Name: | S. Bond Herndon |
Member since: | August 02, 2005 |
Last visit: | September 07, 2005 |
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Compete: To strive with another or others [Lat Competere: to strive together] ... Competition can be found in any sport. As far as the challenge to offer ultimate competition, football {Americana} delivers on multiple levels; much like war it encompasses the physical brute realities as well as the cerebral ability to think beyond the attrition of battle. Yeah, it's out of control by price, yet, the very fact that such overpriced events are continuously sold out should let the casually curious (those who will not actually go see what all the fuss is about) know that there is something about it... An opiate of the masses--of a type.
posted by GalLiTeR at 10:07 AM on August 19, 2005
Why not get every player on a pro franchise to: smoke up and get tested positive for d'big Ganga-mon. Unable to suspend the entire league, perhaps this much of the Governmental hypocrisy that grouped weed-smoking as 'An evil, damaging drug' nearly one hundred years ago will be seen for what it is[and isn't]. Pro Sports, then, will quit making it an issue. This might then bring the unbelievablly inept laws over marijuana use in this country into reasonable change (at least reflective of the laws for alcohol use), and by decriminalizing and taxing, force a few drug lords to hang it up in the process... Well, I don't think it's wrong to dream--huh?
posted by GalLiTeR at 09:35 AM on August 19, 2005
...the way Buck O'neal got a chance in Ken Burns' Baseball. I agree, only not to the exclusion of Buck, or any of the others from that era--God Bless'em! I fully believe that Ken could well put together an entire mini-series based solely upon the Negro league. I'd buy that one as well. The stories give me great pause for reflection.
posted by GalLiTeR at 11:58 AM on August 13, 2005
Rube from Major League II... get a copy of Playboy... Lawd, son!
posted by GalLiTeR at 02:07 PM on August 12, 2005
It depends, one would suppose, on how one is taught to play the game. I was shown that actions speak louder than words, especially on the field of play. T.O., when given his kudos, does in fact deliver the punch. I just hate to see a great player hamstring himself by forgetting the inevitable rule of life: What goes around comes around... or, you get back what you give out. Arrogance will always be dealt a telling blow, and the conceit by which one lives eventually focuses all eyes to the moment when a "T.O." is laid low. Instead of the cheering crowds wishing T.O. a fond farewell after he retires, or old men telling their grandsons about the wondrous feats of athletic daring, they will simply say, "He was just a big showboat!" That, in the end, is the tragedy about such attitudes. On the other hand, I enjoy watching, week in and week out during the season, Andre Johnson of the Texans; he not only delivers the punch, but he allows his actions to do all of his talking as he quietly strides, year after year, for the hall of fame.
posted by GalLiTeR at 02:05 PM on August 12, 2005
Recent history dictates that the SEC will be won by the team least expected. Sorry, UF, Tenn, Auburn, but, as absurd as it sounds, this is UGA's year down yonder. Let's face it, once and for all: The SEC is the best conference hands down. Take the top six out of it and put them into any other conference and you'd have four to five undefeated teams vying for the Championship. As it is, they beat up on each other every year, most often the proud become the profane and the upset is the bait that has fans chomping for more like 'Big Dawgs' week in and week out. The only other region to produce talent of its sort is Texas--which looses most of it to the rest of the NCAA most years. Hmm...UTx? Playing SC for the championship of the free world? I could go for that. After all, the only reason Texas don't fall into the Gulf of Mexico is because (all together now) OK sucks!
posted by GalLiTeR at 01:37 PM on August 07, 2005
Where has our sense of adventure gone? Geez, if someone on 'roids can do the impossible, shouldn't we be paying to see it? I mean, we go to the circus; we watch WWF (well, not yours truely), who knows what some of those participants are taking to enhance themselves just so we get our money's worth? Are the steroid takers not simply trying to be all they can be? Hmm... I'm running outta excuses here. I'd say: here's a quarter call someone who cares, but I can't find my change just now.
posted by GalLiTeR at 08:54 AM on August 05, 2005
All of a sudden, once again, over and over, here we go trying to make a round peg (ball-player or anyone else living an abnormal life) fit into our ideal of a social square hole. F'git'about'it! Not gonna happen and you're banging your head against concrete to suggest it. Besides, Lowe will be made to pay dearly for this choice--finacially that is. Who can say what will happen with his (uhumm) carreer? All I know for sure is: you get back, in this life, what you put in.
posted by GalLiTeR at 11:28 AM on August 04, 2005
Perhaps it is unfortunate that so much scrutiny is allowed to be cast upon our sports personalities today—perhaps not. At a time when this country needed it to, Baseball stood up and provided heroes. To an extent, the writers of each era helped the public to suspend their own sense of reality; comic books came out of this bending of the American mindset and its need for escape. Today, with so much exposure, with so many cameras pointed at and ready to take an instant recording of history-as-it-happens, why are we then bemoaning the condition of the reality we uncover? If reality dictates that we must signify the differences: juiced, corked, drunk, womanizer or Branch Rickyish angel-boy-who-can-do-no-wrong, should we not simply do as the powers-that-were-at-the-time did with poor, un-juiced, un-corked, bless-his-heart-for-being-a-real-hero Roger Maris? Put the asterisk beside the name if you really must. Fifty or a hundred years from now, this discussion will merely be a backdrop for yet another issue we haven’t even thought of as a problem with a perfectly pure(?) American sport.
posted by GalLiTeR at 10:33 AM on August 03, 2005
The Unofficial NFL All-Criminal Team
Dang, no Hollywood Henderson? Oh--oh! This article only listed players with busts that were actually good at playing?