Baseball has another Lowe-down cheater: Dodger's pitcher Derek Lowe abandons wife and kids for local TV reporter.
posted by Marla Singer to baseball at 09:27 PM - 88 comments
I really dont care about the specifics. Its a shame whenever this happens. Famous people seemed to get a "pass" when thier marriages fail because of adultry. To many, marriage means very little. I am tired of hearing that the Pro athlete, actor,Rock Star and etc. have a life style that makes it too hard to be faithful. We have glamorized "sleeping around". People just dont want to try to make a marriage work any more.
posted by daddisamm at 10:12 PM on August 03, 2005
yup, its all about the stats
posted by daddisamm at 10:13 PM on August 03, 2005
What do you mean by get a pass? I don't see 'regular' people being raked across the hot coals for splitting up so why should pro athletes be? This seems to be coming from your religious beliefs, if I read past comments reasonably well, which is fine, free country and all that, but I don't really see the clear meaning of your comment.
posted by billsaysthis at 10:39 PM on August 03, 2005
Sad story. But I wish the media would spotlight the couples that have made it worked throughout, the guys who were never more than good utility players, decent releivers, whatever, and had been on more teams than they can remember, constantly switching between one town and another. You never hear about those stories.
posted by Bonkers at 10:55 PM on August 03, 2005
clear meaning? You want clear meaning? Our world is screwed up. People have no morals. People really dont care who they sleep with. I have heard more jokes about this story today that its scary. People should be worried, but they aint. You really dont have to be "religious" to be concerned about this. Yes Billy, its a free country, but its really sad where we are heading... sorry, I'll try to be more clear next time
posted by daddisamm at 11:13 PM on August 03, 2005
Watch how fast his new piece of ass leaves when he goes 1-17 next year and gets bumped to A ball. "Sorry honey, we have to move to Georgia ... "
posted by smithnyiu at 11:26 PM on August 03, 2005
What do you mean by get a pass? I don't see 'regular' people being raked across the hot coals for splitting up so why should pro athletes be? Thank you. What's the divorce rate in the States again? Around 50%. This kind of shit happens all the time among us "normal" people. Hell, my roomate's ex-fiance got married to a guy in a foreign contry while the two were still engaged- and she didn't bother to tell him. Welcome to reality!
posted by jmd82 at 12:17 AM on August 04, 2005
clear meaning? You want clear meaning? Our world is screwed up. People have no morals. People really dont care who they sleep with. I have heard more jokes about this story today that its scary. People should be worried, but they aint. I'm not sure why people should be "worried" about other people's marriages. It should have absolutely no effect on your life (unless, you know, you're "the other person" in the situation). Trying to impose a personal moral system upon other people is probably one of the most arrogant things a person can do. People should get out of other people's business and worry about their own. The only reason this story should even be "news" (and by that, I mean beyond a gossip column) is that you have a news reporter who is having a relationship with someone who they are supposed to be covering. I also think maybe people shouldn't be so quick to leap onto the "Lowe Sucks!" bandwagon. The article provides only one side of the story. There might be more to this than what is being talked about.
posted by grum@work at 12:33 AM on August 04, 2005
Thank you. What's the divorce rate in the States again? Around 50%. This kind of shit happens all the time among us "normal" people. Hell, my roomate's ex-fiance got married to a guy in a foreign contry while the two were still engaged- and she didn't bother to tell him. Welcome to reality Ah yes, the old 50% divorce rate. talk about over rated and over hyped stats. that number comes from the fact that in recent years the number of divorces are about half of new marriages. I am not going to use exact number here but let us say that in a given year there are 2 million mariages and million divorces. yup it looks pretty bad, but over all there are leat us say 55 million married couples. the divorce rate is bad but its not as bad as people say it is. which leads us to your comments jmd82-why care-welcome to reality. I am not trying to impose my moral system on anybody. I am not bashing lowe either. I am sure there is another side to the story. I am saddened when I hear news like this, because its another example of how bad things are in society. I have said that I am a christian, so you are assuming that I am trying to promote my values. Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I have enough trouble keeping my own house in order. Hopefully my values show without me pushing them! Can you honestly say that a story like this doesn't bother you? I know most of you will say no it happens all of the time. I was giving my opinion. if you ever pray (or wish) for things like peace and prosperity, than it wouldnt hurt to pray(or wish for) for a few happy marriages. You guys can tear this apart- I do hope that I have made a little lodgic come through with my remarks. Have a great day!
posted by daddisamm at 05:20 AM on August 04, 2005
His wife informed fsn about this , knowing the Fox Networks you can just wonder when they make it into a reality show . LOWE DOWN DIRTY SHAME .
posted by evil empire at 07:40 AM on August 04, 2005
How come every other thread on SpoFi has to be greeted with the observation (generally repeated several times by several different posters) that the world, or the country, is going to hell in a clutch purse? I don't mind commentary about trends -- in fact, that's a large part of the reason why I read SpoFi and not some other sports site -- but can't we be a little more original and thoughtful about this? The world is getting too this. The country is getting too that. A story about something happening in Little League triggers a rant about how we're mollycoddling the kids. No! Wait! We're insanely competitive! A story with the word "racism" anywhere in it inspires a wail of protest about how "PC" everything is nowadays. And it all adds up to the same thing: the world, the country, baseball Mom and apple pie are all going to hell in a clutch purse. I'm not picking on you, daddisamm (although I'm sure you will feel picked on). I think you should say what you want about this FPP. But you said, "I really dont[sic] care about the specifics," which makes me wonder if you even know the specifics. If you don't, is it valid to claim that an unexamined instance is an example of a trend? Which is exactly what you do, in your statements, "We have glamorized 'sleeping around'," and "People just dont want to try to make a marriage work any more." I read the article, and it reads to me like at lest some of the facts in this case are in dispute. That being the case, I don't know how valid it is to call it part of a trend. Trends exist. Some FPPs are about trends, and call for commentary on them. This FPP was about an incident, not a trend, and I would personally be happier if we could all perhaps tread with a little more caution in declaring a trend in response to every incident -- or, if we truly feel that a trend exists, ask ourselves if perhaps it's all been said before.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:41 AM on August 04, 2005
Ahh, a whole lotta noise about nothing. Let's not get too bent outta shape about a second-hand story regarding an athlete's personal life. Though, occaisionally, calling a guy like Derek Lowe an athlete is a crime.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 07:56 AM on August 04, 2005
Didn't Jose Canseco's book also address the infidelity problem in baseball? I thought he mentioned how Roger Clemens is one of the only players he knows of who isn't known for having another female here or there in various cities. Seems to me the whole lifestyle of a pro athlete, baseball in particular, lends itself to that problem. You have players living practically half to two-thirds of the year on the road, in hotels, often away from their families. All this time there are women everywhere they turn, often very attractive, eager to please women. That being said, yes, it is a sad thing, especially where kids are involved. But just because a guy throws a stupid baseball for a living doesn't mean he should be held to higher standards than the guy working in the next office over from you. And it's not right Lowe should have to have his picture plastered all over the place. He's human like you, me, the manager of the local grocery store, etc. It's like the story of when Bill Clinton was walking through Central Park not too long ago, and a guy pushing a stroller walked up to him and said how his "actions" while in office were a disgrace to the country. Clinton only told the guy, "I hope you're successful raising your child to be as perfect as you are." One of the biggest problems with society is that we're constantly bombarded by media with stories about every move every supposed "famous" individual makes. I, personally, would rather NOT know most of this stuff. But these days, it's impossible to avoid.
posted by dyams at 07:58 AM on August 04, 2005
Here’s some stats, lbb: David Blankenhorn stated in his book Fatherless America that: “The United States is becoming an increasingly fatherless society. A generation ago, an American child could reasonably expect to grow up with his or her father. Today, an American child can reasonably expect not to…. This astonishing fact is reflected in may satistics, but here are the two most important. Tonight, about 40 percent of American children will go to sleep in homes in which their fathers do not live. Before they reach the age of eighteen, more than half of our nation’s children are likely to spend at least a significant portion of their childhoods living apart from their fathers. Never before in this country have so many children been voluntarily abandoned by their fathers.” Steve Farrar provides more stats in his book Anchor Man: 85 percent of all children who exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes. 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes. 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. 75 percent of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes. 63 percent of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. 70 percent of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes. 85 percent of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in fatherless homes. 80 percent of rapists come from fatherless homes.
posted by sixpacker at 08:01 AM on August 04, 2005
I'm not picking on you, daddisamm Not yet, but... (although I'm sure you will feel picked on) you are. That's a cheap shot if there ever was one.
posted by qbert72 at 08:04 AM on August 04, 2005
That's a cheap shot if there ever was one. Is it? At worst, lbb uses this thread to expand upon a larger trend on Spofi, not unlike daddisamm's attempt to use this thread to expand upon a perceived societal trend. I don't really see it as an attack on a specific member. And I have to agree that pretty much any thread not about a specific athletic achievement turns into Aesop's Fables for a certain subset of commenters*. Of course, I suppose the popularity of sport is due to its metaphoric nature, wherein we find the meritocracy we think we desire in our day-to-day lives. * This subset varies from topic to topic. I don't mean there's a fixed group of people doing this.
posted by yerfatma at 08:29 AM on August 04, 2005
Oh, I'm pretty much in agreement with l_b_b's general point (and yerfatma's rephrasing of it). The cheap shot is in the sentence I highlighted, and nowhere else.
posted by qbert72 at 08:35 AM on August 04, 2005
qbert, it's not a cheap shot; it's an attempt to head off a misunderstanding. daddisamm has expressed several times in the past the idea that he's picked on here because he's Christian. By taking issue with his post, I'm willing to bet I triggered that button, and I was simply attempting to explain that no, it's not about him and his posts; his was just the post that led me to finally comment on a SpoFi trend. (and I love yerfatma's phrase, "the meritocracy we think we desire in our day-to-day lives")
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:50 AM on August 04, 2005
So if we're not interjecting our feelings and opinions(we are still allowed those,yes?), why isn't this a statistics only site? Articles are put out, for comments and opinion, (op-ed), Yes? People are torn apart regularly as, uninformed, uneducated, Racist, sexualy-biased, and the list I'm sure goes on. I'm sure comments have been made on sports topics that people have'nt a clue about. People reagularly argue because of a difference of opinion. Is that not what makes us a individuals? I would like to believe that you can always learn something new if you are willing.
posted by volfire at 09:29 AM on August 04, 2005
It's called razzing.
posted by holden at 10:06 AM on August 04, 2005
Funny thing is he will be judged by hypocrites who have done the same exact thing . Especially by the media .
posted by evil empire at 10:17 AM on August 04, 2005
why isn't this a statistics only site? I don't think anyone is arguing the straw man you're setting up. Rather, it's that we sometimes make overly large leaps of logic in hopes of grinding a personal axe. Argue away. As a wise man used to tell me every Saturday morning, "If you're not careful, you might just learn something before you're done."
posted by yerfatma at 10:28 AM on August 04, 2005
I think that this is exactly what should happen to these guys. Marriage is a sacred union and it is sickening to me how we think that it is something that we can just get in and out of like it is a pair of jeans. Who cares about Derek Lowe, what about his wife and kids? His kids will now grow up with their father in the home because he could not do the simplest thing in the world which is stay faithful to his wife. As far as it not being fair to Derek that this is publicized, he makes millions of dollars a year because of the fans. If he doesn't want his life public, become an A/C repairman. If he doesn't want to be smeared in the news, BE A MAN AND DON'T RUN OUT ON YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!
posted by mcstan13 at 11:09 AM on August 04, 2005
Further proof that every corner of the FOX organization lacks journalistic integrity. I mean come on here people, this is ethics 101 on her part.
posted by markovitch at 11:23 AM on August 04, 2005
All of a sudden, once again, over and over, here we go trying to make a round peg (ball-player or anyone else living an abnormal life) fit into our ideal of a social square hole. F'git'about'it! Not gonna happen and you're banging your head against concrete to suggest it. Besides, Lowe will be made to pay dearly for this choice--finacially that is. Who can say what will happen with his (uhumm) carreer? All I know for sure is: you get back, in this life, what you put in.
posted by GalLiTeR at 11:28 AM on August 04, 2005
this whole debate reminds me of Yankees Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich,who in 1973 flat traded wives,children and dogs in a sraight up swap....So much for true love..Wonder whop the agent was??
posted by maclmn at 11:28 AM on August 04, 2005
And what was his cut?
posted by yerfatma at 11:46 AM on August 04, 2005
Marriage is a sacred union and it is sickening to me how we think that it is something that we can just get in and out of like it is a pair of jeans "Romance is dead. It was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece. " - Lisa Simpson
posted by JohnSFO at 11:56 AM on August 04, 2005
I took some pleasure in seeing Trinka Lowe raking Derek over the coals for adultery. Based on my experience growing up, something like this permanently affects the relationship with dad and your level of trust in your own relationships, no matter how much you tell yourself otherwise. I am saddened when I hear news like this, because its another example of how bad things are in society. People are too quick to assume that things are getting worse. The divorce rate has been steadily dropping since 1981, down from 5.3 per 1,000 people to 4.0 per 1,000 people.
posted by rcade at 11:59 AM on August 04, 2005
Incidentally, how could we have gotten this far into the discussion without an Anna Benson reference?
posted by rcade at 12:00 PM on August 04, 2005
Wade Boggs was also had the notorious rep of multiple affairs, which help ending his marriage(didn't she pose for Playboy?) and was also sued by one of his mistresses. Still made it to the HOF. I don't think Lowe is that kind of quality player though.
posted by volfire at 12:01 PM on August 04, 2005
I'd love to be a fly on the wall to see how much she is going to get out of him in divorce court. This won't be pretty at all.
posted by dbt302 at 12:02 PM on August 04, 2005
this is ethics 101 on her part Too bad for her she could have had the inside scoop on Lowe having an affair, being a participant in said affair and all. It could have been some kind of gonzo-ho journalism. Instead she gets scooped by the jilted wife, that is some sad ass reporting. Fox was mad because she didn't film it to be cut into "reality" episodes later. And in regard to the trend declarations, etc., it kind of gets to sounding like this, Walter Sobchak: "Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one who pays attention to the rules any more?" (Except not funny...or less funny).
posted by chris2sy at 12:10 PM on August 04, 2005
i kno all of you have opinions and statistics to back them up....I just think that these days having a marriage is harder than it used to be... a lot of it is because these days there are more temptations and it is easier to split up than to actually try to save the marriage... I'm sure that there is another side to the story and that Trinka shares some of the blame...But i still think that Derek should have kept it in his pants at least till Trinka knew it was over..
posted by brklyngurl1201 at 12:53 PM on August 04, 2005
Wade Boggs was also had the notorious rep of multiple affairs, which help ending his marriage For better or worse, no divorce ever happened. Articles this past weekend made mention of Mrs. Boggs standing by "her man". I assume that was a non-exclusive use of the word "her".
posted by yerfatma at 01:01 PM on August 04, 2005
I just think that these days having a marriage is harder than it used to be... a lot of it is because these days there are more temptations and it is easier to split up than to actually try to save the marriage... Oh, bullshit. the temptation to fuck somebody else has been around since the first pairing off of male and female. If you can't control yourself, don't get married. If you get married, control yourself. It's that easy. I've been with my wife twelve years this October, I've never done anything with anybody but her since the day I met her, and I love her more now than I ever have. You can take that "it's harder these days" copout bullshit if you want, but not me. Try exercising dignity and honor in your everyday life, and you won't have to scrounge for ridiculous excuses to explain your asinine behavior when you get caught.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 01:15 PM on August 04, 2005
right on Black Hand..
posted by MNJ1193 at 01:20 PM on August 04, 2005
Lowe's just trying to get his mind off his 7-11 record. If you can't control yourself, don't get married. If you get married, control yourself. Or if you realize it was a mistake, get divorced.
posted by justgary at 01:38 PM on August 04, 2005
Ouch. I think we can pretty much characterize Lowe is a complete dickhead on several points, including: 1)"He told me he wanted me gone when he got back from the next road trip,'' she said. That's nice work. 2) He called her from a road trip to let her know it was over. 3) He took Hughes to the All-Star Game (wow, and no one noticed that wasn't his wife with him?). None of my business, of course.
posted by wfrazerjr at 01:42 PM on August 04, 2005
I wonder if the public airing of this has led him to make the "Lowe face".
posted by rocketman at 02:08 PM on August 04, 2005
there are more temptations nowadays. women populate the workforce to a much higher degree. work-place romances are far more frequent. sure, staying at home has temptations, but I'd wager not nearly as many as happy hours and business lunches and travel offer. ignoring that is simple fact is simple-minded. but acting on temptation because there are more is not an excuse.
posted by garfield at 02:14 PM on August 04, 2005
i kno all of you have opinions and statistics to back them up....I just think that these days having a marriage is harder than it used to be... a lot of it is because these days there are more temptations and it is easier to split up than to actually try to save the marriage... More temptations? How? Like vending machine sluts?
posted by jerseygirl at 02:14 PM on August 04, 2005
Hey, I'm not an apologist for the guy...but of the people I've known who had to travel a lot for work, a significant percentage had major relationship difficulties as a result -- and this was without groupies throwing themselves at them (us). Relatively few of them cheated, but a lot had a relationship go on the rocks directly or indirectly because of their travel and away-time. You can point to the cheating as despicable, and I'll agree with you, but the problem is much more than wandering hands and eyes, and "just do it" answers don't work, unless you mean "Just don't get married if you think you might ever take a job with a lot of travel".
posted by lil_brown_bat at 02:15 PM on August 04, 2005
Next thing you know somebody slipped him some steroids. Don't know how THAT got into my body!
posted by volfire at 02:17 PM on August 04, 2005
Like vending machine sluts? Would you happen to have a location for these vending machine sluts you refer to? Seriously, temptation has always been around, IMO it's not more prevalent now than before - what's more prevalent is that we hear about it more often...
posted by JohnSFO at 02:24 PM on August 04, 2005
Holy shit - There are vending machine sluts?!? Why was I not informed!
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 02:26 PM on August 04, 2005
If they told you where they were, it'd be easy to cheat and more temptation. It's really for your own good.
posted by jerseygirl at 02:28 PM on August 04, 2005
If they told you where they were, it'd be easy to cheat and more temptation. It's really for your own good. they're not for me, they're for my single friend :)
posted by JohnSFO at 02:29 PM on August 04, 2005
volfire , Dont you mean someone slipped him some Viagra , hey maybe it was raffy .
posted by evil empire at 02:35 PM on August 04, 2005
People are too quick to assume that things are getting worse. The divorce rate has been steadily dropping since 1981, down from 5.3 per 1,000 people to 4.0 per 1,000 people. That's part of the story and the reasons behind the divorce rate decline may be found here. Oh, bullshit. the temptation to fuck somebody else has been around since the first pairing off of male and female. If you can't control yourself, don't get married. If you get married, control yourself. Couldn't have said it better. It's like drinking and driving...some things in life are clear-cut.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 02:38 PM on August 04, 2005
I'm assuming those vending machines don't have the protective flap on the bottom.
posted by yerfatma at 02:41 PM on August 04, 2005
I was very disappointed to hear about this affair wrecking their marriage, but then I learned that Carolyn Hughes has really super hair, so maybe that justifies adultery after all.
posted by ravenous at 02:43 PM on August 04, 2005
sure, rcade, the divorce rate is going down per 1000 people but what you aren't saying is that that is only because of gayism and the gay media turning people gay and making more gays who can't get gay marriages and have gay divorces.
posted by gspm at 02:44 PM on August 04, 2005
Oh boy, here we go again.........
posted by volfire at 02:50 PM on August 04, 2005
wait, DLowe's gay!??!
posted by JohnSFO at 02:50 PM on August 04, 2005
I wonder if the divorce rate is dropping because more couples shack up before getting married, learning whether they are compatible before walking down the aisle. The divorce rates in the U.S. are highest in the South, where religious beliefs cause more young people to marry while still virgins. For reasons like this, I think most stats bemoaning the amount of divorce aren't painting the whole picture. People in committed relationships that do not marry aren't counted at all. Incidentally, I'd be curious to find out how many participants in this thread are, like me, children of divorce.
posted by rcade at 02:52 PM on August 04, 2005
I'm number 2, rcade...and I believe we grew up in the same area?
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 02:59 PM on August 04, 2005
My parents were divorced and I have been divorced. Took me growing up and THINKING OUTSIDE OF MYSELF to get me into the stable relationship I am in now. That is the problem these days too much thinking about selfish things and instant gratification.
posted by skydivemom at 03:21 PM on August 04, 2005
My folks are still together after 54 years while I'm on my third marriage--though I'm optimistic that this decision was far better informed and so far seems to be. Grew up in NJ and they still live there. There seem to be two pieces to this discussion, the cheating and Lowe's social position. Cheating, well, life is short and filled with sorrow people try to do the best they can. I still think it's ridiculous to make an issue out of it simply because one of the people is a celebrity but then again I think that applies a lot more broadly (OJ, Robert Blake trials for instance). I'd just as soon see Court TV and their ilk off the air.
posted by billsaysthis at 03:31 PM on August 04, 2005
My biological mother and father have five failed marriages between them. On the up side, I still get tons of Christmas cards from uncles, aunts and cousins that I still don't know. And calling me simple minded for not acknowledging more temptation now than years ago, well, that's just simple minded. So there. Tempation to screw around has and always will be there, and certain asshats will always do it, while the rest of us honor our spouses, and (not to get too biblical) cleave only unto them.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 03:36 PM on August 04, 2005
its nothing new, but there is more about, if you think about it.
posted by garfield at 03:50 PM on August 04, 2005
sorry about the 'simple-minded' thing.
posted by garfield at 03:52 PM on August 04, 2005
ahh, five failed marriages between my mother and father as well. What a f***ing trip! or were it trips? Walter Sobchak: "Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one who pays attention to the rules any more?" I love obscure Lebowski quotes.
posted by curlyelk at 04:13 PM on August 04, 2005
People are too quick to assume that things are getting worse. The divorce rate has been steadily dropping since 1981, down from 5.3 per 1,000 people to 4.0 per 1,000 people. posted by rcade at 11:59 AM CST on August 4 That was my point, we still hear this 50% divorce rate garbage. I dont care about Lowe per say. It just saddens me to hear about a failed marriage. No I dont feel picked on lbb as am very comfortable with my feelings on this topic. My parents were married 30 plus years before my father died of cancer. I, myself, have been married 24 to the same lovely woman. Marriages fail because they are not not taken seriously. Many people bail out at the first sign of trouble.
posted by daddisamm at 04:23 PM on August 04, 2005
People are too quick to assume that things are getting worse. The divorce rate has been steadily dropping since 1981, down from 5.3 per 1,000 people to 4.0 per 1,000 people. posted by rcade at 11:59 AM CST on August 4 That was my point, we still hear this 50% divorce rate garbage. I dont care about Lowe per say. It just saddens me to hear about a failed marriage. No I dont feel picked on lbb as am very comfortable with my feelings on this topic. My parents were married 30 plus years before my father died of cancer. I, myself, have been married 24 to the same lovely woman. Marriages fail because they are not not taken seriously. Many people bail out at the first sign of trouble.
posted by daddisamm at 04:26 PM on August 04, 2005
daddisamm has expressed several times in the past the idea that he's picked on here because he's Christian. By taking issue with his post, I'm willing to bet I triggered that button, and I was simply attempting to explain that no, it's not about him and his posts; his was just the post that led me to finally comment on a SpoFi trend.> Dont give yourself too much credit llb. I am beyond being picked on...Like I said I am comfortable with how I feel about this...... If dont want discussions like this, then quit posting this type of story. I generally stay way from social issues when I post a link.
posted by daddisamm at 04:35 PM on August 04, 2005
Our world is screwed up. People have no morals. posted by daddisamm at 11:13 PM CST on August 3 FWIW, I think statements like these may be the "trend" being discussed, not necessarily social discussions in general. Thats how I interpreted lbb's comments anyway. I took her comments to mean she sees a lot of posters saying the world is going to hell in a handbasket (I like that better than clutch purse because I don't know what the hell a clutch purse is.)
posted by curlyelk at 05:18 PM on August 04, 2005
I'm not sure why people should be "worried" about other people's marriages. It should have absolutely no effect on your life (unless, you know, you're "the other person" in the situation). Trying to impose a personal moral system upon other people is probably one of the most arrogant things a person can do. Thank you. The media is one-sided and is looking for the good store...never know what's the real truth unless it's your own story. So let them deal with it and get on with their lives. Besides, I thought that was a major principal this country was founded in the first place. So we could all live our lives as well please and not get blasted for it. Who cares what they did. Worry about you. This may be a little off subject, but everyone should stop trying to be so PC and stop worrying about who you offend too. No matter what happens or what you do someone will always be offended. We're all deal with it.
posted by Irish Gal at 05:30 PM on August 04, 2005
That's screwed up and I don't see why'd he leave here. She looks hot to me
posted by SDM at 06:40 PM on August 04, 2005
Your're right Irish, but I think the opening target is the fact that when you put yourself in the public eye, you are subject to this type of commentary on your life/lifestyle. Hence the whole Prince/Princess thing? Nobody is peering through my fence trying to take pics of me. And also big cudo's on the pc/offended thing. Which was the point I tried to make earlier. If I offend anyone, it's probrably my opinion and we all know everyone has one of those and they all smell.
posted by volfire at 06:53 PM on August 04, 2005
Trinka and Derek Lowes
Fine figure of a woman, but the dress has got to go.
posted by rcade at 07:09 PM on August 04, 2005
Who dressed him? And what the hell is that on his head? To bald to feather that stuff back anymore? Where's the baseball hat the reat of us wear? Backwards even!
posted by volfire at 07:19 PM on August 04, 2005
You would think with all the money he makes they would shop somewheres other than walmart .
posted by evil empire at 07:25 PM on August 04, 2005
Booyah, volfire and evil. This guy is such a goof. Hahaha.
posted by Irish Gal at 08:11 PM on August 04, 2005
The woman he is seeing is HOT! Hot! Hot! Carolyn Hughes is a babe! That is why she is in LA, the tops sports and entertainment city in the world. All the guys here droll over her, but I would think she could do better than Derek Lowe?
posted by bluekarma at 11:13 PM on August 04, 2005
I was very disappointed to hear about this affair wrecking their marriage, but then I learned that Carolyn Hughes has really super hair, so maybe that justifies adultery after all Why didn't article just say so? "Really super hair" is one of the few excuses that most wives would actually buy. In fact, Derek will probably be able to receive spousal support (after all, the divorce is happening in L.A.)
posted by BigAl4AU at 01:38 AM on August 05, 2005
sure, rcade, the divorce rate is going down per 1000 people but what you aren't saying is that that is only because of gayism and the gay media turning people gay and making more gays who can't get gay marriages and have gay divorces. posted by gspm at 2:44 PM CST on August 4 HAHAHAHAHA Thst clip is freakin hilarious.
posted by MNJ1193 at 08:37 AM on August 05, 2005
The divorce rate is down because not as many people are getting married , except the gays , they can't wait to get hitched .
posted by evil empire at 08:42 AM on August 05, 2005
From a forward:
The husband, Tommy Siboni, spoke to Tom Leykis on KLSX. 97.1 Tuesday afternoon . . . "this is not the first time that something happened with her and I. It's always involved major athletes." Asked if he would care to share, Siboni said Karl Malone left a message at 11:30 at night. "He said hey baby it's Karl. You're probably out in Los Angeles finding my replacement. So give me a call when you get a chance. I don't know what that meant." Siboni then asked Hughes about Kobe Bryant and Hughes never believed that happened. Hughes said she and Bryant were friends that she was there for him as he was going through some problems. "I said when did you become this major counselor?"
posted by yerfatma at 08:42 AM on August 05, 2005
Carolyn Hughes is not all that hot.
posted by danostuporstar at 09:00 AM on August 05, 2005
danostuporstar ........ YIKES , who let the dog out !!!!!!!
posted by evil empire at 09:10 AM on August 05, 2005
Apparently, DLowe had a reputation as a boozing whore in Boston too.
posted by Marla Singer at 10:32 AM on August 05, 2005
From the article: Our MetroWest Daily News colleague Lenny Megliola reports today that Sox owner John Henry was less than impressed when Lowe brought a galpal – not wife Trinka – to a Boston event they both attended last year. We'll have to wait and see if Henry resigns Damon. Or maybe Damon gets a pass since he married his mistress.
posted by Marla Singer at 10:36 AM on August 05, 2005
"He has a drinking problem,'' said Someone close to the ex-Sox hurler. Given the capital "S" in "someone", I'm guessing the inside source is Jesus.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:38 AM on August 05, 2005
Fucking snitch.
posted by yerfatma at 11:20 AM on August 05, 2005
1997 article about Lowe's arrest for 4th degree domestic violence
posted by Marla Singer at 01:21 PM on August 05, 2005
File Under: How Lowe Can You Go? Ha. Well, at least he's not on the roids, eh? Because that's apparently a capital crime, where this... well, this is just poor form. So, does this hurt Derek Lowe's Hall of Fame chances?