Canseco Says The Sequel Is Coming: Just in case you havn't had enough steroid talk or having MLB's image tarnished , Jose has a second helping coming up . With promises that " it will be more revealing and informative than the original. "
posted by evil empire to baseball at 10:45 AM - 26 comments
He used 'roids heavily so he must have nuts the size of raisins by now . I'd doubt he would be too successful in porn . I picture him more as a pimp .
posted by evil empire at 10:58 AM on August 11, 2005
I can hardly wait for Juiced 2: Juice Harder...
posted by chris2sy at 11:03 AM on August 11, 2005
Meanwhile I'll take Canseco versus Palmeiro, Sosa, McGuire,etc. Which is really pathetic,but he's more believable than these losers.
posted by bostonbob9 at 11:39 AM on August 11, 2005
If I would have told you five years ago that Jose Canseco would now be more trusted and respected than Mark McGwire, you'd have said I was crazy. What a truly amazing soap opera this has become. How long until these guys (Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Palmiero, etc.) break down and just admit the truth instead of running from it like cowards. Will McGwire go to his grave living the lie? The truth is so painfully obvious that it just makes them look absolutely ridiculous to deny it. "Juiced 2: The Glutes of Hazard"
posted by mayerkyl at 12:08 PM on August 11, 2005
Didnt I hear Jose say that his second book would be called:"Vindicated".?????
posted by daddisamm at 12:57 PM on August 11, 2005
Haha, I love guys like Canseco with lots of charisma. So entertaining.
posted by charlatan at 01:12 PM on August 11, 2005
So what, he already spend all the money from the first book and talk shows? This guy needs to go away, far far away. If he thinks We are all that stupid to believe that he is doing this to better the game and stop the madness, them roids did more than shrink his balls.
posted by melcarek69 at 01:12 PM on August 11, 2005
no he has no balls, that's why he's doing this. Any one ever seen "a surreal life"? There's a reason they're called "HAS BEENS". At least it does'nt look like he perjured himself, then again he already knows what a jail cell looks like.
posted by volfire at 02:24 PM on August 11, 2005
I'd like to see what he has to say just for the hell of it.
posted by gregy606 at 02:30 PM on August 11, 2005
Hey i believed him from the beginning. Juiced 2- They even juiced my balls. SO round two should be one hell of a ride.
posted by Astroheat442 at 03:14 PM on August 11, 2005
It sucks that this didn't happen in 2000 or so, because then he could have set up a hilarious webring and cleverly called it "Steroids Ate My Balls." A poignant loss for all of us.
posted by Skot at 03:17 PM on August 11, 2005
Everyone's so angry about steroids in baseball and all the horrible cheaters, yet it was largely due to Canseco's book that the game is finally doing SOMETHING (not enough yet) about the problem. Until this, baseball was trying to look the other way (Tony LaRussa) and pretend it didn't exist. Yes, Canseco is a shameless self-promoter, but his book did sell an awful lot of copies. It only stands to reason he'd try to write another one. People need to make up their mind what's worse: Jose Canseco, or the bigger problem the sport had in general. If Jose's book helped clean up the sport in the long run, I'm all for it.
posted by dyams at 04:44 PM on August 11, 2005
I'm not as upset about steroids as it seems some posters are. Some ballplayers have been doing things to "get an edge" since baseball started. It was never a pure sport. It's easy to put down McGwire, but where did he perjure himself? He kept his drugs in full view of reporters in his locker. He didn't tell the congressional committee he didn't take steroids. Canseco is, was, and will always be an opportunist and a liar. And if you believe that taking steroids is cheating than he also is a cheat. I'll stand in the middle of the mound at Cominsky and tell you a single truth -- "Baseball will never be pure. It will never be clean." But you'll drink a beer and blame the players for the mess baseball is in. If you want to fix the sport then get rid of the Loria's and the other owners who screw the fans. Move the fences back to 400 feet minimums and bring back single price doubleheaders.
posted by ?! at 05:46 PM on August 11, 2005
Canseco is, was, and will always be an opportunist and a liar. Canseco is a jerk, but he never claimed he couldn't speak English nor waved his finger in the face of Congress and self-righteously perjured himself insisting he never had sex with that steroid syringe, Miss Stanazonol. Compared to the likes of Sammy Sosa and Rafael Palmeiro, he's a paragon of truth. "Based on today's testimony," Canseco mocked in March, "sounds like I'm the only one who ever used steroids in baseball." Who's telling the truth? I'll back a wager on Jose Canseco.
posted by the red terror at 06:18 PM on August 11, 2005
Which truth? That he used? I'd believe that. Or do we believe when he vehemently denied using steroids? Do we believe that he "often" injected McGwire? Or that he injected McGwire "maybe twice"? Do we believe when he wrote that Palmeiro used? Do we believe when claims there is a conspiracy against Palmeiro? Just because you don't believe Sosa or Palmeiro doesn't make Canseco the paragon of truth.
posted by ?! at 09:47 PM on August 11, 2005
Who of you didn't know five years ago in the great home run race that Mac and Sosa were juiced? Really? Now everybody is soooo righteous about it. Fans collectively ignored it when they knew damn well what was up. This is just what baseball has become, so who is to blame? Who created the monster? Fans ate it up for all those years all the way through Bonds, jumping into the friggin' San Fran Bay and everything else and now just shake heads and act appalled. Gimme a break, self-righteous wankers.
posted by shmoobocko at 01:47 AM on August 12, 2005
Fans collectively ignored it when they knew damn well what was up. Absolutely, well put. All people are doing now is looking for a scapegoat. Fans chose to ignore it and baseball definitely chose to ignore it. Just because Canseco comes out and says some of this stuff, he's trying to bring the game down? The game should be overseeing itself! Fans and baseball itself need to get their collective heads out of the sand.
posted by dyams at 06:32 AM on August 12, 2005
Again, for those that can't grasp the obvious: "Based on today's testimony, sounds like I'm the only one who ever used steroids in baseball." Jose Canseco was the only one to go before a Congressional hearing, take an oath to tell the truth and admit steroid use. Vilify him if you must, but he's pulled the curtain back and exposed not only steroid cheats, but that many of your heroes are liars and perjurers as well. If those are the heroes you must defend -- or you feel obliged to do anything to solidify and/or recover your multi-thousand-dollar investments in Mark McGwire autographed home-run balls -- amuse yourself and keep on shilling. Just don't be surprised that others are no longer buying. Many baseball fans wanted to believe Canseco was b.s.-ing, and many still do. Canseco offends their values and beliefs. But as the months pass, the echoes of Canseco's bombshells grow louder and louder, and fans are going to have to put the Tooth Fairy to bed and wake up to reality.
posted by the red terror at 07:29 AM on August 12, 2005
Just because Canseco is clearly an A-grade asshole, doesn't mean he didn't do the game a great service by airing the league's dirty laundry. Now it's become a circus, but we're heading down the right track.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:15 AM on August 12, 2005
You're right. Canseco finally did admit he used steroids after years of saying he did not. (Read: liar) All it took was some cash in the form of book sales to get him to finally tell the truth. (That and a need to get back in the public eye.) He wrote a book to answer a question that no one was asking anymore...because everyone knew the answer already. Except for a few chowderheads in the US government. For those who can't grasp the obvious: Steroids didn't kill baseball. It didn't even wound it. Ballplayers have been trying to find an edge since the game started. There will be other such "scandals" in the future. And if you make ballplayers or other such entertainers your "heroes" you have low standards.
posted by ?! at 11:53 PM on August 13, 2005
Ballplayers have been trying to find an edge since the game started. That's true ... it all started with Wheaties (the breakfast of champions) . Such great players as Jimmie Foxx , Lou Gehrig , Dizzy Dean , Mel Ott , Bob Feller , Lefty Gomez , Carl Hubbell , Lefty Grove , Johny Mize and Charlie Gehringer all endorsed Wheaties way back in the 1930's . HMMM ... I think an investigation is in order to figure out any connection between the cereal and the added boost given to these HOF players .
posted by evil empire at 07:50 AM on August 14, 2005
HMMM ... I think an investigation is in order to figure out any connection between the cereal and the added boost given to these HOF players . And there you have it, a perfect example of the sort of silly conclusion that comes from the sloppy language that people use in this whole debate. Gee, evil empire you old soviet holdout you, why do you think it is that baseball doesn't ban cereal, and tomatoes, and eggs over easy? Could it be, oh, maybe, because those things don't hurt anyone???
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:58 AM on August 14, 2005
Omg lbl , you can't tell a joke when you hear it . Humor , have you ever heard of it or is that stick planted so firmly up your ass that your about to explode . Lighten up , you follow me around in here taking exception to everything I say , you need a new hobby cause that's getting old fast . If you look closely I responded to " trying to find an edge " not juicing up . I really do know wheaties doesn't contain steroids , which had NOTHING to do with my joke . Should we all tell you when it's a joke so you can laugh along too ? I realize there's no laugh tracks like on tv to tell you when something is funny .
posted by evil empire at 09:19 AM on August 14, 2005
Oh yeah lbl , hope I didn't break your irony meter again , because I certainly don't wanna do that .
posted by evil empire at 10:10 AM on August 14, 2005
Who's lbl?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 04:05 PM on August 14, 2005
Ah, yes, but when will he enter the porn world?