Hidden: Jeter: Hot Dog: Update from The Onion.
posted by Bill Lumbergh to baseball at 08:37 PM - 10 comments
Yea, crappy article. Whats the point? Jeter is Jeter, he made the play, got the out. For the price of games now a days, whats wrong with a little flash every now and then? By the way- anyone think that he'll hit for the batting title?
posted by redsoxrgay at 09:06 PM on August 03, 2006
The Onion is a widely known satire, guys. See the next story...? Supposed to be ironic.
posted by jerseygirl at 09:14 PM on August 03, 2006
The point is satire. That is what the folks at the onion do. They overemphasize the obvious in a way that is supposed to make it humorous... In other news a high percentage of Yankees fans are reported as being overly-sensitive.
posted by kyrilmitch_76 at 09:15 PM on August 03, 2006
Why is this even being discussed? This is a very lame attempt at making something from nothing.
posted by ggermanctl@sbcglobal at 09:16 PM on August 03, 2006
i like the website but i would never post it on sportsfilter
posted by Barry-from-H-town at 10:00 PM on August 03, 2006
Yea, crappy article. Whats the point? Jeter is Jeter, he made the play, got the out. For the price of games now a days, whats wrong with a little flash every now and then? By the way- anyone think that he'll hit for the batting title? Hell No, Jeter is Gay and wont come close to the batting title in the end it will be Mauer Winning the Title With Matthews Jr in Second Jeter is the Gayest player in Baseball he sucks Balls
posted by your-money9388 at 10:35 PM on August 03, 2006
Jeter is the Gayest player in Baseball he sucks Balls 9388, you need counseling!
posted by zippinglou at 10:40 PM on August 03, 2006
9388, you need counseling! Fine, Jeter sucks Balls and Dicks Happy Now?
posted by your-money9388 at 11:03 PM on August 03, 2006
your-money, you are just askin' to have the dogs let loose on you. You'd Best Watch Your Step.
posted by mjkredliner at 11:27 PM on August 03, 2006
I really think this is pointless. It doesn't matter how he got him out, he was out and thats Derek's job as shortstop and he did it. End of story.