Let's see, Armed Home Invasion or Possible Pro Football Career? I'll take Armed Home Invasion for 10, Alex. Stupid is as stupid does.
posted by Shotput at 04:33 PM on March 12, 2011
Like J.D. Salinger, I hear Henman likes liver, too.
posted by Shotput at 04:19 PM on January 27, 2011
Both sides are greedy and anger me. The NFL is a Congressionally protected monoploy and the public pays for their stadiums. Why can't Congress control the earnings of both sides just like government regulates utilities?
posted by Shotput at 06:54 PM on January 12, 2011
The scuttle butt here in Chicago has been that the veterans hated Santo when he played, because of his hot dogging. After winning a game against the Reds in 1969, Santo got so excited that he ran to the showers and then jumped up and clicked his heels together. The fans cheered him and Manager Leo Durocher thought it was great, so he told Santo to do it after every win which he did. This was before high-fiving, sky pointing and chest bumping and any other form of self-appreciation that is so common today, but the other teams hated it. After Santo went through all his votes with the baseball writers, his only chance to get into the Hall was through the veterans vote and to this day, they still hate him. Perhaps now that he is gone, they'll vote him in, because for a guy who played his whole career with diabetes, he was great. RIP in Ronnie. I loved ya.
posted by Shotput at 07:48 PM on December 03, 2010
Sorry, make that the Mustang Ranch. I was just listening to the Boss.
posted by Shotput at 03:16 PM on October 22, 2010
As a former competitive golfer, I always look forward to JJ's comment on this board when golf comes up. His story about a year ago of his whack at the tour was one of this site's best. But to add to his comment, were I an opponent of his, I think I'd try to get a sponsorship from the Cadillac Ranch and wear their cap proudly in front of him to try to get under his skin a little.
posted by Shotput at 02:47 PM on October 22, 2010
Good point HT. It makes me wonder if the NFL will tell refs to call more penalties and then have a 'consult' giving them time to add more commercials if the coaches don't call more timeouts. Or maybe there will be more 'booth reviews' as the game's end nears. Dont' these bast***s make enough money without having to screw with the game?
posted by Shotput at 02:35 PM on October 20, 2010
Team players do what's best for the team. I think part of Albert's problem is the fact that nose tackles usually get double-teamed and therefore can't pad their stats like a tackle or an end. Can anyone tell us if his contract is heavily tilted toward sacks, QB hits, etc and this move will affect the amount of money he can earn?
posted by Shotput at 04:08 PM on September 27, 2010
My best friend's insurance agent I'll call Fred played for the Bears in the 60's. George Halas was noted for being a cheap guy. Mike Ditka once said he throws around quarters like manhole covers. As part of his contract, Fred was guaranteed 8 season tickets for the rest of his life. My buddy and I reaped a couple of tickets out of this deal for years. When the new 'Soldier Field' was built, the Bears told Fred he had to cough up 4 grand PSL per ticket to keep them and he was now in the upper deck. Fred flipped out by this breach of contract and marched into Mike McCaskey's office to complain. MM told him it was out of his hands, because the state of Illinois was a big contributor of building funds and they demanded it as a way to be repaid their investment. Fred threw the tickets in MM's face and I haven't been to a Bears game since. Damn PSL's.
posted by Shotput at 01:15 PM on September 15, 2010
Agreed rcade. Shame on her parents for giving their consent and for what? Some silly little title of youngest to sail around the world. Who cares. Just another example of the kind of narcissism found in reality TV shows. Her parents are right up there with Octo Mom and Balloon Boy's folks.
posted by Shotput at 07:39 PM on June 10, 2010
After the Red Wings won two years ago, Brian Rafalski had a big team party at his summer home in Waupaca, WI near my in-laws house. After the party, he warned Chris Chelios, the next to have the cup, to not drink from it as is customary, because some of the boys did things in it. When I saw the Hawks drink from it last night, I thought, "I hope that thing has been sterilized.'
posted by Shotput at 04:01 PM on June 10, 2010
If the Pac 10 becomes the Pac 16, doesn't the BCS eligibilty rule that limits any conference to only two schools have to change? Personally, I don't like the expansions that have occurred over the years. Conferences used to be based of regions of the country, but not anymore.
posted by Shotput at 03:49 PM on June 10, 2010
I'm with you MW12. Give each coach two challenges per game. It won't slow down the game too much and incidents like this will never happen again...unless of course they blow three calls in one game.
posted by Shotput at 02:16 PM on June 03, 2010
This is a really bad idea. Didn't the NFL learn anything after the 1967 NFL Championship Game, also known as the Ice Bowl. It was played in Green Bay at below zero temps. I hope weather does not influence the game or determine the winner in 2014.
posted by Shotput at 08:54 PM on May 25, 2010
If a cop sees somebody on the street who looks Hispanic and detains them for not carrying documents, how is that not racism?
This isn't allowed by this law. People cannot simply be rounded up. They must be detained for some other reason first. This law follows the federal law already on the books, but not enforced by the feds.
this reeks way too much of the Nazi's requiring all Jews to wear the Star of David.
Yea right. We're going to round up families and send them off to Auschwitz. Get real.
We're the only country in the world that doesn't control its border. Illiegal immigration is costing us billions and it must stop. I'm all for immigration...the legal kind.
posted by Shotput at 11:32 AM on May 05, 2010
Never happen. Coach K is a God at Duke. He'd be crazy to go to the Nets.
posted by Shotput at 02:34 PM on April 05, 2010
I'm with you Ying Ying. From what I heard on ESPN this morning, every league champion will qualify, in addition to the tournament winners. That means a lot more mediocre teams. IMO watering down the talent is not a step in the right direction. Go back to 64, that 65th team play-in game is a joke and make the league champion the selection, not the tournament winner.
posted by Shotput at 06:24 PM on April 02, 2010
For those that watched 60 Minutes, I wonder what was in that hookah that all those hot models were smoking when they went to the nightclub. And irunfromclones, I'm not sure what you mean, but the Nets are a basketball team.
posted by Shotput at 05:32 PM on March 30, 2010
What a stupid idea. Let's get real, these guys are there because they play basketball. I'm sure the universities, coaches, and CBS would just love to lose millions if this were implemented. And talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Maybe Arne shouldn't have his job as S of E, because the graduation rates for Chicago Public Schools went down and gang related deaths of school age children went up when he was the Superintendent.
posted by Shotput at 06:02 PM on March 18, 2010
HoHoKam was refurbished 12 years ago. I think the new owners, the Ricketts family, is making a big mistake trying to bully this through while approaching Florida as an alternative. They seem to think that without the Cubs, MLB is nothing. I'm a Chicagoan and a Cubs fan, but this tactic is bullsh@t. I hope Phoenix tells them to take a hike. Time to close my Ameritrade account.
posted by Shotput at 02:58 PM on February 09, 2010
The IOC is ruining the Games by increasing the number of events and the outrageous demands for special arenas and event sites. They're close to pricing themselves out of business. The day may come when no one wants to host them. In my case, as a Chicagoan, I'm glad we didn't get them, because I think it would have cost use dearly in taxes and the 7 year project would have disrupted traffic and caused a general pain in the ass.
posted by Shotput at 04:34 PM on January 25, 2010
I think Knoxville would make a good location. There are a lot of nice antique shops in Knoxville, so they could call themselves the Knoxville Knick-Knacks.
posted by Shotput at 06:47 PM on January 20, 2010
The uniform looks like Spiderman and the shoes look like they're made of patent leather. Do they reflect up?
posted by Shotput at 07:59 PM on November 05, 2009
Aluminum bats replaced wooden bats because of the cost of broken bats. If aluminum bats can't be changed, like a thicker walled bat to change the trampoline affect, so that the speed of the batted ball is the same as if it were hit by a wooden bat, then change the ball. If some kids like wood and others like aluminum, then make it the responsibilty of the league to have two different balls for play at each game. Make the balls different colors so that they can't be mixed up.
posted by Shotput at 03:00 PM on October 30, 2009
I used to run, but my knees are shot now. I thought running was healthy, but walking or biking is less jarring. I have a feeling that many runners are going to need knee replacement surgery in time, so it may be good for your heart, but it is bad for you in the long run (no pun intended).
posted by Shotput at 04:12 PM on October 19, 2009
Even more amazing is the appearance that Johhny Knox casually dropped the ball just before he crossed the goal line. If you watch the ball, it touches just inside the end zone. At the speed he's running, the ball had to be dropped outside the end zone. But no one fell on the ball and Detroit didn't challenge the play.
posted by Shotput at 12:53 PM on October 06, 2009
I don't shop at GNC or any other supplement store, so I don't know, but are there really INJECTABLE supplements that are sold over the counter? I thought everything was pills or powders.
posted by Shotput at 02:59 PM on February 19, 2009
Look for Pacman's name to appear on a police blotter or an obituary in the future. If he doesn't clean up his act, he'll be in jail or dead. What a waste of talent.
posted by Shotput at 01:12 PM on January 08, 2009
Personally, I liked basketball more when there was no shot clock. A team could actually run plays. Now, it's just run and gun.
posted by Shotput at 11:23 AM on December 31, 2008
Gore was in the game? Now there's an inconvenient truth.
posted by Shotput at 07:31 PM on November 11, 2008
Samurai Mike was a great player, but he's got a long way to go to becoming a great coach. The last minute of last night's game was abysmal.
posted by Shotput at 01:58 PM on November 11, 2008
As a Chicagoan and Cubs fan, I am happy to see the Phillies win. All of my relatives live in Allentown and when I visited them as a kid, we would go to the old Connie Mack Stadium (that's dating me), so I'm a Phillies fan of sorts. Congrats to Jamie Moyer, another ex-Cub to win while we continue to suffer.
posted by Shotput at 09:27 AM on October 30, 2008
Mr Bismarck, me thinks you have more to add...
posted by Shotput at 07:08 PM on October 22, 2008
Detroit fans have a long way to go to beat the Swedes or are those eight-legged dildos they throw?
posted by Shotput at 06:47 PM on October 22, 2008
Now I know why my property taxes are so high. My local high school just spent 1.5m for artificial turf. These places are way over the top. My college stadium wasn't as nice. BTW dviking, to see the slideshow, shrink the photo to 75% and the scroll bar appears.
posted by Shotput at 11:44 AM on October 22, 2008
Ditto knowsalittle. Yaz is one of the all-time greatest and classiest players to ever wear a uniform. I pray for his fast recovery.
posted by Shotput at 05:40 PM on August 19, 2008
What a chickenshit move. Intentionals walks for strategic purposes are part of the game, i.e. to generate the possibilty of a force out or double play when a man is on second or men on second and third. I never liked it when Barry Bonds was walked so often. What you're saying to your team is, 'I don't think you're good enough to get this guy out, so we're going to walk him and hope you don't blow it with the next guy.'
posted by Shotput at 05:15 PM on August 19, 2008
I'd have to add Sergio Garcia's second shot on the 16th hole at Medinah Country Club during the 1999 PGA to this list. He was against a tree and unable to see the green. I've played Medinah and that shot is unbelievable. From his location, he was hitting uphill to a raised green with a deep valley in front of it. He had his eyes closed when he made contact, because he was afraid the club would break when he hit the tree roots. After hitting the shot, he had to run up the fairway to see where the ball landed. It was his rookie year and had it not been for a guy named Tiger Woods, he would have won the tournament with that shot.
posted by Shotput at 03:00 PM on July 31, 2008
I can relate dviking, but I'm a little older than you. For games with too few kids, we used to close off two outfields, catch for the other team (if there was a play at the plate the pitcher had to cover), and play pitcher's hands out. We played with as few as 6 kids, a pitcher, one infielder, and one outfielder per team. The batter got to call which field was open and everyone shifted. It was GREAT. And you're right Hater, the kids of today are too lazy and unimaginative to play like we did.
posted by Shotput at 08:54 AM on July 25, 2008
The Golf Channel had a doctor on that stated Tiger's knee is arthritic, so it's not going to get better. Unlike a football injury wear you tear an ACL, arthitis cannot be cured, so Tiger's future is questionable. Just like Johnny Miller's career was cut short, Tiger's could be, too....unless he has a knee replacement and becomes a Bionic Man.
posted by Shotput at 08:26 AM on June 17, 2008
Rocco by one with two to play. Does anyone know what happens if this ends up in a tie again? Sudden death? Another 18 holes?
posted by Shotput at 02:32 PM on June 16, 2008
From the looks of things here, it seems I'm not the only one blowing off work today to watch this match.
posted by Shotput at 02:12 PM on June 16, 2008
Of all the major sports, I think baseball will have the hardest time making instant replay work, especially when it's about fair or foul home run calls. It's a big field with a small ball and we've all seen replays where you can't tell which side of the foul pole the ball sailed by. I think they're going to have to increase the number of cameras and probably mount one on top of both foul poles.
posted by Shotput at 09:25 AM on June 14, 2008
Good point irunfromclondes. I'd like to know if the jock on Big Brown had a prop bet in Vegas for his horse to finish last, especially in light of the fact that they found nothing wrong with the horse.
posted by Shotput at 04:20 PM on June 11, 2008
the IOC taking back medals Who has the actual medal is immaterial. You take back the medal by wiping the team from the record books. You give no mention of their participation in the event whatsoever. You give the Gold to the Silver medalists, the Silver to the Bronze and the Bronze to the fourth place team. The Gold medals given to the cheaters have no value. It happened to Ben Johnson after his 100m dash Gold and the East German Women's Swim team when they found out that the 'Shemales' had Y chromosomes.
posted by Shotput at 05:06 PM on June 04, 2008
It's a team event and a member of the team cheated. The right and honorable thing to do is to give it back. I'm surprised the IOC didn't already negate the win and take away all four medals from the entire team. Cheating is becoming way too prevalent and acceptable. Maybe the only way to combat this cancer is to take away all the medals won by the entire track team. Make each participant aware that their actions affect everyone.
posted by Shotput at 10:26 AM on June 04, 2008
they'll bring back the Winnipeg Jets... Winnipeg Jets? Bobby Hull? Old time hockey? Hanson Brothers? Be still my heart.
posted by Shotput at 02:59 PM on May 30, 2008
The article touches on it, but the weak U.S. dollar has a lot to do with this statistic. The Canadian dollar was about $0.65 just a few years ago, now it's about $1.02, a 57% increase. That 31% becomes 18% in old dollars. 18% is the percentage of Canadian teams in the NHL, so it sounds like both sides of the border are pretty equal. That said, as an 'Original Sixer' I'd like to see the NHL retract to areas where winter really exists.
posted by Shotput at 01:50 PM on May 30, 2008
I'd rather see the league start enforcing the travelling call. Flopping cheapens the game, but taking three steps from the free throw line to slam the ball makes a mockery of it.
posted by Shotput at 04:32 PM on May 29, 2008
It seems to me that the two main reasons Collins was originally fired from the Bulls were his dictatorial nature and the tough discipline he tried to enforce. The team rejected him like the current Bulls rejected Scott Skiles for the same reasons. I think this is a hire destined to fail.
posted by Shotput at 04:26 PM on May 29, 2008
Chuck is lucky that Bugsy's buddies don't run Vegas anymore or he'd be getting a different kind of letter. One with a horses head attached to it.
posted by Shotput at 01:25 PM on May 15, 2008
The guy in the stands is lucky he didn't have a beer or a dog in his hands or Manny might have grabbed it before he made the double play throw. You can't beat fun at the old ballpark.
posted by Shotput at 01:22 PM on May 15, 2008
She should be punished as severely as if she put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger.
posted by Shotput at 05:19 PM on May 06, 2008
As a Bears fan, I hate his trade. Your right Qatarian, the Vikes are the team to beat this year. Your defense will be the best in the division and if Tarvaris has any kind of year and Adrian has another year like last year, The Vikes will contend for the Super Bowl.
posted by Shotput at 05:39 PM on April 23, 2008
On a somehwhat related topic, I read an article recently that claimed 22 children were killed last year across the U.S. when the soccer goal fell over onto their heads. This is the kind of goal that's on wheels to be rolled onto the field, not an in the ground type. It gives park districts the ability to use the soccer field for other activites by rolling the goals out of the way. The article claimed that soccer is the most dangerous sport for kids. Even in the ground goals are hazardous, because they don't move and their have been several concussions on these when kids run into them.
posted by Shotput at 02:15 PM on April 22, 2008
Good point lbb. Someone should start a fan competition and call it Fandemonium. Last fan standing wins.
posted by Shotput at 10:05 AM on April 22, 2008
Cheerleading isn't cheerleading anymore. It just a bunch of circus acts and in the circus you have a safety net. Time to get back to cheerleading or shit-can these stupid stunts. At our local high school, the cheerleaders didn't go to the state basketball finals, because they had their own cheerleading competition. How stupid is that?
posted by Shotput at 09:35 AM on April 22, 2008
Ohio State's Tressel Increases Own Suspension to Five Games
I don't for one minute believe that Cam Newton didn't have an inkling of what his Dad was doing and he gets off scot-free. On the other hand, we have players selling their own personal property and they and their coach get suspended. What's wrong with this picture? Adrian Peterson recently called the NFL 'slavery'. I think that term should be used on the NCAA, because they get rich and the players get squat.