Given the recent publicity around Suzy and Joe, and our clear focus this week on football, let's hear some opinions on when Kolber or another female will get off the sideline and break the glass (booth window) barrier, either play by play or commentary. In any of the major professional sports (that is, not WNBA, Olympics, etc.).
posted by billsaysthis to navel gazing at 10:43 PM - 6 comments
do you mean on a national level or local markets? doesn't Suzyn Waldman do some games on YES?
posted by goddam at 12:56 AM on January 01, 2004
No, I do mean national level.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:23 PM on January 01, 2004
Linda knows her shit but she's only fractions of an inch away from Stuart Scott on the obnox-o-meter. Suzy deserves it. She's genuine, knowledgable, insightful, swift and [not incidentally] cute as the dickens (take THAT Al Michaels...). What I object to are these placeholder females with no knowledge of the game, nothing to contribute (beyond breasts) and a blank stare for the camera that roam a few sidelines these days. Really, do we include some hairy guy in speedos in the Victoria's Secret Show just to be "fair"? My guess? In 2006, Madden has a massive coronary in the off season (not wishing it on him at all, just a conjecture) and the revamped 2007 MNF lineup includes Al, Suzy and the recently retired Keyshawn. After one controversial season, ABC lays off Suzy and she starts doing anchor work for NFL TV and the occasional game for Fox.
posted by forksclovetofu at 01:29 PM on January 01, 2004
My requirements for a broadcaster: Understanding of the game: either from an educated standpoint or from a player's perspective Grasp of the language: knows how to talk about the game using the proper words in the proper way without OVERusing them to sound "knowledgeable" Voice and style: not too high, not too low, not too soft, not too loud, not too often, not too little Independent thinker: is willing to have a viewpoint that isn't always the party line or the popular one but doesn't say contrarian things just to be "different" I don't care whoever that person is, if they meet those requirements, they can broadcast any sport I'm watching. (For the record, there aren't too many broadcasters I listen to that meet these requirements. Dan Shulman, Buck Martinez (baseball), Brian Williams (Olympics), Kelly Hrudey, John Davidson (hockey) are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.)
posted by grum@work at 02:08 PM on January 01, 2004
genuine=independent thinker knowledgable=grasp of the language cute as the dickens=voice and style insightful=understanding of the game. grum, you're my brother from another mother.
posted by forksclovetofu at 03:00 PM on January 01, 2004
I'm thinking 2006, probably in the NBA, but then again I'm a crazy optimist.