Move Over, Steve Bartman: An as-yet-unnamed fan harassed Craig Biggio's wife Patty during the White Sox/Astros game at U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago Sunday night, pulling her hair and slapping her in the face, then fleeing before he was chased down by her brother. "I wish she would have grabbed something and broken his head," said White Sox Manager Ozzie Guillen.
Guillen: "I told the police, 'Don't put him in jail. Bring him to me in the dugout.' But hopefully, that won't happen again." Yeah, he won't EVER shut up, but I still can't help but like the guy.
posted by dusted at 10:14 AM on October 25, 2005
I have no comment on this one. We have seen stuff like this happen at Sox games for years. Bet the guy doing this was completely drunk. Been to many many Sox games in my life at both U.S. Cellular and the old Comisky Park and any place you look are fans who've just had a bit too much to sip on. Only in the post season would you find enough fans in the ballpark to cause such a ruckus.
posted by melcarek69 at 10:16 AM on October 25, 2005
Ok, maybe I had a couple comments
posted by melcarek69 at 10:17 AM on October 25, 2005
When did Steve Bartman harass other people in the stands? Compare this type of behavior to other White Sox fans, not Bartman.
posted by NoMich at 10:18 AM on October 25, 2005
I'm sick and tired of the "Bartman" shtick already! He may have done something that he shouldn't have, that's true. But at the same time, the Cubs had the lead in the game and the series. We true Cub fans have never used Bartman as the reason for the Cubs not getting to the series. That was always used by fairweather fans who were looking for an excuse for ir not happening. Face it, after that took place, Alex Gonzales made a HUGE error at Short and that to me and most fans of the Cubs see the decline begin. Bartmans only fault was being a fan trying for a baseball as most others would. That if anything may have caused the rythem of the game to swing. What happened at the Sox/Astros game was way out of the realm of what happened at Wrigley just a short couple of years back.
posted by melcarek69 at 10:27 AM on October 25, 2005
The only thing I meant by the Bartman comparison was that this guy will probably be outed by the media and subjected to wide ridicule. Assuming he was drunk when he slapped Patty Biggio, what kind of person wastes a World Series ticket getting that wasted?
posted by rcade at 10:39 AM on October 25, 2005
what kind of person wastes a World Series ticket getting that wasted An Idiot which is what this man is, the only reason to by a beer at a game is to throw it on that was fun
the only reason to by a beer at a game is to throw it on that was fun Oh, so now we know why dead600 is so sulky and sullen about both the Red Sox and the Yankees!
posted by lil_brown_bat at 10:57 AM on October 25, 2005
what kind of person wastes a World Series ticket getting that wasted An Idiot which is what this man is, the only reason to by a beer at a game is to throw it on that was fun posted by dead600 at 10:51 AM CST on October 25 It must be fun to be such a great player, that assholes like dead600 can't control themselves or their hatred. However, so much beer (and who knows what else) comes flying out of the stands at Fenway that this one jerk can't be responsible for all of it.
posted by drevl at 11:04 AM on October 25, 2005
The only thing I meant by the Bartman comparison was that this guy will probably be outed by the media and subjected to wide ridicule. Fair enough. I just think that Mr. Bartman has been on the receiving end of enough bullshit from people for doing something that a lot of other people would've done. That, and what melcarek69 ranted.
posted by NoMich at 11:13 AM on October 25, 2005
I flew to Chicago a few years back to catch an A's White Sox series and had never before seen so much beer sold at an event. Combined with these grotesque looking fired pastry dipped in powdered sugar things everyone was gorging themselves on its no wonder someone finally snapped.
posted by mikemora at 11:15 AM on October 25, 2005
yeah sheffields great ..and he never (knowingly) took steriods either..I only wish i threw that beer at his dumb ass,and thanks for the jerk referance..seems like you cant control yourself,and anyone who's been to yankee stadium knows that the fans there are no better or worse than fenway's
Does U.S. Cellular Field and the White Sox have special ticket packages available to PCP addicts, psychopathics, and all other individuals that can prove their misfits of society? I still remember that father-son team that attacked the first base coach for the Royals. They really appeared to be fine, upstanding citizens. They came across more to me like two vagrants who found a couple tickets lying in their alley when they crawled out of the box they live in. There needs to be much stiffer penalties issued to idiots like this. And with regards to Bartman, he was just a convenient scapegoat for a percentage of fans of a team with an embarrassing record of success. Fans interfering with balls in play is a rich part of baseball tradition, just like umpires missing obvious calls (sorry, I'm flashing back to Sports Filter posts from yesterday).
posted by dyams at 11:30 AM on October 25, 2005
Dyams while i dont know you personally, I respect your knowledge and love of sports,Sheffield is a sore spot with me (and always will be) because of his unsportsman like statements toward the red sox last year after they swept the yankees the last four games, sheffield is talented but his mouth ruins and clouds his abilities on the field.PS I am bitter I wanted to see the yanks and red sox battle for the pennant, i wouldnt be a RED SOX fan if I didn't.
I appreciate that, dead600, but I wasn't saying anything specifically about Sheff. I do like the Yanks, and I know how deep emotions run towards them, especially from Red Sox fans (and vice versa). And beyond anything else, I hate to see people waste perfectly good beer.
posted by dyams at 11:52 AM on October 25, 2005
Winning the last four games in a seven-game series isn't a sweep. It's a hell of an accomplishment, but it isn't an occasion to bring out the brooms.
posted by rcade at 11:54 AM on October 25, 2005
dyams, what makes you think that they sell perfectly good beer in Fenway Park? High-priced swill is more like it.
posted by lil_brown_bat at 12:13 PM on October 25, 2005
I don't get the Steve Bartman connection here. But this guy appears to be a complete asshole no matter who's wife he was harassing.
posted by fenriq at 12:33 PM on October 25, 2005
Melcare and Dyams, ever sit in the 10$ bleecher seats at Wrigley in the summer? As long as they continue to sell beverages, there's always going to be and asshat in the crowd. It's not singular to any one sport or any one place. The fact of the matter is that it probrably was'nt even an average fan that had the ticket. Over 65% of the seats are owned and doled out by coporations. This is some business guy out on a business dinner for free. The average fan can't even get tickets like this. Remember when it was easier for cubs fans to go down south and see a playoff game, than get a ticket to Wrigley? Cubs suck anyway.
posted by volfire at 12:36 PM on October 25, 2005
Quote from Guillen in the article: When you're a man and you hit a lady, no matter whose wife it is or whose sister it is, you respect them. ummm... I don't think that quite came out right.
posted by drjimmy11 at 12:50 PM on October 25, 2005
I understand it's not the "average" fan who acts in this manner, and that it's only a very few out of thousands of people, but that's all it takes to ruin the entire experience for many. All sports teams should utilize some of their money and do what certain stadiums have done: Have police, booking, a judge, whatever it takes, at these events and give them the authority to prosecute the individuals immediately. I've gone to events (Ralph Wilson Stadium) where they've had this type of setup, and it does make a difference. And another idea is shutting people off when it becomes plainly apparent they've had too much to drink. Football shuts sales off after halftime in many venues, and finding another suitable cutoff point in baseball may be a partial solution. As I said earlier, a few idiots ruin things for the masses, but, unfortunatley, you have to cut down on the chances when 40,000 people are involved.
posted by dyams at 12:51 PM on October 25, 2005
I don't understand. Don't they have separate seating areas for the families of the players? I can't really see anything wrong with getting drunk at a sporting event. I've been drunk at many, many football games. The difference is, I don't attack people when I've had a few pints.
posted by squealy at 01:17 PM on October 25, 2005
Does U.S. Cellular Field and the White Sox have special ticket packages available to PCP addicts, psychopathics, and all other individuals that can prove their misfits of society? It is the organization that had Disco Demolition Night. I would watch any event with that kind of seating. From a great distance. what makes you think that they sell perfectly good beer in Fenway Park? High-priced swill is more like it. Hear her: along with the tickets from this year's ALDS Game 3, I kept our table receipt. 13 beers, no food, $78.00. For our $6.00 per, we had the choice of Budweiser or Bud Light.
posted by yerfatma at 01:27 PM on October 25, 2005
The difference is, I don't attack people when I've had a few pints. Me neither. I might hug you to death, though.
posted by dusted at 01:28 PM on October 25, 2005
Yes I have sat in the Bleachers and pretty much everywhere else at Wrigley Field and I did it proudly! If you want to compare fans between the Sox and Cubs then you have never been to either ballpark. It is true that with all the talent, the Cubs did suck. Yet, had better attendence than the Sox {U.S. Cellular holds more folks by the way}. Let me explain why that is. The REAL and TRUE Sox fans you see everyday at the ballpark {all 10 of them}. They make the playoffs, and here come all those phony fans who just want to be a part of something {We call that jumping on the bandwagon}. On the other hand, you have the Cub fans. Yeah they may have had yet another bad season, and still the fans came out to sell out or nearly sell out Wrigley each and every day. I'm not interested in arguing who has the better fans in Chicago nor do I care to compare the teams themselves. It's obvious that this was and still is the White Sox year. But if you think that fans at Wrigley can even come close to that bottom level of drunkin stupidity, then you have no clue.
posted by melcarek69 at 01:52 PM on October 25, 2005
I'm sure thats the whole story... She was just sitting there minding her own business, being a good baseball wife when some wild, unshaven Chicago man attacked her like some kind of animal... Yeah... Sure...
posted by StarFucker at 03:20 PM on October 25, 2005
Quote from Guillen in the article: When you're a man and you hit a lady, no matter whose wife it is or whose sister it is, you respect them. ummm... I don't think that quite came out right.
Remember that English is NOT his first language; it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what he actually meant to say......
Furthermore, I love it when Guillen said "And the guy that did it, he should be brought to Biggio, and he's the one that can hopefully get him back." --- Ozzie is so right. Lock this guy up in room with Biggio for 20 minutes..... see what happens!
posted by zippinglou at 03:22 PM on October 25, 2005
Just for grins, StarFucker, what could Patty Biggio have possibly said or done that justified a male fan slapping her in the face?
posted by rcade at 03:24 PM on October 25, 2005
Is StarFucker justifying that men hit women?
posted by zippinglou at 03:35 PM on October 25, 2005
rcade, come on. She married an Astro. You know any red-blooded man would have whupped her unmerciful. (Ahem.) Leave Bartman out of this. Sox fans haven't been doing themselves any favors, PR-wise, for a while now.
posted by chicobangs at 03:38 PM on October 25, 2005
Melcare - Your sweeping assessment of Cubs and Sox fans just magnifies your ignorance and seems to prove that your just another angry Cubs fan. Beer swilling retards seem to have been present at every Chicago sporting event that I have ever attended. This is not limited to just the South Side. There is nothing better than being at a Sox, Bears,Cubs, Blackhawks, or Bulls game with my now 8 year old son and having him learn how to properly use the f-bomb from these degenerates. As for jumping on the bandwagon, personally, I know of only two people that had tickets to Saturday's nights opening game and both of them we Cubs fans who went just so they could say they went to the World Series.
posted by katman0625 at 04:10 PM on October 25, 2005
Then can you explain to me why there were triple the attendance numbers for the playoffs as well as the W.S.? You also see me as an angry Cub fan, not in the least. See how it works is, you support your team WIN or LOSE! Sox fans seem to get a bigger attendance when they win and that is what makes them bandwagon fans. Maybe it's also that you just don't know enough people. You are right about the drinking though. My comparison was not that Cub fans show up to Wrigley with Angels halos on until they exit at games end. My comparison was more to the fact that I have also been to see Sox games many many times, as well as the Blackhawks and Bears as well as at least 200 Cub games since I was young and in all the years of seeing them, I never saw a Cub fan display anything near the ridiculous things that I have seen at Sox games. Usually, many are completely wasted and looking for trouble. Every sporting event has bad apples. It just appears to me after all the games I have attended, the Sox rank right at the top in bad behavior. Also as far as the f-bomb, I promise he knew that long before any sporting event.
posted by melcarek69 at 04:32 PM on October 25, 2005
after 30 + years I still don't understand the animosity between Cubs and Sox fans. Sports fans are sports fans regardless of venue. It's inevitable...when you have so many people (drunk or not) in a single setting, you are bound to get some assholes in the mix. And yes, Cubs fans can and do get down to that level of drunken stupidity, especially in the bleachers. and katman, don't begrudge Cubs fans for going to the WS. As a Cubs fan, I am absolutely thrilled the Sox are knocking the snot out of Houston. You can't tell me that if you got your hands on WS tix, no matter who was playing, that you wouldn't be pumped to go.
posted by willthrill72 at 04:39 PM on October 25, 2005
I agree with melcare69. I have been to both Cubs and Sox games and the only time I witnessed foolish drunken behavior was at the Sox game. I went to a Twins vs. Sox game and a huge fight broke out right behind me and my son. I credit that to cheaper seats at the "Cell" during regular season, which means all walk of life can afford to go opposed to the Cubs tickets which are more expensive. Whatever the case, I hate taking my kids to the ball park and being worried how the people around me will act. I watch and support both teams.
posted by 4daluvgame at 04:49 PM on October 25, 2005
But Melcare don't you think all teams have larger attendances when they are winning? This is not limited to just the Sox. Winning brings out the fair-weathered fans to all sports. The Cubs are different than most teams. I think the Cubs have been successful because of a couple of things, -National television coverage - thanks to WGN they have built a nation wide fan base. So when people come to visit the city, they would prefer to see the Cubs play over the Sox. People who move here are already fans of the Cubs. -Wrigleyville - Here is an area of town that is filled with twenty-something, fresh-out-of- college men and women looking to continue the party they were having when they were in school. So they attend Cubs games and party until all hours at the bars that surround Wrigley field. In the middle of the city there is this oasis called Wrigleyville. I don't begrudge Cubs fans, I wouldn't mind seeing them win too. It would just be much easier to see them win if the Sox win the World Series first. : )
posted by katman0625 at 05:32 PM on October 25, 2005
When are you guys going to quit whinning about Bartman? The last time I looked they sold beer at Cub games too!
posted by INOALOSER at 05:39 PM on October 25, 2005
It is true that the area surrounding Wrigley has a richer environment. But I live way down in the far south burbs about 60 miles from Wrigley and I still find my way there when I like the series and ticket availibilty. Also, the area has begun to gain an older age of residents who like the style of Wrigleyville. As far as the coverage country-wide. That is true to a point. WGN_Superstation is the station that supports Cubs b-ball around the country, but that has only been for the last couple of decades. The Cubs have had the same type of ticket sales and attendance for much longer than that. Sometimes it just comes down to Wrigley being the beautiful baseball mecca that makes you want to be there. One more thing to posts earlier...I am not taking away from what the Sox have done this year. While not being anywhere near a fan {wife is though!}, I was very impressed with everything they have done all season {especially a sweep of my fav in the A.L.-Cleveland the last 4 of the season}. They are very deserving of all they have gotten to this point. So please don't assume that statements made throughout the day are just from a Cub fan in anger. Their season ended weeks ago and I moved on when I realized they were out of that race, but it never stopped me from watching and going to see them.
posted by melcarek69 at 05:51 PM on October 25, 2005
So, melcarek, what makes you so sure that the drunken bastard that displayed his ass in assaulting Biggio's wife wasn't a starving Cub fan searching for something that appears like success on the baseball field?
posted by Shoalbaby at 06:23 PM on October 25, 2005
I am from just south of Chicago, and I am a devout Sox fan. I work with die-hard Cub fans everyday. All season long we have fun exchanging barbs with each game. There is also a guy on crew that had access to tickets for each post-season game, and I'll be damned if these die-hard Cub fans didn't snap them up so they could attend the games.
posted by Shoalbaby at 06:30 PM on October 25, 2005
I have a fitting punishment for this ruffian -- he must sit in a room with Tim McCarver and let him tell stories about himself for ... one ... Whole ... DAYYYYYY!!!! Nah, you're right ... too cruel.
posted by wfrazerjr at 07:51 PM on October 25, 2005
Nah, a slumber party with Joe Morgan. Now, that's cruel.
posted by The_Black_Hand at 09:08 PM on October 25, 2005
Hey Shoalbaby, did you hear that a die-hard cubs fan did go to the game and made himself known he was a die-hard. He was wearing a Cubs jersey and an Astros hat at the game. Not sure if it was game 1 or 2. Talk about ignorance.
posted by aztlan78 at 10:20 PM on October 25, 2005
Wrigley being the beautiful baseball mecca Hey melcarek, i'll agree with you that wrigley is a baseball mecca but not beautiful at all.(with the exception of the ivery outfield walls). Wrigley is old, falling apart, bad and always long restrooms, etc. but what do you expect its an old ballpark that needs to be redone.
posted by aztlan78 at 10:28 PM on October 25, 2005
it's ivy, not ivery. What sporting venue doesn't have long lines at the john? I'll take it over the boring, antiseptic, characterless, "modern" stadiums any day. And be careful what you ask for. When they "redid" Soldier Field, look what happened.
posted by willthrill72 at 10:49 PM on October 25, 2005
thanks on that correction on ivy willthrill. But they should build another stadium, an exact replica of the wrigley's field and ivy but make everything else up to date. where did i come up with ivery?
posted by aztlan78 at 10:56 PM on October 25, 2005
White Sox can't win without controversy! They threw the World Series in 1917 and and now they win with bad calls from refs! Can't they win with talent alone or do they need bad calls i the ALCS and WS? It sucks!
posted by bluekarma at 11:22 PM on October 25, 2005
thats 1919 WS they threw. They won in 1917.
posted by aztlan78 at 12:24 AM on October 26, 2005
They threw the World Series in 1917 and and now they win with bad calls from refs! Damn baseball refs.
posted by justgary at 12:39 AM on October 26, 2005
bluekarma I guess bad umpiring also allowed the Sox to have one of the best records in MLB. That's a lot of bad calls. And you are right. Talent? What talent? It's not like they have had stellar pitching or clutch hitting all post season. I guess the fact they barely used their bullpen in the ALCS is a testament to how little talent they have on their pitching staff.
posted by willthrill72 at 08:22 AM on October 26, 2005
Man, I love Chicago. What a great town. I would never hold the actions of one complete and utter asshole (who absolutely needs karma to come strolling alongside one day and blindside him - I'm picturing a 300lb lesbian contruction worker with a massive hangover over hearing his 'dyke' joke while on the phone getting dumped by Portia DeRossi) against that fine-ass city. I think it's finally time for me to admit that the White Sox are way better than I still think they are. So, I've admitted nothing.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:59 AM on October 26, 2005
after 30 + years I still don't understand the animosity between Cubs and Sox fans. You have to hate the cross-town team. The only people you hate more are the ones who claim to support both of them. These are immutable laws of sport.
posted by rcade at 09:12 AM on October 26, 2005
where did i come up with ivery? Eddie Lee, maybe?
posted by The_Black_Hand at 10:28 AM on October 26, 2005
Don't get me wrong, I love the Cubbies, but I don't HATE the Sox or most of their fans (not a big fan of Bridgeport, though). I get amped when the Sox and Cubs play each other and pissed if the Sox win. But c'mon, how can I not hate Houston even more? Clemens is one of the biggest prigs to ever play, Biggio irritates the hell out of me (may because he's scrappy)and I hate their friggin' stadium. I don't have a choice but to pull for the Sox. And just because I'm a Cubs fan, it doesn't make me blind to the fact this is the Sox year (sorrowful, maybe, but not blind). I have to give them credit.
posted by willthrill72 at 11:15 AM on October 26, 2005
I love the Cubbies, but I don't HATE the Sox or most of their fans (not a big fan of Bridgeport, though). I get amped when the Sox and Cubs play each other and pissed if the Sox win. But c'mon, how can I not hate Houston even more? I'm right there with you will. Normally, I really don't give a shit about the Sox, but if the Cubs can't represent Chicago in a World Series, then who better than the Sox? Though, I will hear out any argument in favor of the Brewers.
posted by NoMich at 12:59 PM on October 26, 2005
rcade, the debate on what constitutes "home field advantage" is already going on in the other thread.