NFL Pick 'em - Superbowl!: Standings from the Conference Edition here.
Colts win by 9 ... Over 48.5 Colts score first TD on a pass, 5:01 into the first quarter. I guess this means the Bears win since I have picked nothing but losers.
posted by SummersEve at 08:10 AM on January 23, 2007
Bears by 6 and I'll take the over. Thomas Jones for the Bears will score the 1st TD by punching it in 8:37 into the 1st Qtr.
posted by willthrill72 at 08:34 AM on January 23, 2007
Colts by 14 Over 48.5 Colts score first TD on a run, 7:15 into the first quarter.
posted by trox at 09:07 AM on January 23, 2007
Correction on the bonus scoring. If you get all three (but don't nail the time) you get 4.
posted by apoch at 09:50 AM on January 23, 2007
So is that nine points as a maximum this week Apoch?
posted by Mr Bismarck at 09:54 AM on January 23, 2007
Stupid uneditable posts! So... is that seven points as a maximum this week Apoch?
posted by Mr Bismarck at 09:55 AM on January 23, 2007
3 for the pick and the spread 1 for the over under 6 for the bonus (if you magically nail the time), more realistically, 4 if you get the team, the how, and within three minutes. A total of 10 possible points, two of which are almost impossible.
posted by apoch at 10:15 AM on January 23, 2007
Ahha, thank you. I had nine because I'd missed the over/under point and then when I saw your post saying "six, no four", I thought that made it seven points. As you can see my predictions have been all luck and no smarts.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 10:20 AM on January 23, 2007
Mr. Bismark, can you check my lottery numbers? I need to rub shoulders with the lucky man.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 11:02 AM on January 23, 2007
Colts win with combined score over 48. Bears score first TD 3:00 into the game on special teams (queue the Yakety Sax when the Colts try to tackle Devin Hester). That said, I'm pulling for the Bears and wouldn't be surprised if they win it.
posted by cl at 12:01 PM on January 23, 2007
... and Colts margin of victory is 3.
posted by cl at 12:03 PM on January 23, 2007
Colts win by 18. I'm taking the over. Bears score first with a TD on the kick off return. Uh...20 seconds? Sure, it will take homeslice 20 seconds to return the kick from 5 yards in the end zone.
posted by NoMich at 12:27 PM on January 23, 2007
Colts by 3, under, first score is an Adam Vinatieri field goal 4:45 into the first quarter. My god, I hate this game.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 04:49 PM on January 23, 2007
wait, are we doing first score or first TD? yay! edit buttons are back!
posted by goddam at 04:52 PM on January 23, 2007
yes! I am awful at this.
posted by YukonGold at 05:39 PM on January 23, 2007
Colts by 14, over, Colts on a pass at the eight minute mark. Having said that, I'm befuddled by the fact that there are bout 10 people who've done worse than me in this pool.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:40 PM on January 23, 2007
Hope yall enjoy the game, I wont be watching it this year. Better offer in Atlanta. That said I'm going with the Bears by 15, under 48, with the first score 13:21 into the second quarter on a Bears int returned for a TD. Point is I want the Colts to win so im picking Da Bears, even though I really do not like them. Dates back to that SuperBowl shuffel shit in '85.
posted by Folkways at 06:19 PM on January 23, 2007
Colts by 13 and I'll take the under. First TD: Manning to Harrison at 9:30 in the first quarter. Bill, I'm sure I'm one of the people lower than you on the leader board, and I can unconditionally state that the reason is that I suck.
posted by hawkguy at 06:27 PM on January 23, 2007
The bonus picks are for the first td scored. Sorry for not making that clearer.
posted by apoch at 07:31 PM on January 23, 2007
I hate the Bears. I hate the Colts. I really, really don't want either person to win. As much as I hate Peyton Manning, I also don't want the Bears to win so I can come on to SpoFi and read a 1000 word comment by skydivedad. These are not easy picks.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 07:52 PM on January 23, 2007
The bonus picks are for the first td scored. Sorry for not making that clearer. be blunt, fuck that shit. What if there aren't any TDs scored? And before you start saying, "Pshaw," permit me to say, "AFC divisional championship god damn Adam Vinatieri". What about that, huh?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:55 PM on January 23, 2007
Well, I guess you always have the option of saying no one, and if you are right picking up 6 points.
posted by apoch at 08:13 PM on January 23, 2007
Well, malarkey upon it, then I'm going to say no one and never. There will be no touchdowns scored in this Super Bowl! Ha!
posted by lil_brown_bat at 09:56 PM on January 23, 2007
Colts by 9. Under 48.5. First TD will be scored by the Colts with a fumble recovery for a TD at 7:48 of the 1st quarter. P.S. I hate the Bears. I Really, really hate the Bears.
posted by wingnut4life at 12:34 AM on January 24, 2007
My goodness, we have a shitload of Bear haters! I guess people don't have the Pats to bash this year (just the coach), so unload on the Bears. Is this really stemming from the Super Bowl Shuffle from 21 years ago? If so, let it go, people. Let it go.
posted by willthrill72 at 08:45 AM on January 24, 2007
Let it go? The Super Bowl Shuffle was the dumbest thing since dog sweaters; it wasn't even like Skipper Ireson's Ride, they did it to themselves. Let it go? Haha. Let 'em live it down, I say. BTW, there's a diff between "Bear hater" and "think the Colts will win".
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:04 AM on January 24, 2007
BTW, there's a diff between "Bear hater" and "think the Colts will win". posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:04 AM CST on January 24 Point is I want the Colts to win so im picking Da Bears, even though I really do not like them. Dates back to that SuperBowl shuffel shit in '85. posted by Folkways at 6:19 PM CST on January 23 I hate the Bears. I hate the Colts. I really, really don't want either person to win. As much as I hate Peyton Manning, I also don't want the Bears to win so I can come on to SpoFi and read a 1000 word comment by skydivedad. These are not easy picks. posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 7:52 PM CST on January 23 P.S. I hate the Bears. I Really, really hate the Bears. posted by wingnut4life at 12:34 AM CST on January 24 I dunno, LBB, that sounds like hate to me. How do you propose they live it down when the current Bears have absolutely nothing in common with the '85 Bears other than they are still under the same ownership? I say was 21 years ago. >
posted by willthrill72 at 11:54 AM on January 24, 2007
Well, I'm going to go on record as a Bears lover. And it's not because I've gotten over the Super Bowl Shuffle... it's because I LOVE the Super Bowl Shuffle. I used to do the Super Bowl shuffle at pick up games back in my school days. Love it, love it, love it. And I'm picking da Bears to win. So take that, Bears haters. Bears by 3. Under 48.5 (De-FENCE!) Colts draw first touchdown blood with a passing TD at 4:11 into the second quarter. (That's right. I got the 4-1-1. I'm down with this.) I ain't here To cause no trouble I'm just here to do the Super Bowl Shuffle. Go Bearce.
posted by BullpenPro at 12:43 PM on January 24, 2007
Bless you, BPP. Bless you.
posted by willthrill72 at 01:11 PM on January 24, 2007
I was more into the Ickey Shuffle myself.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 01:18 PM on January 24, 2007
I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen between these two teams. I've written down about 5 different sets of picks. I'm just going to with the ones that the got soaked the most from the coca-cola that spewed from my mouth when I read lbb and apoch's little segway up there. Colts by 6 Under Bears score the first touchdown on one of those 1-yrd-run-in-to-the-pile-up-on-the-goal-line-but-the-ball-breaks-the-plane plays that I hate so much @ 12:34 of the 2nd quarter.
posted by MrFrisby at 01:32 PM on January 24, 2007
Okay, Fris, is that 12:34 remaining the 2nd (the way the NFL does stuff) which means 17:26 into the game (which is the way this crazy bonus question works)? Re: lbb-apoch segway. She raised a valid point, one I had previously thought of when I originally thought up the question, but forgot to raise when setting out the rules. The fault is entirely mine. I do applaud her bravery, and I hope she nails the bonus question. This despite the fact that it would make it a highly entertaining game and I'll miss watching it.
posted by apoch at 01:38 PM on January 24, 2007
Okay, Fris, is that 12:34 remaining [in] the 2nd (the way the NFL does stuff) Sure, I'll go with that. I was wondering the same thing as lbb, I just like the way she expresses herself. She said, malarkey upon it. I don't know why it cracked me up, it just did.
posted by MrFrisby at 01:50 PM on January 24, 2007
BPP, I agree. The Super Bowl Shuffle kicks butt. In the video thread, how many of us saw that shot and smiled? They call me Sweetness, cause I like to dance. Runnin' the ball's like making romance. How can that be anything but cool?
posted by hawkguy at 02:03 PM on January 24, 2007
I dunno, LBB, that sounds like hate to me. How do you propose they live it down when the current Bears have absolutely nothing in common with the '85 Bears other than they are still under the same ownership? I say was 21 years ago. willthrill...ya need to take a relax here, seriously. You cited two people who said, "I hate the Bears." Is two a "shitload" where you come from? And about that Super Bowl Shuffle 21 years ago -- since when is there a statute of limitations on something being laughable? I'll laugh every time someone brings the subject up no matter how many times it's been, because it was just the kind of thing you point and laugh at. That's not my fault. And hell, seems like you've got a minor following here who think the Super Bowl Shuffle was the height of cool. So whatcha complainin' about?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 02:17 PM on January 24, 2007
I was more into the Ickey Shuffle myself. In college, my brother and I came up with a touchdown celebration dance that melded the Ickey Shuffle with the African Anteater Ritual from "Can't Buy Me Love." We did it at flag-football games, video football games, fraternity parties. The peak was when we did it on MTV's "The Grind." Yeah, I'm pretty much Anthony Michael Hall. Pre-steroids.
posted by BullpenPro at 02:35 PM on January 24, 2007
Colts by 13* Under Colts, passing TD, 11:32 1st quarter And for superduper bonus points**, I'm saying someone suffers an injury during the first touchdown celebration.*** * I don't hate the Bears. I hate the mindless-Peyton-haters, and would love to see them squirm if he wins a Super Bowl. After that, he can fall flat on his face for all I care. ** No points will be awarded. *** Not necessarily during a dance move, but does include poorly executed "Lambeau Leaps".
posted by grum@work at 04:09 PM on January 24, 2007
Colts by 9, under 48.5. Bears make the first touchdown on their first punt return.
posted by yzelda4045 at 07:47 AM on January 25, 2007
yzelda, how far into the game?
posted by apoch at 08:52 AM on January 25, 2007
Oops, Within the first 3 minutes of the 1st Quarter. How's that for a guess??
posted by yzelda4045 at 11:49 AM on January 25, 2007
Should I put you at 3:00 then?
posted by apoch at 11:53 AM on January 25, 2007
Colts by 15 under 48.5 Colts score first on a td reception 6 mins into 1st quarter ( to wayne )
posted by louisville_slugger at 12:11 PM on January 25, 2007
I'm in 39th place right now and I picked the Chargers over the Saints in the Superbowl. I think I'm in pretty good shape to win this thing! I knew I could do it. No Problems. Colts by 13, I'll take the Over. Colts score first TD at 5:30 into the first quarter
posted by Termite at 03:32 PM on January 25, 2007
Termite: Gotta choose a method of scoring that touchdown.
posted by grum@work at 04:20 PM on January 25, 2007
Thanks Grum, TD Reception.
posted by Termite at 04:33 PM on January 25, 2007
Are the Behrz regular size? Or are they, say 1/8 the size of the Colts? And is Ditka watching, or is he blindfolded and muffled in a lead box so as not to able to affect the outcome with his powers? 'Cause if not - gotta go Behrz. However, in the pursuit of being consistently bad at this - I'll go Colts by 11 with the under and have the first TD a pass at 8:43 of the 1st Qtr.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 11:08 PM on January 25, 2007
Colts by 20 (34-14) Under Colt td pass w/ 11:11 left in the 1st.
posted by catfish at 12:32 PM on January 26, 2007
Unless specifed (like catfish, darn you making me do math.. 15:00 - 11:11 = 3:49) all times are assumed to be time passed since kick off. (Kickoff 0:00, Start of 2nd 15:00, 2min warning 28:00, start of 3rd Quarter 30:00, Start of 4th 45:00, End of Regulation 60:00, End of First OT 75:00, etc.) So if I'm going to have your time wrong, please email me or post a correction so that your pick will be documented correctly. Of course lbb doesn't have to doublecheck. Never is pretty clear. Thanks.
posted by apoch at 12:51 PM on January 26, 2007
I'm special!
posted by lil_brown_bat at 01:10 PM on January 26, 2007
Like we didn't know that already.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 01:12 PM on January 26, 2007
Colts by 4 Under Bears / Special team / 3:55
posted by bperk at 01:14 PM on January 26, 2007
Like we didn't know that already. Hey, this is just like shooting the moon in hearts. If I don't win -- by far the likeliest outcome -- I'll just be one among many losers...but if I do win the bonus points this time, I'll be hailed forever and everywhere as an original sports prediction genius.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 02:06 PM on January 26, 2007
I'll be hailed forever and everywhere as an original sports prediction genius. Yes! Just like that monkey that spins the wheel for TSNs hockey playoff coverage. He's good. A little too good, if you catch my drift... Stupid monkey.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 03:28 PM on January 26, 2007
posted by MrFrisby at 04:27 PM on January 26, 2007
Colts by 10 Over Colts, passing TD at 5:00 min.
posted by chris2sy at 11:48 AM on January 27, 2007
He hasn't posted yet, but I pick... whatever Mr.Bismarck picks. With neither the Patriots nor Hal Incandenza still in it... well, it's just an empty experience (alas). I might as go out with a bang, and get some of that Mr.Bismarck magic.
posted by hincandenza at 01:51 PM on January 29, 2007
Mr. B I needed your picks first! I can't f-n believe this: COLTS by 7 Colts :Passing TD 4:12 left in 1st qtr Under Other than that...Go Bears! Thanks, apoch.
posted by tselson at 10:45 PM on January 29, 2007
The Chicago Bears prove to the whole world that their defense is for real. However, sexy Rexy looks quite ugly, with his best completions going to Bob Sanders. Colts by 14. Bob Sanders scores on a interception returned for a touchdown at 3:46 left in the second quarter. Under For the record: I'm rooting for a tie.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 02:05 PM on January 30, 2007
YYM, there won't be a tie. They just keep playing OT periods until the first team scores. Less than three days before picks are due (Friday 11:59pm EST)
posted by apoch at 07:23 AM on January 31, 2007
I know. I'm hoping for a freak lightning storm or something of the like.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 04:31 PM on January 31, 2007
Oh yeah Bears/by 7/under Bears/rushing td/ 7:07 into the game.
posted by tron7 at 05:47 PM on January 31, 2007
I keep telling you people, aiin't gonna be no touchdowns!
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:20 PM on January 31, 2007
Colts by 7 Under Colts on a TD pass at 03:14 into 1st quarter
posted by Spitztengle at 01:53 PM on February 01, 2007
Bears by 4 Under Bears rushing touchdown 5:45 into the first quarter.
posted by skydivemom at 02:32 PM on February 01, 2007
colts by 16 over colts, rushing td 6:48 into the game.
posted by goddam at 02:39 PM on February 01, 2007
Colts by 15, Under Bears defence at 9:45 of Q1
posted by gspm at 05:59 PM on February 01, 2007
Bears by 9 Under Bears, FG, 11:12 into the first quarter.
posted by Ufez Jones at 07:27 PM on February 01, 2007
Ufez, it's first touchdown, not first score. If you don't think there will be a touchdown just say no one and never.
posted by apoch at 02:36 AM on February 02, 2007
Ursine Mammals by 20 Over Joseph Addai scores the game's first TD on a screen pass from Peyton Manning in the left flat from 12 yards out with 7.35 gone in the first quarter. The Bears then go on to open up a 1985-style can of whoopass.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 05:10 AM on February 02, 2007
Right then, Hal Incandenza and I pick the Clots to win by 6 and we'll take the over, please. We think that the Bears will score the first touchdown, by rushing and that they will do it at 9.22 in the first quarter. We'd also like a short stack of pancakes with butter, no syrup, bacon, sausages, hash browns and maybe some scrambled eggs.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 01:31 PM on February 02, 2007
Colts by 15. Over. Colts score first TD passing 6:16 into 1st qtr. (AKA 8:44 remaining in qtr).
posted by danostuporstar at 04:00 PM on February 02, 2007
Bears by 4 under Bears special teams 4:40 into the first quarter (and I think...yes...I must be smoking crack)
posted by forrestv at 04:40 PM on February 02, 2007
Err, to clarify, that's 9.22 remaining in the first.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 04:43 PM on February 02, 2007
The collectives picks are: Colts by 6, Under, Colts score the first TD with a Pass at 7:17 into the game.
posted by apoch at 03:51 AM on February 03, 2007
Ufez, it's first touchdown, not first score. If you don't think there will be a touchdown just say no one and never. Jebus. -1 for reading comprehension. Fine, though. First TD scored by Thomas Jones with 5:17 left in the 2nd Q.
posted by Ufez Jones at 09:51 AM on February 03, 2007
So I'm going to assume that's a rushing play.
posted by apoch at 10:56 AM on February 03, 2007
Colts by 10 Over Colts pass - 5:33 into the first quarter (9:27 remaining). Thanks again for doing this, apoch. You have your hands full with this round.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 12:53 PM on February 03, 2007
Aye, apoch. Sorry.
posted by Ufez Jones at 02:17 PM on February 03, 2007
Here are my (presumably too) late picks: Colts 7 Over Colts rush (J. Addai -- 6:47 into the first quarter, which I guess makes it at the 8:13 mark)
posted by holden at 06:18 PM on February 03, 2007
apoch, sorry, I just noticed the deadline. I should have read it sooner and was just waiting for last minute injuries but that's no excuse. You have to enforce the same rules for everyone.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 02:50 PM on February 04, 2007
Rex Grossman is terrible.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 08:23 PM on February 04, 2007
Final standings. Mr. Bismarck is the big winner. The Black Hand, BullpenPro, and Termite tie for lowest score by people who made picks every week. Thank you for letting me run this. I hope everyone had fun with it.
posted by apoch at 09:07 PM on February 04, 2007
Well I am not sure about the 20 seconds but NoMich called the first touchdown. Congrats to the Colts on being the better team this year.
posted by skydivemom at 09:32 PM on February 04, 2007
I should win the entire pool just for calling that touchdown.
posted by NoMich at 09:33 PM on February 04, 2007
I might agree to that NoMich if he had never done it before. He did do that a few times this year.
posted by skydivemom at 09:40 PM on February 04, 2007
Hey, I got it too. I hedged my bet, calling it 3:00 only because we were given +/- 3:00, but I believe Yakety Sax was indeed playing on the stadium loudspeakers as Hester ran by the Colts. They later played it every time Grossman touched the ball.
posted by cl at 10:50 PM on February 04, 2007
Good call, NoMich. The only part of that bonus question I got right was the team.
posted by MrFrisby at 07:57 AM on February 05, 2007
Aw c'mon, sdm! Let me enjoy my *lucky* guess. It was worth 6 points, which is cool.
posted by NoMich at 10:03 AM on February 05, 2007
Congrats, Bismarckie. Thanks, apoch, for handling the pool.
posted by bperk at 12:13 PM on February 05, 2007
Did I win? I don't want to unfurl the 'Mission Accomplished' banner too early, see.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 12:17 PM on February 05, 2007
I only see the results from the conference championship games. Are you guys seeing the Superbowl results?
posted by NoMich at 12:30 PM on February 05, 2007
I just see Conference results too, so I'm not celebrating yet.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 12:45 PM on February 05, 2007
I think apoch may have tried to post the standings above, but all I see is a blank comment.
posted by Ying Yang Mafia at 02:17 PM on February 05, 2007
What would this pool be without one last technical difficulty, for old times sake? Standings NoMich, sorry to burst your bubble, nobody got six points. In order to get six you would have to have guessed exactly 14 seconds. You were off by six. So close. Sorry.
posted by apoch at 03:02 PM on February 05, 2007
Eff! Thanks for running this, apoch. You did a great job.
posted by NoMich at 04:02 PM on February 05, 2007
posted by Mr Bismarck at 04:27 PM on February 05, 2007
Lots of movement this week, except the very top. Mr. Bismarck holds onto the lead. Unfortunatley for everyone else, his 5 point lead is going to be pretty tough to overcome. No one got a point off the spread, much less nailed it. The biggest upset so far as only seven people picked the Bears to win. The only perfect prognostications were for the Colts where Four people picked the Colts by Four. Congrats go to Mr. Bismarck (3rd), tselson, skydivemom, and BullpenPro. No one picked Gould by 13, so once again no perfect prognostication on the bonus. This weeks big mover was skydivemom who jumped 29 spots from 32 to 3rd while racking up the most points (6). On to the Superbowl. Colts @ Bears. Pick winner, the spread, and whether the combined score will be over/under 48.5. The Bonus: An extra super bonus as it is the superbowl and if anyone is going to get a chance at taking the lead it has to be. Who will score first the first TD? (1 point) Colts or Bears How will they score? (1 point) Four choices here. Defense (return fumble or interception), Special Teams (Punt/kick return), Rushing TD, Passing TD. The defense pick covers fumbles returned on special teams play. If in the rare instance there is an onside kick returned for a TD that would be special teams. When will they score? (1 point, 2 if nailed) Minutes and seconds into the game. If you want to predict the opening kickoff is returned for a td you'd say something like 00:04. The spread on this is +/- three minutes. You get one point regardless of the correctness of any other. Two out of three is worth three points. Nailing All three is worth six. Picks are due by Friday Feb 2nd 11:59pm EST. That gives you a week and a half. Absolutely no picks will be accepted after that time. If you want to email me your picks for some sense of secrecy do so at apochraphyl at gmail dot com. Subject Superbowl Picks. All picks will be revealed sometime Saturday Feb 3rd. The winner and claimant of the Constanza will be announced either the night of the Superbowl or Monday morning. Good luck.