hopefully the texans wont pass on smith as they passed on young
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 08:53 PM on December 10, 2006
everyone was all like yay we signed a power hitter no we cant sign pettite or clemens and lee is like 500 pounds plus we r trying to trade for ghe overated garland and give up like taverez i hate the astros
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 08:50 PM on December 10, 2006
sorry if this was a problem but does this mean u dont want ,me to do any yahoo stuff or was it something else didnt mean to oofend anyone or anything just wanted to get the word out and wanted to know wat other people thought about young
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 12:15 AM on October 01, 2006
i think they only have 1 or at most 2 guys from the tmac trade
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:50 PM on September 21, 2006
so r a lot of other teams
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 05:26 PM on August 17, 2006
i like the website but i would never post it on sportsfilter
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:00 PM on August 03, 2006
i loved abreu until this year he is putting up average numbers and he will be like bernie williams in 2 years
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:34 PM on July 30, 2006
he is just a center but that is pretty depresing
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 01:19 PM on July 28, 2006
horible trade for breweres they should have benn looking for amazing prospects not players that r ok and a closer who ant even do good amazing for the rangers
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 01:17 PM on July 28, 2006
we (the rockets) definely need another person like peja to be on our team because u cant count on mcradys back to hold on for more than 82 games -i dont like this shane batteir i mean we could have gotten adrian griifin from dallas who is cheap and a great defender and can score -can ben walace play power forward that would be awsome to have him next to yao -http://groups.myspace.com/diehardrocket if u are a rockets fan and u have a myspace gop to that websitw
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 01:37 PM on June 29, 2006
did they win?
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:37 PM on June 26, 2006
woops how do i delete this sorry
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:59 PM on June 22, 2006
ya i have been looking into this a long time i just hope it can be fixed
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:28 PM on June 19, 2006
show this to your kids and they will always wear a helmet
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 05:28 PM on June 12, 2006
he would probally not continue a play if his helmet fell off during a game but on a motarcylcle there of cource id no danger
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 05:27 PM on June 12, 2006
it worked 5 points
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 11:29 PM on June 11, 2006
they will probally play 500 ball but dont expect anyting more than that
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 06:57 PM on April 09, 2006
surprisingly my freind thought the game was more fun than baseball, absketball or football team here in houston. maybe this mls thing is pretty cool
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 11:03 PM on April 04, 2006
no i think the texans will win max 7 min. 5 this brings an offence that is good passing with moulds and the new tight end. also the running game will be pretty good with reggie bush. (u know the texans are going to draft him) the defence will be solid but they still must play indy 2 games . they get lucky with jacksonville a lot and win there but they could get swept by them plus they will face the titans 2 times who are going to do surprisingly good. in my oponion.
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 11:01 PM on April 04, 2006
i thought the dances were cool i wonder if u can jump intp the crowd still? they should defenily not give more than a 5 yard penalty. i wonder which 3 owners still wanted the dances
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:01 PM on March 29, 2006
does anyone have the video
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:57 PM on March 27, 2006
ricky willliams is suspended i tihnk this is great for the panthers
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 05:44 PM on March 24, 2006
i think this is huge maybe the texans can get vandergat
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 05:45 PM on March 21, 2006
no offence but it is only a small precentage of what he gets of what he gave
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:34 PM on March 16, 2006
it just doesnt make since that such a good team can get eliminated in the 2nd round
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:31 PM on March 16, 2006
team usa just doesnt have any heart or they just suck sometimes
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 08:27 PM on March 14, 2006
now the steelers will not make the playoffs and the redskins are becoming like the yankees and knicks
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:16 PM on March 12, 2006
i think his carrer will be like emmit smiths although they will have a chance to make the wildcard, because of such a good passing game
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:13 PM on March 12, 2006
u could just put a mat under them and have them do the big flips everyside wins
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:51 PM on March 11, 2006
just imagine the pistons thought it was great to have 4 in the all star game i could have been buillips (how ever u spell it wallace wallace hamilton anthony instead they haad wasted their money and may just get a guy that is getting paid too much and another chance to get a 1st round pick darco wont be wilt but he may have a great carrer
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 09:01 PM on February 15, 2006
all i can say if u can get your hands on some 1836 gear buy it it will become a colectible
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:46 PM on February 15, 2006
chis burke in 2 years right now carl crwford pitcher jermy bondermen oh and coco crisp will do better than damon will do this season
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 07:39 PM on February 11, 2006
radel el's throw was the best throw of the night
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 09:30 PM on February 05, 2006
jalen part bad but makes it worth it with the pick especially fro one of the highroundes of toronto becz they are so bad
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:09 PM on February 04, 2006
i like this one for thw wolves.
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 07:53 PM on January 28, 2006
ok i was kind of looking forward to this until now i mean maybe it would look beter than it does on tv where it's boring. but as Texan_lost_in_NY says Halloween decorations gone horribly wrong. watever though they are a good team with a bad name. i guess at the end it matters about the wins and losses. but might as well have named it houston floods like eathquakes in san antonio just a thought
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:30 PM on January 25, 2006
i think he would like the kniks although i wish the rockets would try to get him
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 06:27 PM on January 24, 2006
all i can say is wow!
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 11:44 PM on January 22, 2006
begging of season i said seahaws, and what do you know!
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 09:46 PM on January 22, 2006
well us americans like the cheerleader and the contact sport what can i say plus its extra specai that on an off day of work to have a sport thta is only once a week
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 11:03 PM on January 19, 2006
he probally just wanted a winter to himself and didnt want to work now he has his senses back
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:58 PM on January 19, 2006
and i thought i was a sports fan
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 05:10 PM on January 17, 2006
i think we should trade with new orleons who would draft vince and we get bush and a 2nd roung pick probnbally wont happen but watever i would be happy with either one of the guys as long as our coaching is good.
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 07:49 PM on January 12, 2006
he really never wanted to leave houston hes been meserble since hes also problaay not happy being point guard also his team is losin good luck on ever being on a winning franchise
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 07:45 PM on January 12, 2006
why cant he do both he can go in the slot plus with him carr would have more time that is if the texans get him
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 09:34 PM on January 11, 2006
its defenely not him i would rather have john stockon
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:46 PM on January 11, 2006
i agree with the red terror about him going to the afl he will go undrafted and then go there
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 05:54 PM on January 09, 2006
it seem eli is a rookie still very incosestent
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 05:03 PM on January 08, 2006
i just hope the texans get him maybe they can trade up ansd get number 1 and 2
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 04:56 PM on January 08, 2006
and wat were those critics saying last year now he might have a chance to get on front cover of madden and than reinjure him resulting that jinx
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 11:30 PM on January 07, 2006
manny is a like larry brown except for that hes the player and he has no health
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 11:28 PM on January 07, 2006
i know he had a horrible year but a 4 rounder c'mon
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 07:28 PM on January 07, 2006
crazy game although if vince goes to nfl(texans) the texas team will be lucky to be in top 10 of the nation. also how come the game doesnt start at 7 ppl need some sleep oh and i did see this coming
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 06:59 PM on January 05, 2006
oviously now vince young is number one pick
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 06:54 PM on January 05, 2006
hopefully arod wont get anyone in his family in danger, its been known that there people get kidnapeed all the time,(including mom of urbith urbina a few years back) i have no idea if his family is there but if they were i would be worried
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 06:52 PM on January 05, 2006
Alexander i think had 8 touchdowns against weak team, texans and arizona
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 06:49 PM on January 05, 2006
Chicago Cubs for sale.
i heard although the cubs spents so much in the offseason that most of the money they owned to all their players in n the later years of their contracts