Name: | Johnny Huh |
Location: | Cali-for-nia |
Gender: | A bat and some balls |
Member since: | September 13, 2005 |
Last visit: | May 01, 2007 |
fenriq has posted 8 links and 282 comments to SportsFilter and 4 links and 16 comments to the Locker Room.
Need a Few More Fantasy Baseball Teams: My league (Yankee Haters) drafts on the 21st at 7:30 PDT. Need another league to play in? URL and password info inside.
posted by fenriq to fantasy at 11:01 PM on March 15, 2007 - 1 comment
The Physics of the Goopball: Slate examines the reaction of a baseball pitch to various substances being applied to the ball. Also of note, pitchers don't really consider using pine tar to be cheating very much.
posted by fenriq to baseball at 12:54 PM on October 27, 2006 - 7 comments
Space Left for 2 Teams in SpoFi Funky Stats Fantasy Baseball:
We've got 10 teams right now but we can go to 12. Stats are in the process of being selected. And, oh yeah, its free.
Join up info inside.
posted by fenriq to fantasy at 12:14 PM on June 08, 2006 - 10 comments
Funky Stats League Now Open: Following up on this post, the SpoFi Funky Stats Fantasy Baseball League is currently open and accepting managers.
Join up info inside.
posted by fenriq to fantasy at 10:36 AM on May 29, 2006 - 14 comments
Funky Stats Fantasy Baseball?:
I was noticing that there are some pretty obscure stats that could be used to set up a 5x5 (or whatever XxX desired) that would have nothing like home runs but rather outfield assists, sacrifices, balks and other offbeat stats to play.
Anyone interested?
posted by fenriq to fantasy at 12:29 AM on May 25, 2006 - 17 comments
Actively working to limit dispersed fan access to your sport is just plain dumb business.
posted by fenriq at 11:19 AM on March 30, 2007
Oh yeah, its a Yahoo free league. Home page: League ID#: 23933 Password: giants
posted by fenriq at 11:03 PM on March 15, 2007
Yeah, everybody knows Fuzzy drinks Jim Beam..... He should have just hired ReputationDefender to go to battle for him, they're probably alot cheaper (and alot less effective) than lawyers. I wonder what Fuzzy thought about the bit about his comments about Tiger?
posted by fenriq at 03:13 PM on February 22, 2007
Bad move, dad. If it were mortal danger then maybe, but it wasn't and he snapped.
posted by fenriq at 02:54 PM on February 18, 2007
My Snarkobots will either win or be spiteful jerks in defeat! PS. I've got another league drafting next weekend if anyone wants more action, I've got some space.
posted by fenriq at 12:41 PM on February 17, 2007
I am down for fantasy baseball! If anyone wants to do the oddball stats league again, I'd be down for that as well (we selected the more obscure stats to track like putouts, triples, etc, instead of the RBI, Runs, HRs).
posted by fenriq at 04:36 PM on February 16, 2007
What kind of a piece of shit forgets to feed his dog for several months? What a jerk.
posted by fenriq at 10:58 AM on February 08, 2007
Isn't this just a less exploitive form of prostitution? And less entertaining too?
posted by fenriq at 10:45 AM on February 01, 2007
Clever. I hope he wears it to the park the day Barry breaks the all-time record.
posted by fenriq at 06:09 PM on January 31, 2007
That's the most egregious over use of self-tanners I've ever seen.
posted by fenriq at 06:18 PM on January 25, 2007
I'm a Bonds fan but this is ridiculous. He took pills from a teammate's locker without knowing what they were? Come on, that's what toddlers do, not long time pro ball players. Blaming a teammate for your own stupidity is about the lamest and most pathetic thing ever.
posted by fenriq at 11:15 AM on January 11, 2007
Pretty interesting to play around with. I only got a couple to work before the interface bogged down interminably but still very interesting. The really nice thing, grum, would be to be able to port the results into one of the video games to play monster seasons against each other!
posted by fenriq at 01:07 AM on December 16, 2006
Is it too early to start complaining about the Yankees ruining baseball? Not that I'm upset they got Pettitte back, I love cheering against that bugger. It makes it easier now since I cheer for whoever's playing against the Yankees anyway.
posted by fenriq at 01:36 AM on December 09, 2006
Bonds won't play for incentives so the A's are out. He won't play for Boston because he thinks they're all racists (which, ironically, makes him a racist or, at the very least, a stereotypist), he won't go to New York because they don't need him. I don't know where he goes, he's got so much baggage and is a liability in the field now but he is one hell of a gate draw. Until he breaks the record, sorry if he breaks the record. I kind of hope the Giants let him go so they can add some youth to the team, they looked old, slow and ineffective after the All-Star Break last season. But then, I would like to see him break the record in San Francisco. But not for $12 million or even $10 million.
posted by fenriq at 07:30 PM on December 02, 2006
Former 49er's LB Kevin Mitchell dead at 36.
Scary to die so young.