Hafner AL player of the month: I just had to get one of my favorite guys some face time for winning player of the month, seeing that he's been carrying his team for a month now.
shea hillenbrand as the reserve DH is a joke when you look at hafners numbers, but your absolutely right he got hot just a little too late.
posted by gregy606 at 03:28 PM on July 07, 2005
Hafner will go to many All Star games in the Future. The Kid is a stud. Is also from the hinderlands of North Dakota.
posted by daddisamm at 04:05 PM on July 07, 2005
Finally justifying my drafting him in an early round. Not that anyone remembers. Also, what goes on in the Hinterlands? Hafner looks like he's half Orc.
posted by yerfatma at 04:19 PM on July 07, 2005
Lots of farming and other such stuff
posted by daddisamm at 04:41 PM on July 07, 2005
yea someone dropped him in my fantasy league and i picked him up just before he got hot.
posted by gregy606 at 09:48 PM on July 07, 2005
he maybe of just got hot this month but i believe he got snubbed especially when scott rolen gets in for only playing like 30 games this season
posted by frontboski at 12:12 AM on July 08, 2005
but i will say congrats to travis im from cleveland and a die hard indians fan finally something to cheer about
posted by frontboski at 12:17 AM on July 08, 2005
good to see another clevelander showing some pride thanks for the post
posted by gregy606 at 03:45 AM on July 08, 2005
White Sox
posted by HOE.O.K. at 11:53 AM on July 08, 2005
Somebody make it stop. Please.
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:44 PM on July 08, 2005
sorry HOE.OK we all know the white sox are going to the playoffs. what makes me happy is also that everyone knows they will lose in the first round. hopefully when the indians win the wildcard this year they'll make it to the second round.
posted by gregy606 at 04:20 PM on July 08, 2005
Indians aint going to the playoffs unless they win the division. Which means they aint going!
posted by daddisamm at 07:10 PM on July 08, 2005
the tribe will go to the playoffs and it will be by wild card
posted by frontboski at 02:04 PM on July 09, 2005
We'll see, should be a fun second half
posted by daddisamm at 05:55 PM on July 09, 2005
People will look back on this as a huge All-Star snub. But I mean the guy got just red hot in the last two weeks, when most of the player votes, fan votes et al were already in. Helluva hitter though. Good OBP. Ha!