how will the game look when the street (Jay-Z, Usher) tries to appeal to the old white guy? Old, young, white or whatever. Appeal only has one color in business, green! Stern knows who pays his salary and keeps the jersey's flying off the rack. I can assure you it's not old white guy's. I think the NBA is more diverse than ever. It's a great league and will continue to find ways to appeal to everyone. Do you think 12 - 15 shots of Eva Longoria court side is just the work of a good cameraman? Someone with an office is responsible for that.
posted by PGHTOS at 07:28 PM on May 17, 2007
Let's please keep in mind that we don't know if McNair was intoxicated I know when I hang out with my friends who are drinking, even though I dont drink, I would hand them the keys to my big expensive vehicle with no problem. If you are with someone who is drinking and your not WHY WOULD YOU LET THEM DRIVE? yay you must be an Eagles fan!
posted by PGHTOS at 07:20 PM on May 10, 2007
I... uhhh.... I can't even begin to comment on how stupid that whole statement was. This is the main reason athletes and stars travel with an entourage, if they're going out to have a good time and the shit hits the fan one of their cronies takes the fall for them. Come on terrapin, this isnt breaking news. Forget the goody goody bull. This happens all the time, people trying to protect celebrity friends is no big deal!
posted by PGHTOS at 07:01 PM on May 10, 2007
This was a brilliant move if it wasnt for that stupid law. Who ever this guy is doesnt have as much to lose as Mcnair. Im sure Mcnair knew they were both drunk he just allowed his buddy to take the risk for him. It just so happens they both got charged.
posted by PGHTOS at 05:56 PM on May 10, 2007
Very good yes! The best? Only time will tell. I'm still not sold on Grossman.
posted by PGHTOS at 08:30 PM on October 03, 2006
Oh gosh say it aint so! What is with people coming out of retirement? He's old, he's rich he was once the best. Go fishing please! What good can come of this?
posted by PGHTOS at 01:01 AM on July 01, 2006
he has any legitimate legacy it's that athletes are not invincible. Good stuff weedy. I admit I have never heard of Bias before, I think I may have been in 4th grade when this happened. But the story is far to common and familiar. I am a juvenil probation counselor and watching young people waste their lives is sad. I had a kid on my numbers a few years ago, 16 years old and could jump like no one I ever seen, not even on TV. He was about 6'2 and a good athlete. I bet him 20$ that he couldnt jump over my car(Honda Civic) and I lost. He was shot during a drug deal about six months later. Young people aren't supposed to die, every time a young person dies it is tragic.
posted by PGHTOS at 05:15 PM on June 19, 2006
I don't think there's anything amazing about it I didnt mean the story was amazing. I meant the fact that there are hardly any post about it is a amazing. Because it was NCAA's great white hope this past year and now he lost is clear cut image people want the story to go away..
posted by PGHTOS at 11:34 PM on June 13, 2006
I think this is amazing. No one wants to talk about this, if this was Lebron this thread would be full of people smearing him. Why does race play such a big part of how we judge people?
posted by PGHTOS at 09:00 PM on June 13, 2006
Unreal, if this was Marcus Vick, Doc Gooden, or Barry Bonds, it would be Great point Bishop, its amazing what a racial bias the media has. If this story was about Bonds or T.O. oh,my it would have shadowed the Ben story. In my opinion this is worse than anything TO has ever done. Sure he's an asshole but at least he's a law bidding asshole. I understand young people make mistakes I just wish those same mistakes were judged equally and reported equally.
posted by PGHTOS at 04:59 PM on June 13, 2006
And, finally, if he lost his teeth, he'll fit right in in Pittssburgh. I think you might be confusing Pittsburgh with some country hick town. There are lots of beautifull people in Pittsburgh and most of them have lots of teeth. As for Ben, being a Steeler fan I am very concerned for Ben's health but being a commpasionate person I am even more concerned regarding the quality of his life after the extent of these head injuries reveal them selves. Football is very entertaining but it is not everything. God speed to your recovery Big Ben!
posted by PGHTOS at 05:49 PM on June 12, 2006
For all of you who will say that 6th is a great finish, second place is the first loser. I dont think I ever heard such a glass half empty, load of crap before. To come in sixth place out of over 150 players I'd say was very good for any golfer not to mention a 16 yearl old girl. Do you suggest if your not winning at something everytime that you should just quit? If winning anything were that easy, what joy would there be in it?
posted by PGHTOS at 08:36 PM on June 11, 2006
Would another minority please do something wrong so the mainstream media will have something else to talk about. Thanx Bishop that was the funniest thing I heard all week. So true!
posted by PGHTOS at 09:07 AM on June 10, 2006
This country is in the tank. This country is great, people like you are part of the problem not the solution. I am so tired of Bonds I dont care if he holds a press conference and admits to taking steriods while digging Hofas grave and rubbing clear cream all over Sosa.
posted by PGHTOS at 12:14 AM on June 10, 2006
The whole game is just bogus anymore. The commish and the owners say one thing but mean another. If this thing ever comes to the clear and the feds start giving names there will be so many * the books will look like a constellation.
posted by PGHTOS at 10:27 PM on June 09, 2006
Lets face it guys chances are most major league players that have been or are a house hold name, have probably dabbled in some type of enhancement. I am to the point were it just doesn't matter to me any more. Let them all do it and see who wins. There adults the know the risks.
posted by PGHTOS at 11:02 AM on June 09, 2006
I dont know, I like the Mavs and really hope Dirk gets a ring. I think Riley may have those guys a little to focused to lose now. I say Heat in 6.
posted by PGHTOS at 05:17 PM on June 08, 2006
Not a real big soccer fan but the last time I said something negative about the world cup on spofi I got chewed out by everyone and thier mother. Being fairly new to spofi I found that alot of you know what your talking about and even though I dont always spell words right or use caps like some people like (TBH) I am a very smart guy. So, if the majority of you say world cup is good and worth watching I will watch. Besides nothing goes better with beer than sports!
posted by PGHTOS at 05:13 PM on June 08, 2006
Wow I mean difference not defense. I dont know what is wrong with me sometimes. GO STEELERS!
posted by PGHTOS at 09:07 PM on June 07, 2006
Mcnair was very good at one point but he is just to beat up to make a defense now. I hope the Titans lose every game this year,thast just wrong what they did to him. PS. I didn't mean to upset so many world cup fans. I was just making a joke. I thought this was suppposed to be fun? Why so serious all the time your gonna get alcers!
posted by PGHTOS at 06:08 PM on June 07, 2006
The rest of the world is going to be having a wild party whilst you're sulking in your room. Come on! No one Party's like americans on Super Bowl Sunday.
posted by PGHTOS at 10:41 PM on June 06, 2006
So 73HR in 153 games is an obvious sign of steroids, but 60HR in 120 games would be beyond reproach? Great point grum!! Its funny how selective people can be after they alreday made up thier minds about a person.
posted by PGHTOS at 11:37 AM on June 04, 2006
what a fool. I hope he doesn't have any kids.
posted by PGHTOS at 05:52 PM on June 01, 2006
I know he is good but come on is he that good? No one player should have that many perks. If there are going to pay him to play then he should just play like the rest of the team and stop with the madness.
posted by PGHTOS at 05:41 PM on June 01, 2006
Giants equipment manager Yeah!! cause I bet there is no way if a Bonds hating reporter slipped the guy a grand or two, he couldnt find something to talk about... there is not one ounce of proof that steriods make ur head grow? what exercise is that u do for the cranium?
posted by PGHTOS at 02:47 AM on May 29, 2006
1986: 6'1", 185 lbs. 2006: 6'2", 230 lbs. Sure, lots of 35 year olds have growth spurts. Smells like taint Yeah cause we all know athletes and teams always tell the truth about how tall and heavy players are. Sure and Bettis hasnt gained an ounce over 255 since forever. Plus you could be almost an inch taller in the morning as apposed to the night. Most peoples bodies tend to lose composure through out the day. I am from Pittsburgh and have plenty of reasons not to like Bonds. How do we know for sure Ruth wasnt using some type of enhancer. Wealthy powerfull guy like that I am sure there were lots of things he did we will never know about. There was very limited media back then... Now a days an athlete cant fart with out a story written about it... Was it beans or broccoli, cabbage or spinach was it organic.
posted by PGHTOS at 10:47 PM on May 28, 2006
I find the word "still" very curious. Is there a time limit? I agree with you Bill, I think sometimes we (fans) judge superstars by a different standard than normal people. I wouldnt be mad at Tiger if he didnt play another tournament the rest of the year. Now I know that wouldnt happen because his father would want him to play.
posted by PGHTOS at 10:23 AM on May 28, 2006
Bad idea... Kids need to learn how to lose with dignity the same way the learn to win with pride. Being able to say yeah we lost but at least it wasnt by 50 doesnt take away from the fact they lost.
posted by PGHTOS at 11:59 PM on May 25, 2006
This is a sad story but I completely understand the circumstances involved in leaving him there. I and probably most of us are just as likely to go to the moon as we are to climb MT. Everest, so think of those who have that dream and have been waiting there entire life for it. They should give it up? I myself would like to think I would stop to help. But I dont know.
posted by PGHTOS at 04:55 PM on May 24, 2006
50-79, 5-10, 1st and whatever... Not that they need it, but come on. Do we realy need them huddled hup in the middle of a game for another reason. I say do away with the numbers and just abb. the positions on the jerseys.
posted by PGHTOS at 01:14 AM on May 24, 2006
good point houston. the refs have enough to worry about. (Steeler Fan)
posted by PGHTOS at 09:43 PM on May 23, 2006
dont get me wrong I like my gadgets and my pc but come on. Does everything need to be high tech? Just jog people!
posted by PGHTOS at 09:41 PM on May 23, 2006
I think being so firm and direct is one of the secrets to the NFL's success. There isn't alot of gray area when it comes to NFL policy and procedure.
posted by PGHTOS at 09:35 PM on May 23, 2006
That's a little short-sighted Well for those who didnt bother to read the whole conversation we were talking about olympic athletes!! Not everyone.
posted by PGHTOS at 05:45 PM on May 23, 2006
Read about the Romanian women's gymnastics program sometime They key here is Romanian, I am sure their are lots of third world countries who abuse child athletes but the US isnt one of them.
posted by PGHTOS at 07:12 PM on May 22, 2006
Sorry, I still think this is as creepy as stage parents pushing their eager-pleaser kids to be the next Macauley Culkin or the next Dana Plato I think filling your child with hope of becoming a movie star or Tv star is wrong because the child or the parent ultimately doesn't have control of the outcome. TV and movie Execs do. But encouraging a child to be in shape and eat right, so they are physicaly capable of doing things most people can only dream about is different. Take olympic gymnast's for example, they start out young.
posted by PGHTOS at 06:02 PM on May 22, 2006
I think LeBron will win at least 1 Ring. His talent is to rare and eventually a owner will come along a put together an incredible team around him, maybe for just a few years. Like Jordan and Koby they are great players but they both had great teams. Owners like to win just as much as the players I cant see some of the ring thirsty owners letting his hand sit naked to long!
posted by PGHTOS at 05:45 PM on May 22, 2006
I don't want the taxpayers paying for things like this I dont mind that much the Coast guard was there, thats their job. Had lord forbid the swim not been a success, everyone would have been asking were was the coast guard. Protecting a childs life I will gladly send my tax dollars for...
posted by PGHTOS at 05:33 PM on May 22, 2006
I am sort of on the fence with this story, as a father I hate the thought of kids being pushed to far. But on the other hand as a father I would encourage my child to do their best and shoot for greatness. What Braxton did was great. I know I couldn't do it.
posted by PGHTOS at 05:27 PM on May 22, 2006
okay yeah a broken leg sucks but lets look at the upside of this for Barbaro. He probably wont have to race again. So he is already retired at 3 and like owl said he won the derby so he is the horse version of Heffner..
posted by PGHTOS at 08:38 PM on May 20, 2006
poor mic!! the only thing Barry will be breaking is ruth's record.. Yeah and we all beleive you about your b.a. and that you just happen to be the NCAA record holder for being hit by a pitch..funny life truly is like a box of chocalte... isn't it forrest?
posted by PGHTOS at 01:50 PM on May 20, 2006
Being new at this and assuming WTF stands for what I think it stands for, I would have to say WGAF what that loser does. He was a disease in college and any team that signs him deserves a clap... I mean the CLAP!!
posted by PGHTOS at 05:21 PM on May 02, 2006
IF it were just the players I would understand. But when you mix in adults with gloves and fingers and anul anything it just doesn't sound right. I dont care if it was a team wide hemroid screening.
posted by PGHTOS at 05:50 PM on April 27, 2006
Sid has 'A' changed to a 'C'
I'm not sure he is C material but why the hell not? Not C material? Give me a break. This guy is a true leader and has the talent and numbers to say what ever he wants on the ice and in the locker room. C material!!(You heard what they said, it's suicide)