NBA Guard Delonte West Arrested with Three Guns: When Cleveland Cavaliers guard Delonte West was arrested Thursday while speeding on a motorcycle in Upper Marlboro, Md., he was carrying a loaded handgun in his pocket, another in a pant leg and a loaded shotgun in a guitar case strapped to his back. West, who lived nearby, has not said what he was doing. My guess: preparing for the zombie apocalypse.
posted by rcade to basketball at 02:59 PM - 20 comments
What an idiot. Why doesn't he complete the look by strapping explosives around his chest and carrying 20 or so grenades? If he wasn't on a motorcycle he probably would have been towing a missile launcher on a trailer.
You can never be too careful.
posted by dyams at 04:18 PM on September 19, 2009
John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman love Delonte West, and if they didn't cover it in this week's podcast, they'll talk about it next week.
posted by etagloh at 04:39 PM on September 19, 2009
Beretta 9mm, shotgun, Ruger .357: Now that is a respectable arsenal. The Beretta is a nice weapon, I don't know the make or model of the shotgun, but generically any shotgun is good. The prize of the collection is the Ruger. They make some of the finest handguns in the world, and their Blackhawk .357 is a beautiful weapon. A friend of mine had one. We were up on the desert shooting one time many years ago, and he loaded it with .38 special rounds, mixing in one .357 round. He let my ex-wife (4'11", 85 pounds soaking wet) fire it. All went well until the .357 round, after which we had to catch the weapon in mid-air, pick her up off the ground, and administer first aid for shock. This is not easy when you are doubled over with laughter.
I have no idea what Delonte West was doing with this arsenal, but I doubt it was for a troop meeting of his Boy Scouts. What are some of these people thinking?
posted by Howard_T at 05:29 PM on September 19, 2009
This is just Delonte's way of telling management that he wants to be traded to Houston or Golden State.
If a trade fails to materialize, Cleveland has agreed to rename its team the Branch Cavidians.
posted by beaverboard at 06:23 PM on September 19, 2009
posted by tahoemoj at 06:46 PM on September 19, 2009
"John Oliver and Andy Zaltzman love Delonte West, and if they didn't cover it in this week's podcast, they'll talk about it next week."
They've been on a two week holiday. It's nice of Delonte to give them something to talk about when they come back.
posted by Mr Bismarck at 07:16 PM on September 19, 2009
Someone's been playing too much Grand Theft Auto.
posted by Ufez Jones at 07:17 PM on September 19, 2009
If you loaded .38 caliber rounds into a .357 caliber pistol and had someone fire it, you're lucky all they suffered was shock and a knock-down.
posted by outonleave at 07:43 PM on September 19, 2009
Not really. .38's are just a smaller charge in the same size round. I normally only load my .357 with .38 rounds for target practice.
posted by tahoemoj at 08:02 PM on September 19, 2009
The man is a complete fool, and I hope they keep him off the streets for an extended period of time. Seriously, the handguns I can see, have one myself (fully licensed and never carry it in an illegal manner), but a shotgun in a guitar case? Perhaps he's seen El Mariachi one too many times.
Just to help settle the .38/.357 issue. They are the same size round, but one must be careful. If your gun can handle the .357 magnum round, which a Ruger Blackhawk can, then you can safely use .38 Special rounds as a way to save money on ammo. However, if your gun is designed to use .38 Special ammo, you're asking for trouble if you use the .357 magnum rounds. They just create too much heat and explosive power for a gun made for the .38's.
posted by dviking at 09:40 PM on September 19, 2009
sounds like T.I. and Delonte West need to open a gunshop together...
posted by Goyoucolts at 01:01 AM on September 20, 2009
All charges have been dropped after the DA found out West had a run in with Greg Maddux earlier that evening. Said ADA Marx, "Well, in that case, he was actually under armed." Per the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
posted by apoch at 10:44 PM on September 20, 2009
sounds like T.I. and Delonte West need to open a gunshop together...
And dviking, you read his break down of the .38/.357 issue? I sure wouldn't want to walk on his lawn when he's in a bad mood. DUCK!!!
Per the Cleveland Plain Dealer
/the CAPS were my homage to Kanye
posted by BornIcon at 09:48 AM on September 21, 2009
I am hoping that he was returning from a shooting range that stayed open late, and he forgot to unload his weapons.
posted by bperk at 10:19 AM on September 21, 2009
The NBA should be getting used to this. They really should think about lifetime bans for criminal behavior. I guess if they did they might run short of players.
Funny how the excuse for this stuff use to be about the disadvantages of ghetto life, and that a life of crime was the only alternative for some of these kids. It seems interesting to me that when a kid is made a millionaire many times over and the disadvantaged life ends, thugdom is still the lifestyle of choice.
posted by Atheist at 11:55 AM on September 21, 2009
The NRA is at your door, Atheist.
posted by bperk at 12:32 PM on September 21, 2009
bperk - I am a gun owner and there is a difference between legally owning guns and properly transporting them, and carrying concealed loaded weapons. Carrying concealed loaded guns without a permit makes you a criminal.
posted by Atheist at 12:57 PM on September 21, 2009
It seems interesting to me that when a kid is made a millionaire many times over and the disadvantaged life ends, thugdom is still the lifestyle of choice.
Delonte West is bipolar. Way to assume he's suffering from a severe case of blackness though.
posted by yerfatma at 03:53 PM on September 21, 2009
A clear case of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.
I vote for the "zombie apocalypse" as spofi comment of the year.
posted by irunfromclones at 05:49 PM on September 21, 2009
I'll bet he was pretending to be the Terminator. Or maybe Antonio Banderas. The real brilliant part, aside from being completely over-armed for a motorcycle ride, is to speed. I heard a report that he cut-off the cop that pulled him over.
Wow. Moron.