ny, I can tell by your comments that you are a professional writer. (No offense intended to the other commenters on this board). Do you have a link to something you've written?
posted by tommysands at 08:04 PM on August 20, 2005
That didn't work either but thanks anyway.
posted by tommysands at 06:25 PM on August 20, 2005
Thanks, hotchie, but it requires registration. Nicer when it doesn't.
posted by tommysands at 04:56 PM on August 20, 2005
Maybe the internet is closed fatma, you never hear of the outernet? Ha
posted by tommysands at 04:54 PM on August 20, 2005
ny, wow, 9 kids! Congratulations! How do you ever find time to watch any baseball?
posted by tommysands at 02:28 PM on August 20, 2005
Being a fan these days (rather than eating crisps in front of football on the telly) means being raped up the arse every weekend. eta, I love the way you guys talk. -:) /just sayin
posted by tommysands at 11:58 AM on August 20, 2005
If we make it to Saturday and those names aren't mentioned as being suspended, a whole lotta web sites are going to look foolish. It's Saturday and I haven't hear those names mentioned. Are we feeling foolish yet?
posted by tommysands at 11:55 AM on August 20, 2005
Hey daddi, I can't open your link. I keep getting "page can't be opened" type error. Is it just me? (Which is possible)
posted by tommysands at 11:52 AM on August 20, 2005
Hey daddi, isn't it nice for a change to have a topic which is not controversial and where there probably won't be any threats and name calling in the comments (if there are any)?
posted by tommysands at 11:44 AM on August 20, 2005
when you've supported a shite team who said football was shite I love this thread. Better to get it on here than in the streets. BTW what's a shite ?
posted by tommysands at 06:57 PM on August 19, 2005
I really have no idea what I'm doing. Congrats, pup, you finally did it. Turns out to be a rather interesting link.
posted by tommysands at 04:09 PM on August 19, 2005
I don't care what any of you say, this thread contains some of the funniest comments I've read here. I particularly like the fart and booger ones. Big time LOL.
posted by tommysands at 01:19 PM on August 19, 2005
Wow, such poetry, fatma. I kneel before thee...
posted by tommysands at 09:02 PM on August 18, 2005
silverpie, thanks much for the info.
posted by tommysands at 08:37 PM on August 18, 2005
Best definition of a football fan I've ever seen! I particularly like the "unrequited" part. Admin, Is there a "Best Def" award?
posted by tommysands at 08:36 PM on August 18, 2005
thank you chubboboob Web_Spellspoof Admin, Admin, they're trying to take my job away from me. I thought I was the official Snicker Nicker Picker. Tell them they have to check with me first...please. /just askin
posted by tommysands at 08:33 PM on August 18, 2005
and i'd challenge pigskin fans to try and watch a game sober, with no knowledge of the game, and see how exciting it is. garf, I do have some knowledge of soccer having been a ref for 5 years and I still think watching is little fun. (One good thing about soccer is that there are relatively few rules) "Hey bubba, what they doing now?" "They're running down the field trying to kick the ball into the goal" "Hey bubba, why they running down the other end now". "They're trying to kick the ball into the other goal". Hey bubba, do they ever kick the ball into the goal? "Hardly ever" "Hey bubba, when is this thing over?" "In 90 minutes, sometimes." "Why sometimes, bubba?" "Because sometimes it lasts longer" "Oh, OK" "Let's get a beer, bubba" "Can't. They don't sell it"
posted by tommysands at 07:15 PM on August 18, 2005
jonsey, don't be too quick to beat up on triple X. OK so he thinks a match is 60 minutes long but he didn't say that they "sell booze at stadiums"; he said go to a match, drink no alcohol . I never played soccer but did ref for 5 years when my son played AYSO. For me, playing and refing was fun. But I've never been into watching. And compared to american football, I'd agree with triple X that am ft ball is more exciting, for me. /just sayin
posted by tommysands at 05:15 PM on August 18, 2005
I'm reading "Cricket for Novices" on the link provided by silver and find it fasinating. My question: does anyone know of any cricket that's played in southern California? I'd love to see a match.
posted by tommysands at 04:45 PM on August 18, 2005
What is a huttle? Where we resolve any muttles the kinfolk have. fatma give me big laugh, again.
posted by tommysands at 04:26 PM on August 18, 2005
what 9399 said
posted by tommysands at 02:56 PM on August 18, 2005
Their "strike zone" is a joke, every ump has a different one That's a little different. The strike zone is relatively simple. It's the umps who choose to call it differently.
posted by tommysands at 01:35 PM on August 18, 2005
9399, I'm not objecting to the way the rules in the NFL are written. My concern is how the officials and aveage fans can understand them and how the part time officials can spot them and accuracy call an infraction. I spoke with a NFL Back Judge one time who told me the most difficult thing he had to do was remember the constantly changing rule on pass interference. A contrasting sport is baseball where the rules are relatively simple and do not change all the time and the umpires are full time employees of MLB.
posted by tommysands at 10:51 AM on August 18, 2005
It is essentially the same rule with a clearer definition or a steeper penalty, nothing the average fan shouldnt be incapable of understanding or worried about. I had to read the following example several times and I still don't fully understand it: "An offensive player who is aligned in the tackle box at the snap and moves to a position outside the box cannot initiate contact on the side and below the waist of an opponent if the player is moving back toward the direction of his own end line. If the near shoulder of the blocker contacts the front of his opponent's body, the "peel back" block is legal."
posted by tommysands at 09:58 AM on August 18, 2005
Livan's intentions are what is important. To abandon property, the owner has to relinquish with the intent to abandon or terminate ownership. However, if Livan sent staff to get the glove, then did he intend to terminate his ownership of the glove? perkie, I like your thinking but...(there's always a "but"): if, as you say, Livan's intention is what the matter will turn on, then we must look to his conduct to determine his intent. I say that Livan voluntarily threw the glove into the stands, no one forced him to do it. That he later sent staff to retrieve the glove is after the fact and does not go to his intention at the time he threw the glove into the stands. Ruling in favor of the fan. Next case...
posted by tommysands at 05:02 PM on August 17, 2005
I'm going to pull a Tammy here: maybe I'm stupid, but Hey bertie, put a lid on it...and while you're at it, why don't you learn how to type bigger, huh?
posted by tommysands at 01:46 PM on August 17, 2005
dyams, I hear your cry, feel your pain and see your point. BTW, I'm having a hard time figuring out an abridgement for your nick, but I'll keep trying.
posted by tommysands at 10:42 AM on August 17, 2005
what squealy said.
posted by tommysands at 10:06 AM on August 17, 2005
dyams, I disagree. Any object that goes into the stands whether it's a ball, bat or glove, becomes public property and if a fan is lucky enough to snair it, the object is lawfully his (hers). So if a player is dumb enough to throw a glove into the stands, he should expect to negotiate in order to secure its return.
posted by tommysands at 10:03 AM on August 17, 2005
All this talk about TO is getting old. And as usual, the sports media can’t seem to disengage from its feeding frenzy. Last night I turned on ESPN hoping to see a football game between the Steelers and Eagles and all I got was incessant blather from the 3 talking heads about TO this and TO that with a little HJ Heinz thrown in. Oh, they did deviate from that at times to pass on mega boring trivia crap stories about Donovan McNabb’s third cousin’s uncle’s playing time at South Eastern North Dakota. (I made that last part up.) Suzy Q also contributed by sticking her mike under the nose of almost every player on either sideline even though they couldn’t speak in complete sentences. When will they learn that some of us actually want to watch the game?
posted by tommysands at 08:34 AM on August 16, 2005
Let's hear it for our troops fighting for our freedom who help make it possible for us to enjoy our way of life including participation on this board. I should have known that my comment would touch off a debate about the war in Iraq. My bad but that was not my intention. Regardless of one’s opinion about the war, we should all support our troops. This thread started out as a golf story. Let’s get back to discussing sports.
posted by tommysands at 08:03 AM on August 16, 2005
Let's hear it for our troops fighting for our freedom who help make it possible for us to enjoy our way of life including participation on this board.
posted by tommysands at 11:06 PM on August 15, 2005
Here you go. Silver, thanks much for the link. That's why I love this board.
posted by tommysands at 06:16 PM on August 15, 2005
OK, I was able to open the link when I just now tried it. However, I still don't understand what you or the article is saying. Can you point me to a link that will explain in simple terms the rules of cricket so even someone as thick as me can understand the basics?
posted by tommysands at 02:51 PM on August 15, 2005
sweatiepie, would you please speak English. -:) I couldn't open your link. Maybe it was just me.
posted by tommysands at 01:15 PM on August 15, 2005
Suzy's hot, hot, hot. I'm with Broadway Joe, I'd love to kiss her too.
posted by tommysands at 11:40 AM on August 15, 2005
I don't know much (anything) about racing but wasn't there a girl (sorry, woman) who was seriously in contention. Or was that some other race?
posted by tommysands at 01:10 AM on August 15, 2005
I'm sorry, daddy, but like Beano said about TO, Rodman is not a story in Iowa, North Dakota or Wyoming. Hell, I don't live very far from where he lives sometime, and it ain't even a story here.
posted by tommysands at 12:56 AM on August 15, 2005
chico gives good LOL.
posted by tommysands at 02:54 PM on August 14, 2005
Oh, I got it... it's about the wolf? Am I right batty?
posted by tommysands at 12:52 PM on August 14, 2005
Uh, sandy, if I say, "A wolf invited a chicken and a duck to dinner," it's not about the duck. But feel free to think so, sandy. OK, batty, I give. What's it about then? The duck or the chicken? This is why I love this board. We're all a little crazy! -:)
posted by tommysands at 12:34 PM on August 14, 2005
tina, I was just joking too. You probably got more sage than most of the old farts that hang around here.
posted by tommysands at 12:22 AM on August 14, 2005
Uh, this thread's really not about TO so much, tommy. But I guess you had to be there. Uh, batty, TO is 1/3 of the subjects being discussed here. Check out nemo's comment at the top of this thread. Also look below your comment. Tina got it. (Ha)
posted by tommysands at 09:33 PM on August 13, 2005
Here's my bottom line on this issue: 1. OJ was acquitted in a criminal trial. He was found "not guilty". 2. We all have our opinions, some of them well founded, but we'll probably never know for sure if he did it. 3. Mostly, Bensinger did a good job with the interview keeping in mind he's only 18 years old! AND; I also offer my congrats to Bensinger, that’s awesome to see someone strike out so young. tina, you can be as good as Bensinger if you only listen to the wisdom of the sages on this board.
posted by tommysands at 09:28 PM on August 13, 2005
Hey folks, Beano Cook said it best today on ESPN radio. TO is not a story in Iowa or Wyoming or even North Dakota. To is not a story anywhere except Philadelphia. So why are we beating this dead horse to death, to death, to death?
posted by tommysands at 08:12 PM on August 13, 2005
"Ill gotten luca", You said it right. I assume your question is rhetorical but if it's not I'd answer the part of your two part question which comes after the penultimate part in the negative.
posted by tommysands at 05:28 PM on August 13, 2005
OK, rcade. I can agree that all of your points are compelling and persuasive except one: A civil jury found him responsible for the murders As you know, civil juries are generally held to a lower standard of proof and they frequently are more persuaded by emotion than facts which, in my opinion, was the case with OJ's civil jury.
posted by tommysands at 12:26 PM on August 13, 2005
fatma, I generally agree with you but we (I) don't know for sure that tina is "a bit younger". And, even so, I'd vote for continuing to allow the "young" their passion and enthusiasm. Hell, even though I'm long past that stage, I still love to watch it in action.
posted by tommysands at 12:08 PM on August 13, 2005
but a life-long Steelers fan Hey, terp, you're now my friend for life and maybe beyond.
posted by tommysands at 12:01 PM on August 13, 2005
.Or maybe, just maybe, he was innocent. Very well put set of comments, williefrazer. I couldn't have said it better myself. One minor distinction, however. Maybe, as you say, he was innocent. I'll go with what the court said: "not guilty".
posted by tommysands at 11:59 AM on August 13, 2005
The Ravens or the Raiders are more likely to sign him. They like thugs. He'll fit in well with Ray "What Murder?" Lewis and Jamal "Coke Dealer" Lewis. Hey terp, I thought youns were a Ravens homer. Why youns sayin bad things about them?
posted by tommysands at 06:52 AM on August 13, 2005
I think weedy wrote those Cheech and Chong movies. Wow, what an active fantasy life. Actually a very creative and funny post.
posted by tommysands at 06:42 AM on August 13, 2005
he caught the first game and pitched a shutout in the second game Are you kidding me? Today’s starters rarely go more than 6 or 7 and relievers need 2 days rest after pitching one. What happened? The game isn’t that much different than in Radcliffe’s days? Oh, I know what happened...the players are paid and pampered; a far cry from the “old days” when the “National Pass Time” got its name.
posted by tommysands at 12:33 AM on August 13, 2005
OK, folks, no more kool aid tonight.
posted by tommysands at 10:47 PM on August 12, 2005
INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA? Good catch, kodi. Maybe we should change the name of that city and state too?
posted by tommysands at 09:43 PM on August 12, 2005
I can't believe you are making me prove it! I didn't doubt you for an minute, perki. Thanks for a interesting link. BTW, since the Style Guide is from Colorodo, one can't be too careful...
posted by tommysands at 06:24 PM on August 12, 2005
Newsflash: It’s been narrowly reported that MJ and RP (Ross Perot for short) held a clandestine meeting last week on MJ’s island. They are secretly considering coming back as a twofer. Gosh gee, with their combined assets, they could buy the White House and all the teams in the NBA and still have something left over for a pair of tennis shoes. ☺☺☻ (Those 3 squares are supposed to be smilie faces, but it didn't work. -:) )
posted by tommysands at 04:05 PM on August 12, 2005
Hey Weedy, quit picking on MJ. He may come out of retirement some day. Mark my words. Oh, I just got it. If you transpose your nick, everything becomes clear, or unclear.
posted by tommysands at 03:47 PM on August 12, 2005
Stiking Out With My Son
ny, yes, I'd love the links and it's nice to 'meet' you too. Let me know when the book comes out so we can make sure the folks on this board are aware of it.