Not sure if we can muster enough players for this but, as an alternative to fantasy baseball over the Summer, how about an MLS Fantasy League? Hey, its free!
posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 10:53 PM - 11 comments
All Adu, all the time. Count me in.
posted by trox at 08:24 AM on February 05, 2004
let's just hope Adu doesn't turn into Darko and is more like Melo and Lebron
posted by jasonspaceman at 08:59 AM on February 05, 2004
I finished 2nd last season to etrader9, who actually spent real money to buy more trades. I have nothing more to prove. I will be checking your updates with interest. Have fun!
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:47 PM on February 05, 2004
you can spend real money to buy trades? that doesnt seem... fair... somehow.
posted by jerseygirl at 01:17 PM on February 05, 2004
It wasn't...thats why in my opinion worldcup won the MLS Fantasy league last year...and i came in second!
posted by StarFucker at 04:43 PM on February 05, 2004
Oops, my bad for forgetting. It's the winter cold, I promise. So did anyone create a league for this year, or can we re-use last year's in which case what's the name and code?
posted by billsaysthis at 05:42 PM on February 05, 2004
D'oh! I am so silly for not using the archives to find last year's information! So now I did and found that SpoFi division is still in the system and available; foolishly, it actually allowed me to join. So I'm in.
posted by billsaysthis at 06:31 PM on February 05, 2004
And for the search-illiterate, here's last year's thread with the necessary info...
posted by billsaysthis at 06:32 PM on February 05, 2004
um, can i play too?
posted by goddam at 12:19 PM on February 06, 2004
jump on in, goddam!
posted by billsaysthis at 02:43 PM on February 06, 2004
Most of us were in last year...i'm in again this year!