D'oh!: Two out, bottom of the ninth and Angels closer K-Rod (maybe now that is E-Rod?) flubs the catch on a throw back from his catcher... allowing the Athletics to score the winning run and gain sole possession of top spot in the AL West for the first time this season.
I haven't even seen someone advance on a throw back to the pitcher, let alone win a game. The funny thing is that Rodriguez was upset about a called ball on a close pitch, and was letting the ump know about it with his body language. Had he concentrated rather than sulked, he wouldn't have placed himself on the wrong highlight reel.
posted by dusted at 11:45 PM on August 11, 2005
thats just pitiful
posted by gregy606 at 02:13 AM on August 12, 2005
Just goes to show how you can never take anything for granted......
posted by volfire at 07:24 AM on August 12, 2005
Good hustle, A's. K-Rod, guess the tough non-strike call wasn't so bad. Your sulking lack of concentration just cost you the division lead. Way to go!!
posted by dyams at 07:57 AM on August 12, 2005
Yeah - that was a total suck by K-Rod. However, I agree with him that it was also a total suck by the umpire - that was such a strike. Angels just seem to be finding ways to lose. They really don't seem as strong as the A's (though the A's didn't seem so strong a few months ago).
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:01 AM on August 12, 2005
Careful, gspm. We don't want you accused of bias in your post. Just the facts, ma'am.
posted by Ufez Jones at 09:31 AM on August 12, 2005
I haven't even seen someone advance on a throw back to the pitcher Then let me remind you of the tale of Mackey Sasser. A decent hitting catcher for the Mets, he developed a problem with throwing the ball back to the pitcher. He'd double-clutch. If he didn't think about throwing the ball to the catcher, he'd be fine. But the moment he thought about it, he'd misfire. Sometimes he'd triple- or quadruple-clutch before throwing it. At least one baserunner (Brett Butler) is known to have stolen 2nd base during one of his "incidents". It got so bad that he even had to walk out to the pitcher once to give him the baseball, instead of throwing it. It eventually ruined his career, as he had to shift to the outfield and his confidence was ruined.
posted by grum@work at 09:33 AM on August 12, 2005
I'm Thinking this was just the pitcher acting like a little kid. Now his tantrum cost his team the game, and lead in the standings.
posted by volfire at 10:27 AM on August 12, 2005
I actually scored on a play like this in high school. I was on third base with two outs and had been there for a couple batters. The catcher had this really strange way of flipping the ball back to the pitcher, a sort of high toss without getting up out of his squat, almost like a slo-pitch softball pitch. The ball would arc back and take a couple of seconds to get there he didn't even look down the line (I was not a real speedster, so I guess he felt safe). After the first pitch to our No. 9 hitter, I leaned over to the coach and said, "I'm going." He just looked at me like I was nuts, but didn't stop me. I took the normal lead and held my ground about 10-15 feet off the bag as the pitch came in, but as soon as the catcher's arm went back, I took off. I didn't even have to slide (although I did), and I don't think I've ever seen such a stunned expression on an opposing coach. His shit just flipped and he went ballistic on his catcher, although why he didn't fix the throwing style before, I have no idea. The guy had a decent arm to second. Just funnier than hell.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:55 AM on August 12, 2005
I think thats the ol knee jerk reaction to just getting your ass handed to you. Some Coaches still argue that it's dirty baseball and the like. What was the post the other day about the olHide the Ball trick? Same thing right? Keep your damn head in the game as the saying goes.
posted by volfire at 11:56 AM on August 12, 2005
Rube from Major League II... get a copy of Playboy... Lawd, son!
posted by GalLiTeR at 02:07 PM on August 12, 2005
If the Angels lose the wild card chase by 1 game, they will all look back to this game. Little Leaguers can catch better than that. I have never heard of a game being lost this way. Unreal.