Recent Locker Room Posts by billsaysthis

May 29, 2012

SpoFite/LFC meetup?: The wife and I will be at the Liverpool/AS Roma game in Boston, anyone else planning to attend and wanting to meet up for dinner before?

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 05:03 PM - 6 comments

March 29, 2011

NYTimes links?: Should we as a group try to avoid linking to the Times going forward since with the new paywall reading the articles may not be possible for many SpoFites? As much as I agree that even journalists need to be paid I don't see the bulk of us forking over $4/week or more any time soon.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 12:23 PM - 5 comments

May 26, 2009

Champions League Final predictions and chat: Tomorrow is the big day, the toughness and refusal to surrender of ManUtd against the beauty and skill of Barca, Ronaldo vs. Messi, Sir Alex vs. rookie headman Guardiola. Who do you want to win? Who do you think will win? The NY Times has a three part roundtable (1, 2, 3) of European soccer journos to help you decide.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 12:43 PM - 6 comments

September 26, 2008

New Wii User: Recommend a soccer title?: As stated on the label. For the first time, a store had a Wii in stock so the Mrs. and I brought her home. Never had a game console before so I have no experience with the titles out there and wonder if I should throw down on Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 or FIFA Soccer 2008. Please note that I'm not terribly coordinated or graceful before offering advice.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 10:56 AM - 26 comments

June 02, 2006

Linker Dumper: The last thread fell off the page but I can't resist pointing you to a very scary Oliver Kahn and this intersection of physics and football.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 07:54 PM - 41 comments

January 04, 2006

Props to Mr. RCade: Okay, this is not sports-related but it is SportsFilter-related: Our very own Rogers "I am smarter than the Vatican" Cadenhead's personal site Workbench was named Feed of the Year by Feedster today. Rogers upheld the proud SpoFi tradition by giving O'Reilly the following celebratory quote: "I feel like teen-age Courtney Cox being plucked onstage to dance with Bruce Springsteen, but with a less butch haircut."

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 12:13 AM - 0 comments

November 02, 2005

Ask Spofi: Help me pick a 9 Wood?: My dad is a late in life golfer (he's turning 77, been playing about 10 years now) and when asked what he'd like for this month's birthday said a 9 wood. To show how much into golf I am, I thought woods only went up to three, except Tiger who goes up into the millions. Can you guys help me with a recommendation of brand/model and (online) store?

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 07:25 PM - 0 comments

June 27, 2005

MLS v. Country: Once again American clubs will have to sacrifice many of their best players because the league refuses to follow the standard of not scheduling matches during internationally cleared dates. This time, though, it's nearly ridiculous with players leaving after this Wednesday's matches and remaining with their national sides through late July for the Gold Cup. During the same period, the clubs are touting friendlies against high profile foreign clubs. Very annoying!

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 11:12 PM - 0 comments

April 25, 2005

Pirates need a sysadmin: Do you have the skills and desire to parlay your fandom into a techie gig with the Pittsburgh Pirates? The requirements don't mention pitching, batting or fielding as necessary.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 10:15 PM - 4 comments

March 23, 2005

Ask SpoFi: Do you belong to a biking, hiking or similar activity club?: Especially in the Bay Area, at least for now. My new gig is building out some demonstrations of our service and we'd like to find technology-friendly outdoor recreational activity clubs to work with us. No money exchanged in either direction but (IMO) a reasonable value for both sides. If so, email me at bill at my username dot com or leave a comment here (though then I'll just have to email you anyway). Thanks! (PS - I hope this is cool to post, Pantheonites, if not delete and I am clear.)

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 11:06 PM - 5 comments

October 29, 2004

Locker Room Comment count bug?:
Since your last visit:
Locker Room Links: 1
Comments: 3

This is, for instance, what I just saw on the top right of the LR page. But looking over the threads shown, there were only two new comments visible. Have noticed the off by one bug several times over the last few weeks.

posted by billsaysthis to bugs at 06:08 PM - 2 comments

October 14, 2004

AskSpoFi: Why are Guyana and Surinam in CONCACAF?: These countries are in South America, so what's the 411? Guyana "is a tropical country situated on the northern coast of South America... bordered by Venezuela on the west, Suriname on the east, Brazil on the south and the Atlantic Ocean on the north." And "the Republic of Surinam is the second smallest country of the South American continent." I'm curious because Concacaf, including these two, has 32 squads while Conmebol only has 10 yet reference books list them as part of South America.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 12:33 PM - 8 comments

August 15, 2004

User page CF error: Clicking on any user name brings up an error page with this message:

Error resolving parameter TODAYDATE

Yesterday MeFi was offline all day, now this, where in the world is ColdFusion actually working? AND in preview mode at least, the linebreaks in this post are not being respected in the preview text, apologies if this ends up with extra blank lines.

posted by billsaysthis to bugs at 01:14 PM - 7 comments

July 17, 2004

SpoFi CD Swap Update: So? How happy are people with the mixes? Let's have a little chatter here.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 11:53 AM - 85 comments

June 03, 2004

BillTakesTheLead in the MLS Fantasy...though I would point out it's very early, with national team starting to call players away, and a very thin lead.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 10:13 PM - 11 comments

May 27, 2004

MLS Fantasy League... BillCreepsCloser, watch out Mr. Blammos!

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 09:46 PM - 5 comments

May 09, 2004

After the first half dozen or so games, the Fooker has taken a sizable lead on the pack in our MLS Fantasy Division. I am in second, but the season is young and I still have plenty of time to fall to a more typical fourth or fifth.

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 06:04 PM - 5 comments

March 28, 2004

Uh oh. I just logged into the MLS Fantasy page for the first time since we created the league (and I populated my team) some weeks ago and there is no team there! WTF? Anyone else lose their selections and settings?

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 01:41 PM - 17 comments

February 04, 2004

Not sure if we can muster enough players for this but, as an alternative to fantasy baseball over the Summer, how about an MLS Fantasy League? Hey, its free!

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 10:53 PM - 11 comments

January 26, 2004

Ask SpoFi: How are the pairings determined in tournaments like the FA and UEFA Cups and the CL? I don't see much in the way of, say, seeding or a completely pre-determined structure (such as we have in the Big Dance).

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 02:06 PM - 23 comments

December 31, 2003

Given the recent publicity around Suzy and Joe, and our clear focus this week on football, let's hear some opinions on when Kolber or another female will get off the sideline and break the glass (booth window) barrier, either play by play or commentary. In any of the major professional sports (that is, not WNBA, Olympics, etc.).

posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 10:43 PM - 6 comments

December 30, 2003

NFL First round Predictions


  • Tennessee at Baltimore
  • Denver at Indianapolis
  • NFC:

  • Dallas at Carolina
  • Seattle at Green Bay
  • posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 08:57 PM - 40 comments

    December 27, 2003

    Now we'll never get a (bikini) photo! Congratulations to JerseyGirl and her no longer to be named later fiance on their now two week old engagement. Let the sports-related wedding night snarky suggestions begin.

    posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 01:36 PM - 17 comments

    November 03, 2003

    Some mechanism, beyond the fantasy league LR threads, of general game results discussion. Could be a new LR category, a fourth section of the site (sections being LR, FP and columns), or change in FPP policy; the exact implementation is not significant in my mind. We saw plenty of this as FPPs during the baseball playoffs and ongoing (guilty) as threadjacks in the fantasy threads. Would be well matched with an increase in the number of displayed LR threads. Thanks much.

    posted by billsaysthis to feature requests at 11:36 AM - 22 comments

    October 27, 2003

    Help! Why is it that in the Yahoo! Fantasy League, when one sells a player, one is only allotted the priced paid for him to use in purchasing the replacement rather than the current market value? Why don't we get credit for purchasing good players to begin with?

    posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 04:19 PM - 34 comments