A big thanks to the original 8.
posted by Fat Buddha at 07:40 PM on February 14, 2009
I was sent here by Mefi also...............is there any way out?
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:10 PM on January 24, 2008
Fuck it dude, lets go bowling.
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:20 PM on April 27, 2007
The Damned Utd, by David Peace, a fictional, but minutely researched stream of consciousness account of the great Brian Cloughs 40 days at Leeds Utd, is destined to become a classic. Train by Peter Dexter is utterly brilliant, and, non sporting, Steve Hamilton writes highly readable thrillers with an ex baseball catcher as hero.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:56 PM on April 25, 2007
So, kid, how much writing have you done?
posted by Fat Buddha at 10:25 AM on April 23, 2007
Do you suppose any of us will actually grow up?
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:48 PM on January 31, 2007
So, a guy will punch me in all my faces?
posted by Fat Buddha at 01:25 PM on December 17, 2006
Well if this is now remebrance filter, lets not forget the 650,000 civilian victims of the Iraq war and the 25 people killed in Iraq yesterday alone.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:14 AM on November 12, 2006
Well it has nothing to do with achievement, because the man who has put on the single best sporting performance of the year doesn't even make the list.
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:47 PM on October 06, 2006
I say, fourth metatarsal, old chap, I didn't quite catch what you said, would you be kind enough to repeat it?
posted by Fat Buddha at 04:34 PM on July 06, 2006
These people are harsh, make a typo, get a fact wrong, or post a pile of old cobblers having taken a drink or three, and it is there for posterity. Cruel, cruel, cruel
posted by Fat Buddha at 02:00 AM on January 26, 2005
I can't remember who didn't contribute last time, perhaps they should fess up. I'm in anyway.
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:24 PM on January 13, 2005
Squealy, old boy, touché.
posted by Fat Buddha at 06:23 AM on December 06, 2004
"A stick up their ass" Is that English, or have you gone native, old chap?
posted by Fat Buddha at 06:34 PM on December 05, 2004
I had a goodish week but then immediately spoiled it with 3 transfers. It could have been better, but this was the week I chose to take the captaincy off Lampard, who would have got me twenty points and gave it to Pires who got me one. 3 of my bloody players didn't start but came on as late subs while my first sub, who didn't get on, scored loads. I feel like chucking a bowl of soup over someone, moanastrone maybe.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:19 AM on October 25, 2004
Someone deafed me out too, but I forget who. I'm in anyway, provided nobody comes up with any daft proposals. 6 g mails to give away to anyone who wants em.
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:54 PM on October 22, 2004
I feel bad now, a CD arrived this morning, and bloody good it is too, although there is no indication of what the songs or the bands are. I know T Rex, Brendan Benson and Butch Hancock are involved, but the rest? Who knows. Bill, I appreciate your offer, but I haven't the faintest idea what you are on about!
posted by Fat Buddha at 02:53 PM on July 31, 2004
Can I be in rocketmans group next time? In fact, can I be in anyones group that sends a chuffer out?
posted by Fat Buddha at 06:33 PM on July 30, 2004
Well, it would be nice to have a chuffin CD to comment upon!
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:29 PM on July 30, 2004
I am afraid I cannot help you, old chap, but I have no problem getting in here with Firefox, which suggests something quirky is happening. I still miss the little buttons though!
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:29 AM on July 15, 2004
I am au fait with some basic html, old chap, but I WANT A BUTTON !
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:20 AM on July 08, 2004
Well, since I stuck Firefox on the pc I can longer post links, so the problem has sort of solved itself.
posted by Fat Buddha at 01:09 PM on July 07, 2004
Hah, I didn't put that colon there; it was visible on preview, but I thought it would disappear, like the others, but it didn't. So now I look like a berk on two pages. Ta.
posted by Fat Buddha at 04:23 AM on July 05, 2004
Man, indulging ones passions, I have a vague recollection of something like that. Big YO! TO WC2002
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:17 AM on July 01, 2004
I spent my honeymoon on Lesbos, one of the best Greek islands I have visited. Talking of lesbians, Ronaldo has just scored for Portugal.
posted by Fat Buddha at 02:21 PM on June 30, 2004
The Observer sports monthly is free, and most of it is online, but not the pictures. I would happily pay for it, if I had to.
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:23 PM on June 29, 2004
Not long ago the FHM website had hundreds of pictures of Danish girls snogging one another. Just thought I'd mention it.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:03 PM on June 29, 2004
Mine are done, will be sent tomorrow.
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:56 PM on June 24, 2004
May I just add my thanks to Ufez for organising it. I don't mind a tape.
posted by Fat Buddha at 04:47 PM on June 21, 2004
Bill, the beauty and the pity of it is that you have no clue what you are getting, if anything. It's a great big adventure.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:08 AM on June 16, 2004
I am deeply ashamed to confess that I haven't purchased a CD for some time, however, if people will accept CDs made entirely from downloaded stuff, I will participate. Should people who have requested G mail accounts then ignored the invite be included?
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:45 PM on June 15, 2004
I now have 2 brand spanking new invites and the 2 as previously mentioned.
posted by Fat Buddha at 11:20 AM on June 15, 2004
Well if anyone wants to give it a whirl, it's no skin off my nose. I may or may not have one invite should anybody want it. Then again I may not, in which case blame Squealy.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:29 PM on June 14, 2004
I have wasted 2, one to someone who hasn't taken it up and one to a non existent e mail account. I have asked the gmail overlords if I can have em back, if I get them Spofi members get first dibs.
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:22 PM on June 14, 2004
Man, I hate paypal, many, many scary e mails. That Amazon link is marvelous. If I buy something from there via here, does that help? If so can you fix it so it works from Amazon UK as well?
posted by Fat Buddha at 07:24 AM on June 14, 2004
Dusted, I just sent you an invite but your e mail account doesn't seem to be working.
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:50 PM on June 13, 2004
I have never had more than two back from a mefiswap, but I reckon there is a better class of person at spofi.
posted by Fat Buddha at 05:09 AM on June 12, 2004
oliver-crunk that looks like an ace collection. Perhaps we should start a spofiswap
posted by Fat Buddha at 04:17 PM on June 11, 2004
First off, I have to continue my stalking of Squealy and once again thank him for his kindness to a stranger. As a result of thanking him on ask mefi one of the invites I assume I will get has gone, which leaves one more, probably. Second, Oliver_Crunk, whats this chuffin Austin City Limits, why I have not heard of it?
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:47 PM on June 11, 2004
wc2002, I really couldn't, you have set the bar too high and I would embarrass myself.
posted by Fat Buddha at 02:30 PM on May 20, 2004
Does Jersey Girl count? I can just about stomach women getting into football, but I don't believe they really like it; I can just about get my head around Yanks liking football, but a yank woman? that's a step too far. Absolutely no offence intended against jerseygirl, who is clearly one of the good guys. As it were.
posted by Fat Buddha at 02:00 PM on May 20, 2004
I got copped: Your vote has already been taken. Quite a few times, thank you. Spamming a public poll is bad, mmmkay? Feel free to vote on any other poll, but please don't abuse this public forum. Thank you!
posted by Fat Buddha at 01:50 PM on May 20, 2004
"I want to thank you for making this day necessary."
posted by Fat Buddha at 12:58 PM on May 20, 2004
MetaFilter User Proposes New Site Called 'Sportsfilter'
I don't understand the daily huddle. It frightens me. That's why I stopped coming.