Attorney: Pa. officers with Roethlisberger at club: Two off-duty Pennsylvania law enforcement officers were with Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger at the Georgia nightclub where a woman accused him of sexual assault, and the two men didn't see anything inappropriate, an attorney for one of them said Wednesday.
If the off duty officers did not see the young lady, how can they be certain that nothing happened? Do these follow their "personal friend" to the restroom as well?
posted by yzelda4045 at 08:21 AM on March 11, 2010
Just because they are friends of Roethlisberger doesn't mean they would lie for him. These are cops whose careers would be in jeopardy if they interfered with a police investigation.
posted by rcade at 08:32 AM on March 11, 2010
These are cops whose careers would be in jeopardy if they interfered with a police investigation.
Yes, mainly because they're out of the jurisdiction (otherwise I'd mention how much that concerned the cops in New Orleans). Wouldn't their safest course be to say nothing?
posted by yerfatma at 09:00 AM on March 11, 2010
I know the one cop. I Live in the area where he works. He has been one of Ben's "body guards" for several years. I am sure that if he "saw anything", he still "didnt see anything."
posted by Debo270 at 09:05 AM on March 11, 2010
A Pittsburgh TV station is reporting that Roethlisberger told police there was sexual contact between himself and the woman.
KDKA Investigators have learned that Roethlisberger told both police and others in his party that he did not have sexual intercourse with the young woman.So a year after getting into legal jeopardy over a sexual encounter with a woman that he maintains was consensual, Roethlisberger -- if his story is true -- meets a college student at a bar and has some form of sexual contact with her that night. Someone who spent so little time with him that evening that two of his cop friends said they don't recall meeting her.Sources say Roethlisberger concedes that he did have contact with the woman that was not consummated and that afterward the woman slipped and fell, injuring her head.
If he's telling the truth, which is an open question, he's an incredibly reckless and foolish person.
posted by rcade at 09:27 AM on March 11, 2010
A Pittsburgh TV station is reporting that Roethlisberger told police there was sexual contact between himself and the woman.
But they also report no intercourse. Then the women triped and hit her head. Thats why she went to the hospital. Thats what is being reported on local news. It is out of control here in Pittsburgh. They interview a different local lawyer on the news every night and he gives his idea of what the defense should do. This is getting more TV coverage then if the Pope died.
I have my own picture of what I think really happened because who among us has never snuck into a bathroom to get a little action.
If you live in Pittsburgh, and work in the service industy(I have). 90% of the stories you hear about Ben make it very easy to believe this happened. He is a real ass when it comes to how he treats the ladies. The man needs to grow up. I feel he is looking at a 4 game suspension under the "PLAYER personal conduct policy"
"i'm not a player I just crush alot"
posted by Debo270 at 09:37 AM on March 11, 2010
If he takes a four game absence, he'd probably like to schedule it so he misses the Jets game. He wouldn't want to listen to Bart Scott do color commentary on his personal life for four quarters.
posted by beaverboard at 11:48 AM on March 11, 2010
I don't want to listen to it, either, Ugh!
posted by yzelda4045 at 12:37 PM on March 11, 2010
Well based on the previous allegation and this, I am getting a pretty good picture of Ben Rothlisberger and frankly his credibility is going down the drain pretty fast. I can't wait until her story comes out but I have a feeling this is not going away as quickly as Rothlisberger would like. Hopefully she won't take a settlement and go away. The more I read the more he sounds like an ass.
posted by Atheist at 01:32 PM on March 11, 2010
Been around enough off duty cops - both socially and professionally - to know the fact that they carry a shield can go either way when it comes to their credibility. Some believe the badge means they need to be responsible at all times, on duty or off. And some think the badge makes them entitled to anything and everything they want - appropriate, legal or otherwise.
Regardless, Ben has sealed his own fate - at best, he settles the case against the woman in Lake Tahoe (which will make him look guilty). At worst, he goes to jail for this latest sexual assault (of course that won't happen). But either way, he will get "The Pacman treatment" from the Commish, for repeatedly putting himself in bad situations, and failing to learn from his mistakes.
Four games would be getting off easy. The guy is a Tool bag.
posted by MW12 at 01:36 PM on March 11, 2010
The guy is a Tool bag.
Agree, but he wins and in this day and age with the money in an NFL franchise, thats more important. The Steelers are slowly becoming the Bengals.
Ben :sexual assult Matt Spath: public urination Jeff Reed : Drunk in public, gereral assholery James Harrison: domestic abuse Cederick Wilson: domestic abuse
I Think I am forgetting a few, but the team that seems to always set itself as the Gold standard is quickly losing that feel.
posted by Debo270 at 02:28 PM on March 11, 2010
I Think I am forgetting a few, but the team that seems to always set itself as the Gold standard is quickly losing that feel.
[Channeling (non-SpoFi message board Steeler fans:] What's that? I can't hear you because I had to put a Super Bowl ring in my ear because I couldn't fit all of them on one hand!
posted by holden at 02:44 PM on March 11, 2010
Been around enough off duty cops - both socially and professionally - to know the fact that they carry a shield can go either way when it comes to their credibility. Some believe the badge means they need to be responsible at all times, on duty or off. And some think the badge makes them entitled to anything and everything they want - appropriate, legal or otherwise.
I think the fact that Roethlisberger has already admitted some sort of sexual contact and that the woman suffered a head injury makes his off-duty cops' testimony at best irrelevant. And, at worst, an outright lie.
Sources say Roethlisberger concedes that he did have contact with the woman that was not consummated and that afterward the woman slipped and fell, injuring her head.
Why do I get the feeling that she's not the first woman to "slip and fall" after refusing to consummate with Big Ben? This guy is starting to look like a real cretin.
posted by cjets at 03:26 PM on March 11, 2010
What's that? I can't hear you because I had to put a Super Bowl ring in my ear because I couldn't fit all of them on one hand!
If that is the message that is coming across on the message boards, talk about sticking your head in the sand!! Sheesh!
All the Super Bowl rings in the world can't make up for him being an asshole. If the news being reported is fair and accurate he must be a royal one. Not to mention a sex offender.
posted by steelergirl at 03:45 PM on March 11, 2010
So you think he knocked her down? What would give you that idea? What wasn't consummated? I don't understand that statement. If he touched her, then the contact WAS consummated. So what is Mr. Ben saying was NOT consummated? I'm just full of questions...
posted by yzelda4045 at 03:53 PM on March 11, 2010
If gereral or general assholery were a crime, we would all be in trouble. And probably in jail.
posted by graymatters at 03:55 PM on March 11, 2010
Adults can't agree on what "sex" means, so it is futile to try and figure out what "sexual contact" is when it isn't "sexual intercourse," and what "not consummated" means.
posted by rcade at 04:10 PM on March 11, 2010
The Steelers are slowly becoming the Bengals.
And vice-versa, if last year is any indication. That'd be OK by me. Except with a quarterback with some class.
You can have our 20 years of frustration; we'll take six rings.
posted by tahoemoj at 04:47 PM on March 11, 2010
So you think he knocked her down? What would give you that idea?
The fact that she said he sexually assaulted her.
and what "not consummated" means.
My own two cents? He didn't ejaculate.
posted by cjets at 05:01 PM on March 11, 2010
Just because they are friends of Roethlisberger doesn't mean they would lie for him. These are cops whose careers would be in jeopardy if they interfered with a police investigation.
Yes, and the opposite is also true and equally speculative.
Well, that and police have habitually interfered with police investigations regarding other police officers. So much so, that the Internal Affairs department doesn't seem to lack for work... Anywhere.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 05:51 PM on March 11, 2010
Yeah, a couple cop buddies of Roethlisberger didn't see a thing? Shocking. The only slugs with a higher opinion of themselves and feel they're more untouchable than jackass athletes are cops.
posted by dyams at 06:41 PM on March 11, 2010
Local Pittsburgh news is talking about the teams thoughts on cutting him and moving up in the draft to take a new QB. Sounds like it is under serious consideration. Mr. Rooney is not a happy man. A move like that would show his intent to return the Steelers to the High standard they have set for player conduct or claim to have set. (For those listening without a ring in their ear) It would be huge, but I could see them doing it.
posted by Debo270 at 09:56 AM on March 12, 2010
At least we know it was properly investigated from the start.
posted by yerfatma at 11:25 AM on March 12, 2010
I don't see the Steelers cutting their Super Bowl quarterback at this stage. How would the team look if he was completely exonerated and signed with a rival team?
posted by rcade at 12:21 PM on March 12, 2010
"I don't see the Steelers cutting their Super Bowl quarterback at this stage. How would the team look if he was completely exonerated and signed with a rival team?"
Actually I think the team would look like Mr. Rooney wants them to look. Exactly like a team that expects their players to be role models in the community and behave in a civilized manner. Is it possible that some owners in the league like Arthur Branch of the Falcons or Mr. Rooney will get rid of a player regardless of talent just because they feel some things are worth making a sacrafice for. Frankly based on Rothlisberger's and the Steelers collapse last season, it may not be a bad move. Stupid motorcycle incident, two sexual assault charges... maybe this guys off field behavior is sending a red flag to Mr. Rooney.
posted by Atheist at 02:11 PM on March 12, 2010
I don't expect pro athletes to be role models. I do expect them to follow the law. We so often discuss what would happen to the average man's employment in a legal situation as opposed to a pro athlete. Since I'm a woman, I'm asking the men here, How many of you would lose your employment for an incident of this nature that happened away from your place of employment?
posted by yzelda4045 at 02:50 PM on March 12, 2010
How many of you would lose your employment for an incident of this nature that happened away from your place of employment?
I am now retired, but when I was working, I maintained a high security clearance. I also traveled a lot, and frequently had my dinner and a beer or 2 in a bar. Had I been accused of rape, molestation, or any other felony, I would have immediately had my clearance pulled, which would have rendered me useless to my employer. I would have been suspended without pay from my job until the charges could have been either proven or cleared, a process that could require years. Even if cleared, I would have had no recourse to recover lost pay and benefits, but would have had to sue my accuser if the charges proved to be malicious in nature.
One of my former co-workers had something similar happen to him when his ex-wife decided to try to get even with him by accusing him of harassment. His clearance was pulled, and while he didn't lose his job (his skill set allowed him to do something that didn't require access to classified information), it greatly impaired his chances for advancement.
In the case of a professional athlete, there is no requirement to maintain any sort of clearance or bond. The various players' associations would immediately set up a howl of protest were any team owner or league to suspend a player on the strength of an allegation without an actual finding of guilt. Perhaps a "morals clause" could be inserted into the standard player contract, but you can bet it would be a really tough sell to get anything like that through.
In short, yzelda, the only thing that we, the fans, can do about this is to withhold our support for the individual, his team, and indeed his entire league. Would you like to bet on the probability of this happening?
posted by Howard_T at 03:57 PM on March 12, 2010
I don't see the Steelers cutting their Super Bowl quarterback at this stage. How would the team look if he was completely exonerated and signed with a rival team?
I think at this point, there is many that believe Ben is innocent as far as the sexual assault goes. But the same people believe is is guilty of being boneheaded. Unless he was convicted of a crime in this situation or even future sexual assaults that may or may not happen the Steelers will not cut him in my opinion, but the Steelers could trade him.
posted by sgtcookzane at 10:11 PM on March 12, 2010
Yeah, a couple cop buddies of Roethlisberger didn't see a thing? Shocking. The only slugs with a higher opinion of themselves and feel they're more untouchable than jackass athletes are cops
Could not have said it better myself.
posted by irunfromclones at 02:45 AM on March 13, 2010
He said he touched her, his admission, and I doubt it was a pat on the back saying. "'You're a good girl happy to have met you." Doing o-bombs and whatever else, I doubt he was looking to have a casual conversation inside a women's restroom. If he grabbed her ass it is sexual assualt, if she did not consent. He said he did not have intercourse. Dry humping her maybe? Revealing himself to her? I have serious doubts about any intoxicated man's intentions when they go into a women's restroom and I'm sure the Rooney's may be thinking the same thing as well.
posted by gfinsf at 11:01 AM on March 13, 2010
A new story reports that Roethlisberger had two members of his entourage guarding the VIP area of the club and they continued partying there after the club closed, according to students who were there.
posted by rcade at 11:22 AM on March 13, 2010
For some reason I just can't shake the image of Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused saying "That's what I like about high school girls-I keep gettin older and they stay the same age."
No matter what, it might be time to quit chasing tail at college bars, where binge drinking is the norm. Nothing good can come of placing a rich, famous athlete in that environment.
posted by tahoemoj at 01:15 PM on March 13, 2010
For some reason I just can't shake the image of Matthew McConaughey in Dazed and Confused saying "That's what I like about high school girls-I keep gettin older and they stay the same age."
Hahahahaha.....well said
posted by sgtcookzane at 01:29 PM on March 13, 2010
Alternate headline: "Pittsburgh police who are personal friends of QB say QB did nothing wrong".
". . . the two do not remember meeting the woman who has accused Roethlisberger of assault."
Not only didn't they see anything inappropriate, they apparently didn't see much of anything at all.