So much for being part of team... Big Ben's loss!! True hoop has it down pat (except for the part where they say ben wallace is worth 20-30 wins; that's ridiculous). If he does leave, Ben's going to the a younger, tough on D, up and coming winner and leaving the old guys in the dust. Not a bad career move, imo. The bummer is that that DET will be just about capped out if they extend Tayshaun, leaving only the MLE to sign Ben's replacement. Not good.
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:40 PM on July 03, 2006
Jeter over Tejada? Only in America. On it's face, I agree it looks bad, but when you consider Jeter's OPSing better than Tejada, it's closer than you might think. I can't believe I just defended Jeter. Maybe there's hope in the Middle East after all.
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:45 PM on July 03, 2006
Why the anti-Loretta sentiments? Brian Roberts' numbers are identical, except he has 19 SBs and a better OPS. Jose Lopez has 57 (!) RBIs and a better OPS. Iguchi has 6 more HRs and 18 more runs scored. I think 3 errors would be offsent by any of those numbers. Doesn't really matter. the MLB all-star game is fucked.
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:13 AM on July 03, 2006
v3rity, no need to be a dick. if people kindly request something, what bother is it to you to honor it? also, i don't think you'd hope AIDS on anyone if you ever saw what it does to a person firsthand. especially not over something as trivial as a football game. grow up.
posted by ninjavshippo at 06:13 PM on July 01, 2006
Weaver the Younger doesn't have nearly the talent/stuff of someone like Liriano, but can be successful. The guy is an EXTREME flyball pitcher since he always challenges guys upstairs, but he could probably still be a good middle of the rotation starter, even if he gives up 30+ HRs. As for his brother, that's got to be a stomach punch. I wouldn't mind the dodgers taking a waiver on him for $150k, to see if they can get some #5 starter innings out of him. if it worked (so far) with aaron sele, it can't hurt to try with him. wfrazerjr- i, too, was able to pick him up! here's hoping.
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:48 PM on June 30, 2006
that's unbelievably tragic. my thoughts are with him and his family.
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:33 PM on June 30, 2006
chico, isn't that the old ABA ball you're talking about?
posted by ninjavshippo at 04:37 PM on June 28, 2006
not my favorite analyst, but a tragedy nontheless. my thoughts go out to him and his family.
posted by ninjavshippo at 11:13 PM on June 27, 2006
This is what comes from a user with a homepage URL of myspace hey... i used to have a myspace for a url.. shucks /kicks dirt with hands in pockets
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:01 PM on June 23, 2006
don't expect the French to tell the whole story. while i'm not into this right-wing, the french seek to destroy us thingy, it does seem like there are some french parties who are hell bent on proving this guy's accomplishments aren't legit. they can't just be sore losers, can they? if you have enough circumstantial evidence, the whole thing starts to stink after a while. not indicting lance by any means, but it just seems weird.
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:05 PM on June 23, 2006
wow. on the bright side, they're paying Allan Houston $20,718,750 next year. Happy nightmare.
posted by ninjavshippo at 11:56 AM on June 22, 2006
Political correctness run amuk. it's fun to use inexact isms to support non-arguments. silly fags with their silly hats and feelings.
posted by ninjavshippo at 08:07 PM on June 21, 2006
man alive. this is a funny thread.
posted by ninjavshippo at 05:57 PM on June 21, 2006
i don't know what's more disappointing. my performance or that of the mavs. 26 points was the difference between first and fifth? that's some gritty competition. or you could blame parity and expansion. whatever works for you.
posted by ninjavshippo at 04:55 PM on June 21, 2006
It does seem weird to be defending (if indirectly) Mariotti. He's putrid. Ozzie is in that category of people who think you just can't handle their "honesty." I refer you to the urban dictionary for a more accurate description of this type of person.
posted by ninjavshippo at 02:05 PM on June 21, 2006
tieguy, no one was going to pay 12M for mourning last offseason, not with his health risk. secondly, he got his money when they bought him out. third, VC's playing a completely different, much better game in NJ as opposed to TOR, even if he got there by the same a-hole antics mourning pulled. the guy's a prick in my book. congrats, though.
posted by ninjavshippo at 12:31 AM on June 21, 2006
exactly scott carefoot. the way i see it, the only guys i'm happy for are wade, jason kapono and doleac. the rest of those guys are carpetbaggers. that's just speaking of course in terms of like/dislike of the individuals. the mavs didn't do enough to win as a team.
posted by ninjavshippo at 12:28 AM on June 21, 2006
Congrats to gspm! well played, old boy.
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:58 PM on June 20, 2006
kirk, the shot chart's misleading. wade only had 2 shots in the official "paint," and there's no tracking of shots he missed that sent him to the line, since those aren't official attempts. same is true for the mavs. furthermore, you have to admit that the fouls that slashers draw happen more often on the way to the paint (grabbing a guy after they get beat, body contact/blocking fouls like the picture you posted) rather than in the paint, them getting leveled by a big.
posted by ninjavshippo at 05:14 PM on June 19, 2006
crap, i missed it, too.
posted by ninjavshippo at 02:25 PM on June 19, 2006
it's not just that play kirkaracha. I mean, do you really believe that dallas is lacking in players that slash to the basket and draw contact? if we're calling the game close, let's do it on both ends. that's what drives me nuts. of course, mark cuban spending his tenure as an owner making the refs look like idiots isn't going to help his team getting any breaks on this front. it's asinine for me to really complain, since it doesn't change anything, but i believe that the nba has the most inconsistently inconsistent officiating of any of the big american sports.
posted by ninjavshippo at 02:22 PM on June 19, 2006
agree w/ others that dallas had their chances, but whatever happened to earning your respect (aka getting phantom calls) after more than a few years in the league? i love wade's game, but the non-calls he gets are laughably awful. i'm a shaq guy and want him to get his ring, but the nba's officiating is so spectacularly bad, it's hard to argue when some mavs fan complains that the fix is in.
posted by ninjavshippo at 10:59 AM on June 19, 2006
As per weedy's explanation, i am also in the cheer against mourning bus. i was driving the vince carter shuttle for similar reasons until it crashed into a ditch in the earlier rounds.
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:29 PM on June 16, 2006
I'm wondering out loud if it's ever a good thing when a FPP crosses the 100 comment mark. Survey says?
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:29 PM on June 16, 2006
Or Guy Pearce's character from Memento [Discovering he's holding a half-empty bottle of whiskey.] Leonard: I don't... feel drunk.
posted by ninjavshippo at 12:26 PM on June 16, 2006
And as long as were on the lines of political correctness... Blanketing things as PC or as racist by default are opposite sides of the same stupid, oversimplified so the world is black and white to me coin. If this issue is legit to a group of people, then IMO it deserves a look. Like others have clarified, that's what this lawsuit is about: that they didn't get a fair look via the established process. Thanks to lilnemo, owlhouse, irunfromclones and the rest of the enlightenment crew. Saved me from my bumbling, fuming keystrokes that couldn't have said it better anyway. Special thanks to Chris2sy for the local flavor and background.
posted by ninjavshippo at 11:03 AM on June 16, 2006
Don't be discouraged. Nice try, anyway.
posted by ninjavshippo at 08:44 PM on June 15, 2006
I'll plunk you and your momma for half of what they get paid. best. comment. ever.
posted by ninjavshippo at 04:24 PM on June 15, 2006
You want to take one of the few unfounded shots at the dodgers? Then you're going to rankle my panties. Losers don't make money, period. The dodger reams of recent years have been awful (except for this year). Nevertheless, they still outdrew a lot better teams and made a lot more money. i don't really understand your point, if there is one. is it that if you have the balls to retaliate by dotting the other team's best player, you'll win more games?
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:07 PM on June 15, 2006
Any enemy of Dr. Jones is no friend of mine. If it helps, I was right there with you H187.
posted by ninjavshippo at 11:55 AM on June 15, 2006
Heck, I just yanked a pitcher from a game cause he would not check the runner at second base as I requested of him (runner went on to steal 3rd). well, you probably did the right thing... but did you follow it up with a berating/send down for it? i also agree w/ dyams that throwing at batters in the AL is pretty weak, when you never have to face the music for it yourself.
posted by ninjavshippo at 10:53 AM on June 15, 2006
I think it showed that D-wade will be among the game's truly elite when he matures. It's too bad he's not there now, otherwise he could make up for a fading shaq, but they may get another shot at it next year. Dallas in six
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:41 AM on June 14, 2006
I don't think there's anything amazing about it. The guy's an idiot, but he'll also be lucky to be drafted in the first round, so maybe that explains the lack of enthusiasm about the event.
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:08 PM on June 13, 2006
Would another minority please do something wrong so the mainstream media will have something else to talk about. it's kind of unfair to people who really suffer from race-related discrimination to try and paint this as more a race issue than it is a question of cheating, and if we care whether or not athletes have extra advantages. i think it undermines the seriousness of the race issue to try and affix it to something like this. if anything, i feel like it's a microcosmic class issue, in that the megastars maybe can afford designer supplements that can't be tested for while the average or sub-par players are the ones who might get caught or get the most injured for using cheaper, or older enhancements. the latter is a speculation, but the first isn't.
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:50 PM on June 10, 2006
I hope Pujols is named. I'm curious to see if all the media and fans will rail him the way they have bonds. I don't get this line of thinking. why wouldn't they? maybe i only catch the bonds apologists saying things like this, but any player who gets caught earns the big * in my mind forever. the reason bonds gets the most scrutiny is because of his position as one of the top hitters ever. you really think matt lawton deserves as much ink for doping as barry bonds does?
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:52 PM on June 09, 2006
wilt was a career 51% FT shooter, bill russell 56%. some guys just don't have what it takes mentally to sink those stand-still open 15 footers. to be fair to shaq, that's well beyond his range as a shooter.
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:46 PM on June 09, 2006
can't just dump hughes' big contract. the only way this works is if detroit does a sign/trade for hughes, giving up ben. not going to happen. Again: Z is going to command $10 mil, flip at least 4, big ben at least 10. just resigning Z and murray basically caps you out, assuming you can somehow get someone to take gooden (who ironically, you need as your best rebounder).
posted by ninjavshippo at 09:51 PM on June 08, 2006
assuming you don't resign ilgauskas, then that may be true. although considering you're losing flip murray, you're really straining the cavs for offense if you give ben big $.
posted by ninjavshippo at 08:13 PM on June 08, 2006
Why would ben do a sign and trade with the pistons, only to end up in the craphole that is Minnesota? as soon as the lakers trade for kirilenko, gilbert arenas, and bill russell, we're SET!
posted by ninjavshippo at 02:56 PM on June 08, 2006
Ben Wallace is a great help defender who can bother entry passes, but he gets outmuscled in the post when he has to play one-on-one against a bigger C. The best defensive player in the league is Ron Artest. As for Rasheed, he giveth, and now he taketh away. PLEASE stop with the KG wet dreams. I hear more than I can stand about this guy already in Los Angeles. Just as it's impossible for him to get traded to the Lakers, it's even more impossible for him to get traded to the pistons. The pistons are on the hook for about 42.5 million for next year, and that's without re-signing ben wallace and tayshaun prince. You won't be able to get KG without trading away your starters, and the salaries have to add up to $20 million. So who will it be? Rip and Rasheed? Chauncey, McDyess, and Rip? Not. Going. To. Happen. Besides, KG is the most overpaid second banana this side of Ray Allen.
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:09 PM on June 08, 2006
Class act. i think the boys club rules of don't tell our secrets kind of go out the window when you're being investigated by the feds for serious charges. it's one thing to keep quiet about your buddy cheating on his girlfriend. quite a different thing with violations of those darn federal drug statutes.
posted by ninjavshippo at 05:17 PM on June 07, 2006
hey grum, what about those of us who don't care for jeter as a bastion of righteousness and dislike bonds? the old 6-4-2?
posted by ninjavshippo at 04:21 PM on June 07, 2006
BPP - i also played madlibs with the list, but you forgot to list pitchers. people focus on the sluggers bc of bonds and the HR fiasco, but doesn't it make sense that pitchers (especially overworked relief pitchers?) might be using this stuff even more regularly for healing purposes? edit: damn you bperk and your fast fingers.
posted by ninjavshippo at 04:19 PM on June 07, 2006
hey hey! 11th is nothing to sneeze at for a guy who's only seen one hockey game in his life. :D
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:01 AM on June 07, 2006
well shucks. at least i have my beauty pageant career ahead of me.
posted by ninjavshippo at 12:57 AM on June 07, 2006
biggest TV market comming out on top. so the knicks are going to come running out of the locker room to hit miami with folding chairs before, or after halftime?
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:00 PM on June 04, 2006
even if we schedule a live draft, if you're not present, it autopicks for you.
posted by ninjavshippo at 07:37 PM on May 31, 2006
sublime, didn't you read your own link? the contract is pro-rated because he isn't playing the whole season, so he'll only get around 12 million. no chump change, but not the complete 22mil.
posted by ninjavshippo at 11:50 AM on May 31, 2006
green bay packers all the way! to a top 5 draft pick.
posted by ninjavshippo at 11:23 AM on May 31, 2006
wait, i'm confused. do you want to have the most errors/gidp/etc or the least?
posted by ninjavshippo at 10:11 PM on May 30, 2006
uglatto - ftw. i shed some serious tears after we lost chick hearn in los angeles, i'll probably do the same when vin scully hangs it up for good. i may only be 23, but as a kid (and now semi-adult) who grew up without much tv or cable, these guys taught me the game on AM radio in ways that newer broadcasters seem to neglect. i won't be sorry to see joe morgan go either.
posted by ninjavshippo at 07:18 PM on May 30, 2006
i'm in as Atomic Diarrhea 2.0, as in the second incarnation of a past AD fantasy team I had. AD came to be as my favorite excuse to skip work/class. "sorry prof, i had..."
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:04 AM on May 30, 2006
this is a dumb article. the headline is that the AL central is the best so far, then he goes on to say, except for the indians, twins and royals. usually, when you're a journalist, don't you have to rely on "facts?" Each Div's respective win% AL east: .524 AL central: .508 AL west: .456 NL east: .480 NL central: .486 NL west: .539 that's my personal math and i won't take offense if anyone finds a mistake in it, as i haven't had a math class in 6 years. i've been tracking these numbers because after the NL west was nearly historically bad last year, it's pacing the MLB so far this year. a lot can change, but this article can't. it blows.
posted by ninjavshippo at 02:56 AM on May 30, 2006
you're probably right, everett. i think i lost my sense of humor during my 2-12 shooting performance this morning. oy.
posted by ninjavshippo at 04:34 PM on May 26, 2006
didn't like him before, but i at least respected him. i don't respect him now sans a mea culpa. same goes for palmeiro, giambi, mcgwire the rest who have been implicated and have yet to be. bonds is on the front-burner because of his notoriety and the possibility that he will break (more) significant records. i'm not a purist who thinks the game will be forever tarnished if he passes aaron, because like someone said, no one will ever equate bonds with aaron or ruth in the future. the person tarnished here is barry. my position is i can cheer for an asshole (jeff kent/kobe/favre more recently), but i don't think it's blind hate to boo a cheating asshole.
posted by ninjavshippo at 10:59 AM on May 21, 2006
gradys, please. that was 2 years ago. 83-79 last year, 3rd in division. 17-22 this year, 3rd to last in team ERA in the MLB when pitching is supposed to be their strength. there are few as bad as the royals, but these are the 2006 twins, not 2004.
posted by ninjavshippo at 03:19 PM on May 17, 2006
after turning my nose up at the tigers' quick start, i did some research and came up with a trivia question: what has been the best division in baseball to date? . . . . . .... NL west. Results: NL east (5) 89-102 (.465) AL west (4) 73-82 (.470) AL central (5) 95-95 (.500) NL central (6) 117-117 (.500) AL east (5) 99-91 (.521) NL west (5) 106-93 (.532)
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:28 PM on May 17, 2006
seriously? you're pounding chests in May, for being 12 over .500, when 9 of your Ws are from beating the toothless twins and the AAA royals?
posted by ninjavshippo at 01:11 PM on May 17, 2006
Red Sox implosion:
This new core of Red Sox fans is still plenty big enough to stand on its own, but now they must suffer the slings and arrows that come when champions get pulled back down off the mountain. yep x1000. as a lakers fan, i can empathize. as a dodgers fan, i can revel in it. if you're saying all teams go through what the sox are going through I'd love to see an example. 2 players in the hospital with potentially serious conditions, 2 players from the opening day roster on the field, one health player on the bench. We can make a deal. Sox fans can quit crying over the injuries if other fans can quit saying 'everyone team goes through the same thing', because it's simply false. I've never seen a season like this one, and I doubt I ever will again. let's not get histrionic. Here are some numbers I found from baseballprospectus on the Dodgers in 2005, when it seemed to me like the sky was, in fact, falling. Days Lost to DL: 1357 Dollars Lost to DL: $36,695,101.85 % Payroll Lost to DL: 45.29% Fast forward to 2006 where LA has lost its best pitcher again (gagne), lost nomar and kent for 1/4 of the season, had bill mueller for 30 games before he was lost for the season, lost the setup man/closer heir apparent for the season april 12th (brazoban)... etc. etc. everyone really does go through the same thing. consider yourselves lucky that the injury bug hasn't hit your team hard until this year.