NFL Refs: change uniforms. And it isn't necessarily a good thing. (First link has links to video of presentation of new unis.)
"They should be riding on a horse at Saratoga," one spectator cracked Thursday while watching the officials oversee a practice session. That's awesome.
posted by SummersEve at 09:54 AM on August 04, 2006
But have they changed their vision coverage yet?
posted by wingnut4life at 09:59 AM on August 04, 2006
There's ""? And they really talk about uniforms? Wow.
posted by blarp at 10:00 AM on August 04, 2006
This is all about creating a slenderizing look, isn't it?
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:05 AM on August 04, 2006
blarp: terrifyingly, it is a pretty good blog. I knew I was a little too obsessive when I considered adding it to my regular reading.
posted by tieguy at 10:13 AM on August 04, 2006
They should change the way they officiate, not their outfits. I mean some of them are terrible at reffing.
posted by a24kurtz02 at 10:20 AM on August 04, 2006
tieguy: That is terrifying. Perhaps I'll check it out again!
posted by blarp at 10:24 AM on August 04, 2006
Make them wear neon orange. Now that would be a change.
posted by dbt302 at 10:35 AM on August 04, 2006
Can anyone change thier Brains?
posted by The Tribster at 10:38 AM on August 04, 2006
I want them to wear long coats and white wide-brimmed hats like the goal umpires in Aussie rules football. That's a classy-looking uniform.
posted by mr_crash_davis at 11:02 AM on August 04, 2006
I guess I don't care what they wear. Just get the damn calls right!
posted by dyams at 11:20 AM on August 04, 2006
Perhaps, an incentive could be offered for better officiating. Along with the new uniforms, comes a new rule. Whenever a ref makes a bad call, which will be judged by a panel of average veiwers, that ref removes one peice of clothing. The incentive therefore, if you make good calls, you will not be naked in front of the veiwing public.
posted by steelcityguy at 12:43 PM on August 04, 2006
Perhaps, an incentive could be offered for better officiating. Along with the new uniforms, comes a new rule. Whenever a ref makes a bad call, which will be judged by a panel of average veiwers, that ref removes one peice of clothing. The incentive therefore, if you make good calls, you will not be naked in front of the veiwing public. You would actually want ot see those guys naked? Most of them are ready for AARP.
posted by redsoxrgay at 12:48 PM on August 04, 2006
woah, woah, I thought along with the new uniforms that the home teams cheerleaders were taking over officiating.
posted by steelcityguy at 12:57 PM on August 04, 2006
I would think that a Steelers fan would be happy with the way games are officiated. (This is a joke. Don't kill me)
posted by THX-1138 at 01:08 PM on August 04, 2006
Wow! Two referee-related posts in two days ... I must be in heaven! Referees are weird that way ;) Great post, apoch! With all of the problems that the recent heat wave has been causing the whole world of sport, I'm glad that the officials' needs are being addressed too. I've worked summer league basketball in unbearable heat wearing a full uniform (yes, in polyester pants), so I can appreciate their concerns about the heat. I guess I was just too dumb to take advantage of what options were available to me though. What I appreciate the most though, is how referees "as athletes" is entering the discourse. Coming to the defense of my officiating brothers against all of you who think that "refs suck" I mean some of them are terrible at reffing. Ask yourself if Troy Aikman ever threw an interception. Did Walter Payton ever fumble? Did MJ ever miss a free throw down the stretch? "Good" referees have to perform every snap of the ball. They have to be know offensive tendencies, and recognize defenses, to be able to anticipate plays and be in the best position. Even Deion Sanders got beat. My point is, even "good" players make mistakes. "Good" referees do too. The best ones make fewer of them, or recover better (get away with more). Yes, I've gone off in Locker Room threads about the CFL refs and the instant replay, etc. ... but hey, I'm a fan too ;)
posted by Spitztengle at 01:14 PM on August 04, 2006
How can they change the zebra uni?!?
posted by natsfan at 01:24 PM on August 04, 2006
You would actually want ot see those guys naked? maybe just ed hochuli. i mean, just look at the forearms on that guy.
posted by goddam at 01:54 PM on August 04, 2006
look at the forearms I bet it's the flaxseed oil.
posted by SummersEve at 02:15 PM on August 04, 2006
crash, the uniform is just an after-thought. What makes them classy is that martial scoring indicator they do. Looks like it could cut steel.
posted by yerfatma at 02:22 PM on August 04, 2006
They looked like Oompa Loompas in baseball hats before, and now they look like Alan Shearer. It's a lateral move at best...
posted by Toxteth O'Grady at 05:58 PM on August 04, 2006
They do look like the guys from Charlie and the Choclate Factory (I saw that movie when I was 10, believe it or not). Forget em, which teams changed their unis? Even better, when are the Vikes coming to L.A.?
posted by Joe88 at 12:22 PM on August 05, 2006
Whats the difference?