 01, 2006
Weaver the Younger doesn't have nearly the talent/stuff of someone like Liriano, but can be successful. The guy is an EXTREME flyball pitcher since he always challenges guys upstairs, but he could probably still be a good middle of the rotation starter, even if he gives up 30+ HRs. As for his brother, that's got to be a stomach punch. I wouldn't mind the dodgers taking a waiver on him for $150k, to see if they can get some #5 starter innings out of him. if it worked (so far) with aaron sele, it can't hurt to try with him. wfrazerjr- i, too, was able to pick him up! here's hoping.
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:48 PM on June 30, 2006
that's unbelievably tragic. my thoughts are with him and his family.
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:33 PM on June 30, 2006
chico, isn't that the old ABA ball you're talking about?
posted by ninjavshippo at 04:37 PM on June 28, 2006
not my favorite analyst, but a tragedy nontheless. my thoughts go out to him and his family.
posted by ninjavshippo at 11:13 PM on June 27, 2006
This is what comes from a user with a homepage URL of myspace hey... i used to have a myspace for a url.. shucks /kicks dirt with hands in pockets
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:01 PM on June 23, 2006
don't expect the French to tell the whole story. while i'm not into this right-wing, the french seek to destroy us thingy, it does seem like there are some french parties who are hell bent on proving this guy's accomplishments aren't legit. they can't just be sore losers, can they? if you have enough circumstantial evidence, the whole thing starts to stink after a while. not indicting lance by any means, but it just seems weird.
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:05 PM on June 23, 2006
wow. on the bright side, they're paying Allan Houston $20,718,750 next year. Happy nightmare.
posted by ninjavshippo at 11:56 AM on June 22, 2006
Political correctness run amuk. it's fun to use inexact isms to support non-arguments. silly fags with their silly hats and feelings.
posted by ninjavshippo at 08:07 PM on June 21, 2006
man alive. this is a funny thread.
posted by ninjavshippo at 05:57 PM on June 21, 2006
Red Sox implosion:
This new core of Red Sox fans is still plenty big enough to stand on its own, but now they must suffer the slings and arrows that come when champions get pulled back down off the mountain. yep x1000. as a lakers fan, i can empathize. as a dodgers fan, i can revel in it. if you're saying all teams go through what the sox are going through I'd love to see an example. 2 players in the hospital with potentially serious conditions, 2 players from the opening day roster on the field, one health player on the bench. We can make a deal. Sox fans can quit crying over the injuries if other fans can quit saying 'everyone team goes through the same thing', because it's simply false. I've never seen a season like this one, and I doubt I ever will again. let's not get histrionic. Here are some numbers I found from baseballprospectus on the Dodgers in 2005, when it seemed to me like the sky was, in fact, falling. Days Lost to DL: 1357 Dollars Lost to DL: $36,695,101.85 % Payroll Lost to DL: 45.29% Fast forward to 2006 where LA has lost its best pitcher again (gagne), lost nomar and kent for 1/4 of the season, had bill mueller for 30 games before he was lost for the season, lost the setup man/closer heir apparent for the season april 12th (brazoban)... etc. etc. everyone really does go through the same thing. consider yourselves lucky that the injury bug hasn't hit your team hard until this year.