Where's me colon gone?: When I preview a FPP, a colon appears so if I have put one in it appears as if there are 2 colons there, so I remove one. Then, when the thing is posted, the colon has gone, so from having two, I have none! This little quirk makes me look a right berk, something with which I require no assistance, can it be corrected?
posted by Fat Buddha to navel gazing at 04:21 AM - 14 comments
Which colon do you see, the large or small? Serously, I see no colon in your post here at all. Which FPP is messed?
posted by billsaysthis at 02:57 PM on July 05, 2004
Someone has removed it!
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:02 PM on July 05, 2004
SportsFilter: Where's me colon gone?
posted by grum@work at 03:22 PM on July 05, 2004
previously on SportsFilter, Affairs of the Colon...
posted by danostuporstar at 05:56 PM on July 05, 2004
Katie Couric would be so proud of you guys for checking on your colons regularly.
posted by jerseygirl at 05:58 PM on July 05, 2004
I had the same problem. Next time I FPP (so, sometime in summer '06 at this rate), if you see :: twin! colon! action! ::, you'll know what the problem is.
posted by chicobangs at 11:23 AM on July 07, 2004
Well, since I stuck Firefox on the pc I can longer post links, so the problem has sort of solved itself.
posted by Fat Buddha at 01:09 PM on July 07, 2004
eh? firefox does not prevent me from posting to sportsfilter. if you are lamenting the loss of the little button that entered the code for you so you could make links inside comments or sublinks in a posting itself then get ye some olde html coding knowledge. E-Z: <a href="FrickenWebAddress">FancyAddressNameYouWannaUse</a>
posted by gspm at 02:56 PM on July 07, 2004
I am au fait with some basic html, old chap, but I WANT A BUTTON !
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:20 AM on July 08, 2004
the "give us fancy buttons for our non-IE browsers" is a feature request I saw long long long ago (well, last year maybe) so don't hold your breath. unless you are holding your breath while pounding out the code and sending it to the pantheon i guess.
posted by gspm at 04:59 AM on July 08, 2004
Steal it from MeFi: the buttons have been there for non-IE browsers since Moz 1.3
posted by yerfatma at 06:09 AM on July 08, 2004
Yeah! Buttons for Firefox, you lazy pantheon bastards.
posted by squealy at 06:42 PM on July 08, 2004
Hah, I didn't put that colon there; it was visible on preview, but I thought it would disappear, like the others, but it didn't. So now I look like a berk on two pages. Ta.