McNabb to Oakland?: Get ready for some false rumor monger accusations.
ESPN's Adam Schefter reported on NFL Live Monday that the Raiders are the "clear cut favorites" to land Donovan McNabb.
Does anyone know if Mcnabb has any type of "no trade " clause? I cant see him wanting to go to Oakland with Philly being a contender?
I would see Vick as the one that should be more likely to go
posted by Debo270 at 10:28 AM on March 30, 2010
Here in Philly thats all that has been talked about over the past few days... St. Louis and Buffalo were also mentioned.
I don't see how McNabb would want to go to any of these teams... The issue is, his contract is done the end of this year and they have Kolb and Vick, so do they keep McNabb for the next bit after trying to resign him or switch over to Kolb/Vick and go from there?
If they can get good value for McNabb [high draft pick(s)] then I think its a good move.
posted by myshtigo at 11:04 AM on March 30, 2010
McNabb doesn't want to go to Oakland. Are they collecting disgruntled QB's?
posted by apoch at 11:33 AM on March 30, 2010
Why would you jettison your experienced QB in that situation
McNabb has a $6 million roster bonus coming up soon and the Eagles seems to fee Kolb is a better option.
posted by yerfatma at 01:16 PM on March 30, 2010
Money aside, McNabb is a better choice as the Eagles QB than Kolb. The Eagles (and I hate to say this as a Cowboys fan) are in position to do very well this coming season.
As a Cowboys fan, I do hope that they ship him out to the AFC so that my 'Boys don't have to deal with him anymore. I bet the Eagles will miss him if they do part with him.
Question: It may be bit premature but is McNabb a Hall of Famer? Don't think about it, just put the two together (McNabb + HoF) and what's the first answer that comes to mind. Yes or no?
posted by BornIcon at 01:42 PM on March 30, 2010
is McNabb a Hall of Famer?
I ran it by Rush Limbaugh, and he tends toward "no."
posted by tahoemoj at 02:09 PM on March 30, 2010
McNabb couldn't get it done with Philly why would anybody in Oakland think he is worth the money. Oh I get it, Russell really sucks. Even McNabb is an improvement although overpriced.
I guess it is just a sign of the times veteran players are getting cut loose all across the league in preparation for the new uncapped era.
Actually when you think about it both teams will be better after the trade. The Eagles are better with out McNabb and the Raiders are better with him, although still no contender.
posted by Atheist at 02:29 PM on March 30, 2010
Question: It may be bit premature but is McNabb a Hall of Famer? Don't think about it, just put the two together (McNabb + HoF) and what's the first answer that comes to mind. Yes or no?
My initial thought was "No."
Never won an MVP.
Never won a Super Bowl (even though I hate that measurement of greatness, a lot of people use it).
Never led the league in touchdowns, completions, yards.
Not in the top 10 in career totals for touchdowns, completions, yards, yards/game, or yards/attempt.
His only top 10 appearance would be for interception % (2.1%, for 3rd best ever).
Then, I took a look as his "Similar Players" for his career (so far).
Of the 10 listed players, 5 are HOF QB (Staubach, Aikman, Kelly, Bradshaw and Namath).
I still don't think he's got the totals or acclaim to get into the HOF, but it wouldn't surprise me to see him get some votes when he does retire.
posted by grum@work at 04:09 PM on March 30, 2010
McNabb would be insane to want to work with the likes of Tom Cable and Al Davis. Right now the Raiders are considered the 7th level of Hell for players.
posted by irunfromclones at 04:11 PM on March 30, 2010
As a Cowboys fan, I do hope that they ship him out to the AFC so that my 'Boys don't have to deal with him anymore
It'll never happen, but can you imagine the Cowboys with McNabb under center? They'd be favorites for the Superbowl.
posted by cixelsyd at 04:14 PM on March 30, 2010
Money aside, McNabb is a better choice as the Eagles QB than Kolb.
Why is this so? Kolb's an almost unknown quantity at this point. I'm not saying he's better than McNabb, but what causes you to assert this?
posted by yerfatma at 05:23 PM on March 30, 2010
Question: It may be bit premature but is McNabb a Hall of Famer? Don't think about it, just put the two together (McNabb + HoF) and what's the first answer that comes to mind. Yes or no?
I'm with you on that call, grum. The Hall of Very Good, I'll buy, but not quite Hall of Fame material. I guess it's because, while he's been a consistent playoff level QB, he's never won that Super Bowl or MVP that's made me feel that he's HoF worthy. From those similar players listed, he's more Mark Brunell or Steve McNair, than Roger Staubach or Terry Bradshaw.
The Philly talk & tabs say that the Eagles want a "top 42" pick - no lower than the top 1/3 of the 2nd round. They'll never get that for him - well maybe the Raiders are that dumb. The Eagles fans are pleading to get him out of town - be careful what you wish for - and since he's not under contract next year, no one will consider a deal without negotiating a new deal first and making sure he wants to go where he's dealt.
But as someone who's not an Eagles fan, but lives on the edge of the Philly market, McNabb is a player who is always underrated in Philly, but overrated elsewhere.
It'll never happen, but can you imagine the Cowboys with McNabb under center? They'd be favorites for the Superbowl.
Seeing him play every week, I don't think so. He's an inconsistent passer, who like Romo, doesn't always step up in big games. But the Eagle fan will say you can't win with him, but the Eagles are a playoff team every year and QB isn't why they have not won a SB (no running game, mediocre WRs).
posted by MrNix67 at 07:05 PM on March 30, 2010
McNabb seems like an awful fit for the Raiders. McNabb has always run a West Coast-style offense, and probably isn't that well-suited to the vertical passing game that Al Davis likes. He's never been the most accurate thrower.
I also can't see why anyone in Philly can be sure that Kolb is going to be better than McNabb this year. But I suppose if you can get something for McNabb now, you do it. If it's just change for change's sake, however, it's a mistake.
posted by TheQatarian at 07:14 PM on March 30, 2010
is McNabb a Hall of Famer?
I think the fact that he'll finish his career as the greatest black QB to ever play the game should get him into the HOF (and if you want to quibble that Moon was better, fine, the second greatest).
posted by DudeDykstra at 08:41 PM on March 30, 2010
1, Moon was better.
2, Should being the 2nd best black QB really get someone into the HOF?
(if it does, that just validates what Rush Limbaugh said, do we really want to do that?)
posted by dviking at 11:36 PM on March 30, 2010
Why is this so? Kolb's an almost unknown quantity at this point. I'm not saying he's better than McNabb, but what causes you to assert this?
You answered your own question, Kolb is an 'unknown quantity'. With McNabb at the helm, we pretty much already know what the Eagles will get out of him (Pro Bowl or injured). In the 10 games that Kolb has appeared in, he didn't look very impressive IMO.
Why would the Eagles risk losing a capable QB for one that hasn't shown enough to where management can say honestly, "Wow! That kid Kolb blew me away with what we seen so far. Let's get rid of McNabb now because we have a franchise QB in waiting"...?
If it's just change for change's sake, however, it's a mistake.
My thoughts exactly.
posted by BornIcon at 08:06 AM on March 31, 2010
That wouldn't make a lot of sense to me. I know they have 2 QB's, but Philly is a SB contender NOW. Why would you jettison your experienced QB in that situation..I can understand if you're rebuilding, but....