VINDICATION!!!!! - Im sorry I just did a investigation of my own and found out that all 200 sources, the day by day callendar accounts of bonds' steriod use found in govt raids, grand jury testimony etc., were just another conspiricy to drag barry's holy name through the mud....Excuse me everyone...I guess grum was right.... -oh by the way weedy the reason there was no rule agianst steriods was only b/c baseball players were not suspected of widepread use. As soon as it came out that players were using steriods regularly there was a total uproar, and we have the result we have today. Ya see weedy if players got caught 25 years ago, it would have been illegal now, and we wouldn't have this mindless conversation, so please never ever try to bring up the fact that it wasnt illegal when he did it, if there was nothing wrong with it, then why would they EVER ban steriods. Agian if its not a challenge dont even try guys
posted by gregy606 at 09:15 AM on March 08, 2006
Not at all grum I just dont follow any team but the Indians, I'll never be some bandwagon fan for another team, thats just not me. When my team's season is over, so is mine. I've been a fan long enought to accept that fate. Like I said before 2 outta 3 predictions in a division is fine for me. Furthermore thanks for answering me, I hope you read that book thats coming out so you can get a grip on the reality of bonds' situation grum.
posted by gregy606 at 12:35 AM on March 08, 2006
And as for vindication, all I have to say is hell yes grum....For the thousand people I have argued about the topic of bonds substance abuse, all I have to do anymore is just point to the facts coming out in this book grum. At least Im not giving up on my tribe like it appears you might be on your hero barry bonds. You better write it down guys I said the Indians are winning the central on March 7th, so you can bring it up later for me, lol, I could care less, if I say it, I mean it. By the way justgary in my post I was pointing out my correct prediction about the twins, and Indians who still had a great 93 win season, the most by any non-playoff team, and more than many teams in the playoffs. And my incorrect one about the white sox..that being said, 2 outta 3 aint bad gary.....
posted by gregy606 at 12:24 AM on March 08, 2006
It's funny you decided not to highlight the fact that I did predict the fact that the Twins were overrated grum. Not to mention I Still feel the White Sox had a very suspect lineup, with a pitching staff full of guys having career years. Lucky is an understatement. Today I still feel the same way about that post as the day I made it, you can take it out of context any way you want.
posted by gregy606 at 11:51 PM on March 07, 2006
"Not a Barry fan, but he put the bat on the ball. Last time I checked steroids don't increase vision." posted by tlach at 8:45 PM CST on March 7 It's funny, you didnt even take the time to read the whole article I guess, Bonds clearly notes that he even felt his vision had become noticibly more perceptive. posted by gregy606 at 9:20 PM CST on March 7 "The book said Anderson and Bonds subsequently tweaked the program, adding such drugs as the steroid Deca-Durabolin and growth hormone, which allowed Bonds to retain his energy and physique without rigorous training. Not only did the growth hormone keep him fresh, but after complaining in 1999 about difficulty tracking pitches, he noticed it improved his eyesight as well."-SI article posted by gregy606 - Be my guest and agree with him Grrlacher, Im just gonna go ahead and put your name next to his argument so you guys can get the proper recognition...
posted by gregy606 at 11:03 PM on March 07, 2006
"The book said Anderson and Bonds subsequently tweaked the program, adding such drugs as the steroid Deca-Durabolin and growth hormone, which allowed Bonds to retain his energy and physique without rigorous training. Not only did the growth hormone keep him fresh, but after complaining in 1999 about difficulty tracking pitches, he noticed it improved his eyesight as well." -And back to me having a great day.....
posted by gregy606 at 09:28 PM on March 07, 2006
"Not a Barry fan, but he put the bat on the ball. Last time I checked steroids don't increase vision." posted by tlach at 8:45 PM CST on March 7 It's funny, you didnt even take the time to read the whole article I guess, Bonds clearly notes that he even felt his vision had become noticibly more perceptive.
posted by gregy606 at 09:20 PM on March 07, 2006
To be honest, I am so happy for the game of baseball that this kind of stuff is coming out, barry bonds is the worst thing to ever happen to the game, and its just shameful what he's done to it........... I'll never forget arguing with a guy named grum@work on this site who was supporting bonds and his steriod case to me, I love being vindicated, and to the million people I've argued with about this, today I got it. I love baseball and Im just so happy these kind of solid facts could come out about the case, so people could really grasp what this guy was doing.
posted by gregy606 at 07:39 PM on March 07, 2006
Ohio state.....Period... sorry I started a sportfilter menstral cycle
posted by gregy606 at 06:12 PM on March 06, 2006
Pretty bad, as you see OSU uses its defense to be good year in and out, as you saw in them beating Notre Dame (who stomped michigan), and in beating Michigan, thats just what they do....Michigan needs to pull it together cause its not a rivalry when Michigan is totally unable to touch OSU......Maurice clarett is garbage, our fans have known that for just takes espn to tell slower Michigan fans who's good and who's not, I guess. OSU fans are scouts. offense hasnt ever been our plan for winning....just a quick question wingnut4life, hows chad henne feeling....probably not to good b/c he gets destroyed by my OSU defense regularly, Michigan will never beat us with his nervous ass at the helm.
posted by gregy606 at 01:12 PM on March 06, 2006
You guys are really losing your minds, I guess thats normal for michigan fans....all that really matters is whats happened 4 out of the last 5 times michigan has TRIED to step on the FOOTBALL field with my scarlet and gray. OSU is an unstopable force on the field, Michigan looks like a bunch of high school kids, there just not what they use to be, I guess not all programs can be as consistent as OSU.....
posted by gregy606 at 11:35 AM on March 06, 2006
hate to say i told ya so to everyone in sportsfilter, but i've been saying all year that the indians are one of the best, and most well rounded teams in baseball. And like i said the twins and whitesox were way overrated
posted by gregy606 at 01:53 PM on September 23, 2005
they better re-group for the next decade, if you've seen the young talent the indians have, the twins are gonna be outta the playoff picture for a while.
posted by gregy606 at 10:43 AM on September 10, 2005
how bout not.....
posted by gregy606 at 01:42 AM on September 09, 2005
chicago is just crying b/c they are playing like crap....period, if buehrle stuff was so great that night then it wouldnt matter what those hitters knew was coming...
posted by gregy606 at 12:20 AM on August 31, 2005
not just sizmore, the most impressive player i've seen come up this year is peralta, he really looks like a guessing he'll be moved over to third once boone's contract is up so they can bring phillips up.
posted by gregy606 at 01:32 AM on August 30, 2005
Man, I am just so glad we got him out of our clubhouse in Cleveland, he's nothing but a problem.
posted by gregy606 at 12:11 AM on August 24, 2005
Who cares
posted by gregy606 at 06:16 PM on August 23, 2005
yea i've heard about this, but what sites are speculating about this??
posted by gregy606 at 03:09 AM on August 19, 2005
If the glove was so near and dear to his heart he never would have thrown it. He knew as soon as the glove left his hand he'd have a hard time getting it back..... He's not a child who cant comprehend this kind of stuff. It's his fault, so anyone who feels bad for him is about as stupid as he was for throwing it in the first place.
posted by gregy606 at 04:01 PM on August 17, 2005
Guess what, the reason feller acts like a know it all is simply b/c he WAS the best at his craft. If i were the best at anything i sure as hell would be telling people about it. That being said feller is not a racist, he just got cornered by a braindead radio shockjock who felt like trying to make something out of nothing. This world has become so politically correct that we cant ever tell the truth, or voice an unbiased opinion anymore.
posted by gregy606 at 04:07 PM on August 13, 2005
You dont get into the hall for pitching a great game, or even a bunch of great games. You get in for having a great career.
posted by gregy606 at 02:37 PM on August 11, 2005
I'd like to see what he has to say just for the hell of it.
posted by gregy606 at 02:30 PM on August 11, 2005
Thats a joke, and whats really funny is that for the first time in his life selig is actually right about something.
posted by gregy606 at 04:49 PM on August 09, 2005
Dont even bother with grum, he loves defending bonds for some reason. As soon as i told him bonds admitted using steriods, i felt like i could feel a part of him dying. Who knew people could praise the guy who helped ruin baseball records forever. Thats why this is America's passtime, some people just cant understand. -in reguards to your response to "numbers dont lie"..... none of those other guys could score as many runs because they didnt cheat at the game..period. End of that story. Man I really struggle to see how people like this think they know anything about baseball when all they do is create a bunch of meaningless stats and fail to realize bonds was just a piece of fucking shit bastard who ruined the game forever. I'm gonna be so glad when he gets back and cant hit for shit b/c for the last ten years he's been destroying his body with drugs. Honestly i wish no one would ever pitch to him agian and just walk him, just to spite him so he'd never get his selfish ass another homerun.
posted by gregy606 at 12:07 AM on August 03, 2005
No its no possible grum if you heard donald fer made an announcement right after this all broke out saying that baseball would suspend any player found using STERIODS no matter there HOF status, or popularity, further proving that MLB's testing program works....yada yada yada basically the players union totally hung palmeiro out to dry.
posted by gregy606 at 12:39 AM on August 02, 2005
fox has consistently put together the worst baseball coverage ever, i want to blow my brains out every time i hear jon miller talk...
posted by gregy606 at 01:11 AM on July 29, 2005
I think this may be the stupidest topic as well as link, i've ever read on this site. why....because their is no question he's been a lock in the HOF for a while now. And to tell you the truth he didnt even need one strikeout to his credit to get their. He's got 300 wins, and is the best controll pitcher of his era...period. Where have you people been the last 15 years.....
posted by gregy606 at 01:23 PM on July 27, 2005
yea what devotion these fans have had for the last three months, I am killing myself over their 10 losses in there last 15 games.....WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!
posted by gregy606 at 05:48 PM on July 22, 2005
All I have to say to nationals fans is quit bitching....they don't even have a fan that isn't a newbie, so why the crying???
posted by gregy606 at 02:24 PM on July 22, 2005
......the story is dying
posted by gregy606 at 12:36 PM on July 19, 2005
......the story is dying
posted by gregy606 at 12:36 PM on July 19, 2005
agreed, when i go see a game, i want to see a pitcher's duel...
posted by gregy606 at 03:03 PM on July 18, 2005
you guys drive me crazy, no team should ever have to change there name. this world had become way too PC, and anybody that has a problem with offensive names need to just stay the hell away from the team, how about that...its not that tough of a concept, its sports, not an attempt to make certain races look bad. its just that 20 years ago nobody thought they could just sue anybody for what other people decide (name a team, whatever the fuck they want) to do. Also if you look back at the indians they named their team in honor of a native american player. Every time i hear someone in cleveland bitching i just laugh and tell them that, and they pretty much get left speechless cause the same people that are bitching about about these teams names, don't know anything about sports. these people have no place to bitch, just leave the sports community alone
posted by gregy606 at 02:27 AM on July 18, 2005
well if the AL is turning off pitches, then it must look real nice to hitters. but anyone who really wants to make the NL switch to the DH is about as stupid as selig coming up with interleague play.
posted by gregy606 at 11:43 PM on July 17, 2005
I think the story was pretty good, but what he doesn't realize is that any time a team gets good your gonna deal with bandwagon fans. In cleveland during the 90's it was a joke.
posted by gregy606 at 10:06 PM on July 16, 2005
The guy is a can't miss for the hall, but i understand peoples resentment for letting in a guy who probably used performance enhancing drugs.
posted by gregy606 at 01:25 PM on July 15, 2005
Trust me i've been to the skydome and your not missing a's a hideous park they tried to make nice with a retracktable roof. I think the biggest atraction at the park was the hard rock cafe, grum is absolutely right the jays game is more like nap time in kindergarden, than an actual fun sporting event....
posted by gregy606 at 01:49 AM on July 14, 2005
I think its just a way of him saying to kill bettman off....and I dont think that Chelios is really even smart enough to put it all together that he made an anti-semetic comment, just coincidence.
posted by gregy606 at 01:56 PM on July 12, 2005
"I think if they are going to make it 50 games, then the fans have a right to know if its just some substance they possibly took in a protien shake, or if the player is using a substance like the cream, or clear. Even though it doesn't sound right, I want to know how badly these guys are cheating, whether they're making themselves into musclebound freaks (like Bonds or Giambi) or whether these guys are MAYBE accidentally putting the wrong things in them."
posted by gregy606 at 01:42 PM on July 12, 2005
i just cant resist sometimes sry guys....
posted by gregy606 at 12:42 AM on July 12, 2005
"This thread has turned into an immature pissing contest." Well then I will follow uniform immature pissing contest rules and say CLEVELAND IS THE BEST SPORTS TOWN!!!
posted by gregy606 at 12:41 AM on July 12, 2005
I'd say wfrazerjr is right, if bonds wasnt caught up in this scandal, barry bonds cards would be skyrocketing in price considering most people expect him to break the home run record. Dont forget MLB had to abandon a giant campaign to plug bonds surpassing the record. And all of this clearly has a trickle down effect with the numerous other player suspected of using steriods, making any stats not credible. Cards from the 1970's aren't going to see this hit because the players from that era are not being accused of anything near so substancial as current players are.
posted by gregy606 at 12:21 AM on July 12, 2005
Yea thats a bunch of bullshit.... Its just another way selig has made it just a little easier to cheat.
posted by gregy606 at 02:10 PM on July 11, 2005
The midwest has the best sports towns period!!!
posted by gregy606 at 01:58 PM on July 11, 2005
I think if they are going to make it 50 games, then the fans have a right to know if its just some substance they possibly took in a protien shake, or if the player is using a substance like the cream, or clear. Even though it doesn't sound right, I want to know how badly these guys are cheating, whether they're making themselves into musclebound freaks (like Bonds or Giambi) or whether these guys are MAYBE accidentally putting the wrong things in them.
posted by gregy606 at 01:52 PM on July 11, 2005
All i know is bernie williams is not the answer intern....but i wish it was i'd love to see those sox start sinking.
posted by gregy606 at 04:35 PM on July 08, 2005
sorry HOE.OK we all know the white sox are going to the playoffs. what makes me happy is also that everyone knows they will lose in the first round. hopefully when the indians win the wildcard this year they'll make it to the second round.
posted by gregy606 at 04:20 PM on July 08, 2005
earlier in the season i remember schilling saying the chemistry is not there anymore with the sox, and i believe it.
posted by gregy606 at 03:24 PM on July 08, 2005
well honestly i hope radke's neck stays sore, and their middle infielders keep screwing up, because the indians are gonna make the push!!!!!
posted by gregy606 at 03:14 PM on July 08, 2005
this is what i like to see, too bad we couldn't get ray allen...
posted by gregy606 at 03:01 PM on July 08, 2005
good to see another clevelander showing some pride thanks for the post
posted by gregy606 at 03:45 AM on July 08, 2005
im sure she can strike michelle wie out, have you heard about the apple juice she's been drinking??
posted by gregy606 at 10:53 PM on July 07, 2005
yea someone dropped him in my fantasy league and i picked him up just before he got hot.
posted by gregy606 at 09:48 PM on July 07, 2005
Shit, fan. Fan, shit.
One more thing weedy, I guess you've smoked to much b/c I capitalized the fact that these were my OPINIONS, we'll just chalk this up to failure to recognize, or be able to read, because you blither on about how this is just my opinion, while i've already made that plain and simple for MOST of us to see. But again I really am looking forward to a challenge, hopefully not from a bunch of loser pothead children though...