Roethlisberger Would Skip Game for Child's Birth: Ben Roethlisberger and his wife are expecting the birth of their first child this fall. He told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that if it happens on game day, he'll take a pass on the Steelers game. "I'm not missing the birth of my child," he said. "There's no chance. I know some fans probably don't want to hear that, but there's no chance."
You have to have your priorities pretty whacked to suggest to someone else that your entertainment is more important than the birth of their child. I mean, it sounds like even Skip Bayless is in the universe of this opinion, which gives you an indication of how vastly reaching it is.
posted by dfleming at 01:13 PM on September 07, 2012
Steeler fans will demand a c section on a Monday or a bye week. O god i can hear the yinzers calling the radio stations now.
posted by Debo270 at 01:48 PM on September 07, 2012
I thought Bayless was under supervised studio detention and had been served with a conjugal restriction order.
posted by beaverboard at 02:08 PM on September 07, 2012
Bayless prefaced his remark by saying that he never takes holidays for work, never wanted a child because of his dysfunctional upbringing and had trouble finding a woman who didn't want kids -- until he met his current girlfriend Ernestine. (Yes, it was that weird.) So it was more about what he'd do than what he thinks Roethlisberger should do.
posted by rcade at 02:12 PM on September 07, 2012
I actually think that Ben could multitask this thing.
Birthing on gameday is all about preparation.
posted by beaverboard at 02:23 PM on September 07, 2012
I can see it now --- Delivery room doctor mishandles newborn and drops it onto the bed. Roethlisberger immediately screams "Ball on the ground" and pounces on the child. Since nobody has a whistle, Ben picks up the baby and begins to run while looking for an open receiver. Only an anesthetist with good hands saves the event from becoming a tragedy. Better you should stay away, Ben.
his current girlfriend Ernestine
Ernestine? Wasn't that the name of the annoying telephone operator on the TV program Laugh In back in the '70s (OK, I'm showing my age again)? Seems a fitting match for Mr. Bayless.
posted by Howard_T at 02:28 PM on September 07, 2012
posted by yerfatma at 02:43 PM on September 07, 2012
I found out about this while channel surfing, which led me to Skip Bayless explaining why he'd skip his child's birth for a football game.
Please don't scare me with the idea of Bayless...procreating.
posted by grum@work at 02:43 PM on September 07, 2012
I now have two reasons to respect Roethlisberger; Miami University and a proper alignment of priorities regarding child birth. I'm sure he will sleep better at night knowing this.
posted by tahoemoj at 02:59 PM on September 07, 2012
All along I thought Ben would eventually miss a season for a sexual assault, but now I guess it's potentially one game for a child's birth.
Maybe he's maturing.
posted by dyams at 03:40 PM on September 07, 2012
Rape star shows he's a family man. Pretty smart thing to say, for an idiot. Perhaps his publicist is pulling the press strings.
posted by Hugh Janus at 04:39 PM on September 07, 2012
While I dislike Big Ben pretty completely, I admire this sentiment and am glad he expressed it. I will probably never say anything like this again, but here's to you, Big Ben, for having your priorities straight in at least one regard.
posted by Joey Michaels at 05:50 PM on September 07, 2012
Ernestine? Wasn't that the name of the annoying telephone operator on the TV program Laugh In back in the '70s (OK, I'm showing my age again)?
One ringie-dingie, two ringie-dingie ...
Forget procreating, the thought of Skip mating makes me want to get drunk to forget this ... and I don't drink.
posted by jjzucal at 10:06 PM on September 07, 2012
Well, isn't he so original. Still trying to get respect back, NEVER! Once a slimeball. always a slimeball.
posted by catsgolf at 11:57 PM on September 07, 2012
I found out about this while channel surfing, which led me to Skip Bayless explaining why he'd skip his child's birth for a football game.