Rush Limbaugh: Group Therapist.: Rush has offered to mediate a peace accord between Donovan McNabb and Terrell Owens.
On his show of course. It would certainly put some closure on several issues amongst the parties involved. ;P
"They may not want to talk to each other face-to-face, but perhaps they would join me on this program and speak to each other telephonically via this program and settle this.''We will have to settle on hashing out this dispute telephonically for now because the invention I'm working on that transmits brainwaves to other people isn't finished yet. I haven't figured out how to cram a receiver into a beer helmet yet. But once its done we could totally speak to each other menta-phonically. It works though. I swear! Me and Brian, the intern who buys my drugs, totally used it after we got drunk off our ass at a Phish concert. w00k!!
posted by lilnemo at 05:07 PM on August 13, 2005
Does this mean the circle is finally complete? I'm SO confused. Why would McNabb ever go on Rush's show?
posted by insomnyuk at 05:25 PM on August 13, 2005
My brain hurts too, trying to comprehend how this could possibly ever come to happen. Terrell Owens would go on WKKK's White News Tonight if there's a camera and a microphone for him to talk into, but McNabb has already said his piece, and frankly I get the feeling McNabb considers the matter closed to public comment. I can't see Donovan McNabb continuing to feed the fetishes of two attention whores when yesterday he explicitly told one of them to stop talking about him, and the other one has already dined out on his dime with the race card last year. This redefines ludicrous. To even say it's not going to happen gives it a credibility I don't think it deserves.
posted by chicobangs at 05:52 PM on August 13, 2005
I hope everyone give him the big middle finger. Don't go away mad just go away.
posted by volfire at 06:18 PM on August 13, 2005
Hey folks, Beano Cook said it best today on ESPN radio. TO is not a story in Iowa or Wyoming or even North Dakota. To is not a story anywhere except Philadelphia. So why are we beating this dead horse to death, to death, to death?
posted by tommysands at 08:12 PM on August 13, 2005
Uh, this thread's really not about TO so much, tommy. But I guess you had to be there.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 08:26 PM on August 13, 2005
This whole situation with T.O. is ridiculous, now Rush wants to get in on it? Yes it seems the cycle has come full circle and turned into a freak show.
posted by tina at 09:00 PM on August 13, 2005
Uh, this thread's really not about TO so much, tommy. But I guess you had to be there. Uh, batty, TO is 1/3 of the subjects being discussed here. Check out nemo's comment at the top of this thread. Also look below your comment. Tina got it. (Ha)
posted by tommysands at 09:33 PM on August 13, 2005
Why would McNabb ever go on Rush's show? For the free drugs, silly!
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:26 PM on August 13, 2005
This whole TO thing is turning into someting really stupid and silly. I wish that everybody would stop talking to and about TO until this is settled-one way or another......
posted by daddisamm at 11:57 PM on August 13, 2005
The sad thing here is rush rimjob 2 years ago would never mention these 2 names, let alone invite them to his show. How dumb can this guy be. If this is not an example of attempting to stir the pot, i don't know what is.I think his true desire is to put those 2 in a cage and have only 1 come out alive. For what its worth, I'd like to see rush rimjob be reduced to a match on celebrity boxing. His opponent, William the refrigerator Perry.If nothing else, I'm sure he could get some Oxycontin(from 3 different doctors) due to the pain that would be inflicted upon him.Then he could invite rite-aid,eckerd, and happy harrys' to is show and try to convince them to merge, so he could fill all 3 illegally photo-copied prescriptions at 1 convenient location. There's nothing worse than someone trying to prosper from someone Else's trouble.
posted by lluca brazii at 04:06 AM on August 14, 2005
I hope everyone give him the big middle finger. I do this everytime I accidentally hear Rush on the radio. But, it's radio, so he never sees it.
posted by scully at 07:24 AM on August 14, 2005
Uh, batty, TO is 1/3 of the subjects being discussed here. Uh, sandy, if I say, "A wolf invited a chicken and a duck to dinner," it's not about the duck. But feel free to think so, sandy.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 07:53 AM on August 14, 2005
You know everybody and their dead dog has wieghed in with a comment and/or solution to the whole TO/Eagles mess. I have read and heard ones that are more upsetting than Rush's. Limbaugh comments and 'invites" people to his show all of the time-Its a big deal because of his statemtents two years ago about McNabb. enough As I have said before, I wish everybody would shut up about TO. Its become a story of making sound bites be the story. Wake me when its over!
posted by daddisamm at 07:56 AM on August 14, 2005
Can't you just hear Rush Lamehole now , " come on in boy's and let's all take a major chill pill , I just happen to have some from my own private stash handy ."
posted by evil empire at 08:26 AM on August 14, 2005
I don't like Limbaugh, but if this was a serious offer rather than a gag, I feel a little sorry for him. This is pathetic. He doesn't seem to realize how many current and former black athletes were angry about his comments about McNabb on ESPN. Tom Jackson took a lot of shit for not confronting him on the air, which was reportedly a big reason he pressured the network to fire Limbaugh. The idea that McNabb and Owens would go on his radio show is laughable.
posted by rcade at 09:41 AM on August 14, 2005
So, does Rush have any experience in divorce mediation?
posted by chris2sy at 10:30 AM on August 14, 2005
Well, he's been through three of them himself.
posted by chicobangs at 11:05 AM on August 14, 2005
I love T.O. but it would be very dissappointing to see him go down to that level of ingnorance. Or are we too late?
posted by Dragon at 12:29 PM on August 14, 2005
Uh, sandy, if I say, "A wolf invited a chicken and a duck to dinner," it's not about the duck. But feel free to think so, sandy. OK, batty, I give. What's it about then? The duck or the chicken? This is why I love this board. We're all a little crazy! -:)
posted by tommysands at 12:34 PM on August 14, 2005
Oh, I got it... it's about the wolf? Am I right batty?
posted by tommysands at 12:52 PM on August 14, 2005
Yes, tommy. You are right batty. (Sorry. I couldn't let that one pass.)
posted by chicobangs at 01:20 PM on August 14, 2005
chico gives good LOL.
posted by tommysands at 02:54 PM on August 14, 2005
There's the homoeroticism I was looking for.
posted by yerfatma at 09:31 PM on August 14, 2005
Unless Campbell's is making a Chunky soup called Vicodin Chowder or Cream O'Oxycontin, McNabb hasn't got a reason in hell to visit Rush. Same goes for Mom McNabb and her delicious soup. The only way this whole situation could get any better is if the Limbaugh three-way did occur and you had Rush trying to explain to his audience that although TO is good, Don Bebe, overlooked as a white receiver, was really the best of all time.
posted by gradys_kitchen at 10:17 AM on August 15, 2005
Here's a piece of useless info .... that's not Donovan's real mom in the commercials , just an actress .
posted by evil empire at 11:05 AM on August 15, 2005
Don Bebe, overlooked as a white receiver, was really the best of all time. Sorry, but I gotta go with Tom Waddell, in a tight win over Steve Largent, for that title.
posted by yerfatma at 11:16 AM on August 15, 2005
WHAT!!?? I feel so betrayed....................
posted by tina at 01:26 PM on August 15, 2005
What? No votes for Tim Dwight?!
posted by lilnemo at 01:41 PM on August 15, 2005
To get even more useless, Donovan's mom actually has appeared in several Chunky Soup commercials. At the beginning of the ad campaign, they used an actress, but then his real mom wanted a piece of the, soup.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:00 PM on August 15, 2005
Rush trying to explain to his audience that although TO is good, Don Bebe, overlooked as a white receiver, was really the best of all time. Rush is probably more of a Jimmy Cefalo fan.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 04:02 PM on August 15, 2005
I'd think Rush would be old school , Raymond Berry maybe ?
posted by evil empire at 04:12 PM on August 15, 2005
Goddammit. Another broken irony meter.